10 February 2017

Friday Follies...
Welcome to the "wonderful world of weekend" at long last.
And, since the paper carrier has decided to sleep IN this morning, we have to rely upon the online sources for most of the "fun" we may encounter.
Our Hoosierland weather today has us with COLD conditions outside to start with (single digits with that wind chill), but temps are supposed to rise to around the upper 30s by afternoon. Skies will be mostly cloudy. Gonna be breezy, too. Never fear though, as we will see temps back into the 50s over the weekend...and the roller-coaster weather continues.
Now, let's a get a nice hot cup of Friday Fortitude, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First of the ice cube tray is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---Today is National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
(nothing I don't like in this)
---It's National Home Warranty Day
(any warranty down here should include stray bullet damage and other vandalism)
---It's National Umbrella Day
(with no rain...kinda pointless)
*** And since we are at week's end, let's see what the following 48 hours brings us:
---Saturday is National Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
(Now spilled 12-year old SCOTCH is worth some tears)
---It's National Inventors Day
(without and of them, we wouldn't have a damn thing, would we?)
---It's National Make a Friend Day
(down where we live, the only "friends" around are the wildlife)
---It's National Peppermint Patty Day
(the candy and not the Peanuts character, gang)
---it's National Shut-In Visitation Day
(those incarcerated do NOT qualify)
---it's National White Shirt Day
(never wash them with anything red)
---Sunday is National Plum Pudding Day
(never had this...yet)
---It's also the birthday of Abraham Lincoln...if anyone still remembers such things.
(it actually USED to be a holiday, before it became a "combined" affair - President's Day)
And there you have it...plenty of things to keep one occupied (and not on Wall St.)
Please observe responsibly.
*** Next up, we have some local STUPID going on out there.
---this story has "WTF?" written all over it:
This took place in the 3200 block of Diplomat Drive around 0630 hrs yesterday morning.
Man found "unresponsive" who died at hospital a short time later.
I love the people they interviewed. The ONLY person who made real sense was the 2nd older man. The other two - typical ghetto fleas. This was a stone's throw from the notorious Diplomat Apartments (near McMillen Golf Course).
Any bets that the victim was black and that this might be ruled either a homicide or (possibly) an overdose?
((UPDATE - This is now the 4th homicide of this year. The victim has been ID'ed as 16-year old Quinlan Partington . Here's the link:))
---And then we have this story which typifies the sheer savage intent of too many government-sponsored beasts who infest  the SE side. Here's the link:
This took place in the 2500 block of Oxford St. around 0020 hrs this morning.
Now that is right in the heart of our ever-expanding ghetto down here.
A woman got into a verbal argument that escalated into a stabbing which injured an infant being held by it's mother...absolutely NO regard for human life at any age.
---This story has stupid covered in more stupid:
The Sultan of STUPID.
What you need to take from stories such as this is the word AGAIN, as in being arrested numerous times.
The lead in this goes: "Hozyfa Hamed Ali Sultan is back in jail, this time charged with dealing in cocaine." Sounds kinda black Muslim to me with a name like that. You remember Dire Straits The Sultans of Swing? We got us a new one here.
Murder, and now dealing cocaine...didn't quite get that rehabilitation the penal system was looking for, did they?
This piece of human crap needs to go AWAY...for a LONG time, and none of this damn wrist-slapping bullshit which seems to permeate our local judicial system. Reason he was cut loose last year, was that bringing him to trial exceeded the time spam allowed by law (than CHANGE THE DAMN LAW, you morons).
The police must get damn frustrated when they repeatedly arrest a known perp, only to have him walk because the prosecutor's office drags their damn feet.
---And a pimp gets more than he desired. Here's the story link:
Another piece of crap off our streets (for how long is anyone's guess).
Shon Michael Earls, 32, of Indy was arrested along with Amber L. Brooking, also from Indy.
(nice mugshots)
Guess business is SLOW in the state's capital?
Earls also has an outstanding warrant from PA dating back to October last year.
*** Now, let's get AWAY from all this stupid, and stop on by "Kitten Corner"...
Haven't had one incursion into our lazy-Susan since the shim (2 days ago)...nice fix for that.
Violet's new friend is a cast iron dog doorstop?
As to keeping them off the counter tops? That's gonna take some time, and lots more thinking outside the (litter) box.
Other than that, we've plenty of cute hanging around the "Fortress", and every day, I thank God for bringing Violet and Gallifrey into our lives.
Yo, tables are made for GLASSES, not for ASSES!
It's amazing that when we decided to look for another cat (or two) to live with us after Penny and later, Rassie left, we would be so fortunate as to have these two at the shelter on the day we stopped by (I had looked through the ACSPCA pictures prior, so it wasn't totally a blind-run).
I believe that pets (and other animals that touch our soul) come into your life at a specific time for a specific reason, and that's not just trying to assign any humanity TO a pet, although they take care of that themselves soon enough.
People may say how "lucky" you are to have them...it's not so much luck, but purposed, and with a much higher authority at the helm.
*** Last back to the frozen food aisle, it takes a certain kind of person to have a pet.
Anyone can "own" an animal...that's too easy an explanation, and implies superiority OF the "owner". It's like anyone can be a PARENT, but being a real MOTHER or FATHER takes much more. Just ask them.
The gang's all here.
A pet lover never sees it that way, and with good reason.
They understand the bond that can be had with a pet that is taken in to a home to become that other member of a family.
We say "pet owner" more as a matter of reflex, than a proper definition of who we are, but those of us that have had cats or dogs  (and others animals or birds) know better.
Yes, there are those who will exploit an animal for whatever excuse they can drum up, and they should be taken to task over their mistreatment of animals whenever that occurs. I'm not becoming a tree-hugger here, and I'm not talking about situations meant to entertain us, such as circuses, horse shows, zoos, and the like (where animals are well-treated, despite what the drive-by media says about those fringe groups who claim otherwise)
We're talking pets and families here, as well as service dogs for the blind, military and police K-9s and such.
To have a pet is to become better acquainted with yourself, and to be in the company of a creature that shows unconditional love, is to become more familiar with the HUMAN condition.
We could learn much and cure many of society's problems if more people took time to choose a different path - one which would involve taking in a pet to nurture, to love, and to teach us how to become better individuals.
That won't happen today (for many), but perhaps...tomorrow (for a few more).
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

09 February 2017

Thoughts For Thursday...
Now THIS seems a lot more like winter outside this morning.
Had us some snow yesterday, and although it didn't amount to much, it's nice to have it look a bit more "seasonal".
Naturally, in a couple days, it will be back into the 50s (before it gets cold once again)...crazy stuff, huh?
The east coast is bracing for more snow than we had...lucky them?
Our Hoosierland weather for today finds us with COLD conditions (that damn wind chill makes it feel like single digits), mostly cloudy skies, scattered flurries and a high of around 23 degrees.
Might get to see the sun today.
We're certainly going to need that hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to get us warmed up, so let's all get cracking, as we take a lok at what else has been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the slat truck is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power."
This is attributed to another newbie here, one Patrick Jake  "P. J." O'Rourke (born November 14, 1947) who is an American political satirist and journalist. O'Rourke is the H. L. Mencken Research Fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute and is a regular correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly, The American Spectator, and The Weekly Standard.
Here is his WIKI:
And here is his website:
He is the author of 20 books, the best known of which are Holidays in Hell, a compilation of O'Rourke's articles as a free-lance foreign correspondent,
His education and life are a good read, as I always find the history of satirists engrossing. In some ways, we're becoming too "thin-skinned" to appreciate the humor involved.
For example, in 2009, O'Rourke described the Presidency of Barack Obama as "the Carter administration in better sweaters". And while he endorsed Clinton over Trump in this last election, he stated that his endorsement included her "lies and empty promises," and said, "She's wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters."
Take a few minutes and read up on him.
*** Next up, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---Today is National  Bagel Day
(I smell a "two-fer" coming - pizza bagels, anyone?)
---It's National Pizza Day
(hell ANY day is good for that for me)
---And, it's National Toothache Day
(shouldn't that be right after national CANDY day?)
*** Next up, As indicated, I went online and got us a new washer yesterday (Best Buys), and I thought it would be just as easy as when I purchased our fridge last year...
Well, everything "seemed" fine, and the order went through...at least it appeared to.
Right after I placed the order, the phone rang. It was the credit card company (recorded voice message) telling me there was "unusual activity" on my card...
I was like "WTF???"
What's unusual about buying a damn washing machine?
I mean, the LAST time I used that card was when we spent $60 at the ACSPCA to get our kitties (adoption fee).
And, I KNOW the limit on that card is $10K, so I'm definitely NOT close to that.
Anywho, I call the CC outfit and walk through the recorded voice procedures...
This was a case where I MISREAD that damn small print "security number" on the back of the card. (they really need to make them MORE legible, imho)
By the time I was finished with that phone call (of which I never did get to talk to a "warm body"), all was set back to rights and card usage was approved once again.
So, I had to go back to the Best Buy site and CORRECT things there.
The washer SHOULD be delivered on Valentine's Day...problem solved (I hope) and one helluva gift, but it'll last longer than either roses or chocolates, right?
*** Next, Huntington County had it's share of "fun" yesterday when police there were involved in a high-speed pursuit that eventually led to a shooter's suicide.
Here's the story link:
I say that moron saved the city and county a lot of money...good for him. One less idiot to take up space in their jail.
Always love a happy ending...when fate steps in and lends justice a hand.
*** Next, neighbors near the old Elmhurst school have some trepidation. Here's the story link:
What they're bugged about is the "secrecy" involved with the sale of the FWCS property.
A good idea would be a Christian school or something similar, but any industrial would not be good, as the area has plenty of that going on already.
I wonder how neighbors would feel about more low-income housing for say...Burmese or others?
With little common sense.
---Also, along school lines, with today's conditions outside, all schools BUT FWCS have 2-hour delays.
Yeah, FWCS can delay for FOG but not for slick roads...talk about another "WTF???" moment. That school system is consistent in only ONE area - INCONSISTENCY.
Wifey is going to take her time getting to her school.
*** Next up, let's kick back and see what's going on at "Kitten Corner"...
Well, that pizza-disk shim has worked marvelously. No entry into our lazy-Susan since I used it yesterday.
My "ta-da" moment of the week...lol.
Now that was a good idea, and "on the fly" to boot.
"Pretty slick wha'cha did with the cabinets, Daddy..."
As for the balance of the day...eating, sleeping, dashing about...the usual stuff, but when the weather gets bad, I'm glad these little cats are living HERE, rather than being outside.
And yes, I still think about Hobo when lousy weather stops by, as well as the other cats I've seen around.
I always out some cat food out, even if the birds get to it. Hopefully, a stray will stop and get some.
*** Last back to the fireplace...common sense seems to be on the back burner for too many people.
Think about it.
The lack of a delay for FWCS is a prime example (same can be said of most of City Hall)...and for much of our political arena.
And definitely, it can said for most all of our workplaces.
Often, the "grunts in the trenches" know more than those supposedly leading them, and it would do those leaders good to pay attention to the "troops" once in a while.
You can't help but see this all around you.
Technology plays a major part in all this, but not in the manner you'd think,
While tech can (and should) be used as a TOOL, it has become more like a crutch...a "fall back" that takes the place of common sense. The fact that people will buy into anything that comes along in the media is proof of that.
People will look to something easy...or convenient, rather than practice that common sense that people used to use a lot more often...and it shows.
Perhaps in order to move forward, taking a couple steps back once in a while might be in order.
I often say that many people don't even have the sense they were born with.
This is one instance where I wouldn't mind being wrong more often than right.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

08 February 2017

Humpday Happenings...
Welcome to our mid-week crisis known affectionately as Wednesday.
And today's forecast will be almost a polar opposite of yesterday's.
Like I've said...damn pneumonia weather.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will have us with mostly cloudy skies (yep, back to that again), scattered snow showers with a possible accumulation, and a high of only about 33 degrees. Sure is a marked change from 60, isn't it?
Sure makes getting rid of this cold a bit more difficult.
In any event, let's take care to dress properly, plan for the worst and expect the best, as we get ourselves a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to chase that morning chill away while we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the scarf factory is out WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power."
Now, if THIS doesn't sum up our current state of affairs, I don't know what does. Seems almost TOO true, in fact. So, who said that? 
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post. 
 Meanwhile, back at the Cato Institute...*** Next up, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---Today is National Boy Scout Day
(please don;t get me started on what's being done to the BSA)
---And, it's National Kite Flying Day
(I still think they need to move this to MARCH)
*** Next, some sad news...
Richard Hatch, actor and star of Battlestar Galactica has passed away at the age of 71 from pancreatic cancer.
Here's his WIKI:
And, "Professor" Irwin Corey, once dubbed "the world's foremost authority", has passed away at the age of 102.
Here is his WIKI:
If you're around my age, you remember seeing him on various variety shows, especially during the 60s.
***((NOTE: Also, if you're having problems with AOHELL today, you're not alone - server problems (gateway errors out the wazoo) affecting the USA as well as the UK.))
*** Next up, it looks like our washing machine is giving up the ghost, which means a replacement. There goes a chunk of the tax refund (already).
It's time has come...and gone. Decent washer.
The old Frigidaire (they make more than refrigerators) washer has started making squealing noises, and the agitator isn't agitating as it should. I did a load yesterday and barely limped through it. It spins well enough, but it's in it's death knell.
We've had it since we moved here, so that's at least 20 years...plus however long Wifey's parents had it before that.
So, it's time to go get a new one.
Basic washer - got good reviews.
We're looking at a Whirlpool unit (from Best Buy - lowest price for what we need), and we should make a decision soon, as we're all caught up on washing at the moment, and I won't go to a laundromat in THIS part of town...no frigging way.
We'll let you know how this turns out.
*** Next, what could possibly be more annoying than having a sex or violent offender living next door (who is currently in jail for non-registration)?
TNB - loud because he's STUPID.
How about a female stopping by the place being driven there by the loudest jerkoff in the area?
Yep, the ONE car (2008 black Impala, no wheel covers) that drives by our house and TURNS UP his stereo every time he passes (and gets a spotlight or laser in his face when he does that) has taken to being even closer to our house. I have a good idea where the effin idiot lives (one street over on Warsaw), but there is no real way to call the cops on his law-breaking ass, because it's never long enough for the police to get here, and they never really seem to follow up on (mere) noise violations, which are at the heart of a LOT of problems down here. I say take care of the small shit before it becomes the large shit.
Don't dare be proactive though, and don't make it easy to report such activity. That would make sense. At least I got his license plate number, for all the good that will do.
(a few 9mm rounds in his head would also be nice, and would make the neighborhood a lot more quiet)
But, we will practice restraint...also, for all the good that will do.
*** Next up, I hear our "king" (mayor Henry) will not permit Fort Wayne to become a SANCTUARY CITY.
Here's the story link:
The city's spokes-hack stated: "Even without a designation, (John Perlich said) Fort Wayne is welcoming to outsiders."
Just HOW welcoming...and to WHICH outsiders, hmm?
Yes, THIS is (3rd world) Fort Wayne.
Well, maybe he won't "officially" allow becoming such a city to happen, but at the same time, are we not the city with the LARGEST number of  refugees from Myanmar?
We've got around 5000 so far, so perhaps we could claim the title of "Little Burma"?
Now, I'm sure they mostly came here legally, but I did see at least ONE sex offender in my research the other day.
And their "community" on the SE side (where else?) has seen it's share of criminal activity.
Maybe we don't have to CALL ourselves a sanctuary city to actually BE one...that would make sense to a liberal mind.
Don't "advertise" it...just send refugees there, and let's not forget the migration up from our southern border.
We need to add to the DEM voter base.
We have our share of non English-speaking people from Mexico and parts south, many who most likely have no documentation, and yet are living among us...and we're not even aware of it.
How else can you explain the boom in Hispanic residents here (and across the nation)?
*** Next, let's drop by "Kitten Corner"...
SO cute...when they're asleep...lol.
Well, I think I've managed to "fix" the issue with the cats getting into our kitchen's lazy-Susan.
And I have a frozen pizza to thank for that (how's THAT for ingenuity?) Allow me to expound...
What I had to do was make the turntable UNABLE to be turned by the cats, allowing them entry into the cabinets.
So, I took the round cardboard disk used in a frozen pizza package (I save them for BB pistol targets anyway), and folded it in such a way as to act as a "shim" of sorts, and when inserted into the space between the door and frame, provides enough resistance so that the door cannot be easily pushed open...pretty novel, hmm?
We're just holding the rug down...
They still get on the counter top, but when they see me, they get off...hey, it's a start...lol.
I just have to make sure they don't find alternatives to the kitchen counter. That should be fun.
*** Last back to the hat rack...there are times and people that really try my patience.
And most all of them can be found too close at hand.
So, when I see and hear our mayor tout his projects, my first reaction is "What is it benefiting those of us down here who still give a rat's ass and want our neighborhoods back?" The answer is always the same: "Not a damn lick."
You have to forgive my Draconian view of things, for I recall times down here (early on) when it WAS a nicer place, and you didn't have to sacrifice sleep for security, or didn't feel the need to have at least one gun available and at the ready.
I thought a war zone was (typically) for combatants, and not for civilian residents, but I suppose that has changed.
I also thought that more people gave a damn, and that too, has changed, at least where we live.
Got's ta let de weed-stank out.
Sadly, when the "locals" (government-sponsored renters) spend their time smoking joints in their garage, or blasting a car stereo to ear-bleeding levels, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the priorities of such people do not belong in the realm of normalcy.
And, I suppose that is my biggest problem...dealing with those who are NOT normal.
Always trust the sonic...
But, this house IS still our home. We've invested time, money and much of who we are in order to achieve and maintain a lifestyle that intrudes on no one, and still provides us with what we require.
We have learned what true priorities are, and how to be good citizens. Others have not and will not.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there,America.