Weather prognosticators are still watching their models, tracking this winter weather, and figuring out what the final tally will be as far as snowfall on our fair city. The predictions are "anywhere from 2-14 inches" (so far). And that's a pretty big deal, I'd say.
I've already shoveled once, and I KNOW I'll be shovelling again...and again...and probably again.
And, as usual, OUR HOUSE will be the ONLY house having a sidewalk cleared of snow. A few others will pay to have someone else do it, but everyone else will just "let it stay there", being too damn lazy to lift a shovel. Yeah, that's like "work", you know.
With such Aborigines, you KNOW they'll ALL be walking IN THE STREET (where cars and plow like to drive), so getting about will be less than enjoyable.
Now, there IS a city ordinance that says that SNOW has to be removed from SIDEWALKS BEFORE 0900 hr, but I have NEVER seen that enforced at all.

Luckily, the schools are closed, so that means kids will be stopping by to "shova yo payment"? to which I'll replay "I do it myself...for free...bet'cha can't beat THAT price, huh?".
Once in a while, you get a black man, and you can tell he's looking for booze money, because this is the ONLY time you'll ever see this guy. He gets the same "tag line" from me. I treat everyone the same around here...with carefully-placed disdain. And that's only because I've yet to meet anyone that moves around here that has demonstrated to me that they deserve more. Simple, right?
I will say one thing about a snowfall...it's always nice to look at. Doesn't matter if it's the way it covers the tree limbs, turning them into works of art, or the quiet that rides along on the coattails of such a winter storm. I'm sorry, I said quiet, and in my neighborhood, that's an erroneous assumption. We'll STILL have boomcar drivers thumping the snow from their vehicles as they attempt to wake the dead with the incessant, endorphin-producing, ear-damaging noise. Another city ordinance that goes relatively unenforced.
Never fear, though...I plan to take some pictures to show you.
Yes indeed, how I like a good snowfall.
Interestingly enough, we've another "type" of snow, as well...the kind we tend to call a SNOWJOB.
And that doesn't mean a job for people clearing snow.
I think you KNOW what it really means.
And we've got snowjobs aplenty in this part of town...even in SUMMER.
Now, we all know this recession is taking it's toll on businesses everywhere, right?
But, what is really curious about the last THREE establishments that have closed, or are closing, is that they are ALL on the SOUTH SIDE of the city (my neck o' the woods). Imagine that.
Some claim it's the recession. They're partially correct.
Others say it's because of a lack of clientele...getting warmer.
A few even say it's due to a relocation of a hospital...oops, getting colder, now.

We can always find plenty of blame elsewhere, so let's never mention the REAL, underlying reason for the closings, shall we?
I mean forget that more crime in an area will all but chase everyone the hell AWAY from even the most established businesses.
Forget that having a restaurant, surrounded by HUD rentals is not REALLY such an eyesore.
Forget that having one's car broken into while dining, makes the experience less than "memorable", shall we?
Forget that having your business robbed more than once is indicative of a blighted area the city has ignored for decades.
Yeah...we know the REAL reason these places close.
The restaurants in question are Hartley's on Fairfield Ave, Lambro's on Tillman Rd, and Casa D'Angelo on Fairfield Ave.
I've been to Lambro's and Casa, and I can say that dining there was CIVILIZED.
Real "sit-down" kind of places...the ones where you can talk and not SHOUT at one another while eating. And the aromas found there were not rooted in some hydrogenated vegetable oil aka all fried stuff.
The food was well priced, service was always good, and the meals were always delicious.
But crime doesn't give a damn about such amenities.
The "locals" that inhabit (or is that INFEST?) the areas surrounding these restaurants are of the "crack rock for lunch bunch" anyway, so venues like these are never frequented by such vermin (except when they decide to rob such places).

It's the PEOPLE that caused the CRIME, that is causing the CLOSURE of these restaurants.
The other Casa D'Angelos around the city aren't even close to closing, and are in fact doing quite well...
Now why the hell do you think that IS, anyway, hmm?
It's the NEIGHBORHOODS near those other restaurants...they're NOT a slum, nor a ghetto, nor enjoy a tenth of the crime we have to endure daily down here. They are located in areas that civilized people still live...and work...and thrive.
Unlike down here where the "people" (and I use that word loosely) don't work and never have, and are getting damn near everything GRATIS, thanks to the government. And they show absolutely NO appreciation or respect for what they've been "given" or to those doing the "giving". They have no past, no present, and no future...they simple "are".
And they exist to breed, to annoy, and to further their insidious crime-ridden, drug-infused plague upon even larger parts of the cities in this nation .
THAT...is the TRUTH, like it or not.
So whenever I hear of another place closing down on the south side, I know the excuses that will be given for the closing, as opposed to the REASONS that so many know, but will be too afraid to mention.
*** Lastly, we know the ID of the man shot in his car (refer to yesterday's blog post).
(( Police Searching For Suspect In Reed Street Shooting By Scott Sarvay
Story Published: Feb 8, 2010 at 5:04 PM EST
Story Updated: Feb 8, 2010 at 5:36 PM EST

Investigators say 20-year-old Marteques (pronounced Mar-TEE-kus) Black was shot when a man attempted to rob him on Reed Street.
This marks the third shooting on that street in the past ten days.
Police say this activity is unusual and they have no plans to increase patrol.

Black was taken to the hospital in critical condition Saturday. ))
Yeah, right. I'll believe it when I see it.
The ONLY way you can discourage robberies like this is to be EVERYWHERE...ALL THE TIME.
And that dog just ain't gonna hunt.
You can "hope" to avoid situations like this, but ONLY through constant PATROLLING of the area.
Gee, Mike, be nice TO SEE more officers in an area that had THREE shootings in ONE WEEK, don'cha think?
Hell, I get well over a THOUSAND BOOMCARS thumping past my house EVERY year, and I sure as hell don;t see more officers trying to write citations and confiscate these vehicles. THAT would make too much sense (to me). I mean who really wants to garner ALL THAT REVENUE from noise violations for the city's coffers anyway, right?
Like I say, when you direct your officers to do ONE thing, they can't do much else (being under orders), can they?
Nothing worse than being written up for NOT being "at your post", when you were busy rolling up on some loudasses, pulling them over, finding contraband on board with an illegal firearm and then calling a hook to remove the vehicle, right?
That can happen in this city to an officer.
When mandates come down from "the top", it's damn hard to take the "initiative" on your own, for that whole "Protect and Serve" gig, doesn't it?
Still, I suppose it's better than nothing...
But it could always be a lot better.
We need to take a page from the books that founded this nation.
We need to become a LOT more PROACTIVE in the policing of our cities, towns, and boroughs.
As it stands, we've pretty much got a REACTIVE law-enforcement stance.

It's not impossible, but it IS difficult.
When we all learn to DO the difficult in life, what we thought was once "impossible" doesn't seem that far out of reach then, does it?
Take it easy with the winter weather, pace yourselves, and remember to...
Stay safe out there, America.
i see reed st alot in the fort wayne news. i'm sittingi in indy and know i dont want to walk around on that street. i have to wonder what is on the police minds not to patrol it. just my 2 cents.
The only time I recall seeing REED ST mentioned (in the past) was up around McKinnie St., near that BP station, where they have had a lot of (gang) activity over the past several years.
The RECENT addition to the blocks farther south indicate that the problems are moving around, finding new areas to conduct "business".
ANd rather than be proactive, it will be a reactive stance taken by the city (as usual).
The whole "making more traffic stops" mandate from the Chief (to me) makes little sense if you're sacrificing PATROLS in problem areas to make those "stops".
But, if there IS a silver lining here, it's that an officer "might" make a traffic stop down here and manage to find something other than a blown out tail lamp.
That's a pretty big "might", though, considering that I've said we have people down here that drive around "chemically-impaired", with blown out (or purposely disabled) license bulbs, headlights, and improperly placed tags that "get away" with it for YEARS, not to mentionn ALL those noise violations.
There are LOADS of REAL traffic stops to be made, if you change the manner in which you could catch these people.
It's a real mess, both logistically, and tactically.
And we haven't even figured in the "race aspect" aka all the "driving while black" BS we hear from those who dislike the police in the first place.
That leads to frivolous lawsuits against the city and department, sapping funds for litigation.
And people wonder WHY the south side gets a bad "rep"???
The city has it all planned out.
But I'm an OPTIMIST...LOL.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Cool blog you got here. I'd like to read more concerning this matter. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few photos of some gadgets.
Katherine Flouee
Phone jammers
Thank you for the compliment.
Which matter in particular are you referring to, and what types of "gadgets" would you like to see?
I've can find a gadget for most ANY "occasion"...LOL!
Anything from military ordinance to the history of electric cars (and a lot of ohter "stuff") can be found here in the archives.
And thanks for taking the time to stop by.
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