11 June 2010

Friday Follies...
Sorry about the tardiness of today's post, but with the missus off from school for the summer, we decide to do our grocery shopping on FRIDAYS instead of the usual Saturday.
It keeps the "locals" off their game, as it were. I love the change up our routine, because if you happen to live in a ghettohood, the ONE thing you should always be aware of, is that YOU are being watched, as is your house.
That is why you see so many burglaries in the area. Someone HAS to know that "Mr. X" or "Ms Y" isn't at home, so their place is "ripe for the picking", as it were.
One need only check the police blotter to see the specific times these occur to deduce that there are those that don't ever seem to sleep, but instead prefer to prowl the streets, watching...waiting for that opportunity to avail themselves of things that belong to others.
The good news is that it's not "Welfare Weekend"...that was LAST week.
Amazing how many OTHER whites tend to shop earlier in the day, too.
It's like they ALSO know that many ethnics (down here) don't rise until the VERY late morning or afternoon (sleeping off last night's drunk, no doubt).
That makes ANY type of shopping SO much better for us...kind of like the way it USED to be when a lot more people worked jobs, and fended for themselves, instead of chronically having their hands out for "mo gub'ment munny".
*** In an update to a story I had here a few days back...
(( The man gunned down outside a southeast-side gas station around midnight Monday has been identified as 38-year-old Lee Scott Bradshaw, the Allen County Coroner’s Office said Wednesday. His death marks the county’s 16th homicide of 2010.
Bradshaw was found behind the BP gas station at the intersection of South Anthony Boulevard and McKinnie Avenue, suffering from gunshot wounds and in critical condition. He died at a hospital. Police reportedly have no leads and have made no arrests.
Bradshaw was released from prison last month, where he had served two years for a forgery conviction out of Allen Superior Court, according to the Indiana Department of Correction.
So there 'ya are.
Another stellar citizen bites the dust...and JUST out of the hoosegow, too. Who would have thunk it?
I had his name right HERE about TWO DAYS before the police released it to the media...wonder why they were so slow?
I got the name off the radio.
Maybe THEY should listen to the radio OR (even better) read my blog more often?
(just a suggestion)
*** That 16 year old girl (Abby Sunderland) that was sailing around the world ALONE, and was believed to be lost somewhere in the south Indiana Ocean HAS been found...alive AND well!
Here's the link to the latest:
Leave it to QUANTAS airlines to spot her. They've never had a crash (according to "Rainman" ), and they obviously have some VERY alert flight crews. Good for all involved, right?
Although I do applaud this young girl's endeavor, I think that's a might TOO young to be attempting such things
I mean, you DO havesome REAL "pirates" out there, right?
And she probably doesn't have a 20MM cannon (and ammo) to fend them off mounted on the foredeck of her sailboat, right?
Maybe she could join the girl scouts...something a bit closer to home until she gets a little older.
Sell some cookies, earn some badges...do things teens SHOULD be doing.
Take my NEIGHBORS, and send THEM off on some sailboat around the world instead (please).
*** Lastly today, our local bank has changed it's name from NATIONAL CITY to PNC. Big whoop, right?
And we have to jump through all the hoops to activate our NEW ATM cards...and receive a lot of paper telling us about the "change".
Note to bank: If this even comes CLOSE to turning into ANY type of clusterf$ck, I'll drop these guys faster than a bad habit - our money will look JUST as nice in someone else's bank, trust me!
I really dislike when banks change...or credit cards change...ALL by themselves.
I USED to have two VISA cards...ran low-to-zero balances on them, paid off monthly, and used sparingly (when necessary and never in excessive amounts), and them one day a few years back, I get my *new* card...and it as NOT a VISA.
It was...a MASTERCARD.
WTF is going on here???
I didn't ask, or WAS asked if I wanted to "switch" from VISA to M/C.
No one told me about any change.
But there it was...I now had two new MASTERCARDS.
Traditionally, M/C had slightly higher percentage rates for balance dues.
That's why I stuck with VISA.
It makes me wonder if VISA had any say in this, or if they even KNEW they were being subjugated for a competitor?
Now, our ATM card has become a VISA card...for the time being.
I can only hope that M/C doesn't see this as yet another chance to fatten their calf, as they did with my other two credit cards.
Yeah, some days, it's enough to make 'ya spit PLAID!
Still, with our credit ratings as good as they are, they (the card companies) will always have to (as Dad would like to say) need US before WE need THEM...
And that (like some other things in life) just NEVER gets old, does it?
Have yourselves a great weekend, be well, make a difference to someone...and, as always:
Stay safe out there, America.


Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
Oh, my comment for yesterday must have gone to perdition--either I messed up or Blogger hiccuped. I'll try to remember whatever witty thing I came up with, LOL.

I've never heard of spitting plaid, but I do believe I've done it before! Many, many times, ROFL!!

As to credit cards, keeping it low and paying it more is the Only way to go. When my husband was alive, I took 'em to zero twice. To do else is flat slavery to whatever interest they want to charge.

Have a great weekend!
Ann T.

Bob G. said...

Thank God you also understand the definition of "living within your means".

My folks often said the WORST thing that can happen to anyone is "to have CHAMPAGNE taste with a BEER pocketbook".

I'm not a cheapskate, but I do know what FRUGAL is.

And being cost-conscious is what matters THESE days, eh?

Hey, thanks for stopping by the "fence" today.

Have yourself a great weekend!

Phil Marx said...

Regarding the slow F.W. media:

You probably recall my earlier posts about one of my neighbors. This was the guy who the police/prosecuter appeared to have give a free pass on murder because he testified against his "friend" (and apparent accomplice in some of the murders.)

You'll probably recall that the local (lack of) news never looked into or reported on that aspect of the story. They just told us that the accused was a "one man crime spree", and hinted that jailing him would solve the problem.

Anyway, regarding my neighbor, you might recall that about six months ago I predicted that he would be dead within a year. I figured this would either be self-inflicted from his reckless driving, revenge shooting from a friend of the guy he testified against, or a FWPD cop who now realized their man had become too much of a liability to them.

Well, as it turns out, he was shot about a month back. I didn't see anything about this on the police blotter, and I certainly did not hear about it in the F.W. news. In fact, if my neighbors had not reported to me that he was walking around the block in a bloody hospital gown I would have never known about it.

I suppose the media figured this was just one of those things that we lowly citizens didn't need to know about. It sure is nice to know that our local media is so well trained to take their instructions about what to say and what not to say directly from Rusty and Karen.

Bob G. said...

I do recall the back-story, but didn't know the perp was shot a month ago...

AT least you have neighbors that will tell you things.

I'm pretty much "pissin' in the dark" down here.

I only have my senses to rely upon.(plus a decent pair of binoculars and notes well kept).

The local media often appears to be bought and paid for.

They always are saying others say the south side gets a "bad rep"...well it's frigging DESERVED, considering the TYPE of people you have infesting the area (and I sure as hell am not talking about folks like US).

Everyone NEEDS to know the truth that transpires down here daily.

I figure if you stick something as disgusting and vile as what goes on down here under the general populace's nose LONG enough...and constantly, they will get the hint that something stinks-on-ice.

THEN...perhaps things can get done to eradicate the problems.
But not before.
(that's where *we* come in)

Good update on that bullet-catcher up there.

Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a SAFE weekend.

indy said...

that was an interesting post from phil. i remember something like that on his blog awhile back. i went to the federal court building down here a few days ago. when i got out of my car in the parking garage i was thinking..hummm todays the day your going to be robbed. i even felt someone watching me as i went towards the courthouse. once i got on ohio street in front of the court house i was terrified. here i am no mace, no knife, no weapon. and i have all these people and a few of them look like they want to rob me. following me down the street. slapping hands with the next guy that follows me. i had my bankcard and most of my cash in my boobs. walked up the steps like i was in my 20's (forgot about my bad knee)and went on in the courthouse. i was terrified. and when i came out after the proceedings and had to go threw that mess again. i was not happy at all. i came out looking mean and wanting to fight. that was the time they left me alone. some men were out there just sitting around waiting. freaking weird.

Bob G. said...


The first thing you CAN do (just as you did) was to walk like YOU OWN THE DAMN STREET...watch everyone, and hold YOUR head up.

Don't ever LOOK like a victim.

That's EXACTLY what predators such as this are watching for.

Thank you for taking time to comment.