31 March 2017

Friday Follies...
End of the week...AND, the end of the month. Time to flip that calendar again.
I will try to keep things as concise as possible, just 'cause I love you guys.
(but not in a "Biblical" sense, mind you...lol)
Our Hoosierland weather for today sees a needed break in all the rain (just light showers) and our high will struggle to get up to around the 50 degree mark.
Skies will be mostly cloudy as well, but none of those windy conditions we had yesterday. Got a bit of fog this morning, too.
Don'cha hate when this happens?
So, without any further ado, let's get that cup of Friday Fortitude poured and set close by, as we see what else has been going on...sound fair enough?
*** First out of the ammo box is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 31 -
---It's National Bunsen Burner Day
(remember them from chemistry class?)
---It's National Clams of the Half Shell Day
(tried it once...felt like eating phlegm balls...I'll pass.)
---It's National Crayon Day
(say goodbye to "dandelion" says Crayola...sounds like they're "anti-gay"...heh)
---It's National Prom Day
(never went to either of mine...and I'm still alive. How'd that happen?)
---It's National Tater Day
(taters are good...m'kay?)
*** Next, and since we're ending the week and the month, let's see what takes place in April, as well as over the next 48 hours.
National Canine Fitness Month 
National Internship Awareness Month 
National Child Abuse Awareness Month
National Donate Life Awareness Month
National Cannabis Awareness Month
National Fair Housing Month
Month of the Military Child
Keep America Beautiful Month
Lawn and Garden Month
National Autism Awareness Month
National Couple Appreciation Month
National Decorating Month
National Fresh Celery Month
National Garden Month
National Humor Month
National Landscape Architecture Month
National Inventor’s Month
National Jazz Appreciation Month
National Soft Pretzel Month
National Soy Foods Month
National Straw Hat Month
National Poetry Month
National Pecan Month
National Welding Month
Occupational Therapy Month
Records and Information Management Month
Scottish-American Heritage Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
National Safe Digging Month
(WHEW...a real busy month, ain't it?)
It's all good, as long as we don't get "distracted"  along the way (more on this shortly).
---Saturday is April Fool's Day
There's NO fool like an April one, right?
---It's National One Cent Day
(It's the history of the penny...what else?)
---It's National Sourdough Bread Day
(and that sure as hell beats sour MILK!)
---It's National Love Our Children Day
(pedophiles need not apply)
---Sunday is National Ferret Day
(when you want a pet that can hide ANYWHERE)
---It's National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
(I have got this one so covered)
---It's National Reconciliation Day
(can't think of anything to reconcile these days)
And there you have it...a great start to next month... and the weekend. Please observe responsibly.
*** Next up, okay, pop-quiz time...how often are YOU distracted because your face is buried in your damn smartphone?
It's an easy answer for me...NEVER!
First, I don't even have a smart phone (I like my "dumb" one just fine for emergencies, thank you), and second,  I would never be on the phone while driving or walking.
Pretty simple to figure out.
In the past few years, you've heard about the rise of traffic accidents, caused mainly by "distracted drivers" - those on their phone busy texting or whatever.
Now, some NEW research has proven how even MORE stupid people have become, and here's the proof:
Pay attention, dumbass!
Wow...PEDESTRIAN fatalities are rising also...because of distracted WALKERS!
(and I thought zombies were only found on The Walking Dead...LMAO!)
Well, we DO remember the video of the person too busy in a mall to notice the fountain that they fell into...because they were ON THE DAMN PHONE, right?
OUR "walking dead" (too lazy to lay down)
Sure, that was hilarious, but it should have made more people to THINK.
(sorry, those folks missed that train when it left the station).
It would seem that now, more than before. we are ALL at risk whether we're driving OR walking.
Distracted people causing problems...now who could have seen this coming.
ABBEY ROAD...it ain't!
(Yes, I raised MY hand)
What did I just say yesterday about being a good OBSERVER? Food for thought there.
*** Next, THIS story looks like a job for Captain Obvious:
Heroin use has taken a FIVE-FOLD increase? Say it ain't so.
Nah, the resurgence in the product of the opium poppy has been noticed for the last decade, and I mentioned the proliferation of it (here) a while ago, because of the availability of it from (where else?)...MEXICO (black tar heroin, to be specific).
Certainly NOT a "Carefree Highway".
Add in the rise in illegal immigrants from south of the border, and people hauling it just to Indiana from AZ and other points west...it all fits together nicely.
The story mentions how many switched to heroin after doing pain meds...also makes sense.
And, "smack" has been getting CHEAPER (people love a bargain).
((The number of those who met the criteria for heroin use disorder, or addiction, more than tripled from 0.21 percent in 2001-2002 to 0.69 percent in 2012-2013.))
Heroin Use Disorder...I can see this becoming another new ACRONYM - HUD.
Hey, does that mean we have a correlation between the current HUD and this potentially "new" HUD.
Yep, looks about right.
In the inner cities across America, it would certainly SEEM SO.
Let's hope the military doesn't get confused with their "Heads-Up DIsplay" acronym...heh.
*** Next, time to visit "Kitten Corner"...
Okay, the kids are developing new "traits" that are both cute as well as just a wee bit bothersome.
The infamous "tug-o-war".
When it's time to eat, Gallifrey "dances" - he stands on his hind legs and meows and does a pretty good job of that. Need Wifey to get a picture of that someday soon. Violet tries to do the same, but she's more the proper young lady.
Time for a nap...
Still she does like to take the place-mat on the counter top and put it on the floor for no reason. His thing (now) is playing a new game - "Let's see how many different window sills I can get climb on, and whether daddy notices or not".
That sounds good.
I don't mind when I can SEE where he's at, but when he goes M.I.A. for a time,I get concerned. I don't want the wrong people to see a cat in our window...he might become a target. Around here, you can't be too careful. Even I don't hang at any one window, but part the curtains instead.  Always play it safe as much as possible, right?
*** Last back to the pistol range...our society is really getting screwed the hell up.
And, I have often cautioned about our "lack of attention" many times (here).
First, we had students with ADD, but that almost seems to pale by comparison (there's that "c" word again) when it comes to adult behavior, and the problems that are caused when THEY don't pay the hell attention.
Distracted driver AND pedestrians...as well as drunken drivers and yes, drunken pedestrians.
Years ago, we had a black woman, who I named "Staggerlee", because whenever she came through our neighborhood, there was no way in hell she could walk a straight line. She even fell the hell down a couple times...WHILE WALKING.
It was both funny as hell AND sad as hell to think that anyone would allow themselves to become so damn impaired. Haven't seen her in well over 5 years.
But these days, it's a lot more commonplace, and whatever children they have in their charge are LEARNING from OBSERVING what passes for parents...not a good portent for the future.
WHAT you observe from little on up WILL have an impact on your development...make no mistake about that.
And we know children love to mimic what they see.
Maybe if more people took it upon themselves to live a better life, as a PROPER model FOR their kids, we wouldn't have wound up in the mess we are finding ourselves...
Therein lies the lesson for the day.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there America.

(We'll see YOU here next month)

30 March 2017

Thoughts For Thursday...
The month of March is fast winding down, and looks to go OUT the same way it came in...like a lion...A rather SOGGY lion, but a lion nonetheless.
Hope we didn't exhaust our reserves of April showers for next month...heh.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us some rain (as if you couldn't hear the thunder and see the lightning already), temps reaching back up into the mid-50s and windy conditions.
Do plan accordingly and drive with care.
By the way, today's post has more links than a bloody chain factory, too. You have been cautioned...heh.
Lots of reading for all of you out there.
So, how's about we all get that nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we take a look at all the stuff that's been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out of the umbrella shop is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself." 
This was spoken by another "newbie" here, one Tecumseh (March 1768 – October 5, 1813) who was a leader of the Shawnee Native Americans.  And here is his WIKI:
It was he who led a confederation of various tribes against the United States during what became known as "Tecumseh's War" which, prior to the War of 1812, caused this confederation to side with the British.
((Tecumseh grew up in the Ohio Country during the American Revolutionary War and the Northwest Indian War, where he was constantly exposed to warfare. With Americans continuing to move west after the British ceded the Ohio Valley to the new United States in 1783, the Shawnee moved farther northwest. In 1808, they settled Prophetstown in present-day Indiana.))
If you're into native-American history (especially in and around Indiana), this is a pretty good read.
A shame that Tecumseh was killed in 1813, at what was called The Battle of the Thames.
Here's the WIKI for that:
This was also known as the Battle of Moraviantown, located near present day Chatham, Ontario Canada.
It's good to read about our 2nd war with England and how we won that.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 30 -
---It's National Doctor's Day
(A doctor is one thing...THE Doctor is quite the other)
And WE should know...
---It's National I Am In Control Day
(I don't think the world is READY to have ME in control...lol)
---It's National Pencil Day
(God bless Ticonderoga #2s)
---It's National Take A Walk In The Park Day
(damn, have to go ELSEWHERE to find a park in the city where I won't potentially be assaulted)
---It's National Turkey Neck Soup Day
(sorry, I never ingest anything I tend to throw out)
*** Next up, when it's Springtime, the hyacinths, crocuses and daffodils, along with the assorted STUPID all begin to bloom anew.
And when that happens, we enlighten you with some news briefs (no boxers):
((Please note - The Journal-Gazette links MIGHT NOT work. I'm having problems accessing them all of a sudden. Someone screwed something up somewhere and it wasn't me. Let me know if there's a problem. Thanks. ))
1) Downtown building to get MAJOR makeover? Here's the link:
Metro Bldg - downtown (or course)
Oh, okay...blow the wad revamping THAT building, but go right ahead and write off the (historical) Bowser buildings.
Why the hell not...I mean the METRO building IS after all...DOWNTOWN.
2) A Frank Gray column talks about the Bowser facility:
The ONLY part worth saving?
Okay, so it's not a "gold mine"...does that mean our part of town HAS to get "the shaft" (again anyway),  though? It COULD be saved, IF the crime rate was lowered.
3) Indiana's school voucher bill (House bill 1384) advances through the legislature, but beware...
And here's an OP-ED that clarifies things:
So, we increase voucher spending to INCLUDE failing schools?
How "novel" that is...(rewarding "bad behavior" once again) and even proves more costly to our public education system.
I can see more snowballs being kicked down more mountains with this. Gonna need MORE tax money from someplace to continue "feeding the beast", right?
*** Next, and in keeping with the mode of STUPID around the city, we have THIS story:
Yes, 25-year-old Hosayfa Sultan is looking at life in prison (what? NO death sentence?) after a jury found him guilty of gunning down one man and injuring another back in October of 2015 at a (where else?) SE side home.
And, as predictable as ever, the "tribe" got restless after hearing the verdict.
Typical (you-know-what) behavior.
*** Next up, some fun with armed robberies in the city.
1) A liquor store was held up last night:
S&V Liquors, located at 2035 Broadway around 2342 hrs last night was targeted by a man wearing a ski mask.
((A police K-9 officer attempted to track the suspect but was unsuccessful. Other officers canvassed the neighborhood but were not able to locate the suspect. Police did not release a description of the man believed to have robbed the store.))
There you go...no mention of a weapon, no suspect description, and no mention if he took any booze. He DID get away with an undisclosed amount of cash. Not a total loss.
2) A gas station is robbed...once again:
This is the Eddie's Quick Mart/Marathon station located at 4233 N. Clinton St.
The robbery took place around 0300 hrs this morning.
Funny thing, the place HAD been closed during overnight hours due to previous armed robberies but had since opened back up to offer 24/7 service.
So much for offering around-the-clock convenience.
Only takes one idiot to ruin things for so many others, does it not?
*** Next up, What say we dump the stupid and instead, drop by "Kitten Corner"...
Gallifrey in the window.
The kids still get a bit wound up mid-morning, and sometimes after Wifey comes home and we've eaten dinner. Guess the little furballs have to run off all that excess energy. Still, it makes for a pleasant time when they do settle back down.
Violet napping in the window.
Hopefully, as they age, they'll both come to know what a human LAP is for, and just stay in one spot long enough for us to stroke their fur as they purr away.
*** Last back to the mud room...People CAN be predictable. VERY predictable.
All YOU have to do is be a good OBSERVER, right?
With years comes knowledge, and with knowledge comes experience, and with experience comes the ability to make better decisions, choices, and assessments of various situations.
It's just a logical progression of the human condition.
So when warmer weather comes, it's no surprise that crimes rise in proportion to the outside conditions.
I mean, who robs businesses when you've got a foot of snow outside anyway, right?
(the dumbest of the dumb, usually)
And, with nice weather comes the tried and true (human) complacency. People relax their guard, and can become scatter-brained. Then, they wonder why their vehicle was broken into (when the door was left unlocked). Same can be said for residential burglaries.
People don't tend to leave things unlocked when it's well below freezing...see how this works?
Life is about many things...one of which is something called "patterns".
People follow patterns. Call them routines, rituals, habits...whatever.
Many ARE actually good for you...others, not so much.
Your choice (as always) is to discern one from the other, isn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.