14 July 2010

Humpday Happenings...
Okay, boys and girls, no messing around today because we've got some really interesting things to ponder.
I want to start off by saying that I hope you've been watching both hands of these politicos in our nation's capitol.
If you haven't, shame on you.
If you have, then some of what will appear today will be right up your alley, as they say.
First up, a look at the local Fort Wayne police blotter.
*** Another shooting in the Summit City with two related stories.
(( July 13, 2010 FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Indiana’s NewsCenter) -
A Fort Wayne man has been upgraded to serious condition after being shot near downtown Fort Wayne.
Investigators say 23-year-old Joseph Golden was shot during an incident outside the Sports and Spirits Bar at East Wayne & South Anthony around 1:45 a.m.
Police say they were initially called to the bar because several people were waiving guns outside the facility.
Once on scene, officers learned Golden had shown up at the hospital in critical condition with a gunshot wound.
Police tracked down the suspects involved and have interviewed everyone about the shooting.
The Sports and Spirits' Bar owner says he's been a good neighbor, and this is unusual behavior. But neighbors say there have always been problems at the bar.
"It does not surprise me that they’re having problems with people getting shot down there with the activities that go on down there at that bar," neighbor Kerri Packer said.
"It terrifies me all the time," concerned neighbor Christine Magana said. "I see them, I can hear the commotion of the fights and all that. But we call the cops all the time but what can we do?"

"Now that we've had something happen, we'll definitely step up patrols in the area to make sure that there is nothing more that is going to happen in that area, or retaliation or anything of that nature," Fort Wayne Police Officer Roy Sutphin said.
"Four houses away people live with families," Packer said. "The woman that lives across the street from us has nine children and I have five. There are people around here that have families and this bar across the street seems like it's bringing down the value of the community and of our family's life that we should have."

"There's nothing that indicates to us that this is a hot spot or anything," Sutphin said. "It’s just an unfortunate incident at this period of time."
Witnesses told police someone in a white Chevrolet Impala might have been involved in the shooting.
At least one person from that vehicle was interviewed by officers, but no arrests have been made, police said.
No suspects have been identified.
Police say they’ll continue to investigate.
This is just part of living in an area replete with criminal activity...aka the ghettohood. We have a bar nearby us as well (seems we have TOO MANY bars down here...PERIOD) and I can easily see similar things happen on any given night. We already have an unusually high number of signal 46s (domestics) and at the same houses over an over. This is exactly the TYPE OF BEHAVIOR we've come to expect from people suffering from an "entitlement" mentality".
Hurray for US (them)...to hell with everyone else.
Funny thing, the POLICE drive WHITE IMPALAS ( as do several people in my neighborhood...and those "civvie" cars are EX-POLICE vehicles - they still have the spotlights on the *A* pillar...very interesting, hmm?)
*** And there's still more on that "incense" being sold in the city.
(( Police stymied by kids smoking incense. - Aaron Organ of The News-Sentinel
Although it is legal product, K2 may produce harmful side effects if misused.
An incense that can possibly have, when smoked, hallucinogenic effects has local police concerned – and handcuffed.
K2, a green, leafy incense meant to be burned for its possibly therapeutic aroma, is being misused as a drug to get high, producing debilitating effects. And it's completely legal.
A K2 representative did not respond to an e-mailed request for comment.
Sold at several area service stations and smoking paraphernalia stores, Binghamton, N.Y.-produced K2 comes packaged in clear plastic bags with a sticker indicating it is "for fragrance purposes only" and that it could cause "light-headedness" and is potentially harmful. Fort Wayne Police say the effects are more serious.
Just after 1:30 p.m. June 15, police were called to a home at 2131 Brandywine Court, where an 18-year-old had driven his car, then crashed into a wooded area, according to a police incident report. The teenager, who suffered minor injuries in the crash, told police he was high on K2 at the time and seeing in a "3-D cartoonish way," the report said.
The incident was uncited, as police were unable to act because K2 is a legal substance. Police spokeswoman
Raquel Foster said the man could potentially face other non-drug charges, but none have been filed.
She explains police are bound by a law that does not address legal incense.
"It's something that there probably needs to be a change," Foster said. "It's something that's not supposed to be ingested …and young kids are buying it because it's sold legally."
Foster said K2 is being seen by the department's school resource officers – police officers stationed in schools – in the hands of students, and that has the department concerned. The police department, and its vice and narcotics division, has fielded numerous calls concerning it, Foster said.
For now, the calls are disregarded because police have no grounds to act.
"This is something that's new, and we just can't do much about it," Foster said.
City Council was petitioned yesterday by students to BAN the "incense" (think a synthetic form of marijuana) with the label K2 or PEP (and also known as "SPICE" ), but Council is wondering if they should wait until early NEXT YEAR when the state proposes to place a ban on the substance, as have other states. I say if it's THAT bad...BAN IT NOW.
*** A man finally gets sentenced for beating an infant.
(( Dad sentenced to 12 years for baby’s neglect - 6-week-old had multiple fractures
-Rebecca S. Green / The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – After recounting the handful of injuries suffered by 6-week-old Cordell Lee, an Allen Superior Court judge sentenced the baby’s father, Cortez Lee, to 12 years in prison Tuesday.
In June, an Allen Superior Court jury convicted Lee of felony neglect of a dependent. Lee, 21, was charged with the crime in December, nearly a year after he and his girlfriend took one of their infant twin sons to Parkview Hospital’s emergency room with a displaced femur fracture.
Doctors at the hospital found a crack running the length of Cordell Lee’s skull that caused bleeding on his brain. They also discovered older fractures in the infant’s wrist, rib, foot and shin. During the trial, doctors testified that the injuries took a significant amount of force to inflict and that the results of the injuries would have been obvious to anyone caring for the child. None of the explanations offered by the Cordell’s parents fit with the injuries, according to testimony.
In sentencing Lee, Allen Superior Court Judge Fran Gull echoed the earlier testimony, saying it had turned her stomach to listen to it during the trial.
"The child had terrible, horrible, painful injuries," she said. "That child would have been pitifully crying, and you ignored it."
Lee’s girlfriend, mother and stepbrother all asked the court for leniency on his behalf, saying he was a good person. Along with his attorney, they also spoke of a vaguely defined learning disability that caused Lee to receive Social Security disability income.
Chavon Harris – his girlfriend and the mother of their three children, all currently in foster care said Lee supported her and her children.
"He don’t belong in jail," she said. "It’s just not where he is supposed to be."
When first asked by his attorney whether he had anything to say, Lee declined, mumbling that he was scared to speak. But he eventually did, saying he never did anything wrong but wasn’t taking care of the baby properly.
He could not offer an explanation for the infant’s injuries.
"It’s a big mystery, what happened," said Jeff Raff, Lee’s court-appointed attorney. "Do you know what happened?"
Lee said.
Lee’s inability or refusal to offer an explanation for the injuries led to Gull’s rejection of requests by both sides for a sentence split between probation and prison.
"You don’t admit you did anything wrong," Gull said. "That makes you not a good candidate for probation."
After asking what it meant to appeal his conviction and sentence, Lee said he intended to do so.
Another case of taxpayer-sponsored "disability" which led to battery of an infant...AN INFANT for Christ's sake!
And yet, this animal IS a "good person"...who knew?
He's on DISABILITY and yet "supports" baby-mama and the THREE kids they've already had...guess that "learning disability" had to include figuring out how to COPULATE...didn't it? It always does with such people.
That's why we STILL have ghettos (by progressive design)...filled with entitlement-driven victicrats, sucking the life blood from this nation's coffers.
Makes a good case for "taking from whitey".
Got news for these leeches.
We've HAVE taken a lot from people such as these...like their disrespectful actions and words, their misguided and misdirected hatred, their crime and uncivil behavior, and their constant alligator-tear stained BS rhetoric.
But a lot of us, both Black AND white already know this, don't we?
And now, for the main course to this crap sandwich buffet:
*** This is why you need to be watching BOTH hands of most all those in Washington, D.C.
Pay close attention now, because THIS word means something...something very important to your future, and to the future of this nation.
The word of the day is: DHIMMITUDE.
Here's the WIKI on the word:
Betcha reading THAT put a curdle to your coffee, right?
You might find this article from Michelle Malkin as enlightening:
Or, how about this from SNOPES:
You might like this article as well:
I would suggest you peruse at least ONE of these sources, because you will find something SO insidious that it make your eyes bleed!
This kind of stuff is VERY scary sh*t, and we'd be best served to keep a watchful eye on things pertaining to this.
And that means OBAMACARE (for one).
We honestly need to have this repealed, if for no other reason, than for DHIMMITUDE.
Again, we can see that we are trying to be distracted...pulled in a lot of directions.
We DO have to be vigilant in our pursuit of the truth.
Aside from our jobs, homes, gardens, and families, and other things we have going on in our lives, we DO have to stay alert in our "watchtowers" for the enemy is nearby, waiting to strike.
It might not be a frontal assault. It could be a covert operation, meant to lull us into a false sense of security before all hell breaks loose.
And it might come from many directions all at once.
We have to remain firm in our resolve to protect this nation from ANY subversion, foreign OR domestic.
We owe it to ourselves...and to our future.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Lots of crime out there. K2 sounds a lot like spice. They should be able to charge the person with DWUI if your state law is written right. Ours states "impaired" operation of a motor vehicle which includes anything, including prescription drug overdosing or misuse of scrips. Lots of people were crashing after taking Ambien and so they changed it. Very dangerous stuff out there.

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
Indiana is pretty cut and dried when it comes to current DUI (or OWI as they call it here) laws, but it will throw local legislators for a loop whenever something like THIS happens to show up.
Catches 'em all with the trousers unzipped, as it were.

My take is to ACT upon it ASAP.

But then again, I ain't the guy smoking incense.
Better to have BOTH a city AND state law come next year (that compliment one another) than to play a "sit and wait" game...

Thanks a lot for stopping on by today.

We copy you signal 8 in service!

Stay safe out there.

Slamdunk said...

You stumped me with your word of the day and I definitely needed to click the link. Nice one.

Bob G. said...

You can thank "MSN" for emailing me this one.
And I'm more than happy to share...especially with something like THAT, believe you me.

After I did come "checking", I honestly had to pick my JAW up off of the keyboard!
(and it's a rarity that makes me go "WHOA!" these days)
A LOT of things began to make a LOT more sense (in Washington, D.C.)

This IS an eye-opener.

As always, I thank you for stopping on by today.

indy said...

well you know bob i've been over there in saudia as a military member. and been to other islamic countries as a guest. i about crapped on myself when i read your word of the day.

Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
I needed to take some time to look at those articles for today.

I never know what to think about these things. The Christian religion also has many historical instances of intolerance, and not all of them have disappeared. I would think that moderates of any religion could learn to get along, and that im-moderates would not.

I am of course afraid of a Londonistan scenario in this country. At the same time the enclaves we have are screwy too, and they're the now. I don't want to make a Londonistan by fearing one.

So, let's just say I'm maddeningly on the fence with this. It's maddening to me too.

This is all good information, and we Surely do not get enough of that.

Thanks for a mind twister, I'm still thinking it through!

HAve a great evening! See you tomorrow on the "fence."

Ann T.

Bob G. said...

I had a feeling you'd pick up on this.
It's something I think a LOT more people need to be aware of.
And I believe we're seeing more and more of it every week.

That's all well and good in the Middle East, but everywhere else?
Maybe not so much.

Thanks for stopping by.

Carry On.

Bob G. said...


I'm one of those folks that feels that tolerance has it's place just as much as intolerance.

It's a 2-edged sword, AND one helluva balancing act.

We can't just "cave in" and bow down to one group while practically ignoring another.

But when we start building a mosque on the site of 9/11, it's just got to stop and make you think.
We take Judeo-Christian values from our schools and yet promote other "alternative" religious followings?

When a sect declares a JIHAD against we "infidels" for wanting LIBERTY and FREEDOM, it surely makes ME wonder.

When women are subjugated and treated like a common cur because that's what THEIR religion teaches, that gets ME scratching my head.

I just think we're crossing the line (politically-speaking) when it comes to any and all forms of religion.
And that's bothersome to me, considering that THIS NATION was founded on good, solid principles that can still be found in the Bible.

We (our ancestors who came here) MUST have felt there was something of note to allow this country to follow a Judeo-Christian path, instead of something else.

And that's what this is all about...it's something to make you THINK.

Thanks for coming by the fence today...always appreciated.