NO, I don't mean the "Super" Bowl, either.
It's...Welfare Weekend!!!!
(thunderous applause)
All the "locals" have gotten their checks (courtesy of YOU, the working people), and you can sure tell by the way they've been acting.
It's like feeding time at the damn zoo.
Everyone is a bit more "manic" than usual.
I much prefer the last 2 weeks of the month...the charm has worn off, the bloom is off their "rose", and they're getting antsy for that NEXT check.

Nice to know that SOME things never change, isn't it?
But wait...it's not ALL bad news.
Unless you're driving a TOYOTA, that is...
*** The car company has been installing a "fix" (called a shim....a bloody SHIM???) to correct the acceleration problem.
Toyota (after several new complaints) is now looking into the computer assist for braking on the Prius. Nothing like whacking a pothole and then having the brakes fade, right?

Not necessarily a good thing.
With my 26 year old Firebird, all my accelerator/braking is done MECHANICALLY, as in cables and linkages. There is a "power" assist for the steering and brakes, but that's HYDRAULIC in nature, NOT electronic.
With these new cars, it's close to the "fly-by-wire" gig you have with aircraft. A computer does all the "work" receiving signals from sensors, which in turn activates motors (and other parts) that are SUPPOSED to "get 'r done", when it comes to braking or accelerating.
Sometimes, these "brains" get a might screwed-up, and then things aren't working the way they were supposed to.
That's called "TROUBLE, my friends...right here in River City" (under your hood).
What you may see happen in the near future is a return to a more reliable mechanism for PRIMARY on board systems in vehicles.
I say if something WORKS...don't change it.
But that will occur ONLY if the car companies can make a ton of money off of you in the process, got it?
*** Now, while you're waiting for that car to fail...OR get fixed, you might want to think on this:
People are NOT drinking the "top-shelf" alcohol products in the quantities they used to.

And people are drinking more AT HOME (good idea when it comes to driving - no one ever got a DUI on their SOFA)
Industry growth slowed in 2009, with supply UP 1.4%.
That's the smallest increase since 2001 and below the 10-year average of 2.6%.
I do like Chivas Regal (scotch), but I'm choosing to get brands like Passport and Clan MacGregor, because of the price. Taste about the same, too.
Ditto for bourbon. While Jim Beam is enticing, I'll go with either a sale on Wild Turkey, or a lesser brand. And yes, I DO cook with booze.
Whiskey is pretty much the same when it comes to blended Canadians (my personal favorite), so the field is wide open there.
Same can be said for basic white rum. Vodka I use in small quantities, so that's not a problem. And while I love Tanqueray gin, I'll go with a Seagrams or even a Gordon's smaller bottle (with tonic and lime).
I was never one for all these "specialty" liquors, so that saves money at the start.
My wine choices are few...perhaps a bottle of Zifandel or a Lambrusco once every several years.
Just so you know...if you HAVE to drink (and like I said, who doesn't these days, ESPECIALLY if you live in a neighborhood like MINE?) there are plenty of good choices out there...for cheap. We're not doing the cheap-ass VS or Thunderbird wine gig yet, gang. Leave that to my "neighbors"...LOL!
*** Indianapolis schools get a post-Super Bowl "delay".
Welcome to the Unites States of Entertainment, folks.

The school system (there) originally wanted a TWO-hour delay, but the state "boss" of education didn't want ANY delay at all.
There this compromise, though; a ONE hour delay. Guess being accountable for one's actions and having a level of personal responsibility doesn't mean what it USED to, does it?
First off, is there ANY reason this game HAS to be played at 6 PM? It's in FLORIDA, for cripes sake.
Why aren't they playing it at NOON...or even 3PM, instead of this damn dumbass 6 PM thing?
Playing a Super Bowl at night is just wrong...
They don't run the Indy 500 at night, do they?
Haven't seen the Kentucky Derby run after the sun sets, have you?
Guess the NFL (lapdog of the corporate juggernauts) doesn't give a rat's ass about people staying up past 11PM (especially kids and school bus drivers) with all the "post-game" partying that's going to happen. Hell, they're getting THEIR money, so what do they care, right?
I plan to enjoy this Sunday in the BEST manner possible...
By watching the PUPPY BOWL on Animal Planet!!!
Say what you want, think what you may, THAT is the place to be this Sunday.
I'm "down with that", as our current vernacular would infer.

One buddy in Delaware might be looking at up to SIXTEEN inches (yowsah)!
To my friends and followers in those areas....DO be careful.
Take your time shovelling, rest frequently, and go inside if you become fatigued.
And stay warm!

And if you HAVE to be on the roads in those areas, remember that slow and steady wins the race.
That's why they give everyone those "1" and "2" gears on the instrument panels of your vehicles.
They're NOT there to look nice or to "balance out the space" between NEUTRAL and DRIVE.
They have a purpose...as do we all in life.
May you all learn something every day, and be an even better person for it on Monday than you are this minute.
Do well, make a difference today, and...as always,
Stay safe out there, America.
Wow, a one hour delay for the Super Bowl? Really? I had not seen that story.
Yeah...a ONE HOUR DELAY (down from 2 hours)...can you BELIEVE that?
When I went to school, the ONLY delays were for WEATHER, and it had to be pretty darn SEVERE, as we all were able to WALK to our schools back then.
None of this "busing clear across town" stuff for us.
Makes me wonder how schools ELSEWHERE in America will be handling this?
Have a great weekend & thanks for stopping by.
didnt read the whole thing yet. but, i fully agree about the shim...and people saying to the news "oh i think this dealership is doing great things with my car"......wake up. i have more to report about toyotas and dealerships later right now i'm running up and down stairs and shopping.
If someone in ENGINEERING division took a litle time to make the part CORRECTLY in the first place...
AND, if they TESTED the car the way they USED to test AMERICAN cars in Michigan, Toyota would be sailing merrily along.
Then they wouldn't be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to find it's ass with both wings...
SOME day, they will wake up.
Hey, thanks for stopping by.
Have a great weekend.
We're watching the Puppy Bowl also. I have past Puppy Bowls (with kitten half-time show) on DVD. This year there are supposed to be rabbits and hamsters in the half-time show. I wonder if the kittens will be chasing the hamsters :P
I don't know about the hamsters, BUT...I will say that I've heard that the RABBITS will be dressed as the "cheerleaders"...
How cool is THAT, eh?
Have a great weekend (esp. on Sunday)
Thanks for stopping by.
they might do hamsters becouse of that toy being so popular.
about toyotas...back in 99 i bought a corrola. it took me 170,000 miles and did good things for good will. but, within the first 30 miles or so i noticed the cruise control wont turn off right. i dis engaged it at the handle and i hit the brakes. finally it slowed that puppy down. it happened on and off for the first 100 miles or so. (remember i was putting over 50 miles a day on a car) then it stopped, or it seemed to. by the time i took it into the 1st or 2nd oil change i was really freaking out. i had figured at that point that something in the computer was not releasing the cruise control. so i told them. i told the dealership. they pretty much told me i was nuts in a nice way. then i insisted in them looking at it. i said pretty much the following. if it was just me riding in it i probley wont be so anal about it but my daughters life is on the line too. so they took it back and messed with it and i never had a problem with it untill i went over 125,000 at that point it had been in a major wreak and it was out of warrenty. it only happened like one more time before i stopped driving it. and its one of the many reasons why i didnt want my kid behind the wheel of that car. and ironically i thought it was the brand new floor mats too at first. i guess what i am trying to say is the shim will not fix it for the long term. its bs. toyota has had this problem for awhile in some of their cars if not ALL of their cars. thats just my 2 cents.
lol finally read the entire blog. down with that....lol. if i paid for cable i would be down with the puppy bowl too. it will probley be on ytube. i'll "hit" it there. lol I dont even say down with that. never the less ips maybe having severe issues with their staff and their prioritys but the rest of them arnet. they dont want to get blasted like ips. if any school in the townships are closed on monday then we must have gotten 24 inches of snow. from what i understand we will be going to school no matter what. and the superbowl is on pretty darn late. i had no idea it started at 6pm. the nfl dont give a rats ass about anyone. i remember when i was active duty army in europe. the men would stay up all night long to watch the superbowl. becouse the freaking nfl wont let the military broadcast it at an hour when people were normally awake. then we would come into work the next day. it would be a dry bowl for the most part. as the men said they really didnt car about what the score was and who won making it less exciting they just wanted to see the game without falling asleep. this was in the day of the vcr and alot of them would record it and watch it later. i took a little vacation from work on the schedule they passed around last december. so for the next 80 hours i can be snowed in. superboweled, or sleep like a baby. have a good one and YOU stay safe.
I have NEVER liked having a computer in any car "monitoring" so many systems, when in the good old days, things were all mechanical, elctrical, or hydraulic.
THOSE systems you could depend on, but take a look at your HOME computer...seems to do what it wants to when it wants to...and then there are more bugs than in a bait shop when it comes to "viruses.
And microchips tend to be "sensitive" to temperature and humidity...I know that to be ALL TOO TRUE (from my old "mainframe" days).
I say, if you have an OLDER car (early seventies)...keep it, and if you can afford a "classic" car...get one.
NO computers, no sensor nonsense, no catalytic converter crap, and they still drive after an EMP hits them...LOL.
As for the "super (hyped) bowl...(yawn)...blue "food" everywhere...LMAO!
I'm suprised they didn;t DYE the damn 3 rivers here BLUE as well...!
Enjoy those 80 hours...you earned 'em, kiddo!
I'm staying indoors, watching the birds feed on our patio, the squirrles chase each other, and the"locals" attempting to know what they're doing as they "drive" on the streets...LOL!
Thanks for stopping by.
Dear Bob G.,
How I love this ending;
"may you learn something every day, be an even better person for it . . ."
Working on it,
Ann T.
No StuporBowl for me. I'll be busy elsewhere . . .
I'd be lying to you if I said I took a lot of time and thought that ending out.
Honest to God, it just came to me...
My "guess" would be it must have been something either my parents, a teacher, or one of my role models in life told me...a long time ago.
Or maybe it was something I heard on Star Trek...LOL.
Feel free to apply it whenever you wish to.
Have a great Sunday and thanks for commenting.
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