** More on the FIRST homicide in Fort Wayne:
Well, I called that one right (again).
Some new developments have surfaced regarding the shooting on Congress early Tuesday morning.
(( Published: January 15, 2010 3:00 a.m. Recklessness charge filed in gun death / Michael Zennie - The Journal Gazette

Deyante A. Stephens, 18, told investigators he picked up a shotgun and, checking to make sure the safety was on, turned toward his friend, Christopher Ty-Ron Caldwell.
The shotgun suddenly discharged. Stephens told police his finger was not on the trigger.
Police were called to Caldwell’s mother’s home at 3418 Congress Ave. about 3:15 a.m. Tuesday.
The blast had struck Caldwell, 19, in the chest. He was taken to Parkview Hospital in serious condition and later died.

Stephens, of the 500 block of Baxter Street, was charged Wednesday with criminal recklessness after the Allen County Coroner’s Office ruled Caldwell’s death the county’s first homicide this year. Stephens was being held in lieu of $10,000 bail.
Stephens told police another friend gave the shotgun to Caldwell and that it had gone off unexpectedly, creating a hole in his bedroom wall two weeks earlier, court documents said.
Stephens told police he and Caldwell had been close friends, and he never intended to shoot Caldwell. ))
Okay, so how many of you out there have found enough HOLES in this story to open a SWISS CHEESE factory, hmm?
(BTW. Stephens was on the active warrant list in Allen County...just so you know)
Nice to know we have people with absolutely no damn COMMON SENSE when it comes to handling FIREARMS on the SE side of town, isn't it? Wonder if the damn shotgun was even LEGAL in the first place?
And, if you have a weapon that malfunctions (as this one was "alleged" to have been), HOW in the hell do you expect that to protect you and not kill someone accidentally (like what happened)? I find the statement totally without substance and truth.
Also, I suppose that pointing a firearm at someone is considered NORMAL down here with THESE people, right?
There is a RULE that goes with firearm ownership:
Guess there is something to be said for a LACK of education, intelligence, and responsibility here with such numbnuts like this, eh?
Damn nice to know that people JUST LIKE THESE could wind up as my "neighbors"...
God, I'm feeling all "warm and fuzzy" already...how about you?
** President Obama does "it" AGAIN:

Once again, in the wee hours of the morning, "King Barry the First" has decreed that with this new "health care bill", certain UNIONS will be "exempt" for the enormous taxation that will be soon following the implementation of this flawed Ponzi scheme.
The administration EVEN had a closed-door meeting to discuss...(you're gonna love this)...TRANSPARENCY.
Somehow, the word IRONY comes to mind.
Just goes to show that when America sleeps, the zombies come out to take over the world.
I guess King Barry wants to get all the "pawns" in place before 2012, so the "master plan" can result in the saving of the nation's elitist scum in all those bunkers we're not supposed to know about.
In a doomsday scenario like THAT, one can be assured of seeing enough of the population dying to ensure a one-world government that will no doubt enslave what's left of humanity...
Nah, I'm just messin' with 'ya...that could NEVER happen, right?
But keep watching BOTH HANDS of these people. friends...

Here's a link to one story:
I will admit that 14 year old perp DID have a nice military knife. Looked like a damn army KA BAR to me. And they ain't cheap!
Now bullying isn't anything new. I had my "detractors" when I was in high school, but I never considered slicing a throat in the cafeteria over them...they simply were not worth the time and effort. I did cold-cock one kid in the face for shoving me to the ground (grass stains on dress pants was a no-no to me), but after I stunned his ass by smacking him, that was the end of it. We actually became friends after that.
I will never forget his name, either: Charles Sauer. Hope he's doing OK these days.
Nowadays, I've got more people "trying" to bully me around my neighborhood, egging me on, and baiting me.
The "locals" like to do that to the white people (and some of the Hispanics) around here (who are not also busy doing a thug lifestyle themselves). Apparently, the locals don't like anyone that does not mirror THEIR particular brand of "urban development". Tough sh*t, Sherlock.
I'm a lot older...and WISER these days, and I DO know how to use a firearm...very well.
I'd much rather let Mr. Remington speak in my behalf, if need be.
'Nuff said there.

I can't believe a year has gone by already.
It was on this day when Captain Chesley Sullenberger and his co-pilot, Jeffery Skiles took U.S. Airways flight 1549 (outbound for North Carolina, and damaged from a multiple bird strike that shut down both engines, turning the airliner into a huge "glider") and made what amounts to a miraculous landing upon the waters of the Hudson River, saving all people on board.

"Sully" has written a book about the experience, and if EVER there was a person who SHOULD have been on the cover of TIME magazine as the "Person of the Year", it should have been SULLY!

It's people just like this, that embodies what this nation should be ALL ABOUT. Here is a link to a story published today about the aftermath: http://www.journalgazette.net/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100115/NEWS03/301159941
I will say that all the survivors are dealing with this experience in their own manner. Some do good...some not so good.
Two have even fallen in love together.
If there is one thing you can take from this, it's that through all the fallibility that every one of us encounters, there is STILL that indomitable SPIRIT of our AMERICA in each one of us.
We have it within us to provide for this nation's future, as it WAS INTENDED by our founding fathers.

Have a great weekend, and be sure to...
Stay safe out there, America.
good post
Just calling 'em as I see 'em.
Thanks for stopping by.
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