Amazing how you can't even have a simple thing like a BLOG "all to yourself" these days.
I suppose SOME people are placed on this earth ONLY to annoy others, because they sure as hell aren't anything close to being productive in ANY manner, are they?
With that said (and hopefully well behind us), let's settle into the weekend with AS FEW problems as possible, shall we?
Oh...My...God...is that the SUN I saw in the skies over the city yesterday? What the hell is THAT doing there, hmm?
And, believe it or not, we STILL have streets and sidewalks UNDERNEATH all that melting white stuff...AMAZING!
(who knew?)

We couldn't get by without it, could we?
Mathematics, units of measurement, quantities, bill paying...doesn't matter WHAT you wind up doing today, sooner or later, that math ability you've (hopefully) honed all these years comes into play.
But for anyone perusing these "pages" and finding themselves somehow lacking in numerical dexterity, allow me to provide a marvelous example on how NOT knowing the nuts and bolts of mathematics can have others not knowing the real truth.
Statistical analysis provides us facts and figures, but how others decide on how "best" to employ those numbers and facts to THEIR advantage properly demonstrates why we all need to learn to read between the lines, scratch the surface, and see what color this old jalopy REALLY is, because in many cases, we're not being told the WHOLE truth when it comes to reporting those facts and those figures.
Case in point...a recent "debate" over at Leo Morris' blog "Opening Arguments". Nothing wrong with the post, entitled "It's A Crime" - 17 February...in fact, I found it to be spot on.
Now, I'm not busting on Leo...he's good people, and says it like it is. My contention is with commenters who think (erroneously) that I am paranoid because of where I happen to live. They simply don't "get it". I'm not paranoid, but I AM, if nothing else...vigilant.
Whenever I hear about crime going DOWN, and I see no visible proof to back that up...I do what any normal person should do: question the veracity of the statement or claim.
Here's a story in today's paper that, at first glance, seems perfectly fine:
(( Crime Drops Near Police Post - Michael Zenni / The Journal Gazette
A new northeast-side police outpost helped curb crime by 32 percent in the immediate area after Parkview Hospital donated the building last spring, hospital and police officials said Thursday.
Fort Wayne police moved their northeast-quadrant outpost to an office building at East State Boulevard and Beacon Street last spring after a rash of armed robberies at businesses in the area.
The hospital agreed to lease the building to the police department for $10 a year in an effort to increase police presence in the neighborhood and deter crime.
Robberies, thefts and vehicle thefts all dropped in the four-block radius around the outpost in the months after it opened in April, according to statistics from the hospital and the police department.
Burglaries, however, rose from seven in 2008 to 10 in 2009, according to the statistics.
Crime rose 62 percent in the four-block radius between January and April 2009, compared with the same months in 2008.
Then, between April and the end of 2009, crime dropped 32 percent compared with the same time the year before, officials said.
The result was a decline of just less than 20 percent for 2009 in the four-block radius, officials said.
This is greater than the 8 percent decline the police department reported citywide for the year.
"It gives you a sense of security," Parkview Hospital Chief Operating Officer Sue Ehinger said of the increased police presence.
mzennie@jg.net ))

Crime had gone UP 62%, and after the post opened, crime DROPPED 32%.
The article states that "as a result", crime went DOWN less than 20%, when in FACT, the opposite is true. Crime really had gone UP close to THIRTY PERCENT! (net).
Do the math: 62 minus 32 equals 30 (that's thirty). The NET RESULT was a 30% RISE in crime for the area AFTER a 32% drop.
Got the picture?
Crime didn't REALLY "go down", as was portrayed, correct?

I'll bet all my former math teachers are smiling from the grave over this. They have taught me well.

Maybe...next life...LOL!
Obi-Bob...kinda rolls off the tongue nicely...I like the sound of that. Wonder what type of batteries that light saber takes?
But, I digress...
Seriously, though...if crime is going DOWN, why am I seeing JUST as much (if not more) as I have in the past? Are MY aging eyes more adept at seeing what others cannot (or will not)? I will admit that I DO know what to look for (warning signs of impending criminal activity), but I've been good at that for quite some time. Blame my parents...blame my mentors..hell, blame George Bush (he catches crap for stuff he doesn't do)...LOL
Now if criminal activity is NEVER reported, does that skew the statistics?
Yasureyoubecha, it does!
If people are victims of a crime, but (for some odd reason known only in "da hood") and yet FAIL to report it, that doesn't make that crime LESS of a crime. It just keeps it "off the radar" when it comes to compiling the numbers for the stats.
Also, if a particular crime becomes "reclassified" into a different category (as the DoJ has done in the past), does that not change statistical results for those categories? Of course, it does, kids...it HAS to change the figures.

Hell no!
(but crime went down 10%, Bob)
I know. It "seems" like crime goes down (overall), but try telling the victim's family when their son is shot dead that crime went DOWN, even though Johnny got killed...that crap ain't gonna float, no matter HOW you try.
But it does look good on paper...and on the 5 o'clock news, right?
Crime went down...we're all SAFE once again...HURRAY!
Well, that'll lure folks into a false sense of security real fast.
My neighborhood is crime-ridden...that's a FACT.
The number of calls in my area has NOT gone DOWN...but UP. That's also a FACT.
The amount of FWPD resources expended in my area is the largest of the department. That's a FACT.
In fact, the FACTS are damn near overwhelming, factually-speaking.
Sorry, but never try to place dog food in front of me, and then tell me it's grade A sirloin, kapeesh?
I've been lied to by PROS...and found out the hard way in many cases.
You learn, with time, to see THROUGH the BS, because searching for the truth is something that ALL of us should be doing.
The truth might hurt, and we might not enjoy what we discover, but we will be BETTER, as individuals, as a result.
Every one of us becomes the sum of all the experiences (and souls) we have encountered.
We can CHOOSE to go through life with our eyes wide open...
Or, we can choose to wear the blinders of ignorance, like those old horses pulling the milk carts down the city streets, unaware of anything that is not within their forward looking sphere of influence.
And like so many other things in life (like mathematics), it's not magic or rocket science.
But it IS good old COMMON SENSE to do so.
Have yourselves a great weekend, make a difference somewhere, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
Nice catch on the crime stats discussion Bob. I have found that journalists love to compare year to year crime stats and proclaim that crime is going down or up--when in reality the numbers mean very little.
It's one thing to pick up a newspaper...but it's another thing to pick up perps...LOL.
Ask ANY LEO on the street is crime ever seems to go DOWN...
Invariably, you'll hear this echo resounding all day...
I agree that there are always trends that will in fact LOWER certain crimes, but to use SUCH a "wide brush" when it comes to statistical crime and demographics is sheer folly!
It might feel "warm and fuzzy", but it's not making grandma feel safer when she leaves her blighted area home to cash her retuirement check, does it?
Like I said...common sense, Boss.
WOrks every time.
Thanks for swinging on by.
Have a good weekend.
Dear Bob G.,
Both you and Slamdunk are right on. Unfortunately, statistics are what pass for 'on the ground' information these days. It makes me crazy, especially since nobody seems to understand stats at all!
I meant to ask why in Hell would anyone want to screw around w/ your blog.
Guess you rattled some cages, huh?
Stay safe my friend,
have a good weekend!
Ann T.
About the "hack", all I know is that what I originally typed "changed" all by itself...and I didn't do it.
(weird, huh?)
(musta been that visitor from Egypt..or was that China?)
SO I added some "preventive measures to halt it.
Commenting will NOT be affected, and will procedd as usual.
As to statistics...when I worked for the Treasury Dept., I came into contact with this nasty beast most every day.
I can tell you, some people LOVE to mainpulate facts & figures to suit themselves.
I personally detest it.
Makes me wonder how much of our history will "change" (read be re-written) as a result, and can we ever learn from something like THAT, hmm?
As long as we all believe the TRUTH and scrounge around for ALL the facts (nand not what someone else tosses at us like a cookie) we'll be a lot better off all around.
But hey, it's not like we don't KNOW that already, right?
Thanks for stopping by, and have yourself a great (fact-filled)weekend.
i was wondering how you knew that your system had been hacked into. i've had my system hacked into a few times. i noticed it when i was reading news articles and the articles i hadnt read were already read......
now about crime. i am guilty of not reporting it. sometimes its hard to report the gunshots. when i lived at the other house there were these apartments that had gunshots going on all the time. i called it in a few times and told them what direction it was coming and if it was an automatic weapon or not. as i said i only called it in a couple of times. the first time they asked me to look out the window and see what i could see. i told them no. i'm lying on the floor. they got mad. the 2nd time i called it in they asked where it was coming from i said across the street at the apartments i beleive. they said you dont know? and i said no. but it sounds like its coming over there. they told me to look out the window again or go outside and see if i could tell better. i told them that they needed to do that themselves i was staying low.
after that i just stayed low and rode it out. it was a waste of my time calling it in. sometimes the neighbor of the apartment shooter would call it in if an ambulance was needed or it was fatal.
and not all fatal gunfire is reported on the 6'oclock news.
It was easy to spot.
I PRE write all my blogs on a flash drive and save them.
When I thought something looked wrong, I rechecked my drive against the post itself...it was different, and not in a subtle way.
Whole sentences were rewritten.
And don't include yourself in NOT reporting crime like that...without a proper detector, you can't REALLY tell exactly WHERE gunshots come from (unless you SEE a muzzle flash)
I hear 'em a lot (around midnight - the witching hour), and I can't tell "where" (exactly) they're coming from, but I can figure out the direction in general, based on acoustic reflection.
If any dispatcher asked me to look out the window if it was THAT nearby, I'd tell 'em to get THEIR ass down here and look FOR me, because I'm busy loading MY gun to return fire if I have to!
I find out more about "important" crime news from the radio (among other ways) and they rarely do anything on the "news" but the general blanket policy regarding information...
Better to know AS MUCH as possible and ASAP then to "wait & see"...that gets people killed (in combat), doesn't it?
Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment.
Have a great weekend!
a link to a blogger that i know like a blood sister. infact we have the same dna.
interesting blog about school computers in the house being turned on remotely to view the goings on in the home. and listening in too!!!
from now on i really dont want a school computer. but if i did it would be facing a white wall and put in a sound proof box. no need to give out all the info. in fact i might start doing that with my home computer. too many weirdos out there.
I heard about that in the schools in Merion Twnshp, PA...know the area well...
It's outside of Philly, but close enough.
As far as the "remote" thing goes...a chunk of tape over the camera lens works MIRACLES.
Having the chool "snoop" DID, however locate over TWENTY of the stolen systems.
SO, in that regard, it saved the school some money and hassle in replacing the computers.
NONE of our systems (or the 4 we currently own) have ANY cameras on board, and if I did go out and get a webcam, it would be off all the time UNLESS I wanted it on.
Then again, I'm pretty much into keeping to myself (doesn't show, does it?) these days...
Thanks for stopping by, and have yourself a great weekend!
(uh, oh...more snow coming down here in the Summit City)
Spoke too soon about the weather...LOL!
Funny, that "crime going down" sounds like "money being saved" by the spending like a drunken sailor going on up in DC.
Now that you mentioned it, they DO sound a LOT alike...
(weird, huh?)
Don'cha just love all that "fuzzy math" these people use?
If *we* did this in school...we'd STILL be trying to graduate...LOL!
Glad you stopped on by.
Have a great weekend!
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