25 March 2016

Good Friday Follies...
Welcome to the end of the week (at last) and the start of the Easter holiday.
And, if you notice a chill in the air this morning, it proves that you're still among the living.
(and that's always a good thing)
Our Hoosierland weather for today starts out with cloudy skies, which will turn partly cloudy and then sunny as the day progresses.
Expect a high of around 45 degrees, and not nearly as much gusty winds as we had yesterday. Also, no precipitation for the time being.
So, why don't we all get our cups or glasses of Friday Fortitude poured as we set off into this weekend and see what awaits us, hmm?
*** First out of the pantry is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
March 25 -
(For Wifey, anything connected with lobster gets her vote)
(commemorating those very few who make the sacrifices in combat for the greater good)
(or maybe a day to watch one of the movies connected to the books)
---It's also GOOD FRIDAY, and w'll talk more on that farther along, so hang in there.
They COULD change it to BEST Friday.

*** And since the end of the week, let's take a look at what's shaking over the next 72 hours:
March 26 -
(I would love to see a cure for that in my lifetime)
(pass the Milky Way bar)
(as long as it's NOT in a can, I'm good with it. Sorry, Popeye.)
March 27 -
(Joe Friday? G.I. Joe? A cup of "joe"? They didn't say. We need a national BOB day.)
(Can't have a month without at least ONE Spanish day...in AMERICA!!!)
---It's also EASTER
(again, more on that in a bit)
There you have it. Plenty of things to keep you busy and out of the hands of the law.
Moving on...
*** Next, there is another "blockbuster" opening today - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
(time to release my inner geek...lol)
Okay, now I really like Batman, especially the Keaton and Bale incarnations, and I've always liked Superman as well, and I think the reboots after Christopher Reeve were well presented, too.
But, I have a bit of an "issue" with Batman fighting Superman, and it's got nothing to do with a man versus a "god'. 
Kryptonite weaponization works wonders against the so-called indestructible among us.
What I find sorta bothersome is WHY they have to fight (other than to make studios and merchandisers tons of money) in the first place?
To me, this goes against "The Hero's Journey" as written by Joe Campbell, and from a philosophical viewpoint, these two men SHOULD be able to talk things out BEFORE it comes down to "bare knuckles" (or technology).
Both protagonists have proven to be REASONABLE people (even when it comes to fighting evil), and it should be noted that REASON tends to win out in the movies we have seen prior to this flick. The same can be said of ANY hero in literature.
To me, the LOGIC required to settle differences seems to be M.I.A., and that alone should bother a lot of people, especially those of us who like the superhero genre..
Now, we also know that the differences WILL be settled and that these two will help form The Justice League (formerly "of America", but since we're so diverse now, we can't claim this FOR our nation alone, right? Damn P.C. police).
This aspect of the DC comic world is no different than the other upcoming movie CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR, in which two heroes choose sides and have to square off against one another (Cap and Iron Man)
The logic behind THAT movie (and hrapgic novels) also eludes me, because Tony Stark is NOT a fan of the government (and said as much in Iron Man 2), but yet, he sides WITH the government, who wants to "register" all those with super powers.
There HAS to be a REASON - not an EXCUSE.
Captain America (aka Steve Rogers), on the other hand, has discovered the government can have another agenda that differs from values and principles our country "used" to have (in The Winter Soldier) and wants to hold to those, as well as individual freedom, and rails against the government, much the way Stark did. Again, the reasoning behind Stark's decision is harder to find than a good neighbor or a decent job.
I go into both of these movies with a trepidation based upon what I've come to know about the characters (over the decades) and how the new films turn that on it's backside...and we're supposed to take it ALL in stride (to sell tickets to something like another UFC pay-per-view event, which NEVER seem to end). Talk about JUSTICE.
I find it very difficult to "choose" sides, as the studios and marketers WANT us all to do.
I like my heroes to be heroic...allow me that smidgen of childhood innocence.
*** Next up, today is GOOD FRIDAY, and for those who want a refresher, here's the WIKI:
Now, for the atheists out there, this is a CHRISTIAN holiday (as is Easter), so when you people get the day off, look to where this all originated, and go thank a believer.
Today signifies the crucifixion and death of Christ on the cross at Calvary after his trial before Pilate.
It follows up with the removal of Christ from the cross and his entombment,
The WIKI is lengthy, but serves to offer a comprehensive look at the meaning of this day, and why we celebrate it with solemnity, rather than with pomp.
And, Sunday is EASTER - a day which is best remembered for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from his burial tomb. THIS is the day we celebrate with choirs and with song, for it represents the penultimate victory over death.
Here is that WIKI:
This is also a lengthy read, and does include the controversies over the exact date, as well as the secular connotations connected with this day and how they came to be.
Mesopotamia was the first Christian community to use Easter EGGS as a symbolic nod to the blood of Christ (stained red, of course). You will find out a lot by reading this.
*** Last back to the church pew...I'm gonna have to climb on the old soapbox and get behind the pulpit (old habits die hard), so please bear with me, friends...
I like this time of year, and not because of Easter candy or presents. That's not in the mix, although as a child, I did look forward to my "basket" of stuff, but that always came AFTER Sunday school and church. It was nice to dress up and feel like an "adult" of sorts, and be told the Easter Story again.
I still look to this time of year as a time of renewal - a time to reflect on what (and who) was sacrificed for ALL of us.
It's a time of both sadness and of joy. It's a time that provides us a better understanding of who WE are, and why WE believe what we do and (more importantly) WHY we believe it.
I don't follow the trends when it comes to those who "market" the holiday, for they are missing the reason of the day. It's not about 20% off here or there...it's about 100% of giving from a loving God to ALL of us, if we but believe and have faith. To me personally, that means a LOT more than saving a few bucks with some "sale".
I know many living around us (down here) will not even participate in anything connected with this weekend, the holiest time of the Christian calendar, but that's NOT my fault or loss...it's theirs and theirs alone.
They have not  to come to know the son of God, who hung on that cross for several hours, until he uttered the words of forgiveness to those who nailed him TO that cross.
While that chapter on the man called Jesus came to an end, it was only a new and better beginning for the rest of us.
The cost to obtain and be part of the continuing story for us is much less than that suffered by Christ (for all of mankind).
And the journey EACH of us take from there on, although laced with difficulties as well as challenges, will not be without rewards in abundance.
A good and timeless lesson to be learned, right?
DO have yourselves a very blessed weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

24 March 2016

Thoughts for Thursday...
Welcome to another fine Spring day here in the Heartland.
Be very happy you're not in Denver or Wisconsin this morning, where it's been looking a lot like CHRISTMAS in those places.
Snow is causing all sorts of troubles in those areas.
Indiana's weather, by comparison will be much more palatable.
Our Hoosierland forecast will see us with another mostly cloudy day (the rain held off last night but WILL be here today with maybe a thunderstorm), with temps again reaching into the low 60s. Winds will be picking up as well, so when it rains, take care with your umbrella (which will attempt to either turn inside-out, or escape from your grasp). We "may" get a snow shower later overnight (???).
Now, what say we all get our morning drinks and take a look at what else has been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out of the garden is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man." 
This was spoken by Robert Green Ingersoll (11 August 1833 - 21 July 1899), who we have only featured ONCE here (31 July, 2014), and he was an American lawyer, a Civil War veteran, political leader, and an orator of the United States during the "Golden Age of Free Thought".
He was nicknamed "The Great Agnostic".
(Goes to show you never know where wise words will come from, right?)
Here is his WIKI:
Ingersoll's father happened to be a preacher, so it's a bit ironic that Robert would take the religious stance that he did. He WAS a firm believer in family life, though.
Prior to serving in the Union Army, he taught a term of school in Metropolis, Illinois. Prior to that he had taught in Mount Vernon, Illinois.
He fought at the Battle of Shiloh, where he was captured, but later "pardoned" on his word that he would not return to battle. He did not.
After the war, he served as Illinois Attorney General. But he was most noted for his public speakings, to which we would talk about everything from Shakespeare to Reconstructionism.
And while the press attacked him for his views on freethought and humanism and agnosticism, Ingersoll's popularity increased.
The WIKI is still a good read about someone we don't even hear about any longer.
*** Next up is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
March 24 -
(I love 'em, but I suppose that Goobers will get their own day as well)
And that's all she wrote for today.
*** Next up, Kevin Leininger of the News-Sentinel has got a good column (today) about someone who I had the pleasure of meeting on the set of The Fort Report a couple years ago.
(a think a few people actually saw that episode...lol).
Here's that link in case you want to see me "on air" and scare your small pets:
(that is considered animal abuse, BTW)
Roderick Parker, a former gang member is the centerpiece of this "followup": by Kevin.
Here's the link:
Well done, Rod.
I'm glad to see SOMEONE in the black community stepping up and doing the right thing for the youth, so they don't go down a similar path that Roderick took years before.
I said back then he was good people, and by the grace of God, he's kept his life on course and has been clean from drugs for seven years...and not one day of further incarceration.
I should be so lucky to have neighbors like him, who HAVE turned a bad life around.
He is making that difference...one day at a time, and one youth at a time.
*** Next up, I really love SPAM: the food, but I detest SPAM: the Internet bane.
(NO, I don't want sex with some "woman" in Taiwan who wants me to see her pictures)
That pretty much sums it up for all of us, right?
A form of "The Matrix".
And when people open that email spam, they also open themselves to someone hacking into their system.
Hackers (generally-speaking) are the worst sort of individuals on the face of our planet.
Granted, there are some who work FOR us and not against us, but, by and large, a majority of them are willfully attempting to commit some sort of mayhem.
So, why does it NOT surprise me when I read about stories such as THIS:
Yes, the ACA (Obummercare) website is VULNERABLE to (you guessed it)...hackers.
Like it didn't have ENOUGH problems associated with it already.
And let a hacker take your information?
The big push was to get everyone to that website and "sign up"...fat lotta good that's gonna mean when all their personal information winds up in the hands of whoever does manage to crack into the software and TAKE it.
We've handed over plenty of information to too many people as it is (imho), and that's been voluntary (driver's license, bill payments, purchases, etc), so trying to keep a low profile is becoming more difficult.
To me, that smacks the face of freedom...and repeatedly.
Former Supreme Court Justice Brandeis told us that we DO "have the right to be left alone".
That's getting to be harder to do these days.
*** Next, a YIN to the last story's YANG, as it were.
Here's the link:
Here's a great example of technology working WITH us and not AGAINST us.
Our own FWPD has a new device that can test (on the spot, in real time) the TYPE of narcotic found on a person, or in a vehicle along our streets (and Lord knows we have that a'plenty).
They use the device (called TruNarc) over a dozen times a day (good thing we don't have a drug problem here, he said sarcastically). Police say it works better than the reagent kits that have been out for decades.
The only minor down-side - it doesn't detect MJ (well, 'ya can't have everything).
With opioids on the increase all over, it's nice to see a useful tool added to law-enforcement's "toolbox".
Now, if ONLY they could get a BOOMERANG sound (gunfire and other loud noise) detection device and deploy THAT on the SE side...
Yeah, I can dream.
*** Next up, Spring has finally made it to our "Fortress's garden".
Our FIRST hyacinth.
Nice to see some blooming flowers for a change (instead of all the blooming idiots walking in the middle of our streets).
I love the smell of these guys!
It always makes me wonder why ONE flower will be the "brave" one and poke out of the ground FIRST. Someone's gotta do it, I guess.
Peek-a-boo. I see you (finally).
We've got other small sprigs of greenery dotting the flower beds, so that tells me that our columbines are preparing to grace us with their presence for another year. Always a crap shoot as to what COLORS we will get due to cross-breeding. Not exactly "exciting", but it is pretty cool.
And I still cannot figure out who this "mystery" squirrel is.
He stopped by again and came right up to me, so I fed him some peanuts from my hand.
If Mr.Wrinkles has a doppelganger, this little guy would be him.
Like to see some rabbits show up.
It won't be long before Wifey and I head out to the garden shops for all the annuals we will be planting.
That's always fun to see if anything "new" shows up, but I do prefer the perennials.
(less work for someone my age...lol).
And, we'll be looking for tomato and hot pepper plants.
Might even consider some more roses (can never have too many of them...unless you are allergic).
*** Last back to the patio...You know, there are lots of things I do around our "Fortress" that I don't give a second thought to when I'm doing them. Gardening is just one of them.
I wouldn't say it's a PRIORITY (per se), but it is enjoyable and something I look forward to every year.
House projects also have this perverse appeal of sorts...things you WANT to do in order to make your living a bit nicer (because all the nasty is outside on the streets).
And, through all this, there is one thing I have learned to do automatically, and that's to prioritize.
It's simple, really. You "sess up" the tasks you'd like to get accomplished, develop a plan of "attack" and then get it done. That's about as straight-forward as life can be, and the rewards aren't all that bad.
But, why others cannot (or will not) choose to do anything close to that eludes me.
Our jails are full of people that had THEIR priorities totally FUBAR, and they thought that was okay.
(rude awakening time)
Like I'm always saying - life is complex ENOUGH without us deviating from acceptable behaviors to pursue things that are simply not going to work out as we "think".
And perhaps, with some REAL thought applied to the definitions of NEEDS, and WANTS, and PRIORITIES, this old world might take on a better facade. A better spirit is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility, either.
All that's required is the decision to make THAT a reality, rather than the mediocrity many have settled for.
Sounds like an honest-to-God plan, right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

23 March 2016

Humpday Happenings...
Middle of the week...finally.
So far, Spring has been mostly kind to us here in the Midwest.
If you found yesterday to your liking, then today won't be far from that mark.
Our Hoosierland weather will see us enjoying similar temps to yesterday, with a high again up around 60 degrees. Nice squirrel-feeding weather...lol.
We will see more clouds though, with rain moving in later this evening and overnight.
The breezes will be a lot less than yesterday (it was kinda gusty).
Now, let's all get that morning beverage poured as we take a look at what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the coffee pot is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man." 
How many people in today's world would appear to have lost their souls?
I think this quote strikes at the root cause of many of our problems, because fewer people tend to not fully understand what REAL liberty is. So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, Illinois before the Civil War...
*** Next up, we bring you our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
March 23 -
(you just know we had to have one of these)
(didn't mention a "specific" chip OR dip, did they?
(I guess this one could also apply to all the criminal shooters in Fort Wayne?)
(Never to be confused with either Melba Moore or French toast)
(like kids, we hate to see them grow up)
*** Next, and since the morning paper happens to be M.I.A. at the moment (let's not start this sh*t again), I'm going to shift my stories around a bit, so bear with me.
---I went and did it yesterday - I ordered us a NEW FRIDGE online (there is a first time for everything).
It was easy enough, and the delivery is slated for 29 March.
Frigidaire 18 cu. ft. top freezer - nice.
If everything goes without a hitch, I will say that such purchases when made through the Internet are worth it. I don't plan to make a habit of it, however.
I usually prefer to walk in a store, know what I want, and if I have any questions, I seek out a salesperson. Pretty straight forward, right? Hey, I'm old-fashioned, what can I say?
This is a new experience for me, and I'm not expecting any screw-ups. We shall see.
*** Next, it was one of those days yesterday, and let me preface this a bit...
You know I get to see a LOT of strange stuff (kinda like Han Solo, only I don't have to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other to do so).
Much of it happens right outside our "Fortress", which does make it so much easier to chronicle.
Anyway, yesterday morning, I see this red Sunfire pull up ACROSS our driveway.
Street looked BLOCKED to me.
Now, he was also facing the WRONG WAY (westbound on the eastbound side of the street).
So, I went out and told him "You need to move. I have someone leaving for work soon, and blocking my driveway's not gonna work."
The (black) male told me he was waiting for someone to change a tire. I said: "You're gonna have to wait someplace else. This is my driveway and you need to move that car.".
Well, he did...to the next house up the street's curb, and sure enough, someone DID come along to help change a flat...by BLOCKING THE STREET (double parking).
See, THIS is what these people DO around here...it's another case of being or feeling "entitled"...to do what they want, where they want, whenever they want.
Sorry, that won't cut it for me.
We have Yeoman's just ONE block away and they could FIX his damn flat, and NOT have to block off a street, or drive on people's property to do so. Nah, that makes sense.
---But we were not done with the weirdos around here.
A little after 1630 hrs, I see this white pickup and trailer parked damn near in front of our house.
Wonder what was up with this ?
Well, I'm not expecting anyone, and those stopping by the house across the street use the driveway, so WTF is this all about? I open our door (after getting a picture and the license plate number), and see a hammer and pry-bar on our top step. Then, a Hispanic male with a shaved head comes around from the side of our house.
I say to him: "So, what's the problem?"
To which he answers in lousy English: "I think I have the wrong address...sorry."
I answer: "Yeah, I think you DO. Don't forget your tools." 
He gets the tools and then leaves...sort of. He goes down the street, manages to turn around in another driveway, then comes back UP the street into the next block. He again turns around and comes back DOWN the street and makes a right onto Pettit (westbound). Did not see him after that. I did notice a second person in that truck, too.
Now, I MAY have thwarted a potential break-in. I can't say, but the situation DID seem pretty hinky to me.
And, should I see this guy around here again, I may call the police on his ass. If I see him around OUR house (specifically), I may have to confront him. A little "detainment" never hurt anyone, even if it is while looking down the barrel of a gun.
They're NOT returning library books.
We already have our fair share of "scrappers" and other assorted "suspicious" people around here, and I don't know this guy from Adam, nor was his truck emblazoned with ANY sort of business logo or such.
It's all just a bit too weird for my liking.
I mean, you don't know WHERE you're supposed to be?
And, you have a hammer and pry-bar (tools of a burglar) in plain sight?
You'd best know whose house you could be messing with, because I might have to let "Mr Deadly Force" off the leash on your suspicious ass.
Word to the wise time, perhaps.
*** Next up, and speaking to the Brussels terror attacks.
It doesn't surprise me this sort of thing was going to happen again.
I'm just glad it didn't occur here in the USA.
But, it's not like anyplace in Europe hasn't set themselves up for such an attack over the years.
What they find now, is that they have to play "catch-up" with dealing with such things.
They've allowed too many of the wrong people into their nations over the last few decades, and this is the inevitable result of this lack of vision when it comes to dealing with terrorism.
After all, that's the point of these cowardly attacks...to TERRORIZE people - get them to change their manner of living. Therein lies the "victory" these extremists seek.
People need to realize that this particular style of "warfare" has a few advantages over straight up military combat.
It's hard to spot the enemy. It's also hard to spot the devices used in the attacks. Many times, common household items can be utilized to create an effective explosive.
And yes, with all the technology we have concerning electronic devices, it's even easier to produce a crude yet effective delivery and detonation system. Remember the flap over cell phones and digital watches being used?
Think of these actions as probably the highest form of guerrilla warfare.
The suspected perps to the Brussels bombings.
It takes it's toll, not in huge losses like the Normandy Invasion, but in smaller incremens, a more "personal" aspect to such tactics.
Let's just hope we in America are up to the task to defeat these Islamic terrorists before they strike.
*** Last back to the  waffle iron...We, as Americans, are a free people.
We are also a people who enjoy liberty, even if many of us don't understand what that entails.
I suppose the schools don't focus THAT much on such things, because we're too busy trying to be "diverse" and embrace things that have no real impact on AMERICAN values and principles.
How's about we teach those who come HERE about US and OUR culture, rather than adopt portions of theirs?
To me, that SHOULD be the focal point for ANY other people that decide to come HERE.
Liberty is something a lot of people in the world THINK they have, but their governments choose otherwise for them, and there is the great deception.
Such nations will deny liberty to their own people., and cite that it's in their best interest and that the state can take better care of them, than they can themselves.
Freedom is included in the mix, as well, and is mainly the first such casualty in such  (along with the truth).
I will admit there are days when I think our OWN freedom and liberty hangs by a few threads, and I pray to God that never comes to pass.
Other nations try to emulate us, and some have come close, but WE have stood taller, longer, and with better resolve to fight against the forces that would seek to wrest such things from our grasp.
We cling tight to our beliefs, our values and our principles, because that's what we in THIS country do.
And, it's those beliefs that many find offensive.
That's on them...not us.
While we all can do better, and become better, we should never lose sight of what it has taken to reach this point in history, so we may proceed into a future with promise, and not trepidation.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.