22 July 2016

Friday Follies...
And it will be a very muggy day out there in the Heartland.
One might call it "oppressive" in nature (can I get some reparations for being oppressed?)
At least we DID get some (much needed) rain yesterday.
Welcome to the end of the week, and all the "hazy, hot and humid" that goes along with it.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see temps reaching into the low-to-mid 90s, with a heat index that will make it feel like it's over 100 out there. like I said...oppressive, right?
Now, we've a lot of ground to cover today (and under these conditions, it will test the best of us), so let's get that cup or glass of Friday Fortitude poured as we look to this day and this weekend by seeing what's going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the sweatshop is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 22 - 
(all they had to say was fudge - go fudge yourselves...lol))
(if you rig one INDOORS today, that'll work)
(to catch one, you have to think like one)
*** And since this IS the end of our week, let's see what the following 48 hours has in store for us:
JULY 23 -
(as hot as it is, be nice to SOAK in some...lol)
(and, we're NOT talking Brokeback Mountain here, right?
JULY 24 -
(let's engineer some COOL around here)
(alcohol and hot weather - NOT a good mix)
(s'okay as long as they're not driving through HOUSES )
(let's leave the kissin' cousins out of this)
(which will be confusing as hell down where WE live)
There you have it, plenty of things to do INSIDE rather than outside (where you might spontaneously combust).
*** Next up, the RNC is finally over (hallelujah!).
Trump's speech was pretty average. He had a few good bullet points, a couple noteworthy phrases, but not much in the way of REAL substance. Wonder what he's saving THAT for?
And the tempo of the speech was a bit off, as he meandered now and then.
The manner in which the speech "flowed" was a tad on the disjointed side. Usually a person moves from one topic to another in a progression and then brings a summation at the end. That was just plain lacking last night.
But, as did many others, Trump did make a great case for NOT having Clinton become our next socialist-in-chief.
God, I miss the days when we had better statesmen who knew how to give a proper speech and provide a lot more hope for America (like Kennedy and Reagan).
*** Next, a major FUBAR down in Miami with one of their police officers.
Here's the story:
A therapist for an autistic male adult was shot by Miami police AFTER he repeatedly told them he WAS NOT armed and was holding his hands up. I see NO reason why ANY shots had to be fired.
Here's a followup article that asks many of the same questions I would ask:
This is making less sense as we go along. There HAS to be some training issues here for the police.
If one man is perceived to be holding a weapon, then why shoot the OTHER man, who is obviously NOT armed?
I smell lawsuit all over this one (and it could be a slamdunk, too).
The therapist NEVER had to have been shot...period.
*** In a somewhat similar story here in Ft. Wayne, there's this:
There are SOME differences in this case. The men FLED immediately when they saw the officer approach, rather than stand their ground and comply with the officer when told to halt.
The officer was already investigating a shooting in the area the previous day.
No weapon was found in the area or on the man who was shot.
Guess that new recruit class will be put on HOLD for lack of funds?
*** Next up, and as is typical for CERTAIN parts of this city...another drug bust.
A TRAFFIC STOP leads to a drug arrest...who'da thunk THAT?
Marlon Devon Cole, 39 of Ft. Wayne was busted just BEFORE a warrant was served at his house in the 600 block of Third St.
At the house, officers found a large amount of cash, 5g of cocaine, 40g of heroin, and two firearms (with ammo).
Street value of the "horse" is about $9000.
Sounds like someone (Cole) had plans for that, and it wasn't for personal use.
Now, how about closing some of the places down HERE?
*** Next, crime is spreading...to New Haven. Here's this story:
This took place in the 6000 block of Moeller Rd around 1440 hrs.
About a dozen shell casings were recovered from this drive-by shooting, that injured a 12-year old inside the house at a trailer park.
Bullet holes pock-marked the front of the house, too.
The driver was described as BLACK (holding a small handgun) and driving a "rust" or orange colored vehicle (metallic orange is popular with these people) with a black stripe.
Should be easy to find.
*** While were talking about the SE side, I've been trying to get the city to trim some of the overgrown foliage around our area. Asplundh came through yesterday and did a nice HACK-JOB to the tree alongside our garage (as I predicted they would).
A little HIGHER than those lines, Bub.
Oh, and they did take down SOME other foliage at a neighboring house.
Too much taken off.
They didn't quite get all the foliage off of the POWER LINES (as they should have), and no doubt, THAT will grow back a lot faster than ALL the branches they took off our tree.
From THIS...
To THIS...Really???
Funny thing, the city was "supposed" to notify residents about the trimming.
Never got a mailer, or a phone call, or even a knock at the front door.
They just showed the hell up and had at it, but they knew I was watching them the whole time.
We used to call this TRESPASSING.
They trimmed WAY more than they should have (imho), and it looks like shit, but then again, THAT is what I expect from most of the city departments (with very few exceptions). these days.
*** Next, plans are moving FORWARD with this downtown arena, in spite of the cost (to us) and any push-back...more typical behavior, right?
There's even a Facebook page.
Here's the story:
What? No jar of VASELINE?
Yep, nothing is set in stone yet , but a CONTRACT has been approved for spending about $283K for designs, schematics, etc. for this downtown arena. the word RAMROD comes to mind for some strange reason.
And, it's not even a LOCAL firm heading this, but a group in DENVER.
You watch, the city will keep shoving this down ALL our throats because they can get away with it,. and in the end, we WILL all be paying for this, and for a long time.
*** Last back to the garage...there used to be a time when what the PEOPLE said mattered in America.
When did all that go away...and WHY?
We are a nation founded on WE, THE PEOPLE, and what WE want...not a bunch of bureaucrats and their wants.
But, it looks like we've allowed all these civil SERVANTS to run and own the manor, and not give any attention to us, until it becomes time for these jerks to get elected (again).
I thought THEY worked for US, and not the other way around?
Our society has seemingly done all the wrong things of late and for all the wrong reasons, and the politicos running this dog-and-pony show are telling us not to worry, they're looking out for us.
Are you idiots SERIOUS?
We've allowed do-nothing programs for damn near everything from education to  "environmental protection" to housing and urban development to thrive and produce nothing short of waste in their wake, and we're all OKAY with this crap? Tell me, I'm not dreaming.
This country needs to get it's collective shit together, and by that, I mean rid ourselves of ALL the destructive forces that seek to undermine what our nation USED to stand for and start making ALL people accountable, especially those who are elected AND appointed at EVERY governmental level.
There is simply NO other way out for all of us.
We need to reclaim our position on the global stage, but we have to first address the issues we have facing us HERE in our own "backyard", as it were. We need to get our OWN house in order, and that starts with making sure our government fears US, rather than having us fear them.
This is OUR country.
WE have the say here, and WE hold the power to create and recapture that which this nation used to cherish for being able to embrace liberty HERE.
It's not impossible to achieve (or to get back), but we have to WANT it bad enough to overcome the evil that faces us daily.
Therein lies the lesson for the week.
DO have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and, as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

21 July 2016

Thoughts on Thursday...
We're almost at the end of another week, and it is getting more like August than anything else.
Gonna be feeling some heat through Sunday around our neck o' the woods.
The Hoosierland weather forecast has little relief in sight until late weekend.
We can expect partly sunny skies, temps to hit the 90-degree mark, with a heat index that will make it feel like we're into TRIPLE digits. A great day to go jogging...NOT!
And we'll also have lots of humidity, too. Again, if you have anything to do outside, get it done early, then stay inside and take it easy.
So, what say we jump-start the hydration process and get ourselves a nice refreshing drink as we see what's been going on elsewhere, hmm?
 *** First out of the sauna is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Excellence, then, is a state concerned with choice, lying in a mean, relative to us, this being determined by reason and in the way in which the man of practical wisdom would determine it. "
This was spoken by our old (and still deceased) friend, ARISTOTLE (384-322 B.C.), and I apologize if I confused anyone (Chris) while commenting. I said A.D. and meant PRE A.D. (as in B.C.) Sorry about that, chief.
Ari was a Greek philosopher and scientist (damn fine at both, too) and here is his WIKI:
He taught Alexander the Great, so that carried some "cred" in the day.
Let's just say the WIKI is rather comprehensive about the works of his that survived time.
You will find out a lot about his take on logic and psychology.
It was he who coined the "four causes" or what we term as causality.
They are material, formal, efficient and final.
I will leave it up to all of you to delve further into his life and works, as it's a pretty interesting read.
(there may be a quiz later.,..lol)
Moving on...
*** Next, it's time for our  "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 21 -
(and I believe ALL of that is part of the WIC and SNAP programs for the welfare crowd)
(I should be so fortunate...and so would they. Sorry, I'm MY best customer)
*** Next up, I had to tune in to the RNC last evening, and was slightly bummed out by Ted Cruz, as I DID expect him to "endorse" the republican nominee for president.
The lame-stream media is making a BIG deal of this (like Melania's speech) and decrying Cruz for NOT endorsing Trump. I say let it go.
I said before last night's telecast that the "best" way to save face (in a lousy situation) was to admit that he signed a PLEDGE (as did all the nominees in the beginning) to SUPPORT whoever was the nominee, and that would be that.
Kinda like an unendorsed endorsement. There were times during his speech when you could hear a pin drop. He ran the gamut from cheers to jeers, but he DID stick to his principles. Nothing at all wrong with that.
Cruz did say to "vote your conscience", and to me, all those in attendance would appear to do so when the time comes...no "real" problem there. Another mountain being made from a mole hill (imho).
I DID enjoy Gov Pence's speech, as well as Gingrich's. Both were powerful in presentation.
Newt presented as many facts and figures as did Cruz.
Everyone rightly indicted Hillary Clinton for her lack of damn near everything...!
As well they should.
*** Next up, ANOTHER attempt at unification both within and without the black community on Fort Wayne.
Here's the story:
All I see these days is initiative after initiative.
I want to see the AVENGERS INITIATIVE put into place here.
(we could use that crew down HERE on the SE side...lol)
If it's not some committee, it's a task force, or program, or some other form of plan or initiative...
And nothing ever seems to change for the better.
We've seen this before with community plans, policing, business incentives...you name it.
Can't we try some common sense stuff for once?
The programs ALREADY in place are so similar to this "new" one, in fact.
You're not going to fix the criminals (or problems) that easy, and certainly not going to be able to hold black men to the level of accountability you WANT (or expect) to hold them to. That's the problem right there.
But, as long as you're not going to reach into our pockets to try this, give it a shot.
Toss enough crap at a wall and SOME of it is bound to stick, right?
*** Next,  I'll bet you're wondering "What the hell has Bob bought on eBay THIS month?"
(glad you asked...lol)
--I got myself a nice gold-plated challenge coin which depicts the movie Captain America - Civil War. Nice images on both sides of the coin (which came in a protective plastic holder).
Got it for UNDER $5 too (with shipping). They've been selling for $8 and up.
--I also manged to snag a Figma THOR action figure (same company as that Spider Man figure I got a while back). Got this one for UNDER $8 (they're trending close to $25!)
Looks a lot like Chris Hemsworth, too, and lots of articulation points.
The only problem was that damn (real cloth) cape. I could not manage to use the pegs provided to anchor the cape on the figure my (hands are too big and clumsy an the pegs are too damn small), so I pleated the cape (sewed the pleats in place) and then glued it under the chest and shoulder pieces.
Looks good and works fine.
Still awaiting a couple other things that the USPS has not managed to lose as of yet (crosses fingers).
And, I did get refunds for previous items NOT received...thanks, eBay. Wasn't my fault anyway.
*** Next, I went to put the trash-bins out this morning, and heard a cat meowing in a rather plaintive mood (you know this stuff after a while), so I looked all around the ground near our garage, not knowing what I would find (hope it wasn't mom giving birth). Well, I could NOT find that cat, so after placing the bins, I came back and still heard the meows.
But, there was NO cat around the garage or in the flower beds.
Then, I looked UP for some reason...
On the ROOF of the garage was a cute little mixed color cat who was meowing at me like it wanted to get down.
My thought was how the hell did you get UP there?
I held up a thick branch for it to climb down (nope, too scared), so as I thought of HOW to get the cat down, I went inside to get my camera (it was starting to get light outside).
When I came out, the cat was GONE. I checked the roof from the ground and no cat at all.
Hope the little bugger didn't burn up a life getting down. I figured it came down the tree alongside the garage (same way it must have gotten up), but it was nowhere to be found. Got away clean and no pictures (damn).
We have had some bunnies nearby, but none as "brave" as Clover, who used to frequent our patio daily, and eat some of the bird's seed. I miss that little guy lounging on the grass when it was hot last year.
But, at least a couple squirrels still have been coming by for eats (even in the heat).
A newbie I call "Tweak" (because he's so damn skittish) stops by and eats under the patio table. Can't get him any closer (yet). And he comes by around the time we have dinner (about 5 PM). He should be in a tree, grabbing some shade, considering he's wearing a damn fur coat in late JULY!
Squirt comes a little closer.
Patches also comes by, as does Squirt and Junior.
One of several of our titmouse pals.
And of course, we have our bird friends.
And one of a pair of nuthatches, too.
LOTS of 'em, too. They can empty the feeder in a couple hours...little piggies.
Yes, we're never at a loss for "patio pals".
*** Last back to the hothouse...I can understand why the wildlife roams about near the "Fortress".
What bothers me, is how people can allow cats and dogs to get out and become feral foragers.
Our pets touch our lives...even while they sleep.
There are those of us out there who love to have pets, and take damn fine care of them.
Others just look at their pets as something to toss out whenever they grow tired of them, and that's just not right.
But, it is a way to see how these people treat their children (not much better).
If you're going to take in an animal as a pet, you have a responsibility TO that pet (whatever it might be)  as it will look to YOU for it's food, water and shelter. That's ALL they ask for, and in return, provide something that is lacking in humankind - unconditional love.
Sure, they might act up and you have to chastise them, but that happens with all of us.
And, more importantly, the manner in which you bring up a pet, will determine how it acts when it gets older.
Wow, that's just like children in many ways, except I don't have to send my cat to school, buy him a car, or worry about him doing drugs and making a female pregnant through unprotected sex.
People treat pets in similar ways that they treat children, or even other adults.
Pets don't make such determinations as a rule.
We would all become wiser for paying attention to what animals can tell us...and without saying one single word.
That wouldn't be a bad thing for humanity to hang it's hat on, would it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.