The Last Humpday of 2009...
Can you believe it...we've had
52 of these buggers, and
NEXT week, we start it
ALL over...again.
Now there are a few things out there this year, that unfortunately will drag well into
NEXT year...and the year after that.
--We can talk about our current
Homeland Security Secretary and her inability to function within the parameters of the position she holds.
--We can discuss the manner and course this administration is taking this nation, and how
SPENDING trillions of dollars on programs with more holes in it than a Swiss cheese factory will
"prevent" America from going belly up
(financially-speaking).GET RID OF THEM ALL...NOW.

--We can debate the
WAR ON TERROR while calling it a more "user-friendly" term as
OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATION, and labelling these radical
ENEMY COMBATANTS a more personable term such as
"radical extremists" or
"isolated extremists" until the cows come home, when we
SHOULD be calling each and every one of Ramses Al
Kaboom's boys what the hell they really are...
ENOUGH with all this
PC crap for Christ's sake! We have
AMERICAN LIVES at stake here, people.

--We can banter about the
FACT that what this nation
REALLY needs is to have a lot more of it's people
EMPLOYED, instead of on the dole, but the Washington Cabal would
MUCH rather waste a trillion or more bucks on some lame-ass health care bill, designed to allow illegal immigrants safe harbor in our country, provide yet another entitlement to the lazy-asses of the nation
(who have been living La Vida Loca Grande for decades, thanks to other federal "programs" that give everything and demand nothing FROM such people), and cost the working stiff a larger chunk of what diminishing paycheck he or she might be getting each week.

--We can decry the fact that although crime in general has decreased,
VIOLENT crime is still on the
UPSWING, and that the
LEADING cause of death for black males between
18-27 is
HOMICIDE, while never (really) holding them personally responsible for their OWN actions, and demanding from them the
SAME prerequisites to living a normal life that is expected from everyone else.

--We can talk about how the educational system is
"failing" our children in so many ways, when in's
SOCIETY that is failing these kids, and that our schools were
NEVER meant to be surrogate parents, social meeting clubs, or any other venue that is more entertaining than educational. Our schools
were always meant to be bastions of
LEARNING, and it
was OUR FAMILY (and community) that made sure
WE, as students held ourselves accountable for our success...
OR our failure in that regard.
SOCIETY needs to get it's
SH*T in gear...

We can discuss how the American worker is being taxed out the ass, worked to his death, and otherwise played like a cheap-ass fiddle by his/her employer, while all the time, we're still importing damn near everything from our largest
"banker", namely
CHINA. We've allowed cheap
(bordering on slave) labor to take the place of
AMERICAN PRIDE, and all for some
CEO of some company
(and it's board of directors and shareholders). Lemme clue you in....we are
ALL "shareholders" when it comes to this nation's productivity...!
SO stop screwing with us

--We can debate how we need to
"green" the planet and stop producing
"toxic" gases such as
CARBON DIOXIDE, claiming it's killing the Earth, and destroying our life, threatening to make all of us extinct.
BULLSH*T PARADE has to end...
Carbon dioxide is a
NECESSARY substance in our planet's makeup. Without it...we wouldn't have any foliage...anywhere. What the hell would we exhale, anyway? Seems both or either of those things would end life as we know it on this planet pretty damn quick,
wouldn't it?

Al Gore...go away...just f$
cking GO...AWAY. You're a damn lunatic, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ozone layer.
SO just
SHUT THE F$CK UP, STUPID...and let the Earth do what she's
BEEN doing all these eons,
As for the
douchebag brigade...let's round up
Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Emanuel, Holder, and
ALL the other pathetic players in this
farcical charade, tar and feather the lot of them, and send them packing, before we really
DO wind up with a nation that is totally and irrevocably

--Locally, I'd love to have our fair city to figure out SOME way of shutting up these damn
BOOMCARS...once and for all.
--I'd love to see some
RESPONSIBILITY demonstrated by the
REAL ESTATE market and the "landlords" in the area, so that they may be better able to
SCREEN tenants before they move in and create yet another
DRUG HOUSE in my neighborhood.

--I'd like to see people that know what the f$ck the word
RESPECT means...rather than demand it from me
(for them), these morons need to understand that respect is
EARNED (something these locals wouldn't know about because they never held a job and earned a damn thing in their entitlement-driven lives). If they understand that I
ALSO live in this neighborhood, and maybe I don't
LIKE hearing
(c)rap music shaking
MY house to all hours, we might be able to get along. Until
THAT happens, it's an undeclared
WAR, baby. And I play to
Now...if all this sounds like I'm just a tad cheesed at a
crapload of things...give yourself a pat on the back...
I am pissed...and if you find any of these applicable, so should YOU.
All of the above things are
NOT what this nation was predicated upon.
America has never, nor should ever become the bastard child of some
OTHER nation.
We need to stand a a people.
We need to
SET the standards..not wind up beholding to other nations and
"their" standards.
So, I'm just trying to get all of the
"piss and vinegar" out of my
system for
can start over with a whole
NEW set of things to rant and rave about.

I mean, no one wants to drag yesterday's "baggage" into tomorrow, does one?
So let's try to get all of the angst from
2009 OUT, so we have plenty of room for than nice, new, shiny
2010 angst...
Do some good today, make a difference
somewhere, and be sure to...
Stay safe out there, America.
((tomorrow - What I can expect from New Year's Eve in MY neighborhood))
I too am sick and tired of things as they are now. I had a long phone conversation with a friend last night. We discussed my anger at the SS Administration, my disgust at the medical abuse and she agrees but said "THAT IS JUST HOW THINGS ARE NOW DAYS" she went on to say .. we just have to accept that things change. How sad is that? No wonder we are in such a royal mess in this country.
I have to admit that I was NEVER one for "change for change sake"...never will be, either.
You CHANGE what NEEDS to be changed...
ANd you LEAVE ALONE that which needs NO CHANGE.
Seems simple enough, doesn't it?
I recall my late Mom talking about getting shafted by the SS administration (how apropos - the initials...damn Gestapo crowd), and until she died, I always sent some money back to her, even if it was $10 or $20 bucks a week.
Then again, WE (as well as yourself) come from a generation that had a sense of APPRECIATION...and a lot more common sense when it came to making ends meet.
NO decent PERSON, whatever their age or condition, should ever be considered "disposable"...rather we should revere them...and the wisdom they have accumulated over their years, so that WE, as the next generation can pass it along...
At least that's what *I* believe...however contrary to the current "status quo"...
Thanks you so much for commenting.
Always a pleasure.
"...let's round up Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Emanuel, Holder, and ALL the other pathetic players in this farcical charade, tar and feather the lot of them, and send them packing, before we really DO wind up with a nation that is totally and irrevocably FUBAR."
Don't forget every single member in Congress, all the Dems at least!
its too much of the 'me' generation.. raising kids that don't give a rat's patoot about anything, the weirdos are in charge now in the government, and its gone to hell in a handbasket.
How about a BIG housecleaning in the government. Get rid of alot of agencies that are not constitutional, and go back to the old classical liberal form of government, not this progressive crap they've foisted on us for the past 100 years.
Well, I might not go THAT far...(yet)...LOL.
Perhaps some of the others might "learn" from such an EXAMPLE of how WE...the PEOPLE should be dealing with such vermin.
just a thought.
Thanks for stopping by.
I;m with 'ya there...
I firmly believe we have WAY too many governmental AGENCIES and services that simply DO NOT WORK...and serve NO purpose other than to feather some legislators hat.
They certainly are NOT serving the PEOPLE who pay THEIR salaries, that's for sure.
Thanks a lot for stopping by.
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