First off, I caught a slight throat cold from the Missus.
(we love to "share", but this gets ridiculous at times).
And, I'm one of the world's WORST "patients".

Next, we are enjoying a wonderful plethora of SCHOOL CLOSINGS.
Blame THAT on some freezing drizzle that's been wandering around Fort Wayne (and surrounding NE Indiana).
Driving along our "loop" (I-469) has been at BEST problematic, and the "fun" doesn't appear to be letting up anytime soon.

The police radio has been abuzz with accidents at damn near EVERY on/off ramp, and it's turning out to be a real AM clusterf*ck!

I've had to be outside in weather JUST like this, and it sure ain't no picnic.
MY hat's off to the boys & girls in BLUE today that have to:
1) Be out in this, trying to get anywhere ASAP!
2) Sort out all the participants in today's accident parade.
3) STILL make all those regular runs for crime.
Ditto for our firefighters and the EMS crews.
Let's hope & pray they ALL get home safely.

Global WARMING...my ass!
*** But suppose there IS some climate change afoot....BY DESIGN.
(uh, oh....here he goes again)
No, think about it. Can we cause the Earth the "shift" ever so slightly on it's axis, or has the Earth already done so of it's OWN volition?
The Chinese have constructed a dam (completed in 2006, called the THREE GORGES DAM) that will surpass the Hoover Dam by a factor of (at last) SIX..

That's a helluva LOT OF WATER backed up (displacing 1.3 MILLION people in the process that they won't tell you about)...and that water WEIGHS (you guessed it)...A LOT!
Now, suppose that (liquid) MASS in ONE spot was enough to bump the Earth less than ONE degree off it's current track.
It's like sticking a piece of gum on a top and then spinning it.
It's gonna wobble kinda weird (yeah, we played with TOPS as kids...big fad in 5th grade).
We could see some interesting events occur as a result of a minuscule change of tilt of our planet.
But, let's wait and see...I love global catastrophic anticipation...how 'bout you?
*** In Philly, there was a HUGE gas explosion last evening around 1915 hours not too far from where I used to live (and also close to where my parents are currently abiding in their big sleep).
Here's the story:

They captured the explosion that killed one gas company worker, injured several people, and evacuated 60 homes in the area LIVE as it occurred...amazing footage.
But, a crumbling infrastructure is just ONE facet of a city that has become a haven for liberals and welfare.
I used to teach Sunday School there (to preteens as well as young married couples), and we talked about how the Bible teaches work ethics, family values, and spending. I said back in the late 1980s to my married class that Philly was setting the stage for building a financial "house" on SANDY SOIL (with all the entitlements), adding that a house cannot stand for long in that environment (look it up, it's in the Bible...the sandy soil parable thing, that is).
I once mentioned we had a 4 ft water main that blew up around 0230 hours and left a fifty foot HOLE in the middle of the main drag going over the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge (to NJ). Looked like a damn 500 lb BOMB was dropped in the middle of Robbins Ave.
Took about THREE MONTHS to get it set back to rights, and pay all the insurance claims from people who had their basements flooded as a result (one guy had his boat AND trailer washed a block away).
With an ever-eroding TAX BASE, it's difficult (if not impossible) to sustain ANY real infrastructure improvements, let alone maintenance.
I mean, common sense should be telling these politicians THAT much (you'd think).
Moving on...

Here's the link to the story:
(forgive the spelling errors by WANE...must be an "intern"...lol)
This has GOT to be a job done by some PROS.
NO alarms went off, and NO windows were smashed.
Four Audis and a Mercedes were taken right off the lot.
All the cars were previously-owned, but recent model years.
Amazing what a master key (that'd be my guess) and some fleet feet can do, isn't it? And, "if" the thieves were smart, those cars would be out-of-state by now (or at least hidden somewhere for parts, but that's not my gut feeling on this).
They probably wanted the vehicles INTACT (they sell well overseas and they're probably ALL faster than any police car - but not a radio or chopper).
Like I said, crime NEVER takes a holiday.
*** Lastly today, here's a perfect case of that ONE PERSON making a difference:

Three men were arrested Monday after police responded to a possible burglary in progress at a home southeast of Winona Lake.
The Kosciusko County Sheriff’s and Winona Lake Police departments went to the home in the 3100 block of East Pleasant Grove Drive about noon Monday after a neighbor noticed a suspicious van parked there, police said.
Police found three men outside with large storage containers. Ronald L. Johnson, 40, Patrick S. Johnson, 18, and Daniel Tye Weck, 18, all of the 3100 block of Sandra Lane in Winona Lake, were arrested, each on a preliminary charge of felony theft.
The men were released from the Kosciusko County Jail after posting bail. ))
All it takes is ONE person. That's the REAL way positive change can be made.
One at a time...like dealing with life's problems, people, and most anything else.
You take it ALL one thing at a time.
And what do I always say here about TIME?
We have time so that all the crap doesn't happen ALL AT ONCE, right?

Take it easy outside today if the weather's bad.
If you're in the Ft. Wayne area and you don't have to go anywhere...DON'T!
(sounds weird, but makes sense, trust me)
In the meantime:
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
Sorry to hear about your cold! I hope you get to feeling better soon. And you and Mrs. Bobby G. stay safe on the road!
What a bunch of disasters nearby. That is some frightening stuff. And I do love the last story. We can make a difference. Sometimes we just have to witness it. I believe this. And, "united we stand" is right. We've got to keep trying for that too!
Well, I feel empowered now to go be a Witness in the Basement. Thanks for that too!
After all the sickness I went through as a young'un, and ALL those hospital stays (I swear they had a reserved bed JUST for me in the ward), I think germs pretty much FEAR me these days...LOL
(At least they SHOULD).
Wifey's off today (good call) and traffic has been LIGHT!
(good for the first responders)
A witness in the basement, eh?
DEFINITELY sounds like a PLAN to me, dear.
Thanks for stopping by.
DO have a great day.
And stay safe & warm out there.
I stuck my head (actually foot) out the door and decided it was a good day to be sick.
Charlie Butcher was taking calls, telling horror stories all along my route to work. My son says he passed an ambulance up against a pole on his way home.
On guy reported a semi going south in the northbound lane on I-69. About fifteen minutes later, another caller said the same semi had made it to a turnaround and was going in the wrong lane in the OPPOSITE direction.
One trucker called in thanking God that he made it to his delivery in Huntington alive. Another told how he had to run the light on 3 near Avilla (my direct route) to avoid a jacknifing.
The longer I listened, the happier I was I got sick. I actually did attempt- after about 50 yards I heard Galivez tell Charlie that even a police car had wiped out. I pulled into a parking lot, reconsidered, tried to proceed again, started sliding, and gave up. So I'm not a total coward, but a sufficient one.
sounds like the car theives were an inside thing. but, your right cars like that can sell very well in countries like africa. i learned that when talking about how much goodwill made on my car. then the guy i was talking to told me about the africans going to auctions over here and shipping some cars (like toyotas) home. i mean that car was falling apart and had 170,000 miles on it and it still sold in the 2,000.......i mean wtheck.
hope you start to feel better colds suck.
I was always one to try and get to work, but as I got older, I got more cautious my own self...and I can't blame you ONE darng bit!
Besides, if there's ONE thing that will get RELIGION into someone sitting on the fence-rail, it's ICY DRIVING CONDITIONS!
(That's not a steering wheel...that's my CIRCULAR ROSARY!)
Heard my share of "bumper cars" on the FWPD radio as well today.
Wasn't a good day for anything but watching the world go by (and REAL slowly at that).
Thanks for dropping by today.
You get "better" soon, 'K?
And stay safe down there.
Yeah, someone sure knew what "to do" when boosting those cars. (can't wait to hear about the security video from the lot)
And while winter colds suick...those nasty SUMMER colds are even worse (imho).
That'll learn me to change my wet socks after I go out and shovel in the damn snow...
What's one of THE rules of military "boot protocol"?
One of these days...I'll figure that out!
I promise!
Hand to God!
Hey thanks for stopping on by today.
Take it easy down there.
A circular Rosary???
You made my day!
Made it yesterday, too--thanks for all the good wishes.
The way a lot of drivers are holding the wheel in really bad weather, it might as WELL be a rosary...LOL
BTW, You make MY day as well.
Oh, you'd be surprised at ALL the "nicknames" we have for stuff (from the good old days on that EAST coast)
-The technicolor yawn...
-The horizontal Mombo...
-Coyote Ugly...
-Roman hands & Russian fingers...
-Italian torque specs...
Thanks for dropping by and looking in on the sickly.
Much appreciated.
Stay warm out there.
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