22 January 2010

Friday Follies...
Made it to another weekend...how the heck DO we manage it, hmm?
Still, we're all here, doing well, and ready for whatever the fates have to toss at us, right?
And if we're NOT ready...what went wrong?
Don't tell me someone's out there trying to drive another nail with a pair of pliers...
I thought we covered all that this week...LOL.
But I digress...
Let's a take a peek into what kind of weekend we might be staring at, shall we?
As you've come to expect, we have an update on that 2nd shooting in our wonderful city of Fort Wayne:
(( Published: January 22, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Detroit man arrested in woman’s shooting / Michael Zennie -The Journal Gazette
Police have arrested the man they believe shot a 28-year-old woman in the chest Wednesday night after an argument in an apartment west of downtown. When officers talked to victim Jennifer Hair in Parkview Hospital’s intensive care unit, she said a man who goes by the street name "Weezy" shot her at 1212 W. Main St. about 9:45 p.m. because he doesn’t like her.
The man who rents the apartment in the duplex house told police the two were arguing in the bathroom. He then heard a gunshot and saw a man running out of the house, according to court documents.
Hair was taken to the hospital in critical condition. She was upgraded to serious condition Thursday.
Officers later identified Darvon Lawan Smith (nice mugshot, btw), 33, of Detroit as being "Weezy" and took him into custody about 11:30 p.m. during a traffic stop in a vehicle in which he was riding near South Calhoun and Pontiac streets, according to police.
The tenant and Hair both picked Smith out of a photo array, court documents said.
Smith admitted to detectives having been in the bathroom of the apartment Wednesday night and said Hair was lying on the floor crying. He also said someone should have shot her in the head.
Smith did not admit to shooting her, however, saying, "You will laugh about it when you
hear what happened," a probable cause affidavit said.
Smith was arrested on preliminary charges of aggravated battery, battery and carrying a handgun without a license.
He was being held in lieu of $30,000 bail.
Smith served nearly 11 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to three counts of home invasion in Michigan in 1998.
He was released last April. mzennie@jg.net
Who the hell names their CHILD after a frigging BARBITURATE, anyway?
(what a downer, man)
Might as well have named the kid PROPOXYPHENE. (clinical name for the drug)
And wasn't WEEZY Mrs. Jefferson (Louise) on TV?
Who the hell names THEMSELVES after the wife of Mr. Jefferson (Sherman Hemsley)?
It's small wonder we have the problems we do in our cities...with crap like THIS being perpetrated against everyone.
The guy JUST gets out of the Michigan hoosegow, and what does he do?
He COMES TO FORT WAYNE (plenty of jobs here to rehab his life, right?) to start over...
Yeah, start over with being a public menace.
I swear, some of these people live JUST to be a pain in the ass for the rest of us...AND a burden to the (overwhelmed) judicial system, as well as the taxpaying public.
Perhaps these criminals might best serve the public interest and be dealt with in a manner more befitting their "status", eh?
If there can be an positive slant on this...maybe if we had HIGH-SPEED RAIL in Fort Wayne, he could have "excaped" back to DETROIT after the shooting, and we'd be done with him. So there's something to be said for having passenger service return to our city...
Trouble with guys (and gals) like this, is that we can't "check 'em at our border", and PREVENT them from coming to our city and shooting someone (who just happened to be white, so we CAN say that black-on-white crime DOES happen - take note , lame-stream media).
Mr. Smith has a real devil-may-care attitude as well...thinks the woman should have been shot in the HEAD (not the torso, as was done).
Nice guy.
In possession of a firearm...not allowed by a FELON, so Weezy fails the grade there.
Now both the shooter and the victim DID NOT LIVE in that apartment...(why does that NOT surprise me?), so what's with the "renter" anyway, allowing an argument that escalated into gun play to occur in HIS place?
This incident stinks six ways to Sunday.
Maybe "Weezy" came looking for some "trim", and the woman didn't like getting smacked around during foreplay, so Weezy shot her.
The details will come out...eventually.
But this incident is NOT an isolated one.
Similar things happen DAILY in Fort Wayne...many times in multiples. Fortunately, we don't have as much shooting as many other cities (we're getting there), but we DO have a lot of smacking around of the women by these bucks with more testosterone, animosity and attitude than brains and morality.
Take a listen to our department's police radio and see what I mean.
Here's the link to the radio:
Invariably, you'll hear repeat calls (and repeat descriptions of perps).
We have one house that's one block west of us that seems to have at least ONE "domestic" run per week...so someone's beating the crap out of someone else, aren't they? There was even a signal 113 attached to one call (shots fired). Don't see any bullet holes in OUR house yet (crosses fingers). Then again, I will return fire.
The theme I followed this week (character) plays perfectly into situations JUST like the ones above.
Only it's the LACK of that character that is behind the causes of all this trouble.
Some people don't want to go "build a house" for their lives...they'd much rather "rent" someone else's.
That might work fairly well for real estate, but when it comes to YOUR LIFE, the best resort is to "build to own".
You see, renters today are NOT the renters of decades past...they don't give a rat's ass about the place they're living in...it's NOT THEIRS!
They have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, and are going nowhere in a hurry, so screw that place. Doesn;'t matter if it's an apartment...OR a house. They all get treated the same way. If they burn it down when they fall asleep cooking (and this actually happens with a lot more frequency that you might think), tough sh*t...they'll just have the government find them ANOTHER place to live at (and trash anew).
American Gothic...it ain't!
This is a vicious circle of apathy and disrespect that is causing a highly detrimental (and very costly) effect on our cities.
That's why the suburbs blossomed the way they have.
Trouble with this is...the CITY is loosing $$$ because people are LEAVING (and curiously enough, they have a nasty habit of taking their TAX MONEY with them). Not a good way to do business and make friends, is it?
When cities decide to wake up, change the real estate laws to help DECENT PEOPLE find GOOD places to live, not allowing people to crash randomly at apartments or houses that have preset lease-agreement limits to OCCUPANCY, we might be able to turn this nasty beast back upon itself. But not before.
We're not a damn 3rd world country that has to stuff 25 people in a TWO bedroom house, so let's get busy doing something about it, you city leaders. Start making these people accountable...hold them responsible.
It has worked in the past...it WILL work again.
And would someone PLEASE stop naming their kids after drugs...that just ain't right.
I don't care WHAT you took while having sex...don't even want to know about that.
Just start doing the RIGHT things...for the RIGHT reasons.
That's what works...for everyone.
DO have a great weekend, and...
Stay safe out there, America.

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