16 June 2010

Humpday Happenings...
If you've been planning on a "mid-week crisis", a friendly reminder to you that TODAY is the day to get it over and done with, kapeesh?
So much has been said about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
There's been blame passed around like potatoes and dinner rolls at a Walton family Thanksgiving...back and forth, up and back, over and back again. It never seems to end.
I wish all these folks would sit down the STFU!
Everyone wants to HAND OUT blame, but how many have been forthcoming in ACCEPTING the blame?
Bet'cha there's more dishing it out, than taking it these days.
And isn't that ALWAYS the way?
My dear, departed parents always preached to me that:
"If you do something wrong, own up to is, because you don't want us to catch you LYING about it".
(That was truly doubling-down on any punishment they were going to hand out)
Amazing how poker and discipline go hand-in-hand when you're that young.
Today, all these people do is point a finger at SOMEONE ELSE.
It's like the old FAMILY CIRCUS comic when mom asked one of the kids who did something "bad", it was always a nearby spectral counterpart called "NOT ME" that got the "blame".
Now, I might be a bit old-fashioned, but my Mom always told me it was NOT polite to POINT.
That seems reason enough to "man up" for whatever you did that was wrong.
And tossing a lie on top of it to avoid the wrath of mom wasn't going to bode well when you got caught IN that lie (as I stated above).
TWICE the crime - TWICE the punishment.
(and all in the name of "because we LOVE you")
Sometimes, that's exactly HOW YOU LEARN stuff.
We call it trial and error...and it still works.
After the first time to try to "get a pass" on something you did wrong by LYING, you LEARNED it was in YOUR best interest (and ability to eat dinner sitting down) to just fess up and tell the damn TRUTH.
Then, the more you tell the truth, the easier it becomes...and so on.
Trouble is, we've got people in power that haven't LEARNED this lesson (yet).
They will STILL promote falsehoods when they SHOULD be "fessing up", as it were.
And we CATCH them in those lies all too often.
In some ways, we've become the "parents" over a government of "spoiled little brats".
Now, if we carry the analogy further, we have a duty "as a parent" to admonish this "child" and help them back onto the road of truth...and responsibility...and integrity.
Now, I said all THAT...to say THIS:
I watched the "one" speak last evening about the oil spill, and for a political rally speech, it was OK.
For a "make me feel so much better that things are under control" speech...I give it a D minus (I was feeling generous)!
I am getting SO damn sick and tired of hearing the same old crap coming from D.C.
I don't give a rat's ass if you inherited the worst state of the union on the planet...either GET BUSY not crying the blues over what someone else had done and solve the dilemma, or GET BUSY finding someone who CAN...take your pick, EITHER one will work for me at this point.
Your job as President is to run the GOVERNMENT (read NATION)...not the banks...not the car companies....not any private industry...not other businesses...and certainly not our health care.
(and not into financial collapse, either...that is NOT an option)
I don't give a damn about "who's ass to kick". If it were me, I wouldn't say a damn word...I'd just find that person or persons and DO IT.
I saw a very good show about Andrew Jackson (last night), and he didn't take any crap when it came to the Bank of the United States (centralized banking...sound familiar?). When the person running the bank was found to be corrupt, Jackson took all the reserves FROM THAT bank, and passed it around TO THE STATES (in which the majority of power of this nation SHOULD rest).
Jackson was a "kick-ass" guy, but he didn't send everyone a letter saying he was looking to find that ass so he COULD kick it.
Our president needs to UNDERSTAND that a LOT of people are to blame, and not any ONE entity or person...so that's gonna be a lot of ass-kickin' to get done. I'm just sayin'...
In stead of putting up fences, the President SHOULD have suspended the Jones Act and let foreign ships that COULD have assisted with this spill into the Gulf to assist in management of this disaster.
If someone wants to offer to help lift that collapsed wall from your body, time IS of the essence, so you TAKE THE DAMN HELP...and worry about everything else later.
Same goes for this clusterf$ck in the Gulf.
We're not that great a nation where we can sure solve every problem with the snap of a finger...NO nation is, or ever will be.
But we are (apparently) too great a nation to accept help from others, according to our President (and his actions the first few weeks of the spill). I hate to say it, but OTHER nations ARE watching...to see how we handle this.
And they ARE taking notes, you can be assured.
I know I would.
When this situation DOES become resolved (and it most assuredly will), it might be a good idea if this administration practices something we called HUMILITY...!
I think if they back the hell up, take a long, hard look at themselves, they may find they're not the "giants in the valley" that they thought they were...and will never become, if the American people have anything to say about it.
The difficult part (as with any debilitating addiction) will be getting these people to admit they have a problem.
They are addicted to LIES...they are addicted to POWER...they are addicted to DECEIT. And there are very FEW hands that are NOT dirty in that regard.
This is a perfect case of them (the government) trying to remove the mote from OUR eyes, when they have a PLANK lodged in THEIR OWN... let it go, people.
I say we stick the TRUTH under their noses, and then, like a puppy you're trying to potty-train, shove their nose IN it.
Teach them that the time of over-steeping their boundaries is over.
Teach them about being HUMBLE, unafraid to accept HELP when offered.
Teach them to LISTEN to the PEOPLE of this great nation.
They may HEAR us, but they're not LISTENING...yet.
Yeah, there's plenty of BLAME to assign to anyone willing to accept it.
But, in the final analysis, WE, the AMERICAN PEOPLE know where the real fault will be found.
Be well,make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.


indy said...

in the 10 commandents lying is considered a sin. so is killing. since sin is sin. i have told my daughter it really dont matter if you lie or kill a man your still commenting an act of sin. sometimes i think lying is probley the worse sin of all. it breads other sins to be played out and be covered by lies.

Bob G. said...

You are so right.

In the Catholic faith they have VENIAL sins and CARDINAL sins...
(to distinguish little sins from BIG ones, I suppose)

To me, one can easily beget another or several (sins, that is), so why add more fuel to the fire, right?

Faith-based living is NOT about doing the don'ts.

It's MORE about being too busy DOING THE DOs, so you don't have time to do the don'ts.


Sound about right?

Thanks a lot for stopping on by today.

Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
The problem always is, for those of us Trying to see the truth, is that all of these lies have tiny truths in them. It all gets stacked up like some Dagwood Sandwich, only with too much grease.

I hate that the spill happened. I hate that we have such a panoply of blame now that no one can learn from it what to do or what to think.

And it happens, over and over.

Great post. Thank YOU.
Ann T.

Bob G. said...

That's a great analogy w/ the dagwood (and reminded me I need to get some lunch)...

But it's SO darn true!

We've been cajoled, falsely befriended, and outright lied to for SO long by these people talking out of BOTH sides of their mouths, that any casual attempt at discernment OF the truth has become muddled.

That's why (I believe) we have one another (here).

With all of OUR OWN "little truths" (sans the BS) we can create a much more comprehensive and CORRECT mosaic of what is REALLY going on.

And that is something I feel all these politicians NEVER counted on.

Hey, thank you for taking time to stop on by.