Now, I tend to be one of those REALISTS in the group. I will ALWAYS "hope" for the best, while expecting the worst.
And if anything can be taken from an outlook like that, it's that you get real prepared real easy...LOL.
But, as long as you are "fortunate" enough to live in an area like mine, you always give a "fish-eye" to damn near anyone and everyone.
Now, I could launch into a mini-tirade about LIFE is about LIVING, and NOT existing, but we'll put that on the back burner for another day.
It's a NEW YEAR...all over again.
And with it will undoubtedly come a whole new 365 days of "stuff".
Our job will be to see how well we can avoid the BAD stuff, while gathering up the GOOD stuff.
That is a question we will have to ask ourselves almost every day in this coming year.
Some of us will be, others...not so much.
I prefer to ask the question "What particular TASK are you tossing at me?"...(just so I can prepare to fight or flee).
It makes sense to prepare for things, no matter how trivial it might seem to others.
I can imagine that when Noah was building that ARK, the "neighbors" must have though him a few herbs short of a passover meal.
But...he sure was prepared, right?
OK, so maybe YOU'RE not out back sizing up the "cubit-to foot" ratios and stopping by Home Depot and checking out lumber prices or building your OWN ark, but the principle is still sound.
We need to be prepared, whether it's from some nutjob terrorist trying to bomb a mall, or airliner, or military facility, or whatever the hell else tickles their fancy to get those 72 virgins (who happen to ALL be geeked-out male D&D players - surprise), as well as anything else that might come down the pike.
We need to even be prepared against our own government, making sure our FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES aren't getting tossed under the bus for the sake of "our protection".
Our government need not take over so many aspects of our lives, just to make us all "safer", when in reality, it's more a form of population control. I think real Americans already KNOW they can take good care of themselves in good times OR...in bad times.
We need to be prepared...
We need to arm ourselves with knowledge, wisdom, courage, and honesty.
Now, I said all that to say this....
You're a 21 year old girl and you have ONE wish...what could it be?
I'll bet one of the LAST things wished for would be a DEBT-FREE FUNERAL for yourself, right?
Well, young Sierra Cooper has wished just that.

Here are two links to her story:
She will most likely not see her 22nd birthday.
But she wanted to not become a burden to her family and after a few fund raisers, she has more than accomplished her mission to secure the funding for her OWN funeral and her medical expenses, thanks to others with large hearts.
Where the hell do you find young people with such courage and fortitude as this every day?
The short answer is...you DON'T.
Sierra is a role model for ALL of us, make no mistake.
Personally, I'd like to see a miracle happen and her prognosis change to allow her the longevity to enjoy her life.
Well, that's would I would wish for now.
Instead, I will take away a sense of pride, knowing that such young people STILL DO exist, and they become beacons for all of us to gather 'round.

And just like Sierra...we DO (and will) need to prepare...for whatever life has in store for each of us.
Do good today, make a difference somewhere, and...as always,
Stay safe out there, America
i thought she was pretty amazing too raising funds for her own funeral. i am praying that she will never need them and will live a long life.
even smiling can make a differance to someone.
I truly wish she never had to use those funds either...
Then again, I don't feel it's right to have ANY parent bury their child.
A very moving story indeed.
Thanks for stopping by.
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