08 January 2016

Friday Follies...
It's another end to another week...hallelujah!
And it appears that whatever freezing rain we were "supposed" to get which would play havoc with rush hour this morning has not materialized.
No complaints from me (or Wifey) here.
Our Hoosierland weather today will see us with mostly cloudy skies, a better than average chance of rain throughout the day, with temps reaching around 45 degrees, and light breezes.
Not the worst way to kick off the weekend, is it?
So, let's all get ourselves a nice cup or glass of our favorite morning drink as we see what's happening elsewhere.
*** First off of the wine rack is our :"What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
January 8 -
(wear 'em if 'ya got 'em)
(the women and kids are gonna love this one)
(Where's my Heath bar?
Here's the skinny on this:
*** Since it's a FRIDAY, let's see what trouble we can get into over the next 72 hours...
January 9 -
(the nectar is pretty good AND mixes well with rum or whiskey)
(well, that's shocking to hear)
January 10 -
(any day is good for any chocolate)
(they're beyond saving...OH, you mean the BIRD...got it)
(screw it, "global warming" will take care of that this winter...lol)
There we go then...
*** Next, the Christmas tree is officially DOWN for the next 11 months, everything has been squared away, and we're back to the more familiar and banal around the "Fortress".
MUCH easier to spot Zygons now, eh?
And I only have ONE string of lights to check in the process...not bad. Somehow, between the time I took them off the tree and then wrapped them up, part of it crapped out.
(we do have multiple replacement sets...just in case. Always prepared.)
Patches comes by almost every day for a bit.
And we have some critter activity as well.
Not a bad start to a new year (still miss Mr Wrinkles, though. It's not the same).
Yet, we will press on, ever hopeful for making a "new" friend (or several).
*** Next up, our crocodile tear-laden president had a "town hall" meeting on CNN last night (sorry, I was busy watching dishes dry).
I prefer a double-barreled FINGER-GUN.
I gave Anderson Cooper more credit than doing a stint like this. But I WILL say that his line of questioning WAS well done (he could have done more followups, though)
Anyway, here's the gist of what transpired:
Taya had a "mic-drop" moment there. BAM!
Nice to see Taya Kyle (Chris Kyle's widow) talk in opposition to much of what Obummer laments (with VERY defensive body-language to boot)...quite successfully, as well.
Kinda told him to pound sand in a way that would have him actually enjoy the experience...lol
I admire that. And HERE is part of the story the lame-stream media will not reveal:
Imagine that.
While Obummer states he's NOT going to confiscate your guns, these executive "actions" (orders sounds so DICTATORIAL, doesn't it?) are designed to open the door (just a crack) to allow for future confiscation citing parameters established with THESE mandates...it's all smoke and mirrors, getting you to think that these actions are harmless...UNTIL that door gets kicked open and you're there watching your firearms and rights go bye-bye.
Told you...you have to watch BOTH hands with these politicians, especially the LEFTARD ones. They have this diversion down to a science.
*** But there is hope, like the kind from an Indiana legislator, one Marlin Stutzman, who is opposing Obummer's gun-CONTROL measures
And here is the story:
And let's not forget state rep Jim Lucas and HIS bill (House Bill 1056) which would eliminate the license now paid for carrying a firearm (the cost JUST in Fort Wayne is $125 - for a lifetime permit to carry).
Clean record = NO gun license required.
Two voices of reason in our state...not shabby for a start, hmm?
BTW, I did not appreciate that "da prez" blamed INDIANA (my "adopted" state) for guns on the streets of ghettohood Chicago...NOT cool, dude.
*** A Philly police officer is ambushed and shot at 13 times in his cruiser.
Here's the updated story link:
Fortunately, the officer survived the onslaught.
This took place late last night at the intersection of 60th and Spruce (yes, this is the west Philly ghettohood) where PPD officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, a five-year veteran of the department, was flagged down by a man in the street who then opened fire on the cruiser, firing a total of 13 shots from a Glock 17 (which had been STOLEN from a police officer's home 3 years prior)..
Hartnett returned fire wounding the gunman, who was apprehended soon afterward.
Maybe  TWO-OFFICER cars are needed?
Hartnett was taken to hospital and is in critical but stable condition with 3 gunshot wounds and a broken arm.The condition of the shooter was not available.
The story tells the tale regarding a MOTIVE for the ambush of the PPD officer.
*** Okay, so yesterday I mentioned about all the hi-tech crap that's being shoved up into every orifice on our bodies, and how everything is becoming inter-connected, which might not be a good thing for us.
It's everywhere, it's everywhere...!!!
Let's just see what the recent electronics shows are going to be tossing our way so that we BELIEVE our lives will be made better, shall we?
Here's the story link:
Now who really NEEDS a bluetooth for BABIES?
I have to PROGRAM the dog dish?
And what about that SMART DISH for feeding the dog?
(gives pet-owners that Pavlovian power-trip, right?)
And why would I need a fridge that will tell me (or show) me what's INSIDE?
Is my mind that bad off?
Doesn't opening the DOOR take LESS time?
What's so wrong with playing "seek and find" for that perfect late-night snack?
Many foil-covered "mystery foods" get tossed because of such activities like our checking the fridge (when said foods become ad hoc petri dish science experiments, right?
This is getting out of hand.
It's bad enough that we have at least ONE whole generation all but ADDICTED to handheld electronic devices like smartphones. Ask any high school teacher (like Wifey) who has to deal with teens who would rather take a 3-day, out-of-school suspension than give up that damn phone for the remainder of class. And sometimes, the parents are JUST as bad, because they back the kids UP. How is THIS producing better-educated students...I ask you?
Small wonder the Indiana ISTEP+ scores tanked, even though I think we need to STOP teaching to the tests and get back to teaching the curriculum.
Bedroom? Looks more like the ICU!
Oh, and I don't need my bed upstairs to "monitor" my sleep habits...that's MY job.
Tell you...this is not necessarily a good thing for everyone, and definitely a bad thing for many.
*** Last back to the meat locker...how does it feel to be a junkie?
Believe it or not, most ALL of us are...that's a fact.
But, it's not the kind of junkie you think.
We are fast becoming TECH-JUNKIES, like it or not.
And don't bother checking to see how much BETTER your life has become as you add more and more of this "smart tech" to your toy-chest...not gonna happen.
You life is not really better, as in THE JETSONS better, or even STAR TREK better.
It's EASIER, that's for sure; easier to bash, berate, or openly criticize people without having to get face-to-face, and much easier to bully others.
Now, it IS easier to buy stiff, but it's still not that easy to find a LIVE non-Hindu-speaking customer service rep (in America) that does not keep you on the snart phone long enough to drain that cell battery.
It's a lot EASIER to get into a traffic accident, thanks to diverted attention behind the wheel.
Here comes an "OOPS" moment!
It's harder to get people to personally interact in the manner we remember from times past.
See, this whole tech gig is a very sharp two-edged sword, and it WILL cut both ways with ease.
We have smart cars, smart dog bowls, smart houses, smart beds and other major appliances, but we still have the OTHER part of the equation - the PEOPLE, who have not produced a level of intelligence worth of the mastery of all this tech. Smart phones and dumb people - bad combo (imho).
They just follow along and let the tech tell them everything they used to learn for themselves by themselves.
How in God's name is that allowing mankind to evolve?
When fast food employees can be seen on their smartphone after they just took an order says a lot about where we are headed. Like I said...it's become an addiction to so many people.
And to think that one, simple electromagnetic pulse would render ALL of it useless beyond belief.
Then what happens?
Let's hope they have an APP for THAT one, eh?
DO have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

07 January 2016

Thoughts For Thursday...
It's another nice day staring us in the face out here in the Midwest.
Still on the cold side, but after a few days of it, you start to get "used" to it, and it doesn't feel AS bad  as it should. It does seem a bit easier to keep warm than stay cool though, right?
Our Hooiserland weather will have us with some clouds moving in later on, so not as much sun as yesterday, and temperatures will top out around 40 degrees. A little milder than usual.
I can deal with that.
So, let's get that morning drink poured and sitting at-the-ready, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the tabletop is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, 'It will be happier.' "
This was spoken by that literary great, ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON (6 Aug 1809 - 6 Oct 1892), and he was poet laureate of Great Britain and Ireland during most of Queen Victoria's reign.
And here is his WIKI:
Now, if you're familiar with Charge of the Light Brigade, Idylls of the King, or the "other" Ulysses, you've heard of Tennyson.
He is the 9th MOST quoted writer in Oxford's Dictionary of Quotations.
He was born to a middle-class family, but with a royal ancestry. He started writing poetry in his teens along with two of his elder brothers.
He attended Trinity College, Cambridge, but left short of a degree when his father passed away.
In 1829, he was awarded the Chancellor's Gold Medal for one of his first pieces entitled "Timbuktu".
In 1830, Tennyson published his first collection of poems (Poems Chiefly Lyrical), and in 1833 published his second book which included his well-known poem "The Lady of Shalott".
He published two more volumes of poetry in 1842, with poems such as "Locksley Hall", and "Ulysses" having enduring fame.
During the peak of his fame, he was appointed poet laureate (1850) after WIlliam Wordsworth's death.
In 1855, he penned "Charge of the Light Brigade", one his his best-known works, a tribute to British cavalrymen during the Crimean War.
It's a good read and allows you insight to this marvelous poet (and person).
*** Next up, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
January 7 -
(Naturally, they have a MUSEUM for that now.)
(Shrimp tempura - a personal favorite of mine)
*** Next up, We have an ID to the FIRST homicide victim of 2016.
Here's the story link:
Now, if you want more back-story, check my archive posts from 12 February and 13 February 2014, and you find out where this all began (along Decatur Rd near Tamara Gardens).
He be dead.
Our first inductee into the 2016 DEADPOOL is Deandrew Jamarcus Moore, who survived that Decatur Rd shooting two years ago.
This time someone got "up close and personal", and took him out...permanently.
February 2014 - Decatur Rd.
February 2014 - Nice park job
As could be expected, Moore had a lengthy rap sheet (that I included back in my 13 Feb 2014 post).
He be jailed.
Now, the shooter in the 2014 incident, one Trameil Jackson (ID'ed as a local gang member) was arrested and is serving a nice LONG sentence.
Jackson was the brother of that ambulance shooter (also back in 2014).
See...it's not that hard to put the pieces of this puzzle together, is it?
And HOW did Chief Hamilton's (new) "Gang Unit" NOT keep Moore on their radar?
This perp was a career criminal, for God's sake.
Slipped through the old fingers, Chief?
Moving on...
*** It's nice to make the RIGHT call on certain crimes, like when I said back on 1 January that the man who was initially charged with aggravated assault in the beating death of another man (with a microwave) in a motel SHOULD be charged with MURDER.
He be charged wif murder
Well, he HAS been charged with murder, and here's the story:
It's not that hard to "get it right" when dealing with THESE types of perps. What IS hard is waiting for those who SHOULD be getting it right from the jump to make the same call YOU did days before.
*** Next up, I have a new "hero" in local politics, and he can be found at the Indiana Statehouse.
Here's the story that gives you the reason WHY I feel this way:
State representative Jim Lucas has introduced legislation  (House Bill 1056) to ELIMINATE THE LICENSE TO CARRY A FIREARM AS REQUIRED BY LAW.
Lucas said seven states have abandoned licensing, noting that: "laws don't affect criminals, who, by nature, break laws." 
Now that kinda sums it all up nicely, right?
So, why not "reward" the LAW-ABIDING...
I can get on board with that.
“Instead of infringing on the rights of the innocent people, I have House Bill 1056, which basically removes the requirement to prove your innocence,” Lucas said.
“We should not make it mandatory that innocent people have to go out and jump through hoops.”
Well, this nation IS predicated upon the whole "INNOCENT until proven Guilty" deal is it not?
Makes damn good sense to me. I say bring it on!
*** Next, how "smart" is your TV?
Apparently, it's NOT smart enough...yet.
Here's the story link:
Kinda "busy", don'cha think?
Yeah, those so-called "smart sets" are pretty DUMB, so goes this article.
HOW will this be "better"?
Samsung is leading this charge this time in creating an SUHD television, which will allow MORE access to streaming sites on the (where else?) INTERNET.
What have I said for so long about this?
This is what they want you to do...get corralled into Internet TV viewing.
It's creating a very competitive market between the streaming box makers and direct access streaming services.
Now, this is all well and good IF you want your TV to set the mood lighting in your house, or check security cameras in a connected house.
And that's another thing...this whole push to have every house "connected" (to what and to whom?) should be a bit disturbing to most of you out there.
Typical smart-house
Do we NEED to be able to "answer the doorbell" while at work (using a smart phone)?
I've been through a model home that had a computer-controlled center which activated drapes, music, thermostats, etc. And this was back in the 1980s!!!
Only thing "different" about THAT gig...it was a SELF-CONTAINED system, and NOT connected to any outside server, or any form of the Internet.
Now THAT was cool.
Being constantly connected to "big brother" (in one form or another) is not.
I'll keep by "dumb" devices, thank you and leave the potential snooping from outside sources to those who wish to be monitored 24/7/365.
*** Last back to the outhouse...during the Industrial Revolution, we were beset with ALL types of contrivances which made a lot of things better AND easier for mankind in general.
And yes, that was long before the "digital age" was even a gleam in some inventor's eye.
Today, we have even MORE technologies at our disposal (and much if it should be disposed of), but before when humans could keep up with technology, these days we're seeing the technologies FAR outpace our ability to keep up.
And that could be a major problem in the near future.
As we fall behind in understanding the complexities OF these technologies, we will most likely wind up creating MORE technologies to master the former technologies, and that will become one very VICIOUS CYCLE that will be difficult to break, should we even desire to do so (which we probably won't).
Then, the machines will be running US, won't they?
(shades of too many Dystopian films from years past)
We have to not be in such a rush to grab all this new-fangled stuff JUST for that reason, and people have to start asking the right questions of those creating this possible digital nightmare, as to whether all of this is indeed in our best interest.
To be enlightened or even entertained is one thing...to be all but ruled is quite the other, is it not?
man versus machine
We might well find ourselves going down a road from which we may never be permitted to exit at all.
I much prefer those times when we were the masters of all the "things' we created in the world, rather than have US at THEIR beckon call, as things seem to be headed.
When we can understand and properly apply ALL that we have created to the betterment of mankind, the farther we can go as a species, but not before.
Just something to think long and hard about...that's all it is.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

06 January 2016

Humpday Happenings...
It's that good old familiar mid-week crisis known as WEDNESDAY.
And with it, some nice but cold weather.
Expect mostly clear skies today (have a wonderful sunrise showing it's face) with temps reaching to above freezing - all the way up to 37 degrees. (well, it IS January in Indiana)
So, what we start the day with a nice hot cup of whatever is on the menu as we set about tackling the problems that await us, because we KNOW there will be a few.
*** First out of the coffeepot is our first "WHO SAID THAT?" quote of this year:
"Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, 'It will be happier.' "
This is a pretty good quote to carry with us into this new year. So WHO said that anyway?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at Locksley Hall...
*** Next is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
January 6 -
(Careful how you proceed on this one)
(has anyone ever seen what a LONG bread looks like? And sub rolls don't count)
---It's also EPIPHANY, or "Little Christmas" as we used to call it.
Here's the WIKI for those who want to recall what this is all about:
*** We traditionally take down the tree after January 6, but I've been taking down ALL the other decorations over the last two days.
I don't know what seems to take longer - putting them all out and up, or bringing them all back down.
I mean, you just don't toss all the crap into the bins and call it done. There has to be protocol (and care) if you want the decorations to remain intact for NEXT Christmas, right?
I know what hurts the most about all this...tripping UP the steps on my last go after putting away all those other items. I was bringing up the last batch of books to put back where all those Christmas beanies were, and BAM! There 'ya go.
Bruised my arm well enough, and it hurt like hell last night, BUT, I did get a cold pack on it RIGHT away, which helped, and as long as I don't bump the damn thing, no problem.
Can't wait to see the changing of the colors there...lol.
*** Next up, WE HAVE A WINNER, folks!!!
Start the dead pool, kids!
(sound the trumpets and loose the pigeons).
HOMICIDE NUMBER ONE has finally taken place in Fort Wayne...and JUST where you'd expect - ON THE SOUTHEAST SIDE...how fortunate is that?
Didn't take that long for the blacks to start shooting blacks, did it?
I mean LAST year, it took a whole TWENTY DAYS (and the victim was struck when a bullet came through his house as he was putting his son to bed), That case is one of the 22 (out of 30) homicides that went UNSOLVED last year.
The year before that, it ONLY took two days.
Here's what we know SO far (which isn't much as usual):
This took place in an old familiar "hot spot" (for years) - the 6000 block of BUNT DRIVE where the WATERLOO GARDEN APARTMENTS just happen to be.
Looks like we have ANOTHER "Eden Green" on our hands?
Police responded to that area around 1845 hrs last evening, where they found a black male in a car (with the engine running).
The man was unresponsive and the window had been shot out. He was pronounced D.O.A.
Witnesses said they saw a black male with dreadlocks running from the scene on foot.
Anyone care to guess what the TOTAL will be at year's end?
I say we can EASILY make 30 again here.
*** And speaking of the FWPD...they FINALLY posted the last three days of activity reports, so, as a PUBLIC SERVICE to you, my faithful readers and followers,. here is the remainder of the list from yesterday:
=======shots fired and armed robberies continued==========
Jan 2 -
16F000476 02:34:47 113 SHOTS FIRED 1700 WELLS ST & PUTNAM ST
16F000722 18:03:38 113 SHOTS FIRED 1100 CAPITOL AVE & OLIVER ST
16F000814 21:31:19 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 STARDALE DR
Jan 3 -
16F000947 02:35:15 113 SHOTS FIRED 7300 ANTHONY BLVD S
16F000962 03:28:45 113 SHOTS FIRED 4700 HESSEN CASSEL RD
16F000973 04:45:36 113 SHOTS FIRED 2200 KENTUCKY AVE
16F000974 05:02:44 113 SHOTS FIRED 3300 RAYMOND AVE
16F000981 05:42:59 113 SHOTS FIRED 1200 LARCH LN
16F000984 05:55:27 113 SHOTS FIRED 1500 ELMROW DR
16F001123 15:33:40 113 SHOTS FIRED 3500 AVONDALE DR & OXFORD ST
16F001160 17:56:51 113 SHOTS FIRED 4000 HESSEN CASSEL RD
16F001248 22:38:59 113 SHOTS FIRED 3100 CLINTON ST S & DALMAN AVE
16F000982 05:47:43 53 ARMED ROB 1300 STATE BLVD E & ALABAMA AV
16F001249 22:40:16 58 SHOOTING 3200 CLINTON CT
JAN 4 - 
16F001276 00:52:15 113 SHOTS FIRED 2400 SHADY OAK DR & RADCLIFFE CT
16F001679 19:18:51 113 SHOTS FIRED 4800 BUELL DR
16F001680 19:19:54 113 SHOTS FIRED 4600 GAYWOOD DR
---Funny thing...the shots reported on 4 Jan at 4600 Gaywood...I HEARD those.
Told Wifey it was like close to TWENTY consecutive rounds being shot off.
(someone's got a hi-cap mag for Christmas or an assault rifle?)
What is curious however, is that I also heard shots back on the 2nd around 0328 hrs. Woke me up, too.
I heard SIX distinctive shots and it was VERY close to us.
(my guess would be a wheel-gun, probably a .357)
Not a peep on THAT being called in (and I was going to, but I figured there are others that might).
Nice to know I can be wrong when it comes to the minority locals. They don't seem to give a rip.
Guess we can add them in with our councilman , mayor, and local black community leaders.
*** Next up, I hear we SOLD MORE CARS than ever before.
Here's the story link:
Now, those "experts" can tout whatever reason THEY think might be the reason here, but I have my own "theory", if you will.
An improved economy (which is still FAR from being out of the woods yet), cheaper gas (that could rise back up any week, given the volatility of the Middle East, and easier auto loan terms from banks.
(all well and good)
How about we say that much of it is because cars are being built "less good" than before, and fail sooner, precipitating the need to a new car?
Add in all those RECALLS, and it makes for a good story, right?
I'm just saying there are more factors here than explained.
*** Next, the NORCOs got themselves a hydrogen bomb (hope they irradiated that pudgy little bastard of a dictator along the way. Here's the story:
Hey, perhaps with all that underground testing, they might cause massive quakes in N. Korea and kill themselves off.
Beats having to deal with a despot with an itchy "trigger-finger".
It's a good read and provides a timeline of the NKs progress toward a nuclear state of the recent years.
*** Next, I wasn't going to dump this here today, but I figured "what the hell"...
I saw Obummer's noontime presser yesterday, and all I have to say is this:
"Doesn't matter HOW silver the tongue of a snake-oil salesman is...he's STILL selling snake-oil."
Not a bad act, but when he glosses over the whole Chicago death toll due to GANG violence (with some guns), my "sincerity-meter" bottomed out on EMPTY...sorry.
And while I don't agree 100% with everything the NRA has to say, I find the truth-detector strangely silent whenever our "Crybaby-in-chief" takes the podium in the East Room of the White House.
Crocodile tears do not a convincing argument make. The additional 230 proposed FBI personnel would be better served if they were to take on home-grown terrorism instead.
*** Next to last up today...this is the LAST day for Kevin Leininger of the News-Sentinel, but he's not retiring, just changing venues to Concordia Lutheran Seminary.
Here's a great story that chronicles his times at the N-S:
Cindy Larson does a great job with the story, and I want to thank Kevin for all HIS help getting "our" story out down here over the years.
Thank Kevin...it was very much appreciated.
*** Last back to the donut shop...some things in life are quite predictable...like the homicides on the SE part of Ft. Wayne, or can be as unexpected as tripping UP a basement stair after 10+ uneventful travels up and down prior to that without a single hitch.
We can always plan for what is predictable with a level of certainty that we're ready for what awaits.
But, we can never ready ourselves for what we can never see coming, and that's a big deal.
We WANT to be ready for what life tosses at us, so we can work through it, and move on, but that's not always the case, is it?
Many times, in the pursuit of dealing with life's vicissitudes, we learn to adapt to a situation, so we can better attune ourselves for continuing forward in life.
Physical challenges can be the most challenging, because although we know we're aging, our minds are still firmly stuck in "25-ish land", where we seemed a lot more invincible.
Well, we all have our "Kryptonite" to deal with, right?
It can be health, financial woes, job or career woes, problems with the house or cars...whatever.
It is required from all of us that we learn to accept all the stuff we can't change, have the desire and the will to affect change where and when we can, and to be courageous enough to comprehend both and act accordingly.
It would become nice if a lot more people focused on that once in a while.
This old world might become a better place for a change.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.