-- Let's start with this HUGE earthquake in Haiti.
Now while I always think that when Mother Nature strikes, the ability of PEOPLE to respond to help one another, is nothing less than miraculous. When governments FAIL, people take over.
But with all this going on down there, I haven't heard a peep from TWO entities that SHOULD be at the forefront of relief for the victims, namely the RED CROSS and the UNITED NATIONS.
I fully expect the RED CROSS to respond, as will the USA (we are after all the MOST charitable nation on the damn planet...STILL), but what about the U.N.? Shouldn't THEY be on the ball with this one?
Makes 'ya wonder, doesn't it?
I mean Haiti IS the POOREST nation in the Western World.
Wonder why THAT is, hmm?

Yeah, this little beauty gets an "astonishing" 200 MILES PER CHARGE, and can reach a top speed of 87 MPH (which will no doubt have an impact on that cruising range of 200 miles).
Here's a link to their website..(Warren Buffet loves these guys):
Sorry, but you treehuggers can have THAT car...I'd much rather prefer the little sweetheart standing in FRONT of that vehicle , waiting for me in my AMERICAN-made, fossil-fueled dinosaur...that WORKS.
-- Yesterday, at the end of my post, I mentioned our first shooting death in Fort Wayne. And far be it for me to deny you an update on the story, so here goes...
((Manner of death unclear in shooting / Holly Abrams - The Journal Gazette
A 19-year-old man was shot to death early Tuesday on Fort Wayne’s southeast side, but officials have not determined the manner of death.
Christopher Ty-Ron Caldwell was found inside a home at 3418 Congress Ave., just off Hessen Cassel Road, shortly after 3 a.m. Tuesday.
When police arrived, Caldwell was in serious condition. His condition deteriorated as he was taken to a hospital, where he died within two hours, according to officer Roy Sutphin, Fort Wayne police spokesman.
An autopsy revealed Caldwell was shot to death. Patt Kite, an Allen County Coroner’s Office investigator, said it does not appear to be a suicide. But officials don’t know whether the death was accidental or a homicide, she said.
Sutphin said detectives were trying to track down everyone who was in the home when Caldwell was shot. One person is believed to hold the answer. Someone inside the home called 911, Sutphin said.
Police would not say whether the case is criminal. Sutphin said they have no suspects.
No one answered the door at the one-story home Tuesday evening. Three snow-covered cars sat in the driveway. A neighbor said the home is a rental property and that new tenants had moved in a few months ago. Police said Caldwell did not live there.
Now, that's the story...so far.
Okay, so it didn't look like the man shot HIMSELF, so the obvious conclusion is either ACCIDENTAL...or HOMICIDAL.
But, let's scratch the surface and see if "we" can't come up with something while we're waiting for this to play out, shall we?
Now before we get into the meat & potatoes of this all-too-familiar scene that's played out almost DAILY on the SOUTH side of this city, let's be frank here.
We've got some really screwed up people down here whenever it comes to PRIORITIES in their lives.
And since the MAJORITY of ethnics live down here, one can conclude that this is an ETHNIC problem, OK?
Now...let's have at it.

Next, the victim (nice mugshot, btw, so he must have some sort of prior record) DID NOT LIVE at the house (a rental).
THIS type of behavior is EXACTLY what I see every time another aboriginal "newbie" moves in the area.
I've said this before...you first have a single mom with 2 or more kids (rarely an only child for some strange reason), usually by different "fathers", and it remains that way for a while...
Then, you have other people "move in" (think shack up) over time, until that rental that had a lease of 3-4 people suddenly is accommodating 7-8 people. Must be nice to have SUCH a "flexible" lease agreement, don'cha think?
Now, *if* someone has a gun, that will bring issues as well.
They will "claim" they need it for protection, which is a valid reason...sort of.
I mean when you have ALL these people over, you've got to figure that at least ONE of them is an idiot, a gangsta, a playa, a drug dealer, or all of the aforementioned combined. Usually, I see them all combined.
Next, detectives knew that the 911 call came FROM the house, but, when investigating the shooting, NO ONE WAS TO BE FOUND...
WTF is wrong with THAT picture, hmm?
Police are trying to TRACK DOWN "everyone" who was at the home that night...seems we had some sort of "gathering" (read party) at 3AM...on a damn TUESDAY MORNING, for Christ's sake.

I mentioned the recent "newbies" that moved in, and the "party" they've already had, so it's nowhere close to being an "isolated incident" now, is it?
Well, when you DO NOT WORK, have NO DESIRE TO WORK, and otherwise have been brought up to believe that the WORLD OWES YOU A LIVING, it's small wonder that we see what happens at 3AM around this part of town.
In fact, between the hours of 2000 hrs and 0430 hrs the following morning, we see way too many police reports for things people should NOT be doing, such as shooting off guns, domestics w/ battery, fights, disturbances, loud parties and music, and the like.
In other words, such is NOT what can be considered NORMAL behavior.
At 3AM, most normal people are ASLEEP (or trying to sleep in spite of the incessant boomcar brigade passing by), unless they're on third shift. That's NOT the time one associates with criminal behavior, BUT...in THIS part of town, it's S.O.P. for these folks.

Then, there is a lack of "involvement" by whatever is passing for a "landlord" these days. A minimum of renovation is done (slap a coat of paint on, and change the carpets) before the next batch of idiots is moved the hell into once nice houses.
There is a lack of demolition to structures that are often in violation of basic city codes (no oversight there), or a lack of code compliance. Just move these idiots in, because they don't care and will trash the place before they move out or are evicted anyway, so why bother, right?
There is DEFINITELY a lack of EDUCATION when it comes to being a RESPONSIBLE PERSON living in a HOUSE (or even an apartment). People such as these are never TAUGHT about what it means to be part of a REAL community. This isn't some tribal clearing in Botswana...it's FORT WAYNE, INDIANA, and if you're not doing a damn thing to keep a neighborhood nice, you're part of the problem as to WHY it's going to hell in a hand basket, so sit the hell down and shut the hell up, kapeesh?
There is a lack of RESPECT shown to others that already live in an area, especially if they're anything OTHER than "their" specific type of black (because the riff-raff stick together to help drag a neighborhood down, don'cha know?). Good decent blacks will be as much a "target" of such disrespect as will the Hispanics...or the whites, or whoever else happens to live there.
A lot of this behavior by these people COULD be avoided very easily, IF ONLY they would stop buying into all the media/marketing bullsh*t that's being tossed at them.
You can still embrace your heritage while NOT becoming a stereotypical black that gets the fish-eye from everyone else, due to your sagging pants, or that side-cocked ball cap, or that god-awful loudass (c)rap music blaring from that donk you're driving.
Used to be a time when blacks took such good care of what they OWNED (not rented, mind you), it put others to shame. And they always dressed extremely well, not buying into all the "fads" of the era.
Fortunately, we still have a number of ethnics that subscribe to such values in life, so we should not summarily write off the entire group. The sad part is that the black community is mostly to blame for the problems encountered there.
Sure, they will pray when someone is shot dead, or will stage a protest to halt violent behavior, but long term, not much is done to put down the "radicals" in their own back yard!

The funny thing is, they don't even know it's being done to them.
Gone are the oppressive chains of physical slavery, only to be supplanted by the emotional chains of dependence upon the government to do anything and everything FOR them.That's called an entitlement.
And it teaches a person absolutely NOTHING, except how to keep on asking for more.
It's not a hand UP, but a hand OUT, and that goes contrary to every religious belief America has.
We're giving fish away, instead of teaching people HOW to fish.

Could this shooting have been avoided?
Hell, yes.
But it takes something totally foreign to such people at this time....
It takes RESPONSIBILITY...PERSONAL responsibility.
It takes being held accountable for your OWN actions, wanting to make good decisions, seeking out people that you can look UP to, and can assist you in your quest for self-realization.
It takes embracing such things as HONESTY...INTEGRITY...and MORALITY to change this pattern of self-destructive behavior the black community has "enjoyed" for far too long.

Stop following sports figures and music superstars...they don't represent the common man or woman.
Do what is RIGHT...not what is easy.
THAT is the way you affect change for the better...in ANY community.
But hey, I just speak from experience, which still happens to be the BEST teacher.
No matter WHO you are.
Keep warm, do well, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
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