Off and on snow showers, or some freezing drizzle, or sleet coming off of the Great Lakes.
This morning we're looking at "white-out" conditions...(joy).
It's as though someone doesn't want to see a clear, dry pavement anywhere, 'ya know?
Our residential streets yesterday were marvelously LOUSY to drive on, thanks to absolutely NO plowing over the weekend.
Well, it WAS "Super Bowl" Sunday, right?

Mrs. Bobby G. called the *311* number for the city and told them about it, and Brad Baumgartner was very cordial in taking care of it. we had TWO plows come through last evening - one went S to N, the other W to E, so we got something accomplished down here in the ghettohood.
Amazing that people like OURSELVES have to call, and NOT any of the "locals".

BTW, they call it PARALLEL PARKING...for a REASON, you morons!
Which reminds me, where the hell IS "Parking Control" anyway? Shouldn't they be down around here ticketing these mooks or what?
I mean, if Chief Rusty WANTS more citations...we sure as hell GOT 'em...all he needs to do is send some officers around to see.
But anyway, we've got other fish to fry today, and they're ALL a lot tastier.
So here we go...
*** Saw a good article in Forbes magazine about those nasty "energy hogs" in our homes (and we're not talking about your teenagers).
Now, let me start off by saying I'm one of the "holdouts" to OLD technologies...if they work well, why mess with them, eh?

--The CFL bulb debate - bad idea. Don't want THAT much mercury in MY house...ever.
Gimme those incandescents ANY day!
--Converter boxes for "digital TV"? BIG energy hog, because it's ON all the damn time, (even when it's "off").
Used to be a LOT better when we had ANALOG cable TV...no converter box needed, hence energy BEING SAVED.

They use about 3 times the energy as the "old" CRT sets of comparable screen size. Amazing.

And what TYPE of TV set can we NO LONGER PURCHASE these days?
If you said CRT sets, give yourself a GOLD STAR!
--If you are even THINKING of buying an electric car like the Leaf or Volt, think about THIS:
If you live in ANY climate other than a constant warm setting, don't even waste your time (and energy...lol) buying one.
There is one, VERY SIMPLE reason WHY it's not a good idea.

The chemical reaction needed to generate the electricity diminishes when it gets COLD out...slows down the process, ergo, they don't maintain a charge AS LONG, nor do they expend the amount of electricity for as long a time as in warmer weather.
And that could literally SUCK-ON-ICE should you get stranded in a BLIZZARD for like SIX hours in that electric car of yours.
That couple hundred-mile range for the vehicle could drop to UNDER 100 miles...REAL easy (and fast).

You're charging your electric car in the garage when the POWER GOES OUT.
Gonna be "interesting" explaining to your boss as to WHY you couldn't make it to work because your car couldn't get fully-charged.
Or, what if you ONLY get a partial charge and that gets you ONLY TO work...and then strands you AT work, unable to get home?
And let's NOT forget that ALL that electricity needed to CHARGE YOUR CAR typically comes from a COAL-FIRED power plant, so where's the "eco-friendly" savings THERE, hmm?
Wow..it's like "someone" wants us to all do some really DUMB things with our relatively NORMAL lives...and WHY is that, do you suppose?
Why are we all being "herded" like cattle in ONE particular direction, anyway?

This has GOT to have you scratching YOUR head as much as it had me scratch mine, right?
If having one "superior" technology is causing us more money being laid out in several OTHER places in our lives, where EXACTLY is the damn savings?
If, by having HDTV on some plasma screen set is costing us more money at the stores (purchasing said items), more money in our utility bills, and losing jobs in America in favor of jobs in Asian nations, WHERE the hell is OUR "savings"?
I just ain't seeing it, people.
Maybe it's just the age of my eyes and my (corrected) vision showing, but I don't think so.
I believe we're all being "hoodwinked" and we're all being taken for some ride (to an unknown destination) by the type of strangers we were once told by our parents NEVER to get into that car with in the first place.
THESE are the things we, as Americans should concern ourselves with, because I feel we are losing the whole "who we are" aspect to our lives as a result of this constant "pushing" us in a specified "direction".
We really need to ask some pertinent questions and expect some HONEST answers for our troubles.
I sure know I hate being lied to, especially by "amateurs"...and I think YOU do too.
So...let's take a couple minutes this week to nose around, find out some facts, and ask those questions.
We might even surprise the hell out of ourselves.
*** Another article on the Forbes website showed the 20 most MISERABLE cities, and I have to admit that I'm sure GLAD I don't live in FL or CA!

Now, if ANYONE thinks that having EMINEM driving through Detroit in some nice, new Chrysler makes that city ANY better, you'd best check yourself into the nearest emergency room, because something is definitely wrong with you.
*** A family of a Ft. Wayne man fatally shot by the FWPD 5 years ago is suing a LOT of people connected with this case.
Now think about this:

You're a suicidal person (who has somehow managed to get a gun), you dosed yourself liberally with cocaine (and Christ knows where you got THAT as well), locked yourself in a closet in your apartment, refusing to come out for family members, and have held off the negotiators for several hours...
WTF can the entry team conclude from all THAT, hmm?
Personally, I feel the police did ALL they could, considering the situation, not to mention that entering a HOUSE is one thing while entering a CLOSET is part of that whole "fatal-funnel" gig that can get
When police saw the gun, they fired and killed Rudy Escobedo.
Were they wrong?
I don't believe so, as they did everything "by the book" up to that moment.
They exhausted all possible resources to get Rudy to dump the gun and come out (which he chose not to do).
And now, we get to go to trial, and see what happens.
My hope is that those officers are exonerated, but you have to remember that I don't get THAT depressed that:
a) I don't seek some kind of help
b) Get a gun and snort some snow
c) Force the police to try and take me
d) Get them to shoot me dead
*** We ALL go through times we'd rather not deal with nor recall, and many of us will get damn depressed over something...that's just part of being HUMAN.

I'll admit that I dove into a couple of bottles along the way, and I found myself near the bottom of the heap more than once.
And yes, grief...loss, and whatever else comes your way CAN be devastating at times.
A friend once cited it as being "profound", and that's about as close a descriptor as you're going to get.
But that's not to say that life doesn't always have the crap end of the stick stuck in your face, either.
Life has a LOT more to offer, even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment.

You check out of life, you can't come back.
There is NO "reset" button or do-overs.
Yet, there IS always the opportunity to come out the other side of whatever is bothering you a lot better person.
Doesn't mean you dismiss the trouble...or the grief...or the strife. You just learn to live WITH it.
Think of it as something that keeps YOU on that straight and narrow, rather than wandering all over the damn place.
As I always say here...every day should be one that finds you better than the previous day, and not by those giant leaps and bounds, but by all that "fine-tuning" we need each and every day.

MOVEMENT IS LIFE...always remember that.
Our lives needs to be moving, preferably forward, because we know what the alternative is.
Just a little something to think about today.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Oh Bobby G I am also so tired of the endless snow. Just get my car plowed out and along comes even more snow. So I will just set in my sun room and watch it and try to enjoy the beauty of it. I could not believe the amount of snow on your patio table. Such a quiet peaceful photo. Glad your little plow thing is working out for you...
That patio table looks like one of those marshmallow cookie things we used to eat as kids...LOL
Maybe I should cover it with chocolate and call it a MOON-PIE!
The snow HAS quieted down most all the regular asshats, and that makes for good sleeping at night (for a change).
But I KNOW these moolies are chomping at the bit, and want to start thumping SO damn bad again.
Believe it or not, we're still having burglaries in the SE part of town...WHO in their right mind would even WANT to do that in such weather???
Then again, if they WERE in their right mind, they wouldn't rob in the first place.
Thanks so much for taking time to stop by our frozen marshmallow patio today.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe & warm down there..gonna get REAL cold tonight!
Alright...first 1985..that's when I last saw that much snow in Wyoming. We got snowed into our house...had to go out the attic vent and shovel ourselves out.
2nd...Eminem is HOT and the commercial was a great tribute to Detroit...which no, it doesn't make it any better, but they are trying to come up from the bottom. I know you won't agree since you are not a rap fan,,..but you have to admit he came from working in factories...from the ghetto of all ghettos..and made himself into a very successful business man.
That's what's cool about the commerical...it goes together like peas and carrots...or something..
as usual..great news and post, Bob G. Keep it up! Stay warm!
And put a little Eminem in stereo just for kicks...LOL..you might get better gas mileage.:)
Love ya!
Momma Fargo:
I thought we'd eventually find "something" we don't agree on...even "we" can't be THAT much like soul-mates...LOL.
Interestingly enough, we had an EMINEM CD (from 2000 - Aftermath)tossed on our lawn a few years back.
I love to play that "public service announcement" REAL loud to all the "neighbors", so maybe we're still not all that far apart.
I'm more a movie soundtrack kinda guy (when I'm not playing Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries or the overture from The Flying Dutchman or William Tell) with a hint of "new age" music tossed in...keeps me from turning into another Incredible Hulk...ROFL!
Eminem DID manage to carve a place for himself, but what about all the trolls still hanging there "keepin it real"?
We can thank HUD for that, I guess.
I applaude ANYONE that can chase out the vermin there...helluva lotta nice bulldings already gone down the crapper.
We can still hope.
As to the snow?
That must have been the same storm that damn near stranded me in NJ.
Took me well over TWO hours to make a 40 minute drive (in good weather)..almost got chased off the Interstate by the state police, but even THEY weren't even out in it.
THAT was a nasty time on the road.
I could NEVER imagine being snowed INSIDE a house.
I'm not claustrophobic, but that would kinda creep me out anyway.
Now I KNOW why you have SNOW SHOES...LOL!
(smart girl)
Hey, thanks for slip-sliding on out here and commenting.
Roll safe & warm out there!
I found out by flyer-in-the-door about the AR here just before I read it from you. We're having a Neighborhood watch meeting thursday w/Courtesy Officer thurston and Ofc. Michael Joyner of FWPD. I was really hoping that either the publicity scared this fine specimen off or alternately that someone found him frozen behind a dumpster when the snow melts in a couple of months. Apparently neither occured. This time it was closer to us than to St. Joe Ctr as the others were.
Oh, and I got another E-mail today. This time they want to give me $2.5 mill. I'm so popular!
Glad to hear that you're all getting together on this.
Maybe some "signage" with a NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH theme might help in some windows of the buildings.
Damn shame you have to look over your shoulders all the bloody time.
(if you ever want advice about firearms...give me a shout, and I'll tell you anything you need to know)
About that $2.5 mil...it ain't "free" if YOU have to pay anything more than ONE PENNY for it...right?
Still, must be nice to be that popular...LOL.
You guys stay safe out there.
Appreciate the offer. However, I know where I'm going when I die(so fear of the worst is not a problem) and I'd just as soon get there with both feet intact.
Laurie said she thought she saw a curious(if not suspicious) malingerer on our street shortly before taking her shower- and a lights on cruiser in the area just afterwards. Wouldn't it be nice...
its the cold thats getting me. (well a few other things at work...but who cares.....lol) never the less it seems like there is only a few more days of horrible cold air. other then that you had a great post today.
Roger that.
The description of the perp sounds like most ANY of my "neighbors"...
Stay safe out there.
I don't mind the cold...I just mind being OUT IN IT...LOL.
As you get older, you DO feel it more.
I saw where we "might" see the high 40s this weekend???
I know the front and sides of our house look like a sheet of ice (with all those icicles).
It does keep the area a lot quieter, though...heckuva trade-off, eh?
Thanks for shivering up here to day to comment.
Stay safe & warm down there.
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