07 May 2014

Humpday Happenings...
And here we are at mid-week with some cloudy skies staring back at us here in the Hoosierland.
If you like warmer weather, then today (and tomorrow) will be YOUR cup of tea.
Temps are slated to rise into the low EIGHTIES today...
That's the first time in over 200 days in Indiana (has it been that long?).
Yep, time flies when you have to shovel all that snow we had this past winter.
The sun will be poking through eventually, just not right at the moment.
Now, let's get busy with what's been going on as you go and fill up that cup with your favorite morning beverage...
*** First out of the tanning salon today is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"The negative side to globalization is that it wipes out entire economic systems, and in doing so, wipes out the accompanying culture."
If you follow the news, then you can see why this quote is so very timely in nature.
So, WHO said it? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the sociology lecture hall...
*** I'm sure you've heard the latest bit of propaganda spewing forth from the "Ministry is What We Say Is Right", otherwise known as the White House regarding "climate change"...
Yep, we're sweating our balls off...NOT!
Here's a story link from the local paper:
By now, I would think that enough people have beaten this "dead horse" sufficiently, so as to render it incapable of anything other than the glue factory, but NOW...we've got to run this by "we, the people" once again in a vane attempt to DIVERT our attention from matters more important.
Am I saying that climate change is NOT important or does not exist?
No, it's just that whatever "change" has been occurring on the planet has been done by it's own volition, with minimal "help" from mankind.
Oh, God...WHEN will they figure this out?
The Earth goes through it's OWN cycles...that's been proven.
We CAN affect the climate on a SHORT-TERM basis...also been proven (London, industrial revolution, brown skies from pollution and cooler temps).
But, the planet manages to fix itself...time and again.
The polar ice pack has been at it's THICKEST in recent years...again, PROVEN.
And this is making it a bit difficult for polar bears to get to food sources...they're not dying because of drowning.
Yep, this is what is happening...
I've also spoken here about AXIAL PRECESSION or "wobble" as the Earth spins on it's axis.
For those of you out there with a few minutes to waste, here's a WIKI that explains it in detail.
This wobble can shift the Earth enough to change certain climates around the globe...anyone recall the mini ice age back in history?
It happened between the 16th - 19th centuries and here is THAT WIKI:
Certainly, we cannot blame "man-made greenhouse gases" for THAT one...can we?
(maybe they had a lot more COWS FARTING?)
Not MY Uncle Sam!
Yet, those in the Obummer administration want us to believe that "we" are the culprits...a blame game...a forced guilt upon the people, and with that a "fear" of what could happen because of US...
It's that ginned-up fear that will cause some to cave into whatever mandates this president wants to put forth, and that includes an increased "war" on coal...as if all the other WARS he's created and declared aren't enough.
When are people going to understand that, although we CAN cause some level of irreparable harm to the planet, we are NOT, and even if we are, it's not in sufficient quantity or scope to adversely affect the way this planet operates?
I think we need to watch, look and listen for the TRUTH to this matter...it might surprise the hell out of us all, and put an end to all the lies being tossed at us from the White House and it's crony leftist scientists.
Moving on...
*** This is another one of those stories that just makes SO damn much sense...
Here's the link:
122nd Indiana ANG Warthog
You all know about the A-10 "Warthog" aka Thunderbolt II, built back in the early 1970s by the (now defunct) Fairchild Aiorcraft Company, right?
Well, there are a LOT of combat vets who ALSO know about this aircraft...and are ALIVE to tell the tale BECAUSE of it.
The Pentagon (bossed around by Obummer's minions) want to retire the current inventory of 283 ships for another aircraft believed to be as good if not better than this one. Putting the warthogs out to pasture WILL save the military $4.2 billion over 5 years (so the officials say).
What the Pentagon wants to do is find a replacement, and it thinks it can do so (for now) with the F-16s and the F-15Es (both from the 70s ALSO) as well as the soon to be deployed F-35 JSF.
Joint Strike Fighters
Now, I like ALL those other "zoomers", but you have to take into consideration the "mission-specific" capabilities OF the A-10...bred for ONE task - close ground support...a job that this little bugger EXCELS at.
And like the story says, who wants to take a multi-billion dollar aircraft like the F-35 and fly it "down in the weeds" where it risks the possibility of being a lot more vulnerable than the Warthog (which has an excellent survivability rate when taking fire)?
Beechcraft T-6C
Of course, what the story does NOT mention is (yet) another possible replacement for the A-10...and that is the Beechcraft T-6 (Texan II), which is actually derived from the PC-9 (turboprop-driven) aircraft made in Switzerland.
Here is the Beechcraft T-6 WIKI:
And, the Pilatus PC-9 WIKI:
Seems this plane can be armed up well enough to provide close support for ground-pounders, but it IS even SLOWER than the A-10, which can render it more susceptible to ground fire...and no armored "tub" to protect the crew like in the A-10.
Battle-proven and saving  troops...for DECADES!
I say stick with the Warthog...it'll cost less in the long run, save a lot more lives on the ground, and will provide what the troops NEED a lot better than what the politicians WANT.
*** Next up, When you keep breaking the law, and keep getting arrested for breaking those laws, don't compound your level of stupidity by running from police and then bitching to the officers that you're tired of being arrested.
Uh oh...here we go again...
Here's proof of such chronic behavior:
Goes to show the depths of "idiocity" some are willing to sink to, doesn't it?
All this stemmed from a concerned citizen calling in a suspicious vehicle that was occupied (kinda like what I love to do...lol).
Whatta MOOK!
The man eventually arrested, one Jawan Jordan, was acting "odd" going from the front seat to the back seat and using a lighter.
(a lot of people can be seen in the ghettohood pulling to a curb JUST to smoke a joint of some crack...typical)
When the officer pulls up and approaches the car, a silver Saturn Vue, the driver pulls away.
Speeding through several stoplights, the Saturn eventually headed to a grassy lot near the intersection of Rodgers and Redwood Aves.
Both driver and passenger bailed, and a K-9 unit was brought to scene where Jordan was found hiding in a back yard not that much later.
Jordan stated that he successfully ran from police before and wanted to see if he could do it again (evidently...not).
Welcome Baa-aacckk!
He has a nice RAP SHEET, too, going back to 2005, with multiple alcohol consumption citations, never receiving a license (too much like WORK, I'd wager), unauthorized entry of a vehicle, speeding, disregarding automatic signals, battery and criminal mischief (2009), receiving stolen property, and this latest misadventure which includes resisting law-enforcement.
(but, he's probably a good father, brother, son...what the f*ck ever...more bullshit)
Address is listed as 4508 Bowser Ave.(46806 - in MY zip code naturally) from 2009-present, before that, it was 4624 Pinecrest Dr. (46809), then before that, it was 2923 Alexander St (46806).
Bet he gets tossed back on the street by week's end (to continue his crap all over again)...
What do you think?
*** Last back to the outhouse today...we live in the global arena, and this, according to our quote, can have adverse effects upon our culture. I'd like to add that the MEDIA is often the worst culprit when it comes to losing our culture, and that also takes place in the very same "arena".
We live in an age with 24/7 news coverage, and that also means 24/7 propaganda, which can be cleverly disguised AS the news.
We can easily see that when you can induce FEAR into a populace, in their haste to find a resolution, the people can often become quite "malleable"...or compliant to whatever is coming down the pike.
-- Claim global warming...there's the fear.
-- Have a vaccine shortage...another fear.
-- Rising crime and violence...yet another fear.
-- Energy consumption woes...more fear.
-- Artificially inflated prices...still more fear.
-- Threat of a pandemic...lots of fear.
These are but the tip of the spear in what the propagandists love to toss our way, all in the hope of obfuscation to the point where we'd rather turn to government for solutions than turn to our OWN resources, as we have in the past..
Many times, these threats are well crafted (manufactured), and are manipulated for "our benefit", but it then becomes our job to read further into this...look deeper for the real answers, and never be afraid to seek out...THE TRUTH.
And when we find that truth, let others know about it, and stand fast IN that truth.
That is how this nation moves forward, and without all the fear that some would have us cling to.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

06 May 2014

If It's Tuesday, It MUST Be...
National Teacher Day...that's right, folks, today is the day.
And we'll be taking a look at that, along with some other "stuff" shortly, but before that happens, let's see what our weather is looking like.
The Hoosierland will be seeing rising temps close to 70 degrees, with a lot more sunshine than we've been privy to in recent days.
Still, this morning is rather "brisk" outside.
Looks to be a great day to take the boom car out, polish those "24s", crank up that several thousand dollar stereo in the trunk, and annoy every living soul around the SE side of town. Sounds like a plan to which we will see NO enforcement of the laws against such behavior.
Welcome to the Tuesday edition, with all the bells and whistles contained herein.
So, without any further ado, go fill that cup back up and let's see what's going on...
*** First out of the classroom is this National Teacher Day (which is part of TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK), and this happens in America on the first full week of May, and YES, there IS a WIKI for this as seen here:
And here is the NEA website:
This is a day to acknowledge all that teachers do in our lives, and I can say that I owe a LOT to many who did take the time to show me more about myself and what I was capable of, starting from grade school on out to high school graduation.
Amazing how you can still recall the name of your very FIRST teacher (mine was one Mrs Edna Burnside from the G.L. Horn School in Philly).
Now, today is NOT a "holiday", and I will probably see NO hard-partying around the ghettohood well, I might anyway, knowing the "locals"), because too many ethnics tend to look at education as a "white thing" which is another race-baiting ploy by some to annoy others, sadly.
Hell, I don't even see schoolkids carrying BOOKS to OR from school around here.
Still, when it comes down to brass tacks, TEACHERS are like a "second parent", in that they have spent a fair amount of time with you (or your child) and that helps shape who that child (or you) will become.
This doesn't mean that we should apply the nomenclature of "baby-sitter" to ANY educator...their job is TEACHING, not parenting, got it?
So, to ALL the teachers out there (including the Lovely Mrs. Bobby G.) I applaud what you do, not just on THIS day of recognition, but every day, for without all of you, we'd have a lot MORE dumbasses roaming around, and right now, that's the LAST thing this country needs...or wants.
Moving on...
*** The FWPD have finally gotten around to arresting the guy in the pickup truck who was a "person-of-interest" in the fatal stabbing of one Raynell White at a Clark gas station over the weekend.
Here's the story link:
David Randall Cocklin, age 56, of 10109 Moon Valley Drive, Fort Wayne, is the suspect being charged with murder
And he's a WHITE guy, so you just KNOW this one will be in everyone's face rather than all the other black-on-black or black-on-white crime.
His priors are a lot fewer than the victim's, I will say that much with mainly OWI citations and a hit and run back in 2004.
He sure has a good felony charge NOW, though.
Could have been self-defense, but that will have to be determined.
*** The person killed in the Willow Creek Crossing apartments has also been ID'ed as one Alexander T. Freeman, age 23.
The coroner has STILL not released the C.O.D. but his choices are only five - homicide, suicide, accidental, natural, and undetermined.
If you recall the case with Joshua Frisby over a year ago, the coroner took MONTHS to decide that the COD was in fact a HOMICIDE.
Now, in THIS instance, Freeman was a relatively new father with an infant (Elijah), and his fiancee` who happens to be a daughter of one of our former neighbors that moved out by Harlan, Indiana about a decade ago.
Last time we were out there was back on 28 Sept 2010 (see archives)
My friend's parents were killed in a car accident out west of town in 2003, and the money that was left to him allowed he and his wife to get a house built out in God's country.
Back in 2004
Nice place complete with horses.
Eric was the fellow I was out there shooting with when I posted the pictures here.
And his one daughter (of two) was someone I used to play Frisbee with on our street (with Eric and his other daughter when they were still in school), but that was when this neighborhood was far removed from the Aborigine-infested ghettohood it has become since then.
Doesn't seem to be a whole lotta good happening to my buddy, adding this to the mix. Now he's got a single mom (daughter) with a grandchild in tow.
According to those commenting at the WANE site, one person states it was not a suicide, but another said he (Freeman) "was going through issues".
I'd bet Eric didn't take to him that well, knowing that his future son-in-law got busted for pot and was cited for DUI a few times.
Dads are like that with their daughters...PROTECTIVE!
We shall see what the coroner decides...in HIS own good time, obviously.
*** And that brings me to why I usually shy away from all these "social media" places.
What a tangled "web" we have created.
I do THIS BLOG, and sometimes comment on the WANE page (CWM knows that much...lol), but there are these TROLLS that still hide under the bridges built in the realm of social media, make no mistake about it.
And I MEAN it...LOL.
Naturally, such "people" (and I use that word very loosely) see it as their "job" (for they have no real one to speak of) to denigrate other people for whatever they might say, and it's the usual situation...they have no reply whenever someone states fact...or speaks to reason and truth, so they bust on the "messenger"...typical LIBERAL behavior.
And it's something I have no time for at all.
Without knowing anything about who YOU are or your situation or your life in general, they make a judgment call, spewing vitriol in every direction.
Need GALLONS of this for the WANE site.
It can be the atheist that blasts you for being a CHRISTIAN, or a tree-hugging lock-stepper that calls you a a FASCIST because you want what's right for everyone who should be obeying the law, or it can be some loon calling you a terrible person for just speaking the truth...not YOUR truth or THEIR truth, but one of those UNIVERSAL TRUTHS about human nature, which is always categorically undeniable.
It was once said that opinions are like assholes - everyone has one...so be it.
Graduated with honors!
But, if a person has nothing to contribute to a comment board or has only the reason to be contradictory for that sake alone, then maybe they should just STFD and STFU...period.
I will never debate anyone with whom I cannot reach because of THEIR inability to do likewise...and I've stated that trying to do so is like shooting an UNARMED person.
Yes, even I have my limitations, and know that only fools fight in burning houses.
Nuff said on that.
*** Last back to the auditorium today...human nature is something we ALL have to deal with...sooner or later.
And we can thank our CULTURE for the manner that people ACT and REACT these days...we are all products of both our upbringing as well as our environment. When our culture deviates from what we used to call normal, so does human nature and behaviors.
Too many go around in life with blinders on - a tunnel-vision mentality where they ONLY believe in what they think is right, without educating themselves, or listening to those that were teaching them in school.
For, if they did pay more attention, they would ask questions, and/or seek answers when none were forthcoming, rather than just kick back and hit the cruise-control in life.
They would be more self-reliant, less self-effacing, more thoughtful of others, and hell, they might even start helping one another a lot more...kinda like the way we USED to be as a nation. Sure beats helping themselves TO others.
I can only speak to that which I have experienced through my life, and it will not include deception...only the truth.
Mark Twain seemed to have the market cornered on THAT one when he said "Tell the truth, that way you won't have to remember anything".
Sounds like a solid plan to me.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

05 May 2014

Monday Musings...
Welcome to another jam-packed week here in the Heartland of America...such as it is.
Another gray sky greets us this Monday, with another chance of rain, that will eventually give way to sunshine at some point today.
Highs will be in the upper 50s and there may be a breeze (depending on how much hot air is coming out of D.C.).
So, I trust you're ready, willing and able to greet this week.
Feel free to top off that cup of your favorite morning drink on this Cinco De Mayo,  as we get busy with..."The REST of the story..."
*** First out of the sack today is an update to the 4th (official) homicide of this year in Allen County.
It WAS a stabbing at that Clark station and the victim was ID'ed as Raynell C. White, 30, and if that name seems familiar, refer to my archive post from 22 Sep 2011, where you will find his rap sheet I posted after a pursuit that busted his ass again.
Have to thank someone on the WANE comment page who actually found my link before I did and posted it there...got some sharp people out there.
*** There was ALSO a shooting in the Willow Crack...I mean CREEK Crossing Apartments that left another man dead, but police have not been forthcoming with details.
Some people have said it was an accident, or a suicide, and the other media seems to have buried THIS story faster than the victim.
I say don't let head-cases get to guns and don't mess with firearms after midnight, unless you're shooting a burglar.
Here's the updated story link from WOWO anyway:
Alexander Stephens, 23 was the victim, and his address is NOT at Willow Creek (as of 2012 anyway).
He's only got priors for minor traffic violation like DUIs, too.
Certainly not a career criminal in the manner we're used to seeing..
*** And we also had another STANDOFF with police yesterday in the 4000 block of Oliver St, down (where else?) in the SOUTHEAST side of town.
Joshua Logue was the person causing all the ruckus, and was taken peacefully into custody.
*** Now, having dispensed with THAT crap, time for our roller-coaster weekend here at the "Fortress of Reason".
Wifey and I started off the weekend well enough...our usual grocery store run, followed by our bi-monthly fill-up at the S. Anthony BP (closest station to us with that brand, plus we have a BP credit card - makes things easier in the ghettohood).
That's a LOT of posies, folks!
After that, a brief (?) stop at Menards for some flowers and garden plants...close to FIFTY BUCKS WORTH in fact.
I made myself some breakfast (ham, cheese and mushroom omelet - yum) and when that was over with, we both got busy planting some of the stuff we bought.
We managed to fill up most ALL the pots for the patio, as well as the two planters on both sides of our front steps.
When we work together, we can REALLY get stuff done, I will say that.
Anyway, after THAT was completed, we still had ALL these flowers left over, and I STILL have to plant my tomatoes and cayenne.
So, I settled back to relax my tired body when I noticed a "new" bird on the patio.
I whipped out my camera and got a couple shots, and called the Lovely Mrs. Bobby G. over to see this critter.
Turns out it's a definite "newbie" to our patio buffet - a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak...how about that?
Always nice to see something I've never seen before LIVE.
The BEST part is that TWO of them (both males) came by YESTERDAY...on the patio!
I'm willing to bet that the females have to be close by.
So, that was our day this past Saturday...the NIGHT was a completely OTHER story...
Always something happening there - gimme dat dope,
Around 6PM (1800 hrs) vehicles started to show up at the "crib" across the street that intersects ours, and eventually, as the sun went down, I couldn't get ANY good pictures, but house wound up with a total of close to SEVENTEEN vehicles total...and the night was just getting revved up...!
They took up BOTH sides of our street with all these vehicles for over a HALF block alone, with THREE of them in front of OUR place.
Two vehicles were parked along our property line on the side, with several others across the street.
We had enough vehicles there to make one think there was a house going up for AUCTION (they always fill the streets when that happens).
And naturally, with ALL the cars come ALL the people (in them), and that means ALL the LOUD.
People were outside "talking" very loudly, and you just KNOW there was booze and drugs there.
The loud Mnsic was spotty but ALSO able to be heard from INSIDE out house.
So, when this party had not ceased by 1AM Sunday, I called it into FWPD dispatch and told them there was drinking and possibly drug use there.
I tried to get back to sleep, so I didn't know if any officer came by, but around 2AM when I STILL heard the racket, I called it in AGAIN...told the same girl in dispatch that "There are some NORMAL people down here that like to get something called SLEEP..."
I was getting a bit bothered by now, so she said she'd REOPEN the call and send out another officer.
Around 0230 hrs, it finally began to close up...this is just not acceptable.
This is one of those (seemingly MANY) ordinances that is never taken as seriously as it SHOULD be, and with solid reason.
Whenever you have one of these "party houses" open up, there is ALWAYS the potential for a worst-case scenario to unfold.
Check my archive posts from say 3 APRIL 2009, or 11 AUGUST 2010, or 1 FEBRUARY 2011, and you will see that these so-called PARTY HOUSES have a bad reputation, at last on the (where else?) SOUTHEAST SIDE of town.
And to think I put the trash bun from that house BACK on their side of the street (as a gesture)...goes to show that NO GOOD DEED EVER GOES UNPUNISHED, hmm?
*** Now, I said all that to say THIS...
Yesterday, I was still fuming (probably from sleep deprivation, thanks to the locals), when I noticed an older white male in a SUIT, walking with a cane down the street.
Don't typically see THAT around here, that's for sure.
Anyway, I watch the man, ad he doesn't seem to stop any other house, so I'm thinking he's not selling anything, but he comes across the street an up our steps to OUR door and knocks.
(okay, who did I cheese off now for not bothering anyone?)
I answer the door, and it's someone from the Roanoke Baptist Church...they usually seem YOUNGER and come in pairs.
Turns out his name is James Bachman, and he's the Pastor Emeritus OF the church.
So, we spend the next 15 (or so) minutes chatting about the neighborhood, God, Sunday school (which I used to teach back in Philly), shared some scriptures, gave each other some testimony, and basically had a nice brief fellowship, to which we shook hands, and he handed me those little flyers (tracts) from the church and then went on his merry way.
The cane made him walk slower than normal, so after telling Wifey about this, I returned to the door to see which direction he went and if he was alright.
I could not SEE him anywhere...and I didn't hear any car come by to pick him up, either.
I didn't see him head to any other house, or back up the street or down it...it's as though he "vanished".
Now you can believe what you will, but I look upon this as one of those "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers..." kinda gig from the book of Hebrews.
The rest of the verse goes "...For thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
Now, I really NEEDED some "uplifting" after the prior evening, and I couldn't get this verse out of my mind...like "someone" knew what I NEEDED.
I have a pretty good idea as to WHO "knew", and we'll let it rest with that, kapeesh?
*** Last back to the barn today...life is so much more than we can imagine, if we take time to have some courage to take the journey with sincere intent.
It's like the walking on water scene with Jesus and the Apostles.
Peter was the only one who got out of the boat to meet our Lord, but because of his lack of faith, he began to sink, until Jesus held him up.
It's okay to ride out whatever storm life uses to toss us about, some there are those times when we really need to consider "getting out the boat", and move by FAITH.
That's not easy, but when you know whatever you do is RIGHT and JUST, it does make such a decision less fraught with angst.
It's much easier to do whatever you please, ignore laws, guidelines, authority...whatever, but the result of such decision-making is what makes the evening news, right?
The more you try and do the right thing, the easier THAT becomes, until you do it without having to think on it...like riding a bike...and you never forget how to do it, either.
THAT is what more people should be striving to do in life...not things that bother others needlessly and without provocation.
It's what we used to do a lot more in this country, and we were better off because of it.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

02 May 2014

Friday Follies...
End of another exciting week (yawn)...can we stand the strain?
We've been promised rain all week, and so far, not hardly a shower (yet).
Today will be like a lot of days this week...GRAY skies, maybe some sun, maybe a breeze, and maybe we'll see temps reaching into the mid to upper fifties today (and maybe it'll become dark by nightfall, too...LOL).
If this all sounds a bit "hazy", well, you must be in (or near) Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Welcome to the Hoosierland, where weather can change by the MINUTE, and also where ambiguity seems to be the order of the day these days.
So sit back, take it easy for a spell, grab a refill of your morning beverage, and allow me to guide you carefully into this weekend.
*** First off of the coroner's slab comes this story that gives us our FOURTH homicide this year.
You KNEW this was coming on the SE side...
Here's the link(such as it is):
Never saw that much newsprint devoted to nothing being said.
The GOOD news is that the FWPD have provided the actual LOCATION of this fight-turned-deadly.
This took place around 2015 hrs last evening at the CLARK station at Drexel and Wayne Trace Rd.
If he WANTED premium, he shoulda SAID so!
The lack of any and all OTHER pertinent information...well, that's the bad news ((ahem)).
No one seems to know if it was a STAB wound or a GUNSHOT wound, because that information wasn't released. Obviously, the NAMES were not released (gotta tell the next-of-kin), and the "person of interest" has yet to be arrested (Self defense? Then why flee the scene?)
Guess our FWPD "capo" Garry (read empty uniform) wants to play this DOWN (as in way down) because it happened on the SE side of town, and at the gas station that was recently called out when a woman claimed she had WATER mixed with her GAS.
Haven't heard what the disposition of THAT was, but the station manager seemed to want to make good on it.
This area is a hole...honestly. I used to drive past there every morning.
Not a place one wants to frequent.
Hopefully, SOMEONE will be forthcoming with SOME (real) information.
*** Next up...last evening, Adam Widener (WANE) concluded his 3-part investigative story about FWPD officers being "Too Old To Patrol?".
Here's the link to the video and story:
Very good job.
Adam spoke with councilmen Mitch Harper (who's got a good plan to handle this) and "Smilin" Tom Smith, who basically wants the STATUS QUO (not to be confused with a very good Brit band by the SAME name from the 70s).
Smith never wants to rock the boat unless it affects him and HIS  (1st) district, which has a lot LESS crime than we do down here.
I never trust a guy that makes light of something this important, as he seems to do.
Damn shame that Glynn (hurray for racecards) Hines wasn't interviewed...like he'd want to change anything either.
Hey, at least he's got a good SINGING voice, right?
Smith (pictured above) wants to have the mandatory age limit REPEALED...that'll make the crims sleep a LOT better at night, knowing that septuagenarians might be chasing them after they rob a store or shoot someone.
Grow a damn pair, Tommy Boy, and do what is right for ALL concerned, and stop feathering YOUR cap.
York wants to RAISE the limit to age 70 (he's still another empty suit).
I dunno...if the perps were in their 70s or 80s, I might go along with this bunch of BS, but I can't considering the TYPE of criminal LEOs have to deal with THESE days...a lot more violent and younger every generation.
This could well come back to bite them in their (aged) asses...we shall see.
*** And now, an update to something I covered in yesterday's post.
Martin Gonzales-Medina
In case you haven't seen the face of the 50-year old HISPANIC man (said to be from Indy...didn't know they moved that city to MEXICO) transporting with intent to distribute about a TON of "MJ", here he is, for all to view...(LOSER).
*** If you're planning for an apocalypse (and who ISN'T these days), then an event in the Summit City might be just up your alley.
Here's the story link:
Imagine that - a PRIMITIVE SKILLS gathering at the OLD FORT this weekend.
Lots of things from growing your own food to herbal medicine...and then some.
They also will have hide tanning (my mom used to practice that with me when I misbehaved), fire starting, finger-weaving, flint knapping (I like ME napping), gourd containers and wig-wam framing.
Or, you could just stock up and hoard items you'll need like ammo, TP, water, dried foods and the like...your call.
*** Last back to the bunker today is a really cool "feel-good" story from our neighboring state of Ohio.
Here's the story link:
I never went to either of my proms (money issues, plus not many girls wanted to go guys like me - I was a nerd of sorts), so I find it wonderful that one teen asked his great grandma to go with him to the pron...and she is only 89 years old.
There is a great couple.
He got her a pearl necklace and had the DJ play a song her late husband used to sing to her "Delores" by Frank Sinatra.
A pre-prom meal at the local Bob Evans started the evening off well.
The teen, one Austin Dennison, is an Eagle Scout, plays on several teams at his high school and is in the school's band.
Oh, and he attends his local church faithfully.
It's always good to see excellent examples of good role models, no matter how young or old they might be.
This young man has the right attitude, a large heart, and that type of "reverence" young people USED to show for grandparents (or anyone older than them).
Like I said yesterday, we all remember our grandparents as being up-in-years when we first knew them as toddlers.
And, it's nice to be able to bring some happiness into a senior life that has seen (and done) so much, been through all sorts of things we can't envision, and to lose many along the way as they age.
It's more than nice actually...it's fit and proper to do so.
Do have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.