23 December 2016

Friday Follies - Pre-Christmas Edition...
Hey Joe! Long time, no see.
We're coming down to the wire, kids. Soon, it will be Christmas Day
(well, in about 48 hours and counting)
Sorry about being a bit tardy, but Wifey and I went to grocery shop today rather than tomorrow, just to avoid any "eve" rush.
Plus, she's got to go get her hair cut later, and we men know what that means, right?
Anyway, if you're hoping and wishing for a WHITE Christmas, you will probably do better with watch the movie with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, because here in the heartland, we're looking at perhaps more of a WET Christmas.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will have us with mostly cloudy skies (once again), with temps climbing back up to around 38 degrees. Oh, an we do have a chance of some precipitation later on this afternoon. What it will be is anyone's guess.
Except for the precipitation, sounds like a repeat of yesterday, but at least all the slick spots on our residential streets are going fast away.
Today's post is gonna be short and sweet...things to do, people to see...that sorta thing.
Now, what say we get a soothing hot cup of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close-at-hand as we take a look at what's going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out of the over is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature.
---Today is National Pfeffernusse Day
(German spice cookies - and damn tasty, too)
---It's National Roots Day
(no, it's not a day to touch up your gray hair)
---It ((rolls eyes))...Festivus
(it's a Seinfeld thing, what else?)
*** Since it's the end of the week, let's see what else will be happening over the following 2 days...
---It's Christmas Eve
(rather self-explanatory)
---It's National Eggnog Day
( I have got this one SO covered)
---It's Hanukkah (or Chanukah)
(great to see us ALL celebrate at the SAME time for a change)
---It's Christmas
(need I say more?)
---It's National Pumpkin Pie Day
(should have this one covered as well)
---It's A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
(guess we saw THAT one coming)
*** Next up, and certainly no surprise...we got us some Stupid going on out there...
---This story gets me to think (and that can be dangerous to many out there).
Accidental shootings?
I'd have to say that a LOT of shootings we have here in Fort Wayne are PURPOSED.
Well, maybe that shooting along Avondale was "accidental", because the blacks involved couldn't tell the victim from the person they were TRYING to shoot.
Most of the time, any accidents are caused by failure to treat every weapon AS IF it's LOADED. Like those who decide to CLEAN a weapon before checking to see if it's STILL loaded.
Then, there are those who don't secure their firearms and kids find them and then...BANG, someone's shot (or worse).
I suppose the worst culprit may be holiday depression, but again, there's nothing accidental about that.
People get SO down, and then off themselves.
Such events are indeed deliberate...sad, but deliberate.
Let's hope this holiday allows people to become RESPONSIBLE and CAREFUL.
*** Next up, time to visit "Kitten Corner"...
"I din do nuffin" (she fits right in this neighborhood)
We got some ornaments on the tree, and for once, we have NO Trek ornaments on it, but we do have Garfield and superheroes, along with a nice blue TARDIS ornament.
"I can haz Crissmiss ribbon?"
Naturally, the cats are being a problem with climbing into and up the tree.
The squirt bottle works wonders chasing them out of there, but they keep going back.
It's the new "game" we're playing around the "Fortress".
Wifey and I were making Christmas cookies last night, and they were getting into the tree again.
Funny thing, after I went to bed, they were up with me, as if we didn't have a tree for them to play with.
Does cute counter bad? That's a tough one here.
Luckily, the ornaments make noise when the tree is disturbed...almost as good as belling the damn thing.
I know this will change as they get older. Our other cats never bothered with our tree at all.
*** Last back to the cookie pile...Christmas is that one time of year when there is a sort of MAGIC in the air.
We've got the music, the lights, the decorations...all kinds of things as a constant reminder of the season.
Unfortunately, all of those trappings are not representative of the REAL meaning of Christmas.
They're mostly for the marketing and shopping aspect - the GIFT giving.
And sadly, the things that DO represent the true meaning of Christmas are always under assault by some who try to shove that "separation of church and state" garbage down our throats, as they have misinterpreted it.
Take that nativity down, or lose that cross is their "battle cry", and I'm damn sick of it.
If they don't like what Christmas really means, then they can just not choose  to take part, sit the hell down, and shut the f*ck up. And that's as mildly as I can put it.
There are a lot MORE people that celebrate the REAL reason for the season, and I'm tired of all of us being forced to knuckle under to a few who are doing their best to go to hell.
This nation was colonized by Godly people, and was founded by Godly men.
Maybe it's time we got back to teaching that to everyone, just so they can understand WHAT this country stands for, WHO we are as it's people, and WHY we acknowledge our Lord and His son at this time of year.
Besides, I never know anyone that came away from such truth WORSE OFF than before they knew about it.
Have you?
Do have yourselves a very good weekend, and a fantastic Christmas, in keeping with the situation.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
((We'll have something here on Christmas Day for all of you))

22 December 2016

Thoughts For Thursday...
Winding down the week and closing in on a "Christmasey" weekend.
Haven't had one of those in a while, have we?
Got a bit of a warm-up over the next several days to boot. Sure is a huge change from those sub-zero temps and windchills, and a welcome relief for a few of my joints and healing feet (right one still hurts)
Our Hoosierland weather will have us with partly to mostly cloudy skies, temps climbing once again above freezing to around 36 degrees, and no precipitation coming our way.
Aren't you forgetting the bloody CUP?
Now, let's all get ourselves a nice hot cup of our favorite morning drink to kick-start the day as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the slushy street is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"What will you and I give for Christmas this year? Let us in our lives give to our Lord and Savior the gift of gratitude by living His teachings and following in His footsteps."
This is attributed to Thomas S. Monson (born August 21, 1927) is an American religious leader, author, and the sixteenth and current President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).
(see Chris, you weren't too far off)
And here is his WIKI:
It's a decent read, and even if you're not a Mormon (like me, a "shouting" Methodist), you can appreciate a man's journey through life and being a Godly man during it all. Monson became a bishop in the LDS church at age 22, and by the time he was 31, he was president of the Canadian mission.
To say he was busy in his later life in the Mormon church would be an understatement.
Give it a look anyway. You'll get an insight into the hierarchy of the LDS church.
*** Next up, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---Today is National Date nut Bread Day
(haven't had that in a while..got a hankering for it now)
---It's Anne and Samantha Day
(Anne Frank and Samantha Smith - Google them both and learn some history)
---It's Forefathers' Day
(Think Pilgrims - our founding fathers' forefathers)
---And, it's National Re-Gifting Day
(This has to do with employee/company Christmas parties. They still have those, right?)
*** Next up, we've got some really GOOD STUPID going on out there, so let's have at it.
---The first story is another DRUG RAID in Ft. Wayne. Here's the story link:
This kinda great police work ALWAYS makes me smile.
The raid took place at a house located at 741 W. Dewald St (SW, where I said crime was blossoming) around 1445 hrs yesterday afternoon.
Inside the place, officers found several handguns, cocaine, marijuana and heroin/fentynel. Welcome to "Costco".
((Police said this was a relatively unusual operation because the alleged dealers didn’t live in the house.
They treated the house like a storefront.
At the end of the day they would lock the doors and go home. Inside the place, the drugs and guns were separated into their own areas and rooms. Almost resembling an illegal drug department store.))
It's like I said...some houses are BUY houses, others are STASH houses, and still others are where the dealers LIVE, which are often the MONEY houses.
Nice level of "organization", isn't it?
Terrell Smith - LOSER!
Police charged 19 year old Jermichael James and 19 year old Terrell Smith both with 2 counts of dealing and one count of maintaining a common nuisance.
You may recall Smith as being one of the FIVE (black) counterfeiters busted back in the spring (see my post from 5 April 2016).
Here's the link to THAT story from WANE to refresh your memory:
And he's back out on the streets ALREADY?
Well, back in JAIL again, too. That's A-F*cking-Mazing!
Darrius Fultz, 20 was charged with visiting a common nuisance and possession of marijuana.
Fultz is also obviously NO stranger to the penal system.
Darrius Fultz - LOSER!
And the icing on this cake - the BATFE and U.S. Marshals were involved...
---The next story shows that stupid can even come to us from China (who knew?)
Okay, so "organic" opioids are being supplanted by SYNTHETIC opioids...whatta surprise.
((The proliferation of rapidly evolving synthetic opioids has become so fierce that the DEA says they now constitute an entire new class of drugs, which are fueling the deadliest addiction crisis the United States has ever seen.))
You buy our drug, we make you hooked.
Yeah, I'll bet they're busy as hell.
((The fentanyl-like drugs are pouring in primarily from China, U.S. officials say – an assertion that Beijing maintains has not been substantiated. Laws cannot keep pace with the speed of scientific innovation.
As soon as one substance is banned, chemists synthesize slightly different, and technically legal, molecules and sell that substance online, delivery to U.S. doorstops guaranteed.))
Drop-shipped to your door...at least they're not suing DRONES...yet.
---You may need a tissue for this next story:
With a "CAPITOL" D.
Can you IMAGINE that? Obummer's economic plans were UNappreciated.
The subtitle is "Things got better, but voters didn't see it".
Hell, the voters didn't HAVE to see it...they FELT IT...like in their BANK ACCOUNTS and WALLETS, you asshole.
He bailed out damn near every Tom, Dick, and Harry, jerked around with raising the national debt to around $20 TRILLION (with a "T") bucks, and all but stalled our GDP.
And we're supposed to appreciate THAT kinda clusterf*ck???
Gimme a damn break.
His is that SPECIAL kind of stupid, if you ask me. Shame he's the only one that can't see it, or admit to it. His brand of narcissism simply won't allow it.
Boo-Effin-Hoo, Barry.
---This story goes to show that people can be coerced into doing something they shouldn't have to.
Worst mandate ever.
Yep, 6.4 million MORE people signed up (under penalty of stiff fines) for the "Affordable" Care Act.
I still maintain that our federal government was NEVER in, and should NEVER be in the business of DICTATING what kind of health coverage we "need". That's where the free market comes in and COMPETES for our hard-earned wages and such.
This entire deal was UNCONSTITUTIONAL from the jump, but since the "Supremes" thought of it as a levy-tax, it was given a liberal free-pass. Sure, bypass the LAW with BS and call it done.
I'll be so glad when this is overturned and relegated to the scrap heap of useless leftist agendae.
(that pile gets larger each day)
*** Next, and getting far away from the madding crowds, let's see what's been going on at "Kitten Corner"...
Violet is a "Terminator" kitty?
The kids were fairly good yesterday, although the tree continues to be a focal point of curiosity.
Gallifrey "at attention", and awaiting orders.
Still, there are diversions, either by nature (the "pay-per-mew" bird show outside), or the contrived (my trusty laser pointer). That helps dissuade them from assorted mischief.
Today Wifey and I plan to stick some ornaments on the tree, in the hope that they don't cause further curiousness from Violet and Gallifrey. Lord knows the rest of the time, they're so effin cute, and I fall for that every damn time.
Naturally, feeding time creates it's own unique expression of appreciation. They're both still finding their "voice", as it were...lol. No loud meows, just subtle and barely audible mews.
It's gonna be a work in progress...for ALL of us.
*** Last back to the salt-covered roads...Christmastime is a study in contrasts.
While many of us enjoy this time of year, and try our best to take in ALL the holiday season means, others are busy doing what they do the OTHER 364 days of the rolling year, namely causing mayhem.
Many people are shopping, and some are breaking into houses and vehicles to avail themselves of someone else's gifts to loved ones and friends.
Like I'm fond of saying: Some people are GIVERS, while others are TAKERS.
And while this time should be one of festive appreciation and embracing the joy of the gift that God bestowed upon us all, it's often a season of angst and depression for many.
I've been down both streets in years past, and gratitude avenue is more preferred than desolation boulevard.
A shame those who need to see this cannot, or will not.
But there is always hope, right?
We also have faith that things will change for the better.
And we can practice charity not just for the holidays, but all year long.
That is something we need to remember.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

21 December 2016

Twas The Humpday Before Christmas...
And all through the 'hood...
We knew that the locals...
Were up to no good.
There you are then...some holiday poetry from our part of the city to get everything started today.
We are slowly climbing out of this deep-freeze, but since today is the first official day of WINTER, we'll be back into it soon enough, so don't fret yourselves.
Our Hoosierland weather for today finds us with mostly cloudy skies, temps reaching to around 35 degrees, and no sign of precipitation. Maybe we can lose some of this ice and crappy street conditions.
Got mine right here. Fancy a cup?
We're still going to require a soothing hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to chase that morning chill away, so let's that going as we take a gander at what's been transpiring elsewhere...
*** First out of the igloo is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"What will you and I give for Christmas this year? Let us in our lives give to our Lord and Savior the gift of gratitude by living His teachings and following in His footsteps." 
Now that is a tall order for many of us, and almost an impossibility to others, but I think this sums up the meaning of the season in a way that begs our attention. Such a message often gets lost in the pursuit of "things".
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Salt Lake Temple...
*** Next up, it's once again time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---Today is National French Fried Shrimp Day
(sounds good to me)
---It's Crossword Puzzle Day
(haven't done one of those in a long time)
--- It's Humbug Day
(Be nice to watch a version of A Christmas Carol)
---It's Phineas Fogg Win a Wager Day
(I only bet on sure things...like crime in Fort Wayne)
It's the Winter Solstice
(seems like winter started a week earlier here)
---It's National Flashlight Day
(can never have too many of those)
---It's National Homeless Persons Remembrance Day
(curious thing - some people CHOOSE to be homeless)
---It's Yule
(a Celtic-Nordic Solstice Day thing)
*** Next up...what would today be without a healthy dose of STUPID (from others), hmm?
--- The first story deals with a nice decent drug bust. here's the link:
The raid took place in the early morning hours at a house located at 5428 Evard Rd.
This is NE and near Maplecrest and St. Joe Center Rds.
Merrcrimmus, loser!
There, police arrested Terrence L. Fincher, 41, who was the only person home at the time. Police vice and narcotics also found evidence of narcotics dealing, including some $5,000 in cash along with digital scales and a substance that tested positive for heroin.
Police also found a handgun (Taurus Judge revolver that can fire .410 shotgun rounds) that was reported stolen in an armed robbery last month, police said. THAT will bring in the BATFE.
I'd say that was some GOOD police work...keep it going.
---Another dollar store armed robbery. Here's the link:
As could be expected, THIS took place on the (altogether, kids) SOUTHEAST side.
The robbery occurred last night around 2215 hrs at the Family Dollar located at 4311 S. Anthony Blvd. And people wonder why NEW (and better) businesses don't come to our part of the city?
Here's the reason, plain and simple.
A male entered the store with a gun and reportedly made off with an undisclosed amount of cash.
Police have not released a description of the robber (probably BLACK,).
Sure doesn't take these assholes long to adapt to the weather, does it?
Tis the season (for them...all year).
---This next story isn't overtly stupid and yet... Here's the link:
Now, I think what the Rescue Mission does to help the homeless is great. We need something like this, BUT (uh oh, here it comes)...there are EMPTY COTS at the place most every night (in this cold). Why is that?
Well, there comes certain criteria that must be met to qualify to stay at the Mission. Seems okay to me. Some men choose to adhere to those...others do not.
Now, we have the free meals passed out, and while this might seem fine as well, this doesn't apply to those at the Mission, but ANYONE wanting to come in and get fed.
A noble gesture, but WHO is just taking advantage of such things because it's the easy way out? I'd bet the same faces show up every time a freebie meal is provided.
That's kike the needle exchange program (to me)...it's an encouragement of dubious behavior, rather than a solution to it.
Charity is good as long as it's not being wasted on the lazy or weak-minded among us.
---And, I wanted to add to yesterday's high-speed rail story, my MAIN reason for not wanting to see all the money wasted to get it passenger service back here - AMTRAK!
That's just for starters...
Here's some backstory from the WIKI:
We rail-fans remember when it was founded (1971) and how it has NEVER turned a profit from it's inception.
This new rail gig cannot proceed WITHOUT having Amtrak having a large "footprint" in this, and that's sad.
*** Next, and leaving the stupid behind us...some of my favorite things for Christmas
A Charlie Brown Christmas (I saw it the FIRST time it aired...yeah, I'm that old)
Garfield's Christmas (only on DVD)
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (Alistair Sim - 1951. The BEST interpretation imho)
Christmas music on the radio (and now on cable music channels)
White Christmas (Danny Kay and Bing Crosby)
Prep and Landing (both animated shows - wish they'd make a third one)
Christmas cookies (somehow, the cookies taste better this time of year)
Eggnog (with a decent dose of holiday "spirits")
The smell of pine (even if it's an aerosol can or incense)
Pumpkin pie (or cherry in a pinch)
The Doctor Who Christmas Special (you think I'd forget this? They do one every year)
And that's just the short list.
*** Next up, let's see what's going on at "Kitten Corner"...
Being cute can forgive a LOT of badassery.
Okay, so the cats were keeping me busy yesterday, getting into the tree AGAIN.
Using the water squirt bottle on them both seems to be working (so far).
This time, the tree almost got pulled over, but I righted it. Luckily, there were no ornaments on it.
It's not from lack of toys for them, that's for sure.
Still, Violet and Gallifrey are so damn CUTE, you can't stay angry at them, and I think they know that.
Thank God they do tire themselves out and at least one of them always follows me into the living room while I watch the TV. The other one naps on a dining room chair (near the heat register).
Keeping them under control and not under foot is the challenge these days.
*** Last back to the snowpile...Christmas is indeed, a time of giving.
Sadly, some people see this as a time of TAKING (from others).
Those of us with a better understanding of what is meant by the Christmas spirit are often so busy giving to one another that we don't take a few moments to give to ourselves.
And this isn't meant to be a prideful thing...quite the reverse.
Do we take time to give ourselves the HUMILITY we need or desire?
What about the saying that "charity begins at home"? When was the last time we were truly charitable to ourselves? Were we off chastising ourselves rather than being thankful?
There comes that time when taking a step or two back from things provides us with the clarity we are meant to have, and not just at THIS time of year, but for the rest of it as well.
We can never provide well enough for others, when we can't take some time to provide for what WE need.
And we need to acknowledge the gift we received and that we celebrate this time of year - a gift that lasts forever and yet cannot be found under any Christmas tree or stocking.
I think a little introspection is good for the soul, especially during this holiday season.
And, I also think we need to remember to remind ourselves of that once in a while..
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.