14 August 2015

Friday Follies...
Well, because Wifey had FOUR days in school instead of five, it seems a shorter week to ME, but here we are anyway...it's a WEEKEND!
And it will be feeling MORE like summer over the next several days, unlike the nice respite we have been enjoying.
Sorry, but it IS August...them's the breaks.
Our Hoosierland weather today will have us with partly sunny skies, and temps reaching a bit higher into the 80s, and with that comes higher humidity.
We might be hitting 90 between now and Monday as well, so, a word to the wise, right?
Anyway, let's all procure our morning beverage of choice and see what has been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the rooftop is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
August 14 -
God, the only thing I remember about them is HOW COLD they were off the truck...my damn tongue would stick to them like Ralphie's brother to that flagpole...LOL.
*** Now, since it's FRIDAY, let's see what will happen over the weekend, JUST so you can be a part of the "fun":
August 15 -
---Saturday is VJ DAY
(Japan officially signed the declaration of surrender)
The KISS felt around the world.
Here's the lowdown if you're a history buff:
Shoulda combined this with HAMMOCK day.
Hell, ANY day is worthy of that, right?
Grab it if 'ya got it!
(again, just ONE day for something THIS good?
August 16 -
(Hey, have you heard the one about the failed president and how he screwed up our nation?)
Well, no one said the joke HAD to be funny.
(makes a good mix with LOTS of stuff...lol.
(why brave troopers jump out of perfectly GOOD airplanes is odd, but it DOES get the job done.)
(don't tell that to the family of the guy that was killed when he went where he shouldn't and got WHACKED by one at Cedar Point)
And there you have it...all the stuff you NEED to know to make life fun.
*** Next up, just when you thought that armed robberies in our city MIGHT be slacking off, comes THIS:
"Canna getta BACONATOR wif yo cash?"
The WENDY'S down at Southtown Crossing was targeted around 2200 hrs last night (closing time) by an armed gunman demanding (what else?) money. A police K-9 unit tracked the scent to the parking lot...
I suppose that's a start. It's logical to conclude that a getaway VEHICLE was used.
And, a description of the robber was NOT available...(wonder why?) Any bets that he was BLACK?
This is exactly WHY businesses will NOT come down here, even if the land they can build upon is rendered "free" by our "king", mayor Henry.
To paraphrase an old saying - "IT'S THE CRIME, STUPID!"
Now, forgive me for being a tad dense here, but what was it that our mayor is ALWAYS telling us about how our city is so damn good BECAUSE of this QUALITY-OF-LIFE thing?
Major FAIL in SEVERAL categories for the SE side.
I think I need to hear this bullshit AGAIN, because I'm STILL not QUITE convinced of yet...even after 18 years here.
Moving on...
*** Next up,...ast week, fuel prices (for regular) were in the $2.32 range...I filled up the Wifeymobile last week and took notice.
Here we go AGAIN.
What I didn't expect was to see prices JUMP damn near SEVENTY CENTS a gallon to tickle the $3.00 mark (again).
Figures we "all of a sudden" have this problem at the ONE major (and largest) refinery in the Midwest.
Here's the story link:
Nobody's "fessing up" as to WHY the plant shut the hell down, but this brings up something I've mentioned here over the years.
We have NOT had one NEW refinery built in America in OVER FORTY YEARS...!
And all the other refineries have been in constant operation for SO long, they need some serious upgrades made to them.
Unexplained shutdown? Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot, folks!
To not follow a plan like this results in...well, read the news and look at the gas station signage...that tells it all, doesn't it?
*** Next up, a lot of residents in the SW area are cheesed off over a county proposal to stick a "truck hub" in the midst of their semi-pristine landscape, and they all should be ticked.
Not one happy face in THIS crowd.
Here's the story link:
Now, WHY does someone want to screw up another nice area?
Well, look at the SE part of Ft. Wayne for that answer.
(because those in power CAN?) You got it.
The area in question is presently a CORNFIELD.
Didn't we need MORE corn for food, feed and (crappy) ethanol?
So, isn't this like cutting off a nose to spite a face?
Sure sounds like it to me.
The lawyers for the proposal asked for a postponement of hearings (didn't expect the people to PUSH BACK...didja?)
I know I'd be pissed if I spent the money to get a house AWAY from the madding crowds, only to find out that some local authority wants to bring that crap to MY neighborhood...
Good for those who trying to beat back "the system"...they already did it once in 2005.
*** And from the world of Hollyweird, there's ANOTHER "remake", "reboot", call it what you will, and it's another shot at something from the "sixties"::
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
We ALL wanted to work for THIS outfit.
Now, I take ALL these remakes with a grain of salt, because nothing beats the ORIGINAL (imho).
There was some shifting of air times for the show through it's run, as broadcasters were starting to do...kept you guessing each season, but at least we had fewer commercials back then.
Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) and Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum) made the world safer from all these "over the top" bad guys, and it was a good show in it's day.
(lasted FOUR years. That's longer than Star Trek)
Here's the WIKI on the original show:
Part drama, part satire, and a REALLY cool Jerry Goldsmith theme.
DelFloria's Tailor Shop in Manhattan was the place to be, IF you were working for U.N.C.L.E.
(an acronym for the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement)
The good old days were cool, suave, and fun.
I'm sorry, but this remake might have some good points to it (bigger budget, big screen, yada, yada, yada...but in the end, all the nuances that made the SERIES a hit at the time, never translates well enough to the big screen to keep me coming back.
*** Before we head off into the sunset, I wanted to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM  ((...AHEM...))
It's 80 years old today..(and damn near broke thanks to the FEDS...imagine that).
Here's the history of this debacle:
Whaddya mean there's NO CAKE???
You feds screwed us all...say it...SAY IT!!!!
Would have been SO much better to have privatized this a long time ago, if we knew the government would be taking our OWN money (that we paid into all those working years) from us. Talk about a colossal waste.
*** Last back to the basement...yeah, the Cold War used to be a fun time.
In a nutshell...
We were learning to hide under our desks, watching TV shows that proved WE were the GOOD GUYS, and that America stood tall through any situation (Cuban Missile Crisis) and were never the first ones to "flinch" in a game of nuclear chicken. Through all that, plus all those "dangerous" toys that would be banned before they hit the stores...we SURVIVED.
We (as children) could "protect" our neighborhoods with CAP GUNS...and police were not yelling at us to "put the gun down!"
Hell, we played harder than most people worked...and we never got paid...we got EDUCATED instead.
The humorous part to all this, is that with a "more evolved" world after 5 decades, we have learned little to nothing..except how to take things away from people.
Things like liberty and freedom.
I never see kids playing with cap guns these days...many are too busy stealing the REAL thing and holding people the hell up (or worse).
And things ARE heating up.
We have another "Cold War" on our hands, but it's not being fought on the ground as much as it's being waged in CYBERSPACE.
We have nation's economies failing daily, Jihad against everyone NOT following Islam, and to top it all off...insipid commercials interrupting all these crap reality and "talent" TV shows.
Now HOW f$cked up it THAT?
I thought life was SUPPOSED to be getting BETTER, so what's going on here?
If I didn't know better, I'd think that when it comes to REMAKES, our society is trying it's damnedest to create one of it's own...at the expense of who and what we used to be as a nation.
I'll take a pass on that one, folks.
Give me what we used to have, because THAT was SO much better.
DO have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out the, America.

13 August 2015

Thoughts For Thursday...
Make mine hazelnut...double-sweet..
Here we are, knocking on the door to the weekend.
Sure is comfortable to have summer lows in the 50s...gives things time to cool down from whatever heat comes along after the sun beats down upon us..
And yes, it looks to be another very nice day here in the Heartland of America.
(at least where we are)
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see us with mostly sunny skies, low humidity, and temps breaking back into those lower 80s.
No rain to speak of (that might come tomorrow), and some nice breezes top off the day.
So, you go get that morning drink of yours, and we'll take a peek at what's been coming around and going around...
*** First out of the birdbath is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
This is attributed to that founding father of ours, Patrick Henry
(NEVER to be confused with Ft. Wayne mayor Tom Henry).
And because you NEED to know, here is his WIKI:
Patrick Henry (29 March 1736 - 6 June 1799) was an AMERICAN attorney, planter, and politician who became known as an orator during the movement for independence in Virginia back in the 1770s.
It was he who led the opposition to the Stamp Act (imposed by England), and is considered one of the most influential champions of REPUBLICANISM, as well as invested promoter of the American Revolution and our fight for independence.
(not bad for someone born to Scottish immigrants)
Having checked my archives, I can find no evidence of ever having a quote of the week of his ever before. I may have used a quote in passing, but this is a first for good old Patrick.
Now, the WIKI is kinda long (as you could expect), so I'll leave it up to all of you to bone up on
Henry is best known for the speech he gave in the House of Burgesses on 23 March 1775 (...give me liberty, or give me death...)
While an ardent supporter of STATES rights, he was a critic of the Constitution, citing that the office of the presidency could devolve into a monarchy.
It's a decent read and worth your while.
Moving on...
*** It's now time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
August 13 -
Least he doesn't have a PEN..or a PHONE.
(cripes, another day for Obummer to sign something ELSE we're all gonna regret)
Medium well, please
(if you can find a good one...and then can afford it...lol)
I confess that this is something I've NEVER made "at home"..
*** Next up, there are no major crimes going on in Fort Wayne (other than having a democrat for mayor...heh), so there's not that much to tell.
More than you're told..
What I will say is that although certain crimes seem to be on the decline, others have risen markedly.
And these are rarely covered by the news, because they tend to NOT be "as sensational" as say a homicide.
Personal assaults occur EVERY day in Fort Wayne, and with a remarkable regularity.
Rapes are also on the rise with several per week here (that you never hear about).
But the real jump is in vehicle break-ins...especially in the sectors where shopping's big, like the Glenbrook Mall area. Usually see such a spike around the holidays.
It only becomes "news" when a residential area is targeted, and usually a more affluent one...like any other area isn't worth the print.
Do the math - it all adds up.
Seeing more stabbings, too. Well, that IS cheaper and quieter than a shooting, isn't it?
Guess we're not AS safe a city as we're being led to believe...
*** Next, it does appear as if the FWCS bus route will NOT be anywhere close to our "Fortress" this season...YAY!!!
I have not seen ONE bus coming through the area, much to my relief.
Gone, but not forgotten.
I got REAL tired of having no-account "parents" parking along and on properties where they DON'T live.
And this also eliminates ANY congestion along the streets here (where people tend to drive like maniacs, because they can get away with it).
Also, since I mentioned here MANY times that the streets themselves are a bit NARROW to properly accommodate the bus traffic, this is a godsend.
And NONE of this crap anymore.
Another problem solved (because too many around here couldn't park to save their ass).
I should  commend the FWCS for their foresight...but why bother to reinforce what I considered to be SO obvious in the first place?
*** Next up, a letter to the J-G editor that really hits "home" for me.
Here's the letter verbatim:
(( Should all offensive things be banned? It’s a long list
In the controversy surrounding the North Side Redskins, I find myself questioning the supposed justification for the proposed name change. 
If the fact that some people are offended by something is to be used as the sole reasoning for banning something, then I think there are unlimited things that could be justifiably changed, outlawed or banned.
Seeing cigarette butts seemingly everywhere discarded by inconsiderate smokers offends some people. Should smoking be banned? 
Hearing the “N” word being blasted out of someone’s car stereo ought to really offend some people, but based on my experience, I guess both the offensive word and the loud woofers and tweeters are here with us to stay.
One could say, “Don’t listen or look at things that offend.” Unfortunately, many of those things in life are in our face and are difficult to ignore. 
After the North Side issue is resolved, why not address some human behaviors that offend lots of people, not just some people.
Yeah...Tony knows...as should a lot of others who apparently don't have such thin skin, so as to be offended at everything by everyone for no reason.
Hell, LOTS of things offend me (not the least of which are most of the "locals" and the manner in which they inflict their lifestyle, if you can even call it that, upon everyone else, because they CAN get away with it).
If you think about it, there are PLENTY of offensive things in today's world...just like we had when I was a child...some things never change.
That's the way life works.
*** Last back to the wigwam...when (exactly) did we become a people more concerned with trivialities than with actual offensive things?
And they should be.
Look around today, and damn near EVERYTHING offends somebody at some point.
Never used to be like that.
Most all of what is "considered" to be offensive these days is the kind of stuff that we didn't give a second look at in times past, because it really was NOT worth the time or effort to do so. Not any longer.
There are people out there who LIVE solely to post an offensive moniker on damn near everything and everyone, and most every time, the "reasons" given are contrived at best.
We used to be a nation with a thicker skin, and I miss that.
We USED to think that big things like FASCISM and COMMUNISM were the REAL offensive animals in the barn.
THOSE we worried about.
We never had to deal with things such as displaying our flag, a prayer at school, a dumb-ass TV show, or saving some weird-ass form of amphibian, we didn't give those the time of day, for we concerned ourselves with IMPORTANT things that MATTERED.
Don't like it?
Walk the hell away from it...change the damn channel, and get on with your life.
Can't seem to do that today...we're assaulted on every front with "something" that bothers someone, and as the knee-jerk society we have devolved into, the people react...or rather a very small part of the people react.
And it's these very few in number who seem to dictate policy in America...where majority used to rule.
I wonder how successful our fight for independence would have come off if ONLY a FEW people actually wanted it, instead of the greater numbers of us? What if a handful of townsfolk were to dictate a continuation of the subservience to England...and got it?
I have a feeling our FLAG would look a LOT differently.
It was the majority of the people who knew that tyranny was not the way to go HERE, and did what was required to make sure that liberty and freedom became the hallmark for our fledgling nation, and not allow a few loons to rule the roost.
It's called HISTORY, and we're all better off for learning FROM it, instead of trying to change it, right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

12 August 2015

Humpday Happenings...
Humpday? It's right over THERE!
It's the middle of the week once again...and, does this week seem to be flying past?
Must be those rather mild summer days we're enjoying.
Sure beats watching the dashboard of your car melt, doesn't it?
I was thinking of renting out the loft of our garage as a SAUNA, however - nice and hot and dry up there...in the winter, you can store ICE in it.
Talk about "extremes"...lol)
Our Hoosierland weather today will have us with a pretty close repetition of yesterday with temps again reaching into the upper 70s, fair skies, low humidity, and some light breezes.
Another fine day to open the windows, and get some things done, right?
So, let's get that morning drink poured as we take a look at what's going on, shall we?
*** First off pf the checklist is our WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
Now if THIS one doesn't apply to those in our nation's capital, I don't know what does.
So, WHO said that anyway? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at House of Burgesses...
*** Next up is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
August 12 -
Not to be confused with MIDDLE EARTH.
Wifey and I can render this non sequitor - we're BOTH ONLY CHILDREN...lol.
I hear they're making a comeback.
Well, now THAT one works for me...might have to break out my copy of BOSTON or BAT OUT OF HELL and play some cuts. Or MAYBE...some Elvis or Sinatra?
Perhaps some classic Hendrix...or Beach Boys?
SO many choices...and only ONE turntable.
Okay, so where's the burger?
Julienne Fries?
I think I went to school with her.
*** Next up, since I totally forgot to put this in yesterday's post, here are all the police reports of shots fired and armed robberies that happened last week.
Things that go BANG!
AUG 3 -
15F100769 00:51:56 113 SHOTS FIRED 600 OAKTREE CT
15F101135 19:35:41 113 SHOTS FIRED 1500 ECKART ST
15F100868 10:15:38 53 ARMED ROB 2700 DODGE AVE
AUG 4 - 
15F101249 00:55:13 113 SHOTS FIRED 5600 OLD DOVER BLVD
15F101440 13:02:33 113 SHOTS FIRED 2200 OWAISSA WAY
15F101288 05:07:11 53 ARMED ROB 200 MAIN ST E
15F101295 06:08:02 53 ARMED ROB 2100 SHERMAN BLVD
15F101300 06:47:14 53 ARMED ROB 800 RIDGEWOOD DR
15F101748 23:46:34 53 ARMED ROB 1000 RIDGEWOOD DR
AUG 5 -
15F102247 22:26:41 113 SHOTS FIRED 4000 WEBSTER ST
15F102065 16:05:02 53 ARMED ROB 900 WASHINGTON BLVD E
AUG 6 - 
15F102307 02:08:22 113 SHOTS FIRED 4000 COLDWATER RD
15F102622 19:28:02 113 SHOTS FIRED 1400 HUGH ST
15F102697 22:28:46 113 SHOTS FIRED 6900 POINTE INVERNESS WAY
15F102731 23:58:43 113 SHOTS FIRED 1900 MARY ST
15F102586 17:56:37 53 ARMED ROB 500 BOLTZ ST
15F102310 02:20:35 58 SHOOTING 2200 RANDALLIA DR
15F102696 22:28:15 58 SHOOTING 800 OAKLAWN CT
AUG 7 -
15F102746 00:37:08 113 SHOTS FIRED 2800 WAYNEDALE BLVD
15F102832 08:41:06 113 SHOTS FIRED 3000 EUCLID AVE
15F103233 23:46:59 113 SHOTS FIRED 3600 CENTRAL DR
((NO armed robberies))
AUG 8 - 
15F103357 06:00:55 113 SHOTS FIRED 3100 MAUMEE AVE
15F103268 00:47:02 53 ARMED ROB 4000 SOUTHPARK DR
15F103586 16:17:46 53 ARMED ROB 900 WASHINGTON BLVD E
15F103246 00:16:39 58 SHOOTING 2600 PAULDING RD E
AUG 9 - 
15F103810 00:26:43 113 SHOTS FIRED 3300 CLINTON ST S & WIEBKE ST
15F103811 00:27:51 113 SHOTS FIRED 300 FRENCH AVE
15F103821 00:46:18 113 SHOTS FIRED 1300 GREENE ST
15F103850 01:51:25 113 SHOTS FIRED 600 CONGRESS AVE & HANNA ST S
15F103918 05:30:33 113 SHOTS FIRED 2900 BEAVER AVE
15F104239 21:39:43 113 SHOTS FIRED 3100 PITTSBURG ST
15F104226 21:11:22 58 SHOOTING 700 BROADWAY
((NO armed robberies))
AUG 10 -
15F104318 02:05:00 113 SHOTS FIRED 700 WALNUT ST
15F104694 20:33:22 113 SHOTS FIRED 4500 MONROE ST S & SHERWOOD TERR E
15F104303 01:14:15 53 ARMED ROB 800 RUDISILL BLVD E & SOUTHPARK DR
15F104455 11:50:13 58 SHOOTING 1200 MARION ST
Funny, how we didn't hear about ALL those shootings, isn't it?
Maybe they were too busy with the several STABBINGS we also had...or the rapes that occurred?
Things that go BOOM!
And, we can't forget all those stupid-asses who STILL have a stockpile of pyrotechnics around JUST so they can annoy others.
FIREWORKS CALLS - 8/03 - 8/10
AUG 3 -
AUG 4 -
AUG 5 -
15F102203 20:44:10 44FW 2700 ALEXANDER ST
AUG 6 -
15F102593 18:09:36 44FW 4700 MANISTEE DR
15F102716 23:09:30 44FW 5800 THORNBRIAR LN
AUG 7 -
AUG 8 -
15F103723 21:40:30 44FW 3500 AVONDALE DR & WARSAW ST
15F103726 21:46:44 44FW 4000 CLINTON ST S
15F103737 21:57:00 44FW 2800 PLAZA DR
AUG 9 -
15F104131 17:33:29 44FW 6200 TRIER RD & MAPLECREST RD
AUG 10 -
Well, we're getting FEWER calls...
*** Next up, a rather GOOD day down here in the ghettohood (we have so few anymore), and by that I mean that those nasty dead tree limbs that have been on the sidewalks along our street were finally REMOVED yesterday (after well over a month)...imagine THAT!
Chainsaws and elbow grease work wonders...
Wow, we still DO have a sidewalk there
Guess harping to the city DOES work (at least in this instance).
I figured if we "were on a  roll", why not  get that damn loft ladder fixed...which I DID.
Took the entire bottom half off (the part that broke last week) and took it apart.
I then removed the nails, glued the joints and clamped it together while using hardened SCREWS to reassemble it.
A TIGHT fit once again.
I then re-bolted it to the top half and PRESTO - a damn fine proper job of repair.
Now, all that remains is to reinforce the top half, and call it done.
*** Next, another strip mall out in Aboite...can you stand all that retail?
Here's the story:
Yep, the Hadley and Illinois Rds area is set to receive some retail thanks to a 6-3 vote by city council to REZONING from C1 commercial (professional use) to C2 (limited commercial). The area will be named WEST VILLAGE SHOPPES.
Retail other than SOUTH? Where's the rubber stamp?
And seriously, WTH is up with adding an "e" at the end of EVERYTHING in this city...like that makes it BETTER?
We're NOT in Merry OLDE England, for God's sake.
The REAL magic would be a BETTER south side.
Meanwhile, the "king" (read mayor) can't even GIVE away land down here for retail development (should be called REDEVELOPMENT because we USED to be a lot more developed before crime moved in).
I just LOVE what passes for progress in this city...don't you?
*** Last back to the outhouse...I would love to know WHO picks these people for developing things in this city...or for ANY city for that matter.
And the SOUTH side gets...???
Time and again, we see people in positions of power who make huge amounts of money (paid by taxpayers), and who always look to the "easy" way of doing things to "serve the public's interest"...which usually translates to their OWN interest.
Where have all THOSE businesses gone?
Our city also has this nasty habit of trying to keep up with other cities the same size...and all that seems to do is create "cookie-cutter" urban areas...all the same, and all just as "boring" as the next one.
Whatever happened to being "quaint"?
Is this a PARADOX quiz???
Why can't cities RETAIN that which keeps them UNIQUE, rather than "just another brick in the wall" of the national cityscape?
There are places that, in spite of themselves STILL have small pockets of such things...like Philly, and the HISTORICAL district (just don't wander away from them at night), and Boston.
When people used to visit a city, it was because of something SPECIAL...something any other city did NOT have.
Now, you come to one city, and aside from the different license plates and police uniforms it's damn near like any OTHER city - concrete jungles, fast food joints, the "typical fare" found all over. How "homogenized" is that?
Only when it comes to anything down HERE.
That's hardly worth bragging about, but city leaders are always trying to outdo other cities.
Sure, there's money to be made for a few, but I feel we suffer as a nation on the whole, by casting off our "uniqueness" for what everyone else has.
Every city has it's own history, good, bad, or indifferent, and it's time to realize that again.
We've lost too much of who we were along the way, and it's high time we tried to get SOME of it back, before we lose it ALL to something they call progress (for progress sake)..
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.