Our newest addition to our computer family (3 members...and counting) has once AGAIN decided to pack it in for spring break.
Now, you all KNOW how much I love these devices (yeah, love to toss them out a 10th floor window), so, suffice it to say, it will most likely need ANOTHER trip to a repair shop. I swear we can't seem to have ANY system for a year around here...must be some Indian burial ground nearby...or all the "bad vibes" I get from our "neighbors"...LOL.
That computer is one screwed up f$cktard of a system!
I'm on (my) the "other" PC, and although I have been slowed down, I have NOT been halted...so there, Microsoft...suck on that.
In the meantime...
*** An update to yesterday's homicide:
(( Victim slain days short of 21st birthday / Holly Abrams - The Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne police want to know what prompted Monday night’s slaying of a city man.
Allen County’s ninth homicide victim this year was identified as Stanford Walker, 20, of Fort Wayne, who was shot to death, according to autopsy results released Tuesday by the Allen County coroner. Walker would have turned 21 today.
When police arrived, they found Walker suffering from gunshot wounds in a grassy area just north of an apartment building at 7942 Serenity Drive.
Walker was critically wounded and placed in an ambulance. He died before reaching a hospital, police said.
Police believe Walker, who did not live on Serenity Drive, was outside an apartment building when he was shot.
Serenity Drive houses the Arbors of South Towne Square Apartments on the south side and Centennial Townhomes on the north side.
No witnesses have come forward to say they were with Walker at the time, police spokeswoman officer Raquel Foster said.
There is no indication Walker was robbed, and neither drugs nor gang activity are believed to have played a role in the slaying, she said.
"We don’t even know why he was there," she said, adding that police have no suspects.
A 911 caller reported seeing a white car leaving the area after gunshots had been fired.
Foster said it’s unclear whether that vehicle had any role in the killing.
All but one of the county’s homicides this year have been in Fort Wayne.
Police are asking that anyone with information call Crime Stoppers at 436-7867.
Callers can remain anonymous.
habrams@jg.net ))
Let's just say this might have been a "wrong place, wrong time" incident, especially when it comes to the 7900 block of Serenity Drive.
It's sad that a person has to be cut down in this manner, but at the same time, you have to acknowledge that this typifies the issues facing cities today with growing populations of "disenfranchised" ethnicities (shall we say).
(( Here is a "review" of these apartments:))
And this PDF is about the complex itself:
Decide for yourselves...
(reminds me of some places in Camden, NJ that you DON'T want to ever visit.)
And, as with so many other cases, we again have NO witnesses, in spite of the fact that this area (and it's "high-rise" apartments) is what one could call an "area of interest" (read hot spot) in the city. There are too many people there NOT to have seen something, especially with SIX shots being fired.
Yes, more of that "desensitivity" I mentioned yesterday.
WTF is THAT supposed to mean?
How can you have more EFFORT and NOT have more PRESENCE in the damn area?
How is any officer going to exhibit more EFFORT? They gonna drive FASTER when responding?
And how is NOT having any MORE cars in the area beneficial?
But that's just in MY neighborhood, and I'm SURE the department mandate clearly states that the EFFORTS being made in my area have no doubt DOUBLED. (rolls eyes)
Yeah, that MUST be true, because I'm certainly NOT seeing any more patrol cars in the area, so the EFFORTS must be what I can't see...and it's sure paying off in dividends...NOT.
Not one single control number or incident report for the call I placed...zip, zero, nada.
Goes to show that a lot of EFFORT is going into pulling this asshat over, doesn't it?
Well, I've always been a devout follower of that good old "broken window" theory.
You let the "small sh*t" go long enough, and pretty soon, you're up to your chest in BIG SH*T!
Welcome to MY neighborhood..where small sh*t runs like a rain-swollen river!
And that will inevitably lead to all the BIG sh*t I can see coming this way like a jail on wheels.
Hell, I predicted as much...YEARS ago, when I saw trends that would be a portent of things to come in our neighborhood...and I was right (again). Some things are SO obvious to some of us, while totally obscure to others.
But hey, far be for me to question HOW the city SHOULD be run (aside from into the crapper...and by the looks of things, they're doing a damn good job of it).
I'm still fighting with computers that don't want to work. (just like all my "neighbors"...lol)
These are the times that try men's' souls (as Thomas Paine noted)...and women's souls as well. None of us are exempt (unless we're under the caring hand of our fearless leader who sees fit to take from the taxpayers to give to the limp, lame and lazy..because he can). It doesn't appear to get easier for us who still care about something or someone...there is always something on the horizon we need to be watchful of, and lord knows we're keeping a lookout for such things.
Collectively, we all need a breather; a respite from all that we're assailed with daily.
Used to be that a nap in the afternoon solved that problem.
Not anymore.
We need for the world to back off from us...just for a little while.
Let us be able to recharge our psyche...renew ourselves, so we can begin again with the fervor for doing what is right and just.
We owe that much to ourselves and those we care about.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Serenity Drive.. that's a misnomer if it's in the middle of what I think it is. Gunshots don't just go off by themselves.
Police still aren't answering about that boombox guy? Have you considered something a paintball gun?
The people who feel entitled are starting to overwhelm the system in this country. Social security is now paying out more than it takes in (despite predictions that it would happen in 2016). 3 workers for every recipient, then soon it will be down to 2. How long before they decide to raise the taxes on that?
"workers paradise" here we come.
Dear Bob,
Another great post. That nap thing still works for some of us. But I think you're right, the world just keeps jumping and assailing.
On the bright side, you won an award over at my blog. Come check it out, if you feel like accepting it I'd be honored.
Ann T.
If THAT is paradise, I think some sort of Hadean venue would be more to *my* liking at this point...LOL.
As to the boomer...oh, I've GOT me a paintball pistol...HAHAHA!
(.43 caliber one - RAP4)
I'll be posting my latest "letter to the area chief" soon enough also.
Curious thing...I always thought ANARCHY would be a LOT LESS "organized".
Maybe it's "just me"...?
Thanks for swinging by.
AFter my slight "panic attack" today (thanks to societal issues and not personal issues), I find I have an...AWARD?
WOw...imagine that.
Who'da thunk it?
Thank you.
Be there straight away.
ANd thank you for stopping on by.
Well, you could always resort to using the laser light again. You know for sure that'll bring out the cops!
Been using the laser...the GREEN laser (higher frequency and much BRIGHTER beam), but they seem to have developed an "immunity" to it, even when I try to burn out their retinas...!
A few will turn it down - must think a "gun" is being aimed at them.
They really need to worry when they DON'T see a laser, because THAT WILL be the time I'll be aiming a gun at them...!
(silent but deadly...that's me)
Hey, thanks for stopping on by, buddy!
You stay safe up there.
well if i saw a laser i would think weapon being aimed at me. loved that apartment review. i think that lady is getting ready to kick off in her neighbors azz. love it. lol.....
When you're assaulted with NOISE, you have few options available with which to "fight back"...(when the "system" seems to all but ignore you.
I really don't want to fight NOISE WITH NOISE...that makes me as bad as these idiots are.
And the city doesn't much cotton to my idea of shooting them (must be a "noise" issue...how ironic), and tossing roofing nails in the street might harm innocent people's tires, SOOooo...I use LIGHT.
You have to admit...it's a LOT quieter weapon...lol.
And yes, that lady sounds too much like me when it comes to her "neighbors".
Thanks for stopping on by.
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