If you read the Thomas Paine quote along the header of this blog, you'll see why I believe that.
So, without any further ado...let's open up some recently "declassified" files from the cardboard box that sits next to my comic book collection in the basement, and get cracking, shall we?
*** From the "Did ANYONE REALLY think this out?" file:
The whole Health care bill is flawed...YOU know it, I know it, so who the hell are we kidding, hmm?
When I heard those NUNS saying "This is what Jesus would do"...I went "really?....REALLY?"
Gimme a damn break here.
He NEVER said anything about handing over control of your personal life to CAESAR (the government)...that was solely the realm of SLAVES, wasn't it? FREE MEN just didn't do that, but then again, we ARE talking about a EMPIRE...run by an EMPEROR (read dictator), and not anything close to a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
Next, with America rapidly going broke, thanks to these "cost-saving" plans Obamessiah (and his cabal) have wrought upon the populace, what WOULD happen if the price of...say....OIL were to suddenly spike?
I can see LONG lines at the fuel pumps, if we have to tap this nation's reserves, which is a distinct possibility, given the manner in which this global economy remains in a state of constant flux.
The short-term outlook for this health care bill appears promising (at first), but that's where it ENDS, people. The bloom will go from THIS rose soon enough, and all you'll have is another wilted rose to toss the hell out.
Right now, TWELVE states AG (attorneys general) are prepped to file LAWSUITS against the government regarding the constitutionality of this bill. The government has NO power to "force" any citizen to BUY any product...not in a republic.
If you REFUSE to get house insurance, don't get your undies in a bunch if the place accidentally burns down and you LOSE everything, and receive nothing as compensation, including another place to live. Also, you really can't get a mortgage unless you get SOME kind of insurance either.
You have NO right to drive, OR to own a home. It's a privilege, and we spoke about this last week.
You want that privilege, you have to follow certain, specified "rules".
All of these insurance "items" are there to be bought from ANY company offering them...at YOUR discretion, NOT the government's.
You play...you pay. Simple, huh?
Our local school board (FWCS) has voted to CLOSE Elmhurst H.S., an elementary school, lay off 91 teachers (that's 61 from high schools alone, in addition to those lost by other schools), NINE administrators (only) and are looking to outsource the custodial staffing (more unemployed).
Now that certainly is bound to RAISE all those test scores (especially with the kids from Elmhurst who face the stress of not being in their school for their senior year). Don't be surprised if these adolescent minds just shut the hell down to avoid dealing the the reality of this. That's the way teenage hormones work, folks.
Not to mention that some kids just might not like attending a "rival" school, and might become victims of bullying by those from the school these kids wind up in. Oh, yeah...a real "win-win" all around.
That covers the $15 million shortfall for FWCS...THIS year...
Now, about that EIGHT MILLION shortfall for NEXT year...
Guess in about 10 more years, ALL the schools will be closed here, at the rate they're going, hmm?
It's not about the children, but it's ALWAYS about the MONEY...remember that, friends.
Carbon Motors (an Indiana company) is looking to produce the "next generation" of police cruisers.
These will be state-of-the-art vehicles, designed PURELY for police work (and will not be sold to the public after they're "retired from service"). They have bulletproof door panels, are designed to get up to 35 MPG on a straight-six
We all know the marvelous Ford CROWN VIC will no longer be produced after this year (the police entry will be an offshoot of the TAURUS model), and Chrysler already has the (Dodge) CHARGER on our streets. General (read Government) Motors will begin (again) producing a CAPRICE model to take the place of the venerable Impala (in service since 1997).
*** Finally...I don't honestly know WHAT the future will hold for us. If we use a cinematic analogy, we could have a future like MAD MAX (gas worth more than gold and every person for themselves)...or BLADE RUNNER (odd combination of languages and ethnicities and a strictly defined class structure)...or MAX HEADROOM (corporate wars and government intrusion of everything in people's lives), or even ROBOCOP (cities turned into mega-ghettos and police at risk thanks to crime running those cities).
Those are not ANY of the scenarios I choose to embrace with the type of "change" we're seeing in this nation.
Nor, do I wish a total Utopian venue, that would have the government give everything to everyone.
That stifles creativity, abrogates freedom, and quashes liberty.
If I wanted to be part of a "collective", I'm sure there are enough nations that practice socialism or communism to choose from (and that would probably be my LAST choice if I went there).
I like where people are FREE to CHOOSE...to make mistakes, then get the hell back up and try it again, without the government at our side, carrying us along in life.
Allow me the right to succeed OR fail, based on MY merits, and not some governmental dictate.
Allow me the right to MY life, devoid of government intervention in "my best interest".
Allow me to be an AMERICAN.
Now, get yourselves outside, enjoy that which surrounds you, and gird yourselves with a new resolve to keep our nation as she was always meant to be by doing what needs to be done.
Here's something to get you started on the right foot:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown
I believe this poem was written regarding a prizefighter a long time ago...
We can rise above the pain, the fatigue, and the tedium to win, no matter how small the victory.
So, make a difference today to someone, even if it's yourself, and...
Stay safe out there, America
I went years with out health insurance. By MY choice. After my divorce I was without insurance for the first time in my life. I told my self I could not afford insurance, but I continued to smoke, eat out and in general spend money on other things. Again no insurance .. my choice. I CHOSE not to spend my money on it. A few years ago I got sick, after weeks of dragging my self around I finally went to the ER. I was in bad shape and refused to stay over night. Another Choice. My bill was way over $1000 for a breathing treatment, shot and script. I paid the bill off at $25 per month and only recently got it paid in full. I closed my business, went with out for 6 months and then got Social Security Disability and after another year I got Medicare. Now after paying into this program my whole working life, I wonder will I still have insurance? My son lives in Australia, he had to wait several weeks for an MRI on his back. Will that happen here? I have so many questions, But my main question is... Can you legislate common sense?
I honestly appreciate you sharing this here...it speaks a lot to the integrity you possess.
Can we legislate common sense?
In all likelihood, we cannot do it PER SE, but we CAN do what needs to be done to ensure the right people are elected to our political offices, no matter to what level they aspire.
We CAN also make sure children are presented with the proper core values...the ones we had growing up.
And that applies to their parents, some of whom have had a long enough ride on society's gravy train.
Time to them to get off, and get them busy being a responsible member of society.
But even that may not be enough to dissaude people from living as THEY wish...that's part of FREEDOM.
I know I'm guilty...as is everyone else.
I'm not alleging that your personal choices were wrong...that's NOT for me, or anyone else to speak to, or judge.
We ALL are privy to having done some wrong things...sometimes, for reasons we think are right, other times just because we CAN do it.
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. and had *I* known then ALL that I know NOW, I could have probably avoided some unwanted angst in MY life.
Mom would always say:
"You should know better".
Yeah,. Mom...even from the grave...you're STILL right.
DO I (personally) believe this health care bill is wrong?
You betcha!
The ONLY times we REALLY need health care is:
1) A pre-existing and ongoing condition spawned from youth or birth.
2) When we age and pay our dues for all the stuff we did in times past and wind up with conditions that affect our quality of life.
Yet, there is always that unforseen thing that may (or may never) crop up.
Aside from that, we're at our Creator's mercy here.
I wish I had just ONE answer to this, but we're being overwhelmed by too many questions.
If ANYTHING needs to be done with health care, it's to regulate the insurance companies, lower premiums, inact tort reform, and lower the cost of pharmaceuticals for those with problems affording them.
But the current administration can't seem to figure out the "easy stuff", as they take the EASY WAY out (at our childrens' expense).
All we CAN do is stay the course, plead OUR case to those in authority, and pray for guidance and wisdom.
((Sorry to get so damn long-winded.))
Thanks for stopping by.
Dear Bob,
That is a lovely poem, and,
some wonderful thoughts as well. I have a post started on the Vagos after we both read about them at Sergeant Says.
I wish the Hemet PD every bit of luck.
Thanks, my neighbor across the 'net,
Ann T.
I came across this poem from a refirigerator magnet I got somewheere (from someone) a LONG time ago...still have it, and I dug around trying to find it's origin.
Not much to be found.
The wisdom in that brief poem has kept me going so often when I thought there was little to go on for.
Thanks for stopping by.
i'm really pissed off about me having to pay for my health care. i was looking forward to a time where my daughter rolled off and i could go entirely va based upon what a make a year. and trust me i wasnt planning to be a rich bixxx eithor. i dont want to pay for health care. for me it doesnt pay. i wear the cheap glasses from americas best. i have no cavietys. never had one. i am healthy as a horse. the last time i got the flu was back in 97 when i had went threw alot of life stresses. mom died, bought a house, kid was in the hospital, and working over 60hrs a week back in the "good" old days.
they can shove this health care. so even if i go to a war i will have to pay to use the va now? its not right or fair. and thats what it is making me pay for the va. if it wasnt so cold i would want to move to idaho.
Dear Bob,
I had a greeting card posted on my front door when writing my thesis.
Winston Churchill
If you're going through hell, keep going.
I am still working on my Vagos post but managed to get my Hemet PD post up and one on Motorcycle Clubs. I got so bogged down in the Vagos, I had to do the MC post first.
So I'm trucking/biking forward,
Ann T.
If this isn't making our young adult MORE dependent upon our government (by using our families as a go-between), I don't know WHAT is...
It makes me wonder HOW this will impact the V.A. as well. You make some damn fine arguments.
As to the Constitutionality of this crap bill?
Well, I'd like to think it will be struck down by the SCOTUS...but we'll have to see on this.
Thanks for stopping by.
I hadn't thought about Churchill's quotes regarding "staying the course"...I knew he was one of THE driving forces behind the people's resolve (in the UK) to do whatever it took to fight the enemies and never bow down to them.
(welcome to "me")
Good stuff there.
Keep on peddling.
ANd thanks for stopping over.
just a little link about va and the health care joke obama is putting out. and i was for this man. just like ALL the men i think is good he's shown what he really is.
there is an old bible saying that God will show you your what its all about. trust me i've been trying to stay cool about this for the last few months. our pres is not for the vets at all. i hope the lawsuits these states are sending out do go threw. if needed be i'll just have to move to one of those states when needed. the health care i was promised in my military contract is a joke. i still have my contract and if i ever need to to a lawsuit dont think i wont.
The whole "healthcare" issue COULD have been resolved a while back...and for a LOT less legislation AND $$$!
This is nothing more than a way to CONTROL the people...FORCE you to buy something you don't want to buy, and the government has NO right to do that whatsoever.
I look at it this way...it's MY life...MY choice.
(wow, that's sounds SO familiar)
I will decide what health care I will pay for, and not someone who we're all paying for to tell me as much.
But I'm one of those upstarts you hear about...the one that wants MY COUNTRY BACK.
Thanks for commenting.
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