Gotta just LOVE all this global warming.
Of course, those on the EAST coast got hammered with winter weather...AGAIN.
I know Boston got over a foot of snow, and NYC's Central Park saw 15 inches, erasing an 86-year old record for snowfall in January.
Philly got walloped with between 10-14 inches and 6 inches down at BWIA.
In the Metro D.C. area, traffic was at a standstill, roads were icy, and even our President's motorcade took about an hour to get back to the White House (Marine One was grounded due to bad weather).

About 200,000 customers lost power, about half as many as in July, when a powerful line of thunderstorms moved through the area
I suppose we in the "Heartland" got off EASY...
(sounds like most criminals, which reminds me...)
*** Had another excellent installment of Police Women of Cincinnati on TLC last night (9PM).

Now, I have to preface this by saying this has to be some sort of "territorial marking gig" with a lot of these folk.
Hell, I didn't even see HOMELESS people pissing in public in my ghettohood (they usually use the nearest McD's or Arbys when they stop in to get a cup of water - God bless the employees that have to clean THOSE restrooms up).

Funny thing is, they don't wait until adulthood to begin such practices.
Just last summer, a (black) TODDLER from one of the section 8 (drug) cribs down the block came up to my corner and whizzed against the utility pole...in broad daylight on a residential street! His "sister" tried to stand in front of him (well, that makes it perfectly fine then, right?).
I passed this along to our quadrant captain suggesting that perhaps Child Protective Services needs to be called on this house, "if" the toilet isn't working (which would be my guess as to WHY the pole seemed OK to use as a urinal).
Well, they're ALL still living there, unfortunately. God only knows HOW MANY (total) are crammed into that single floor dwelling, sucking down YOUR tax dollars. But I digress...

Guess all these warnings aren't doing much to stimulate that old cerebral cortex, are they?
(Perhaps a wood shampoo to get the scalp tingling?)
Officer Rose Valentino rolled on a call for a man down (shots fired) and when on scene found the victim suffering from three bullet wounds.
While able to speak, the victim gave up little in ANY details as to WHO shot him, WHAT type of vehicle, number of people, COLOR of vehicle, etc...
Officer Valentino expressed her frustration when canvassing the crime scene regarding the LACK of information forthcoming from people that live in neighborhoods such as the one she was in. And I can sympathize with her. That's a common occurrence in places like OUR ghettohood also.
I mentioned here several times, that these "po folk" (rolls eyes...poor my aching ass) have their OWN sub-culture in place.

And society wonders WHY we have problems in the inner city or neighborhoods that should be a lot nicer?
You allow an untrained dog to roam about freely, and never teach it anything like how to behave, don't come crying when anyone that goes near it gets bit.
The same goes when a domestic situation takes place.
Mostly it's both parties did something to both parties, because someone got "dissed" in some skewed fashion. Many times, fists get to flying and someone gets cuffed and stuffed...until it happens again the following week...AGAIN.
They wouldn't know what REAL respect was if they fell the f$ck over it.

Another call on PWOC was for a purple 1972 Cutlass Supreme with a purple ragtop (another eye roll) and those huge God-awful rims.
(obviously, this car was not in "showroom" condition...not by a country mile)
The driver was tossing "something" out the window, so he gets "lit up" and pulled over. Officer Tia Pearson immediately cuffs him when he mouth starts moving before his brain was engaged (too much lip - no respect to a LEO...you get the idea). Driver "says" he was just "fixing his mirror" (my ass).
After a quick rap-check, seems "Mr Purple Rain" also has outstanding warrants for...(big surprise here)...playing LOUD MUSIC (failure to pay).
And to top it all off, the woman he JUST picked up has outstanding warrants for battery (failure to appear), so they BOTH get to "share the ride" (how environmentally-friendly) downtown.

Trouble with THAT mindset, is that those VIOLATIONS you need to pay become a form of "savings bond" - the longer you hold it, the MORE it "matures".
And sooner or later payment comes due...but not in the way you think.
YOU are the one coughing up the cash (or becoming an orange jumpsuit-clad "guest" of the city or county).
All in all, it was a very entertaining hour of TV...it's over too damn quickly, too.
Reminds me SO much of MY part of the ghettohood...only the names have been changed to protect the guilty...LOL.
Now, I'm certainly NO angel, and I'm a few light years short of perfect, but in all the years I've spent on this rock, I've never been arrested or hauled downtown in ANY city for ANY reason. Got a few verbal warnings while behind the wheel and one ticket a long time ago. (haven't we ALL?)
So, does that make me BETTER than these perps?
Depends on how you define "better".
We all still piss, crap and bleed the same colors.
(some of us DO prefer doing those INDOORS, however)
But MY choices tend to be weighed against any consequences that might follow in the wake Of that decision.
Can't say the same for these other people.
Basically, they HAVE no idea of order, or priorities, or consequences, or respect.

And , as is often the case with such people, their ACTIONS are the only language they believe in.
Rather than attempt to talk anything out, it immediately escalates to some form of physical violent behavior.
Maybe, if they paid some ATTENTION in school when they were younger, instead of pursuing all the "things" and "stuff" in their lives, they'd have a better understanding of what it MEANS to be HUMAN...more LAW-ABIDING...willing to FOLLOW THE RULES (for their own safety) and BE HELPFUL to one another, rather than treating others as a commodity to be used up.
But, it's what these kids see AT HOME that causes them to gravitate to such behavior as they mature (notice I did NOT say GROW UP, for they never really do that...they just get older, but never wiser).
The one thing you come away with while watching this show on TLC, is that you have a better appreciation for the way YOU were brought up...and by REAL parents, too, not some gangsta poser or ho-bag that is just older than you and figured out early in life how to have sex and create government tax exemptions.
Hey, we all might not make the BEST choices in life ALL the time, but dammit, we DO TRY, if not only for ourselves, then for our families.
We attempt to set as good an example as we can, because other people are watching, if not our children...and they WILL figure stuff like this out, whether we know it or not. We try to teach by example, because we have learned by the example of others.

That's on THEM...not on us.
We didn't fail these people...they simply failed themselves.
We can do damn near everything known to man to help them, and some of them simply don't "get it".
And that's why we have our police out there.
THEY are there to "remind" those that would thumb their noses at the human aspects of society.
This nation is made up of a LOT of different people, but it has NO room for those who would seek to chase after anarchistic endeavors by their actions.
We are Americans first, and that comes with certain caveats as well as privileges.
It's time that we ALL knew what they are and follow them as a nation.
And we should take to task any and all who simply take from our society and never give back anything.

To do or feel less, would defeat the reason this nation was founded.
Just a little something to think about...
Have yourselves a great weekend...stay warm and pace yourself outside.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
In keeping w/your story, check this out.
Have a good weekend.
Yeah, this is becoming a new trend...like spitting on people (another ghettoism).
I used to think that the ONLY time you pissed OUTSIDE was in bivouac, or camping/hiking.
And we're talking about supposedly CIVILIZED people here...not animals in the woods, right?
We had a pisser outside of Willow Crack Crossing apartments...female squatting between cars in tne lot...utterly unreal.
The ones in OUR neighborhood don't even bat an eye or miss a "shake" if you shout at 'em or shine a spotlight on 'em...
They take their damn time...amazing.
And it's sure NOT about being "poor"...that's just BS!
It IS about being LAZY.
Thanks for the link, and for stopping by today.
Rest up and have a safe weekend
Dear Bob,
I also have problems with the whizzers. Even confronted one once, in a park, where two elementary-school girls were trying to stay away. Forgive my language, but he was a jackass.
It's like the new normal. It is not a good normal.
Have a great weekend!
Ann T.
And this is the type of "normal" that needs to be expunged, especially in front of children as well as BY the children.
Confrontation by citizens doesn't seem to help...the "whizzers" THINK (if you can apply such a word to these people) they are doing NOTHING wrong...like it's a God-given "right" or something.
Might work for bears in the woods, but not for "civilized" people.
We should ALL know better.
It's a public nuisance as well as a public HEALTH issue.
Hey, thanks for stopping on by the freshly snowed-on fence today.
Stay warm & safe out there.
(hot cocoa does wonders)
Have yourself a good weekend.
lol.........and i had to wear depends becouse when i caughed i peed on myself the last few days.....never the less i do feel alot better. if you ever do get sick again bob try puffs with vicks in it. those kleenexs are the bomb. ok this is off topic. but, during my time off from work i have had to explain some 1970's show that are on antanna tv. (its a new free station down here) like three's company. i first told my daughter ok so there's 2 girls living in one room of the apartment while jack the gay guy lives in the other. so a little into the show she says. if he is gay why does he date women.....omg...i had to explain again well for them to rent the apartment together from their landlord he has to pretend that he's gay. but he's not. my daughter got real quite and said they really showed this stuff back in the day........lol there have been a few more enlighting moments but she is fully engrossed in the old time shows. lol
SNeezing and peeing doesn;t count regarding public urination...ROFL!
It's the whole female muscle control thing... (has a German name)
I was talking about those who do it ON PURPOSE...with NO sneezing or coughing.
VICKS was a mainstay around our house when I was growing up.
I should look into getting some.
Maybe that's why eucalyptus never bothers me...and I like Koala bears (they eat the stuff)...LOL!
That TV channel sounds cool...sure wish we never went to "digital" cable and all this other costly crap.
Thanks for reminding me about taking care of the cold.
ANd thanks for taking time to drop by here today.
Have a great weekend you two!
Bob G:
The story about the professor urinating on a colleagues office door that CWMARTIN cites was covered by Rush yesterday. He said that he now knew what the "P" in PHD stands for!
I had the radio on in the beckground yesterday (they replay previous programs from the week) and I thought I heard that mentioned.
I was like "wow...a professor".
Funny how it's always HARDER for a savage to act like a civilized person and how EASY it is for a civilized person to degenerate back INTO that savage, isn't it?
Thanks for dropping on by today and commenting.
Stay safe out there.
Yeah, gad, that's where I heard it first as well.
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