What A Difference A Year Makes...
Yeah, it's a "takeoff" on that old song regarding those 24 little hours, but it's just so apropos right here...right now.
A LOT can happen in an hour, let alone a whole YEAR, right?
Well, we've been privy to such things over the last 365 days, that's for sure.
And I'm sure we're not quite done with all the "stuff" coming down the pike...not yet.
** First off, I want to wish Glenn Beck a very "Happy First Anniversary" on his FOX network show.
I can honestly say that I've learned SO much over the last year by watching his show (and reading his books), it's almost like being back in school again (but without the bullies, rocking desk chairs, and chalk dust on my clothes...LOL).
Nice to find out that something on television, other than what can be found on the HISTORY channel, or DISCOVERY channel can be as eye-opening and enlightening.
It's got me delving into our founding fathers and documents with a zeal I haven't had SINCE I was in school (and back in THOSE days, we really DID learn about them a lot more than in today's classrooms).
Nice job, Glenn...keep those hits coming!
** Next, it's the first anniversary of Obamarule...(pause for effect)...yep.
Seems whatever slope this administration was on got REAL slippery REAL fast, didn't it?
I mean when someone wants to "fundamentally transform America", my first reply is: "Into WHAT, exactly?"
We've had a flawed stimulus plan, cash for clunkers, the Great American Apology Tour, clandestine passing of bills no one bothered to even read, and a health care bill being forced down Americans throats in spite of overwhelming opposition...
All that "hope and change" isn't really working out for "ME"...how's about YOU? There is ONE bright side to this...Obama has kept his hands OFF of gun laws (for now anyway), BUT...with this health care plan, THAT could all change. Guns are a "health risk", after all and MUST be more strictly "regulated", as should the ammo, but "they" don't want YOU to know all that is in this health care bill...do they? And then there's Paul Helmke, who is decrying the President's failure to enact more stringent laws regarding firearms.
Must really suck to be YOU, Paul.
Lord knows you weren't all that great a MAYOR for this city (Fort Wayne) from what I've read about your "reign", and you definitely turned a blind side (and a deaf ear) to MY part of town (the south side), allowing it to plummet too damn close to Dante's TENTH layer of hell.
And now, we see a changing of the guard in, of all places, MASSACHUSETTS with the election of a REPUBLICAN to the Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy for about FIFTY years.
My, my, my...how fall the mighty.
Well THIS development is sure to put a lot of Democrat's undies in a real BUNCH now, isn't it?
Time is coming to take America BACK from all these progressives and their "new world order" bullsh*t (imho).
And just like in Concord all those years ago, this is another "shot heard 'round the world".
Let's keep the momentum going, people.
** In my little corner of the world, some things have changed...meaning my neighborhood is becoming less stable (unless you're a drug-dealing, crack-smoking, saggy-panted punk-ass fool living off the government).
Our most recent "addition" to our area was a tribe of newbies that moved in across the street (north side). Now they have PUH-LENTY of parking on TWO sides of their place, but decided to park ON MY LAWN instead.
And since we've been speaking about CHARACTER the last two days, I decided NOT to just call and have the vehicle TOWED (like a real prick), but to go across the street and ASK them politely IF they could move the minivan OFF of my lawn.
Now, you have to remember there WERE people IN the house at the time.
Well, I knocked on the damn door for FIVE minutes, heard voices in the house, and NOT A SOUL came to the door.
How's THAT for a "first impression", hmm?
Needless to say, I have ALREADY formed my "opinion" of these "locals", and will NOW treat them accordingly.
We "could" have started off on the proper footing, but since THEY chose to ignore "me", the game is on.
They will now be under my "tutelage", as I instruct them on how to BEHAVE while living near me, which means they could get to know a few of the FWPD department's finest whenever they get "uppity" or decide to trespass on MY property again.
Unfortunately, this is a scene I'm all too familiar with anytime ANY of these "people" come to reside on our street.
Haven't seen much furniture go in the place, other than a few mattresses (no headboards or bed frames), so maybe they're "going Japanese?" At least I think so....LOL!
The missus is wondering WHEN the "rental furniture truck" will make it's sojourn to this house, as is so often the case in this area.
Seems NO ONE knows what OWNING furniture is all about...wonder when that became the "norm" for such people?
Now perhaps this family is "poverty-stricken"...yeah, right...sure.
They can afford a damn CAR...and some nice threads for the young male buck there (complete with sideways-worn NY Yankees cap), so this "po-me" crap ain't cutting it. And I'll bet my house he doesn't EVEN have a job (horrors!) to speak of, as most all of these folks seem to enjoy being given everything, instead of working for it....disgusting, isn't it?
So, it's like I say...a LOT can change in a year. Around here, not for the better so much.
And to think that all those years ago, in the thirteen colonies, ONE YEAR in the lives of our founding fathers meant the difference between living free...or being labelled treasonous to the Crown, and being hanged.
Some things will ALWAYS change...remaining in a constant state of flux, simply because it's the nature of things.
Other things will NEVER change, no matter how we try to make that happen.
Fortunately for us, there will be a few, important things than CAN be changed...and WILL.
All WE have to do is pay attention, be willing to sacrifice now and again, and be able to follow through with courage and steadfastness, unwavering in the maelstrom of opposition.
The indomitable American Spirit...that's what it really is all about.
Do well today, make a difference somewhere, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
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