We were hit with between 4-6 inches of the fluffy white stuff, and soon to be the recipients of some ARCTIC air, coming from our neighbors to the North, turning the nighttime temperatures into a deep freeze.
And we're going to be enjoying this COLD weather for the better part of the week...
Yeah...global warming...really feeling it now, aren't we?
Maybe someone might want to tell those Florida citrus crop growers about this, because they're suffering from a case of FROSTBITE.
Wanna run that by me AGAIN?
That's like saying that if I want to COOL my house down in the summer, I should set fire to it....or maybe in order to WARM my house, I should toss open ALL the damn windows when the temperature drops to BELOW FREEZING.
Oh, yeah...that's gonna work for me.
What university are these twerps getting their degrees from, anyway?
It amazes me the level of denial that many people will display in the face of facts. It's like they're suffering from some Oppositional Defiance Disorder, or something.

Guess snake-oil isn't in as much DEMAND these days....damn shame.
--But, at least our esteemed President has put his foot down (sort of) when it comes to the War On Terror...excuse me, I mean the Overseas Contingency Operations.
Now the speech he gave YESTERDAY should have been the one he gave right AFTER taking office.

Now we're hearing that Afghans are protesting the killing of civilians...
Uh, pardon me, people...it's called WAR for a reason.
Unfortunately, there will ALWAYS be casualties in the civilian population, but that's part of what makes fighting a war so damn bad.
I don't recall those Germans "protesting" when Dresden was bombed back to the stone age.
And although Japan thought it very bad of us to drop those 2 atomic bombs, it DID bring them to surrender.
The carpet bombing in 'Nam that turned triple canopy foliage into a damn moonscape got the North Vietnamese to the negotiation table, didn't it?
"All war is hell", stated General William Tecumseh Sherman, and he was right.
It was, and it still is.
But in today's battlefield, it becomes harder to distinguish your enemy from your friendly.
And when women and children are used as shields by a cowardly enemy, there is little recourse when you need to take out the bad guys. Innocent people WILL get killed, if not from collateral damage by our forces, then from wholesale slaughter by the enemy (to send a message).
But that's another post for another day...
Here's the link to the story:
I've seen it before, at a BK near where we live. Customer wants food, gets food, doesn't like food, wants money back, demands more food, fight breaks out, customers are scared, chairs go flying, perps run away...
This is NOT about the economy...or being "poor"...this is blatant ignorance coupled with more attitude than intelligence. And that is a recipe for violence.
And to think we CAGE the four-footed animals that are wild by nature, just so we can take the kids and view them for a fee.
Maybe we could do likewise with the PENAL system...
Charge admission, put the prisoners behind reinforced glass enclosures, and watch the fun.
We'd get another "amusement" attraction, and the states get some revenue...sounds like a "win-win" to me.
--And if that's not enough, how about having a 9 year old dragged by a robber and having a gun placed to her head?
here's the story:
Gee, not seeing too many mature WHITE people doing this sort of thing are we?
What about those ASIANS...not seeing any of THEM try sh*t like this.
And those Lithuanians and Orthodox Greeks are simply NOWHERE to be found when it comes to crime, are they?

If we see people doing nasty sh*t...we'll talk about it. And if most of them happen to be other-raced, we'll talk about THAT, as well.
The time for this diversity-laden, politically-correct ego-stroking bullsh*t is over, as far as I'm concerned.
Time to stand up for what this nation was founded on, and it wasn't kissing the asses of the lazy, who've been feigning "poverty" or "oppression" all these years.
We need to know that this country was founded in large part by faith.
It was founded to perpetuate God-given rights of it's people.
And regardless of what others falsely believe, any TRUE rights we have come from a much higher source than mere men.

Have a great weekend, take your time if you have to drive OR shovel snow. Wherever you have to go will STILL be there whether you drive there at 40MPH...or 20MPH.
Do good, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America
Ah yes Global Warming. We are indeed on the same channel today. Good blog my friend. Have a good weekend and stay warm.
You too, and have a cup of hot cocoa for me!
funny as hell. global warming. the reports i read are the earth will hit 50 to 70 below and everyone will die from passing out and sleeping from the cold. did you check out the indianapolis news today and what happened at the lawence walmart? interesting.
I suppose freezing to death is better than bursting into flames...LOL.
As to the Lawrence / Wal-Mart gig...that's pathetic!
More TNB, dear.
This is what happens when a nation becomes TOO "PC", and worries more about "diversity" than human safety and decency.
Thanks for the story.
We didn;t see this in Fort Wayne...wonder WHY?
Have a great weekend...and STAY WARM (in your new apartment)!
To that delinquent who started causing all that damage at McDonald's over a burger, people behind the counter needed to rush over and escort her out of the restaurant, kicking and screaming if need be. Of course, she'd be trying to sue for one reason or another, but it would all be on tape and she'd have a hefty bill to pay for damaging those computers.
Makes me wonder if she was on drugs. My guess is yes.
If McDonald's is smart, they'd start training the staff on how to deal with customers like that. Or have some security guard on duty.
Wouldn't THAT make McDonald's family-friendly then? Having a security guard on the premises, all thanks to someone like her?
I hope they find this woman's sorry rear-end. She needs a good old-fashioned spanking for acting like a brat, IMHO.
Happy New Year to you and hubby...
Yeah, this nutjob needs a DEFINITE "attitude adjustment".
People like that just GO OFF, while everone else would be satisfied with what management offered...and be done with it.
Sheesh is RIGHT!
Thanks for stopping by.
Bobby, where did ya get that pic of the polar bears? Did you photo shop it yourself? It's hilarious!
Oh, I WISH I could take credit for that picture...
Snagged it on the web, but for the life of me, I can't recall WTF "I" googled to bring the image up?
Tell 'ya what...type in POLAR BEAR PARTY...that'll find a lot of pics for 'ya.
Thanks for stopping by, Tim!
(always a pleasure)
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