23 May 2014

Friday Follies...
And here we are again...knocking on the door to the Memorial Day weekend (a "threebie" in the days off column) and with it comes all the trappings we've come to know and love.
The Hoosierland weather will be fair today with a high around 70 (nice and comfy for yours truly), and enough sunshine around that you practically HEAR the grass growing (I've gotta mow again this weekend).
A nice day to get outside, blow the stink off, and tend to your gardens...or get those last-minute errands taken care of, right?
So go pour a cup of your favorite morning beverage, and let's see what trouble we can get into, okay?
*** First off the grill today, those of you familiar with the EAST coast (where I originally hail from) remember the HESS gas stations all over the place,...well, they're about to go "bye bye". Don't worry, they're not closing UP, just changing hands.
We're doing WHAT? When? With WHO?
Here's the story from today's business section:
Yepper, Marathon/Speedway is buying Hess out...to the tune of $2.87 BILLION bucks (that's one HELLUVA song, folks).
The good news is that the Hess toy trucks, a staple at Christmas time on the right coast WILL continue, with online shopping starting in 2015.
Interestingly, this year marks the 50TH anniversary of those Hess gas trucks, and if you have ALL of them so far, that's worth a LOT of MOOLAH!!!
The 2013 edition
All the Hess stations will be re-branded to Speedway over the next several years.
There USED to be a PLETHORA of service stations just in the Philly area (we had a huge ARCO refinery down by the airport), but one by one they either closed shop or merged with other companies...and through ALL that time, not ONE...SINGLE...NEW refinery was built.
(no wonder gas prices are so damn high these days, and we ship so much petroleum overseas to recoup the lack of refinery facilities)
Moving on...
*** This story was also in the business section (amazing when THIS section becomes better than the metro section...lol):
Can you imagine that...SEARS and BEST BUY are griping about poor ELECTRONICS sales?!?
I can see Sears, but Best Buy?
Well, it comes down to ONLINE retailers such as AMAZON, as well as discounters like WAL-MART, who manage to undercut prices for the other players in this technological arena. And that's got Best Buy and Sears making changes.
Those two stores have been cutting costs (good for us), and revamping merchandise in order to draw more customers through their doors.
Not working exactly as planned, is it?
Who can keep up with all this?
Consumers are holding out for future launches of smartphones and tablets (the keeping up with the Joneses syndrome, no doubt), and those ultrahigh-definition 4K televisions (let's just call them video monitors, because REAL TVs died when they stopped making the cathode-ray tube with cabinet versions).
Sears cites weak TV sales at their K-Mart stores...well, since the K-Mart we USED to have near us CLOSED, we can't go and get ANY TV (which I would like to do and keep the CRT sets for backups), so they basically lose our business...yeah, go ahead and blame ME for that...lol.
Personally, I feel that when it comes to electronics, we're reaching a "saturation point", where damn near everyone has something that's being tossed at us...and we're not slowing down when it comes to such purchases. Why not?
Do we really need ALL this crap?
Can we seriously expect to keep affording to get EVERY new device which supersedes the previous one we got only a few months ago?
Well, the WEALTHY can, but we're talking more about "Jane and John Consumer" here, right?
And let's not forget the lack of etiquette and diversion that such devices (especially the handheld ones) already cause.
Makes for curious times, indeed...
*** And while we're at it, the fast food business is "cashing in" on this tech boom with an APP for ordering your favorite artery-clogging delights.
Welcome to the newest form of LAZY.
Here's the story from the Washington (com)Post:
Yeah, this will become the NEW "drive-thru", or so they say.
I miss the other way around days.
That's all we need...people too damn busy ordering tacos or Big Macs on their damn smart phones or iPads that they get into a car accident...because you just KNOW that will happen soon enough.
People are not as SMART as the phones they hold in their primate paws.
((shakes head))...
WHERE will the lunacy end?
*** I watched STOSSEL on Fox Business last night (The Good NEW Days) and he had some very interesting stats on POVERTY...
We have FEWER people in poverty than what we had just TWENTY years ago...but, according to some liberal pundits, you/'d NEVER know it.
Here's what the show was about:
It was worth an hour of my time to see what I mostly surmised.
In many ways, we are doing better, like when it comes to world poverty, but other parts of society (just in America) have gone the other way like with energy, and over-regulating.
Big government tends to do that.
I was also watching Megyn Kelly on Fox News...great show on the V/A, with a special set to air tonight.
*** Last back to the pool today...yes, it's Memorial Day weekend, and we've certainly had our share of SALES flyers in the papers and on TV.
Now, those businesses that provide DISCOUNTS to VETS...got no problem with that at all.
But there is this commercialization of this (solemn) holiday, and all you have to do is look at scout troops placing flags on military graves around area cemeteries, or the Old Guard doing the same thing in Arlington to find out what the REAL message is here, right?
Now, I'm not against having a good time and celebrating the holiday...BUT (uh oh, here it comes)...there is a REASON that all of us CAN have that good time, isn't there?
And that reason is often paid for in blood, as in the blood of our soldiers killed in battle.
It's also paid for by those who DID return to us, some relatively intact, while others suffering other aspects of warfare.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying oneself, but there is ALWAYS a reason WHY we are capable of doing so in this country, and we must never forget that. Sadly many living around us will never be able to comprehend such basic tenets of our AMERICAN culture...that which made this nation great.
So, if I take the time to thank our troops and vets for the job THEY did, I must also pity those who cannot acknowledge such things, or treat such things with a level of triviality that would anger me to no end, if I allowed it. Better to feel sorry for them than to get PO'ed at them.
I believe we, as a nation are better than this, and we must continue to strive along those lines. Just as our troops are on a mission (of liberty), so must we also be on a similar mission to get the message out as to WHY we celebrate Memorial Day.
DO have yourselves a enjoyable and blessed weekend.
Don't forget the Indianapolis 500 this weekend (last time for Jim Nabors), and take time to remember our soldiers, living and dead,  both here and afar.
I'll see you all on the other side of the weekend, God willing.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

22 May 2014

Closer To Week's End...
And it's a far cry from yesterday morning here in the Heartland...don't think I'll have to worry about any "power-farts" crashing the computer.
(here's hoping anyway)
Nice and sunny outside with a high today in the lower 70s, a slight breeze and no rain forecasted for at least 12 hours.
No need for the A/C today, so enjoy the day.
In the meantime, we've a few things of note to bounce about, so fill that morning cup back up and let's have at it...
*** First out of the chute today is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"We become wiser by adversity; prosperity destroys our appreciation of the right."
This was spoken by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, or Seneca the Younger (4 B.C. - 65 A.D.) who was a Roman stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, and a humorist (didn't know there as anything to laugh at in ancient Rome)
And here is his WIKI:
Now, with anyone associated with Rome and it's emperors, there was plenty of intrigue to write volumes, which apparently were written.
Seneca was actually touted by the early christian church for his writings and in medieval times, was believed to have been converted by Saint Paul. Dante actually placed Seneca in the FIRST circle of hell...or "limbo" 
Guess that's better than our part of the ghettohood (the 7th circle)...LOL.
Seneca remains one of the more popular Roman philosophers from the period.
Writers such as Montaigne, Emerson, Chaucer, and even John Calvin refer to Seneca's words in their own works.
His belief in Stoic Philosophy looks on a resigned aspect to human nature, and if one didn;t know better, there are underpinnings of what one might take for christian beliefs.
The WIKI is a good read and shows how well his life and works were 9and still are) received.
Yeah, but SOME of us are working on that.
If you take nothing else away from reading about Seneca...remember that it was HE that stated ERRARE HUMANUM EST.
(to err is human)
Moving on...
*** Oh, boy...ANOTHER shooting on Fort Wayne's...(...all together, gang...)...SOUTHEAST SIDE!
But since this happened at the Eden Green Apartments, it's probably no BIG deal (because this kind of sh*t is EXPECTED there), right?
Here's the lowdown so far (w/ video):
This happened just after midnight in bldg 7B of the Eden Green Apts.
A man was taken to hospital in critical condition, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.
FWPD detained one man seen running from the area, and his vehicle was found near bldg 3, so forensics is giving that the once-over for possible evidence in connection with the shooting.
At this time, there is NO motive, NO arrests, NO weapon found, and NO additional suspect information was forthcoming.
Lock the squad car - don't want it STOLEN, Harry.
Wow...a whole buncha NOs and not a single YES to be found...amazing.
So, how is all this PREVENTING crimes like this? I'm just NOT seeing it.
Maybe we should make 75% of the officers "detectives" so cases can be SOLVED faster, because all I am seeing is people with shields showing up AFTER crimes are already committed, and to me, that's NOT policing, but more like INVESTIGATING, right?
Just a thought...
*** And while we're on the subject of crime, there's THIS little gem of a story:
"Knock-knock...guess who?"
Nice to know that one of my "contemporaries" has found one definitive way to get his 61-year old ass tossed in the slam.
Nice Hispanic guy, one Charley Gonzalez, Jr. dealing cocaine and marijuana (bet he supplies some of my "neighbors", too). Que pasa?

eres experto en meterte en líos!
Never occurred to him that when you SELL drugs, maybe a few of your "customers" might just be the PO-PO?
A warrant was served at Charley's home located at 6317 East Hills Rd (46804 just off of W. Jefferson Blvd, so it's NOT in the SE for a change), after vice.narcotics got a tip from a citizen that drugs were being sold there. Police had bought cocaine from the location (and Charley) a few times before raiding the place w/ the warrant, where they also found 4.8 lbs of MJ,
And then Charley got a new shiny "bracelet", and a nice comfy (under the circumstances) ride "downtown".where I'm sure he'll get a free ORANGE jumpsuit and flip-flops JUST in time for summer!
Hey Charley...was it all REALLY worth it?
Oh, and if you check his rap-sheet, he's NO stranger to the judicial system...going all the way back to 1987, he's had LOADS of traffic violations (should have a lifetime suspension with all of those), He's also got a prior for possession of pot and a couple public intox arrests.
Don't we call such people HABITUAL OFFENDERS...for a reason?
(thought we DID)
*** Now THIS story...looks like a job...for...Captain Obvious, right?
Here's the link:
Imagine that...the DEMISE OF COAL PLANTS will (necessarily) cause higher ELECTRIC BILLS...whatta frigging revelation!
We gone bye-bye? Why?
No, make that an EPIPHANY!
Isn't that what our current Obamunist in chief WANTS?
He said as much years ago. And he really, really MEANS it.
"Energy prices will necessarily skyrocket." - BHO
Coal is still CHEAPER than wind OR solar, and it's PLENTIFUL, and it's CLEANER than in decades past, but all these dumbass regulations and laws are killing a MAJOR industry in this country.
At this rate, by 2020, Indiana customers can expect a double-digit HIKE in costs, thanks to agencies that cannot see past their OWN billfolds.
Now, tell me, what OTHER nations are following suit with US here???
I'm not seeing or hearing anyone else "caring" as much for the environment...if anything, they're making MORE pollutants, because they CAN, and they haven't the technology WE do to make OUR emissions better.
As a result, WE (the people) are forced to buy certain bulbs, cars, houses, suffer high food prices, and are subservient to the whims of bureaucrats like the EPA. We can't even have livestock FART, but we can put up wind-farms that destroy avian species on a regular basis.
Gonna be LOTS of people out of work, too.
Yeah, somehow, none of that makes any sense to me..
Doesn't seem like freedom of choice, or freedom of ANY sort, does it?
*** Last back to the boat slip today...do you really recognize America today...I mean REALLY?
Has the face of our nation changed significantly ENOUGH, so that what you once knew has been turned on it's ear?
I'm kinda fond of the OLD America...really.
Well, you're not alone there.
Every nation has the opportunity to move forward...to progress, but what we're seeing today isn't quite moving us in a direction we SHOULD be moving.
Rather, we're being corralled into a "one size fits all" globalization, and I am opposed to that.
As with clothes, so it applies to our nation.
Our country has been a LEADER in so many ways since I was born, but we've lost a lot of wind in those sails in recent history.
Now, in the military, it's damn hard to "lead from behind"...ask any person in command.
And, it's becoming hard to "lead by example", for we're NOT setting the BEST example to follow, are we?
Like I say...this nation CAN do better (as in times past), and we SHOULD, if for no other reason than the fact that WE CAN...and HAVE before.
It's in our nature to be at the forefront of this global arena, and we've proven it time and again since our nation was founded.
Maybe this weekend, we can recapture some of what we USED to have...what made us who we are, and who we should be.
Just a little something to ponder, that's all.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

21 May 2014

Humpday Happenings...
Well, since we had a power outage (I call them "power-farts" due to brevity) that lasted JUST long enough to reboot the computers,
I lost everything I typed so far...SO, we'll do a more "abbreviated" version, and hopefully, I'll have recalled enough to make it worthwhile.
Today's Hooseriland weather...RAIN...some t-storms passing through, and temps around 80 degrees, with all the humidity that comes with it.
Fun stuff, huh?
Well, the sun's out for the time being...guess it's not ALL bad, hmm?
So, let's get right back into this mess, and see what we can sort the hell out.
And don't forget that morning beverage...it seems we're gonna need it after all, hmm?
*** First out of the library today is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"We become wiser by adversity; prosperity destroys our appreciation of the right."
So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in the silver age of latin...
*** Yep, more crime on the SOUTHEAST SIDE...and here's the story:
This happened around 2345 hrs last night at the Arbors of South Towne Square Apartments, located at 7911 Decatur Rd.
A woman was taken to hospital in serious condition with multiple stab wounds, but was later downgraded to critical.
A man, who was in a relationship with the woman (and at the apartment) has been taken into custody by the FWPD, and it a he who called police to the scene.
Police have not released the names of those involved, or would say what type of weapon was used or if a weapon had been found.
(would not surprise me if the participants were non-white)
*** Next up, more spirited City Council meetings...
Here's this story:
Seems Mark GiaQuinta (FWCS school board member? well, he IS  lawyer) was on hand, along with the Alan Shore wannabe, Tim Pape (former council member) and they took to task the 3 ordinances up for PROPOSAL and DISCUSSION regarding collective bargaining.
The dems don't want it, because they'd rather see the unions in bed with the politicians...and we all know how well THAT worked out in say...DETROIT, right?
Republicans want to save taxpayers some money...can't see a problem with that if it's the REAL intention here. Oh, and Marty Bender (R-at large) would not comment of the proceedings when asked afterwards (typical lapdog for the mayor response).
He did say he never belonged to a union (as a member of the FWPD, one might think he was, but I guess not).
Lockstepping strikes again...
But, there was some good news...council DID "rubber-stamp" another $5 MIL of LEGACY funds for the Ash Brokerage parking facility, as I said they would (downtown, where else?)...against many citizens wishes...(again, typical politics - run slipshod over the people fast enough and often enough...maybe they won't catch on).
Some will.
*** And speaking of DOWNTOWN...the Downtown Improvement District (D.I.D.) "did" it again (pun intended), with this story:
Yep, these people got some BIG ideas for downtown (and it never seems to end).and that means they will have to look to NON-PROFITS for funding (guess they're running out of taxpayer money already?)
There is this mention of a "fair-share" contributions...sounds more like OBAMUNISM at work here.
But there are some "ideas" proposed by another consultant (from the pot-smoking capital of Denver) that is costing money.
•Hiring ambassadors to direct downtown visitors
•Planting vegetable gardens at bus stops
•Taking over parking management from city officials
•Creating “parklets” in blocked-off areas as small as one parking space
•Adopting an assessment structure that allows for increases based on inflation
Are you kidding me?
Veggie gardens at BUS STOPS???
We KNOW what these people are smoking, so we don't have to ask THAT, but really?
This is nonsense.
Meanwhile, parts of the city continue to decline, both in infrastructure and demographic shifts...
Who is helping US? Who is even looking out for US at this point?
(sure ain't anyone "downtown")
*** Next, The GM meltdown over recalls continues, as evidenced HERE:
Yeah, they're on par to at least MATCH the recall record of 2004 (11.8 mil units), and it begs the question about UNIONS, especially the UAW...are we getting the most "bang for the buck" here?
Well, when we used to have cars that cost a helluva lot LESS, were safer and less prone to ANY recalls, and were completely manufactured in the USofA...we DID.
Sounds like a good deal...right?
Then, the unions got greedy, raised pay scales for workers who did LESS (thanks to robotics), farmed out sub-assemblies to other countries, and basically caused vehicles prices to rise close to TEN TIMES what the 1960s counterparts used to cost.
Sorry, doesn't smell like PROGRESS to me, when you add in all the damn recalls.
-- Right now, the ONLY vehicles NOT being recalled by GM are as follows:
1969 Z-28
1967 Impala convertibles.
1953 Oldsmobile 88s
1969 Camaro Z-28s
1938 Buick Coupes
1903 Oldsmobile runabouts.
1968 Buick Skylarks
1970 Pontiac Trans Ams
1939 Cadillac
1939 Cadillac sedans
1957 Chevy pickups and panel trucks
Yeah...that's about it...ROFLMAO!
*** Last back to the garage today...whenever greed gets in the way of ANYTHING...nothing good will come of it, and you can quote ME on that one.
We see it in politics, manufacturing, city operations, education...you name it.
And with such greed comes a hedonistic attitude which fuels a vicious cycle.
You need to "feed the beast" when it comes to hedonism, and that can only be done through greed.
I suppose greed can be "good" (in the PC world) as was once stated in the movie Wall Street, but in most every case, greed is NOT good, and only leads to harm for those seeking it. When the expectation of the things that make up greed are not met, greed can become deadly...and that's why crime is as it is.
Also, greed always takes from something or someone, and that leaves behind a gap in that something (or someone).
Greed COSTS...often to many but mostly to some or a few.
And, we can see the results in the vehicles we drive (as they get recalled), the city we live in (as parts are ignored that need help), or discussion (when some parties are unwilling to enter into honest debate over an issue).
People can make better decisions, and avoid all the angst associated with greed, but that, like many things in life requires WORK, and that's something many don't want to bother with...damn shame, we used to be better than that.
I think we CAN become better again, if we ALL want to.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America

20 May 2014

Still Feels Like a Monday...
Maybe it's because of the impending RAIN we might be getting here today. Seems like it to ME, anyway.
Some days, it all appears to run together like a huge mosaic of who knows what the hell is going on.
Today's Hoosierland weather will see us with rising temps into the low EIGHTIES, with some showers at some point during the later half of the day and into tomorrow, according to the prognosticators who get paid "da big bucks".
So, without any further ado, top off that morning beverage, and let's get started with more of all the idiocy we've come to enjoy in the Heartland.
*** First out of the starting gate today...MORE gunplay on the (...all together, gang...)...SOUTHEAST SIDE of Fort Wayne.
Community outrage? Nah, that's M.I.A.
Here's the story link from WPTA:
This is normal for many.
All that's being said at this point, is that one house was hit multiple times, a car was also hit several times, and one person was injured in what appeared to be some sort of melee.
This took place JUST after 1200 hrs (in broad daylight, imagine that!) along the 3500-3600 blocks of Reed St and the 3600 blocks of Lillie St.
Yep, that's right in the heart of the ghetto badlands these days.
The gunshot victim was found by police in the 3600 block of Lillie St.
The car that was struck was located in the 3600 block of Winter St., and the house that was hit several times is located in the 3600 block of Lillie St.
And yes, the streets are right next to each other, so whoever was doing the shooting was moving E/W.
I didn't see any FWPD cruisers in our area, but that's become typical these days, unless something goes on very close by.
And, as can be expected, the FWPD have NO suspects, NO motives, NO weapon retrieved, one hit, no runs and no errors.
End of the inning?
Must be a "cultural thang" these days.
The one victim had only a flesh wound to his calf (lucky boy).
Amazing that WANE wasn't on this story...someone have the day off?
Moving on...
*** Next up, a rather disturbing story that you WON'T see anyplace else, because no one seems to be around to cover it (including the FWPD) when you need them to be, and it comes with some GRAPHIC pictures, so be WARNED ahead of time.
Yesterday, around 1920 hrs, I see this gold Ford Tempo come over our side street.
Sure, people park here all the time for no reason.
Now, that might not seem THAT unusual to many of you, but Ford Tempos haven't been around for a LONG while, so when I thought the car had passed, I went to the front door and what do I see?
The Tempo is parked in front of our place, with a light-skinned black woman sitting in the front passenger seat. When the car first passed, I noticed it had THREE people in it, so where were the OTHER two?
I didn't have that long to wait.
WHERE are the police?
Two black males came from the next block up back to the car, and instead of getting in and driving away suspiciously (as too many do around this area), one of the f$cking morons decides that this is the PERFECT time to relieve himself...in PLAIN VIEW of anyone coming by, especially CHILDREN, because this was long after school let out.
And this buck had a LOT to piss out...musta been that 40 OZ he probably finished while driving.
Left one helluva puddle in the street.
Send THESE mooks back to Africa or Detroit!
After tucking his "moronhood" back into his undershorts, clearly visible above the sagging pants, he got in the car and everyone left, but not before I got pictures and the tag number of the vehicle.
More questions than answers.
By now, you're wondering WHY I didn't call the po-po, as this IS a punishable crime in Indiana (and Ft. Wayne, believe it or not), but the way the FWPD call center works (now), I would still be on the phone LONG after the perps drive off, so "where's the proof".
And the last thing I want to hear from anyone wearing a shield is "We really can't do anything."
To ME, that is just NOT acceptable.
I am still left with a conundrum, though...
WHO to send these pictures to where it will get the most exposure to the greatest number of people?
(considering this f$cktard was "exposed" as well)
This is the kind of thing that goes supposedly "unnoticed", and is never reported on the news, when it SHOULD be shown that MANY (government-sponsored and low-information) people down here are nothing more than f$cking PIGS, and need to be called out on it.
For all I know, this dipshit could ALSO be a gang member, picking up or dealing some drugs at a house nearby (which might be one of several I've reported with no success to date).
He could also be the shooter from Reed St. Who can say?
But this reprehensible behavior speaks volumes as to the "entitlement" society we seem to have all around us, doesn't it?
Whatever house he just left didn't have a working TOILET?
(that would be a housing code violation)
Or maybe he could have held it (not by the size at that damn puddle)
Wonder if the city has THIS signage available?
There is simply NO excuse for this, and yet, we have it occur down here with regularity... just got lucky enough to get it recorded (for a change).
If THIS is what is meant when we speak to "diversity" or "tolerance"...then you can put those where the sun NEVER shines, folks!
And who teaches these people that pissing in public is OKAY and to be "expected", anyway?
I can easily answer the question: "Why do they do it?"
Who is around that will call them out?
Do you seriously think he would "tuck and run", if I went outside and told him to put it away, and get the f$ck out of here?
(probably pull a gun on ME...like I'm in the wrong...and white.)
Maybe, if I went outside, and just put a round or two in his groin, as a "lesson to learn"?
(that would only get ME arrested, when HE was breaking the law)
There is no EASY solution to such problems and such people, but there ARE solutions, nonetheless.
The most simple one is MORE ACTIVE PATROLS on the SE side...been saying THAT for YEARS!
But for some reason, we're not seeing it, and if we are, it's NOT happening where it needs to be.
Don't think MENARDS sells THESE signs...yet.
THAT is why we have shootouts along Reed, Lillie and Winter Sts around NOON...and dumbasses pissing along residential streets where kids can see them.
People say we get a bad rap when it comes to our reputation...I say look at THESE idiots, and tell me we don't DESERVE it. We (and some others) just refuse to be any part of it.
Cripes, I've never pissed anywhere on OUR property other than the toilets, (actual and makeshift), let alone anyone else's property. Normal people just don't DO that.
Does this simple act of NOT publicly urinating on MY part make me a better person?
And they haven't FOUND anything, either.
Hell yes, it does, and to say otherwise would be a lie.
I don't even litter along our street, and there's a simple REASON for that:
I WAS BROUGHT UP BETTER,  and to respect others.
Maybe if that was done in more ETHNIC households today, it might catch on once again...
*** The FWFD chief is stepping down...wonder why?
Here's the story link:
Amy Biggs, Fort Wayne's first female (and lesbian) fire chief is stepping back to a Captain position.
Don't take my word for the lesbian thing...read this instead:
Seems there was a bit of "tension" over her and City Controller Pat Roller (who is married to the former FWFD chief, Pete Kelly)
Naturally, the PSD (Rusty York) has his finger in this pie (probably wants to put someone he can "work with easier"...like putting Hamilton in charge at the FWPD).
The good old boy network strikes again...and again...and again.
If it's an issue of incompetence...so be it.
Get someone in charge that can DO the job...and while you're at it downtown, get Garry Hamilton out as well.
Hell, just clean house at City Hall...that'd be a damn GOOD start.
*** Last back to the barn today...again we see the result of problems with our CULTURE, more specifically, all those sub-cultures that threaten the decency and normalcy of American life.
For "change sake"? Never!
This is not a gay-bashing issue, either.
But you don't place a person of that sexual preference into a high-visibility position JUST because she's gay...or black, or Hindu, or whatever.
That's asking for controversy, and whoever you are who appointed that person better we willing and able to handle it.
Same goes for the FWPD...don't stick an "empty suit or uniform" into the chief's position JUST because he's BLACK (and has been carried on everyone else's shoulders for years) because even if he's a nice guy, he can't effectively function in such a role AS police chief.
You LEARN by EXPERIENCE, and you TEACH by EXAMPLE. If any part of that equation is lacking, the person is probably NOT the best candidate for the position.
Doing otherwise can compromise entire departments is ways the populace will never know about, but the "rank and file" will come to know all too well.
A culture of permissiveness, laced with a false sense of tolerance (as long as you believe what others want you to) and this whole "we" know what's best for you better than you, is only meant to dissuade debate, stifle warranted criticism, and subjugate opinion by others who THINK they know more or everything (unlike those of us blessed enough that actually DO...LOL).
These things are the building blocks to totalitarianism, and if we're not careful, that entire camel will wind up sneaking into our tent before we know it, and by then, it becomes a monumental task to extricate that animal.
Just something to think about, hmm?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.