11 November 2011

Weekend Roundup - Veterans' Day Edition...
I think I'm going to make this short, sweet, and to the point, so buckle up, gang.
And if you don't have your flag out yet...what's takin' so long?

*** I can think of NO better way to begin the weekend than with a day held in tribute to veterans past and present.
Parades will be held tomorrow, and many proud veterans will either be in uniform or civilian clothes, medals displayed as they pass by.
And I suppose that is something to consider...the whole "pass-by" thing.
When it comes to our men and women who have served, how often do we even think about the fact that they are ALSO parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, family, co-workers, and even the "everyday" people we see along our streets, working at venues we might frequent?
They are the cab driver, the short-order cook, the policeman or firefighter...the doctor, nurse, or veterinarian.
They are the steel worker, the plumber, the electrician, and even the computer fixer-upper.
They are the welder, the carpenter, the farmer, and the airline pilot.
WHAT they represent when they put on that uniform is this NATION: The United States of AMERICA.
WHO they represent is every last one of...US.
Now, how often do we stop and think about that?
(probably not as frequently as we should)
But, it's on THIS day that we recognize those who have served...and who have fought...and who have sacrificed, with some paying the ultimate price, for an IDEA...a CONCEPT, that being FREEDOM.
The symbol of that freedom can be found in our nation's FLAG, but I would say that it goes MUCH deeper than that.

Every facet of what all of us do every day in this country can be directly attributed to all those that have served, for without their service to America, we would NEVER be able to enjoy the liberties we currently do.
I would suggest you step back in the archives here and read my posts from previous years for VETERAN'S DAY.
Perhaps in some small way, I've managed to convey not only my sentiments regarding our vets and their service, but maybe some of YOURS as well.
I admit there are times when mere words seem inadequate, but we all need to "speak" as it were, for there is much that needs to be said.
Our veterans are to be cherished as the national treasure that they all are.
Lord knows they will not be with us forever, and many have already passed on.
I am reminded of the words that I had on my blog two years ago this very day:

It's the soldier, not the reporter who has given us
Freedom of the Press.
It's the soldier, not the poet, who has given us
Freedom of Speech.
It's the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the
Freedom to Demonstrate.
It's the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the
Right to a Fair Trial.
It's the soldier who salutes the flag, serves under the flag and
whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who gives the protester the right to burn the flag.
~Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, USMC

It's this sense of DUTY...and of HONOR...and of a WILLINGNESS to place oneself in harm's way for a much greater cause.
It's a LOYALTY unsurpassed, as well as that DEVOTION to a higher power.
It's what places an ordinary person into a situation whereby that person exhibits extraordinary courage and fortitude for his fellow man, his comrades-in-arms, for this nation, and for you and I.
So on THIS day, we recognize such courage...such sacrifice...and such valor.
To ALL the veterans past and present, and to their families, I pray that God would hold you in the hollow of His hand today, and for every day that follows.
Thank you all for what you've done and what you do daily, in whatever country you find yourself.
We can sleep better every night knowing that YOU are the reason we can do so.
Please remember our vets today...buy 'em a cup of coffee if you see one, or just shake their hand and thank them.
Send a donation along to the Wounded Warrior's Foundation or Operation Baghdad Pups, or perhaps a care package to our troops.
Every bit helps in ways you could never imagine.
Talk to a vet and maybe start keeping a journal of stories about their service.
Show them that what they have done MEANS as much to you as it does to them. You'll be glad you did.
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

10 November 2011

They Say It's YOUR Birthday...
Sure is a "brisk" morning to be celebrating, but hey, it helps to keep one warm, right?
And more about WHOSE birthday it is shortly,. but first, the answer to yesterday's "WHO SAID THAT?"
The person who said: "An important difference between a military operation and a surgical operation, is that the patient is not tied down, But it is a common fault of generalship to assume that he is." was Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart - "thoughts on war" - 1944.
I'm sure most of you never heard of the guy (myself included) , but he's a VERY interesting person. Here's the WIKI:
Onto the birthday scene...
Now, if you're a hard-chargin' Devil Dog (past or present), it IS "your" birthday today.
It was 236 years ago, that the United States Marine Corps was born...and they never looked back since.
(lucky for US...bad for the enemy)
Personally, I can't think of a better prologue to Veterans Day than this.
Here's the WIKI on the history of these proud warriors:
Now, I've known my share of "Leathernecks", and I have to say they're a wild bunch.
And I mean "wild" in several ways.
1) I wouldn't want to be on the RECEIVING end of THEIR hurt.
2) They know how to get the job DONE, and I learned a lot from that.
3) They are FOCUSED.
4) And they have a DAMN nice dress uniform.
Not to mention, their MARINE BAND is second to none, and if my Dad was here, he'd be able to tell you as much.
He got to hear a free concert on the steps of the CAPITOL way back in the mid-60s.
(and to think I had a chance to go with him...WTF was I thinking, and yes, hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20)
Doesn't matter where the marines went...they got the job DONE.
New Providence
First Barbary War
Battle of New Orleans
Seminole Wars
Mexican American War
The Boxer Rebellion

Belleau Wood
Iwo Jima
Hue City
Khe San
Operation Eagle Claw

Persian Gulf War
Operations Restore Hope & United Shield
...And still going strong.
Here is a sampling of some familiar Marine quotes and "sayings":
-- Pain is weakness leaving the body.
"If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, They will find the gates are guarded by United States Marines"
(SGT Bill M. Brower USMC Oct. 1969 - Oct. 1972)
-- "To ERR is human, to FORGIVE divine. HOWEVER, neither is Marine Corps Policy".
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem."
(Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985)
-- "Do you want to live forever?"
(Sergeant Major Dan Daly, USMC)
-- "Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share. "
(Ned Dolan)
-- "Courage is endurance for one moment more…"
(Unknown Marine Second Lieutenant in Vietnam)
-- "I am convinced that there is no smarter, handier, or more adaptable body of troops in the world. "
(Prime Minister of Britain, Sir Winston Churchill)
-- "The Marines have landed and the situation is well in hand."
(Attributed to Richard Harding Davis 1864-1916)
-- "Heaven Won't Take Us and Hell Is Afraid We'll Take Over "
USMC -- No Promises, No Shortcuts
USMC -- Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
-- Force Recon -- Penetrates Deeper, Takes Longer And Carries A Bigger Load
"The Marine Corps Doesn't Build Character, It Reveals It"
So here's to ALL the men and women of the USMC...and here's to ANOTHER 236 YEARS of patriotic service, sacrifice and honor.
Semper Fi, people...carry on.
*** More about Mookie's...
Here's a link to some of the 911 callers that were present during the recent shooting at this uptown nightclub:
It's pretty interesting stuff, and you can tell by the callers voices that the crowd was overwhelmingly black.
Wonder how often THIS kind of thing happens at a COUNTRY music nightclub???
I'm just sayin'...
Just don't see the "fascination" with loud music (for which the initial call went out to the FWPD for this club that night), booze, drugs and shooting people. Sounds like a lot of anarchistic behavior to me (like what can be found in a LOT of AFRICAN nations).
And speaking of anarchy...
*** The occupiers are getting a might "anxious", and not in a good way...and nobody thought this would NOT happen?
Here's a few links to their "antics", and you tell me if this doesn't need to be nipped in the bud:
And this...
And this...
And finally THIS:
Yep, sure looks and sounds like this "peaceful" protest message is getting across, doesn't it?
BTW, do you people even HAVE a real message, or is this all about "something for nothing"?
Move out of your mommy's basement, get a real job, and learn to be a productive person, instead of some antagonistic piece of human refuse.
You want anarchy? Move overseas...plenty enough THERE for all of you.
Moving on...
*** Yes, friends, we DID have our leaf pickup along the N/S streets today and like I said, they did pull out the big guns...plenty of boots on the ground with rakes AND the front-loader which made the job move along smoother than glass...
Here's ONE instance where the city of Fort Wayne "gets it right"...damn shame it's so "seasonal" in nature.
You could also say that such departments like Animal Control, neighborhood Code Enforcement, and Waste Management also "do the job", and quite well, considering their caseloads and the fact that much of what they do is "complaint-driven".
What IS needed is for this city to go through ALL it's ordinances and laws, find out what can be dumped, and then ENFORCE the rest of them...the way they're SUPPOSED to.
And maybe, along the way, seek to "amend" other ordinances to encompass more up-to-date venues, and the subsequent technologies used.
(like the texting while driving gig...marvelous)
If people are not going to be responsible on their OWN, then it falls upon the shoulders of the city leaders to make sure they are.
This isn't some "police-state" mindset...just a way of encouraging those who would flaunt the laws to "OWN UP" to their behavior, and that what's good for some can be good for all...doesn't get any simpler.
In the end, it ALWAYS comes down to each and every person...THEY have to be the ones who will be able to "police themselves"...OR have the POLICE do it for them (with predictable results).
It's not magic...or rocket-science, or anything that requires some doctoral degree.
It DOES require a bit of PERSONAL attention...and we ALL have that in abundance.
All we have to do is USE it.
Stay tuned here tomorrow for the Veteran's Day edition...our "first day of Thanksgiving", as I like to call it.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.

09 November 2011

Humpday Happenings...
Yes, another soggy day in Ft. Wayne (aka the Summit city)...with a chance of snow flurries later in the week.
(( *ahem* ))
That should prove interesting.
"Where the weather changes by the minute" I think is the phrase...lol.
So let's kick off today with a bit of WHO SAID THAT?
And in keeping with post-election results (and the battles that preceded them) in our city (more about that straight away), I find this quote most appropriate:

"An important difference between a military operation and a surgical operation, is that the patient is not tied down, But it is a common fault of generalship to assume that he is."
So...WHO SAID THAT? (answer tomorrow)
*** Now, moving on to the mayoral election in out fair city...
Looks like four MORE years of the good old boy network, which means absolutely nothing will get done to improve MY part of Ft. Wayne, otherwise known as (...all together, gang...) THE SOUTH EAST SIDE.
Here's the *4-1-1* from the J-G:
*** Editor's note - I apologize if the post is a bit late...there IS a reason for it:
Wifey decided to leave the house this morning WITHOUT her "gear-bag" (as I call it)...all her school stuff AND her lunch...the same one she takes EVERY DAY!
(( *rolls eyes* ))
Geez...so guess WHO gets to "volunteer" to drive it up to her at school (when she calls)???

(right on all counts - time to roll out the "Batmobile")
Tell you one thing...I sure don't miss driving rush hour...not one damn bit.
If EVER there was a mislabelled phrase, RUSH HOUR is it.
More like the military - hurry up and wait.
Still, it was NOT an eventful drive up and back (thank the maker), even if it was raining and still a bit cloudy.
People of Fort Wayne DO however have to practice their roundabout procedures. They basically SUCK.
And some roads on the (...all together, gang...) SOUTH EAST SIDE of town need some major repairs...like driving on a damn washboard (and woe to those with loose fillings).
Meanwhile, back to the election...
*** I DID like the story header - VOTERS STICK WITH HENRY.
There should have been one "little" change, however...
Swap the *I* in the word STICK with the letter *U*... (please).
That would more correctly state what the next four years here will be about...
Hurray for everyone else (up north), and to hell with the (...all together, gang...) SOUTH EAST SIDE.
Yes, it's GOOD to be King (Henry)...
Cripes, the councilman down here (Glynn - I like MY people only - Hines) ran unopposed, so that surely sets the tone for those of us "survivors" that want to keep OUR properties and houses.
(they have any sales on guns and ammo?...just curious?...I mean with Christmas coming and all...)
*** Oil prices are near $100 a barrel...(again), and we might see some price SPIKES at the pumps in the upcoming weeks...
Damn shame...I was kind of LIKING not having to pay OVER $3.50 a gallon for something that SHOULD be costing around $2 a gallon (or less).
*** Talk about those school VOUCHER programs...
This article might make you scratch your head:
Ever play MUSICAL CHAIRS when you were young?
If you did, then you are ahead of the curve when it comes to fathoming this story.
We now call it "follow the money" (or voucher), and it's going to be interesting to watch this unfold.
We have enough transiency in our schools, making record-keeping a nightmare.
Kids bounce from school to school...living with "dad" part of the time, and with "mom" the rest of the time, usually in different school districts.
Yeah, it's all about being "entertained" to some degree...kids go to other schools because they CAN, and not remain at the schools they're supposed to go to. That's called freedom of choice.
Funny, it USED to be called "Attending the school in the area you live...period".
Well, since we all but did away with the neighborhood schools, let's just bus everyone all over the damn place, and confuse the sh*t out of those trying to find out WHERE these kids are going, okay?
(sounds like fun)
*** Now, since we have THAT out of the way, let's keep on rolling...
Rapper Heavy D is dead....(another one bites the dust...)
Here's the "skinny" on HEAVY (...yeah, that was funny):
Only 44...and DEAD (but not from a gunshot...I find that A - F$CKING - MAZING!)
They say he was a "positive" influence...yeah, right, and I just found out that I'M actually the new mayor of Fort Wayne! (by write-in votes)
Sure glad I'm NOT going to be a pall-bearer at HIS funeral...talk about hernia-city!
*** Light-fingered SGT. gets tossed from the ACSD.
Here's the story:
Former Sgt. Louis Lee, 58, of the Allen County Sheriff's Department "...pretty much threw away a 32-year CAREER", says Sheriff Ken Fries.
And that's a damn shame...
Sure didn't seem worth it to "blow the wad" on something like THEFT (from a vehicle).
Stealing tools...on a SGT salary, 'ya sure could bop out to the big-box and BUY whatever 'ya need, believe me.
He didn't say WHY he took the tools or what he was going to do with them...
The ONLY way one should take up FENCING, is either by:
a) sink some posts and buy a lotta chain-link, or...
b) Purchase and epee` and take some lessons.
Law-enforcement is always held to higher standards, and this is NEVER representative of LEOs as a whole...just so you know.
*** Lastly today, yesterday saw our FIRST leaf-pickup along the E-W streets down on the (...all together, gang...) SOUTH EAST SIDE...don't really know when the N-S run begins, but the city did a decent job with the rakes and the vacuum truck.
My guess is with the wet weather, they might have to pull out the "big guns", meaning the front-loaders.
Like last year, they moved all the leaves into the intersection, and then scooped them up and placed them into the truck to haul away.
That worked out great, too.
Like I say, there are SOME aspects down here that work well, but they are in the minority (as are good neighbors and decent human being).
It would be nice to not HAVE to bust on this part of town OR it's majority of inhabitants, but as long as we have this chronic "double-standarditis" in place, there's not much you can do otherwise.
You cannot LIE to yourself...or to others in that regard.
Things down here SUCK...period.
But we, like some others I'm sure, have a vested interest in REMAINING here (like a free-and-clear house), and that doesn't happen all that frequently these days, especially with the economy in the state it's in.
It would be nice to return to the way it was say...TEN years ago (down here)...it WAS better, seriously.
However, since the last several mayors have seen fit to IGNORE this part of Fort Wayne as far as IMPROVEMENTS go, things have not gone well over that decade.
Now, there are many fingers to point at a lot of people, as far as responsibility goes, and it filters right up to the TOP of the city government.
This city HAD the opportunity to halt the decline down here...as far back as the early 1990s...and it did NOTHING.
(yes, I do my research)
At least there is ONE consistency to City Hall...it has done the EXACT SAME THING over the past two decades...
It's also going to reap the expected results (as it has already started to do).
It would benefit this city to ponder the net result of this "cause and effect", for it will linger long after these people leave office.
And it will linger long after many of US have passed on...if it's not addressed...and soon.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

((PS - Today at 1400 hrs, there WILL be a THREE MINUTE "test" of the Emergency Alert System...wonder WHAT kind of "emergency" they are planning on, hmm??? Used to only last 30 seconds.))

08 November 2011

Tuesday Tidbits...
It's another slightly rainy (early) morning followed with a rather nice sunrise in the Summit city (the summit to WHAT, I have no idea), so let's get slogging and see what's happening around the town, and around the nation, fair enough?
Before I begin, I want to toss this out there...does ANYONE these days know what's meant by OVERSHOES...or GALOSHES?
Those rubber shoe coverings designed to:
a) Keep you feet dry, and
b) Keep your footwear from looking like crap
Since everyone is LIVING in "athletic shoes", I suppose they (falsely) believe that THAT is adequate enough for rainy weather...not so.
It's no wonder kids get colds all the time...and adults aren't much better.
Hey, I'm not that proud where I don't want to take care of both my feet AND my choice of footwear...and maybe that's why I've got shoes that are close to TWENTY YEARS OLD...that look like they just came out of the display window.
Besides, isn't it your FEET that are primarily responsible for making sure you're able to GET THE HELL AROUND most everywhere?
Ask any policeman, fireman, or soldier about taking care of your FEET.
Whenever possible, "keep 'em DRY"!
You'll be happy YOU did (especially when you get older...trust me).
And now that we're done with that "public service announcement" from the Podiatry Association of America, let's get to moving on...
*** I wouldn't be a true "Philly boy" if I didn't mention the passing of "Smokin' Joe" Frazier.
Now, here's the WIKI on Joe:
Joe was recently diagnosed with cancer of the liver in September of this year, and died yesterday in his adopted home of Philadelphia.
Frazier was a great fighter, and I say that because what we term a "boxer" wasn't Joe's style.
Think more like Rocky Marciano...a SLUGGER....make that a RELENTLESS slugger, never giving an opponent time to think, but always wading into them. And that's what proved to be the winning factor in Muhammad Ali's FIRST loss (15 round decision), back in 1971, titled the "Fight of the Century" up in Madison Square Garden.
Joe captured the heavyweight title from Buster Ellis in 1972 and kept it until his loss to George Foreman (yes, the grill guy...one in the same) in 1976.
Joe retired once in 1976 and finally in 1981, seeking to train boxers in Philly. He made a cameo appearance in the movie Rocky.
Frazier actually had a BETTER knockout record than Ali (73% versus 60% for Ali).
Frazier penned an autobiography in 1996 called "Smokin' Joe: The Autobiography".
Much about the man can be found HERE:
Here's a link to a terrific personal history of Joe:
I'm sure there's many a person attending Joe's Restaurant along City Avenue today.
Rest in peace, Joe...the fight's finally over, and you made the final bell.
*** Fort Wayne is the BEST PLACE to find a job???
Yeah, this one took me for a ride, too...can hardly believe that.
But, here's the "proof":
The Fiscal Times rates Ft. Wayne #1 as somewhere to find a job...notice they did NOT say CAREER...just a job.
What I find laughable is that with SUCH job opportunities here in "The Fort", and with SO MANY ethnics in MY part of the ghettohood with NOTHING TO DO ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, you'd "think" there would be some sort of "melding" here...
Such is NOT the case.
That's what entitlements provide...scores of lazy-asses too busy screwing, drinking, doing drugs, along with shooting one another as well as innocent people to even BOTHER to look for work, let alone accept a job. I guess making one a productive citizen isn't in their genes?
(time to clean that pool out, 'cause it ain't safe to swim THERE)
I guess it all comes down to making GOOD choices, such as WANTING to make something of yourself OTHER than a few lines on the felony report, or a brief obit. Never too late to change that around for those folks.
*** This story is just plain DISTURBING, and I think you'll know why.
Here's the link:
It's pretty damn SAD when a child can't even go to school, without being accosted.
At least THIS paper "got it right" when they say ABDUCTION.
Another news source said KIDNAPPING, and to me, using THAT word implies some sort of ransom.
An ABDUCTION is what sexual predators or psychopaths perform, because their intent is to harm in some manner (satisfy THEIR needs as well), without regard for returning the victim. Usually, the end result is tragic.
What I find even more troubling, is that PARENTS don't even bother to walk their kids to the damn BUS STOP...!
That was UNHEARD of in my day, and we had none of the stuff we see today with these sicko perps.
Parents just DID IT...and they liked chit-chatting at the corner while we waited for the bus.
Today, you have some parents that are SO detached with their kids...and then wonder WHY they turn out the way they do.
That's WHY we have attempted abductions...and also WHY we have "free breakfast" programs (a total waste of money, imho).
Parents can't figure out that whole "cereal, bowl, milk, spoon" thing...or don't know HOW to make TOAST...that's pretty damn sad, especially for the kids, because they're missing a vital part of growing up...parents that GIVE A DAMN! Now, I know my share of single parents and they don't seem to be thwarted by such things...they own up to BEING that parent and do whatever they NEED to do for that child. Such people are to be COMMENDED, for they're often doing the work of TWO people...and that can't be easy..
*** Here's a story that didn't seem to make the MAJOR sources in Ft. Wayne for some "strange" reason...
(From WOWO) - 7 November
(( Shots Fired at Downtown Office Building
There have been reports of vandalism in the area....
Some rattled nerves this morning at the Merrill Lynch building downtown.
When workers showed up they found about a half dozen windows had been shot out.
They called Fort Wayne's finest and they came out and took a report--
They say it appears that someone shot the windows with a high powered pellet gun. No one was hurt because the building was closed for the weekend.
There have been reports of car windows being smashed out in the neighborhood, its unknown if that is related to this situation.
Yeah, I'd say that a relationship between the two is HIGHLY likely...
And has anyone checked all the "occupiers" for pellet guns???
(they probably ran that bugger home right afterwards, anyway)
It seems most "odd" that a BANK would be the target,, especially on 5 November, when this "move your money day" was taking place at banks around the country (and it was Guy Fawkes day in the U.K.).
If it was indeed a pellet gun, they should be able to find the pellets (or BBs) nearby or even inside the building.
Could have even been a rifle from a moving car...hard to say.
BB and pellet guns are much quieter than even a .22, and if done at night, who's to say when it occurred.
Good luck finding the person or persons responsible.
*** Lastly today, I watched a show called CURIOSITY last evening...and it was about our capacity for evil.
Now, we surely have PLENTY of that in the world today...enough to go around several times, in fact.
But, do YOU have "what it takes" to be a psychopath?
Are YOU teetering between normal behavior and becoming a serial killer?
Oddly enough, MOST of us do have such tendencies...incredible to believe.
What separates those of us from the few "hard-core" weirdies happens to be our ability to CONTROL OURSELVES.
That part of the brain that runs the whole decision-making aspect of ourselves is what keeps our "mindless primitive" (the ID) at bay.
Here's an article that describes the whole process and why it occurs:
Yeah, you gotta have a healthy AMYGDALA to not be a serial killer.
But, that's not to say we ALL don't have the capacity to become one under precise and certain conditions....we do.
Can we ALL be evil...certainly.
WILL we?
I don't believe so, for we have a greater sense of empathy and sympathy to our fellow man.
We believe in justice whenever evil is perpetrated, and we believe in doing the right thing.
We always attempt to make the best decisions as often as possible, for everyone concerned...
And that is something to think about...no matter what your age.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
(( PS - Don't forget to get out and vote today in Fort Wayne...the next FOUR years depends on it...and you. ))