The current wind-chill at 0630 hours in the Summit City is right around 15 BELOW ZERO..and THAT my friends IS colder than a witch's teat in a brass brassiere, trust me.
But, if you've got a pet penguin...or polar bear (and in this day and age of FADS...who doesn't, right?), I'll bet THEY'RE loving it.
So, I'm wondering WHY, with all this cold, do we STILL have ICE CUBE TRAYS in our refrigerators???
Leave the damn drink OUTSIDE for say...FIVE minutes. Oh yeah, it'll be COLD all right (if not frozen solid)!

The plows came through our area, creating on some streets only ONE lane (where TWO lanes is the norm), so you can bet your bottom dollar THAT is creating some really "interesting" traffic patterns as you navigate those areas.
Then again...this IS the SOUTHEAST side of town...always ignored...shit end of stick...yeah, you get the idea.
*** We recently have had some "private" plow come up our ALLEY (the ONLY one in the immediate area that is plowed...how curious).

What I find hinky about this deal, is that ONLY TWO houses that are currently occupied have direct garage access from the alley, and we know ONE of those homeowners (she's a self-reliant kind of person) and can drive in damn near any weather...AND she knows what a shovel is used for.
So she can't be the one "calling" for this plow, which leaves the house at the other end of the block...one of those places that receives a lot of "traffic" to and from the house.
Now, SOMEONE "needs" to have our alley CLEARED...for SOME reason (easy access in and out), and it sure is NOT the city Code Enforcement, Serv-All trash trucks, OR the FWPD.
I haven't seen the truck (yet), but by the tracks it left, it's definitely NOT a city vehicle...the tread pattern is too small...more like a pickup w/ a plow on the front.
My hunch is that whoever this "someone" is, needs to have a clear "route" from the house to whoever else is using the alley (that doesn't live around here) to make it easier to move "something" (drugs or money...I can't tell).
Now, "IF" I were part of a more PROACTIVE police department, I would get V/N on this to see WTF is going on and WHY the alley is suddenly being plowed when every other alley is not.

Naturally, I sent the information along with pictures of how the alley was plowed to our quadrant captain, in the hope that someone can question this person.
I know yesterday, I didn't even HEAR the damn truck come up the alley, and I've been watching for him...pretty damn sneaky, huh?
*** Schools are again on a 2-hour delay, and the Missus was saying that even Coliseum Blvd. was nasty driving yesterday. Not much is going to change in that regard, given the LOW temperatures we're presently "enjoying".
*** A rally was held uptown last evening for FWCS teachers who are (deservedly) upset at the "direction" Mitch Daniels and Education "czar" Tony Bennett are heading. A shame...I thought Bennett would be GOOD for Indiana's educational system...I might have thought wrong there.
(yeah, it even happens to me once in a while).
The whole teacher accountability issue is one I plan to explore using the educational "triangle" sometime next week, and having married a teacher, you can be sure I've got a pretty good source of "first-hand" information, so stay tuned for that.
*** Crime seems back in full swing here (again).
Didn't take long for the mooks to get their criminal mojo back, and get to setting about being the typical RPIAs we've come to know (and arrest).
The radio sounded like a "typical" day around town...break-ins, batteries, fights...you name it, we got it (back).
And as soon as the level-4 emergency was lifted, you could almost here that criminal "sigh of relief".
(Gee, I thought it was the wind gusting...silly me)
*** This story caught my attention, even though it happened down in Decatur IN:
(( Racing snowmobiler injured - Anne Gregory The Journal Gazette
A snowmobile race across an Adams County field Wednesday ended with a trip to the hospital and surgery for a Decatur man.
Jeffry Keuneke, 31, was hurt about 4 p.m. when his snowmobile hit a bump that threw him from the seat, Indiana Conservation officers said in a written statement.
He tumbled several times, landing face down, it said, and had a broken wrist and cuts on the face – both requiring surgery.
Keuneke was taken to Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, where he was listed in fair condition Thursday morning.
Alcohol was ruled out as a factor, the statement said. It also said Keuneke was not wearing a helmet. ))
Now this happened in a RURAL area...not even on a residential street (as I saw the other night).
I mean our streets aren't the SMOOTHEST surfaces to go riding those on...that's for sure. And all those utility poles and street signs...just waiting to "leap out" and grab those riders...not a good thing...LOL!
*** Paul Helmke is at it AGAIN.

Now, good old Paul (who was IMHO never a good old mayor, at least not when it came to the SE part of town, and who you Aboiters can "thank" for being ANNEXED into the city to help PAY for all the welfare queens and Bebe's kids) needs to go hunting...preferably with Dick Cheney.
I almost feel like pulling a Godfather, and send him a deceased equine along with a baseball bat and tell him to beat THAT for a while, instead of pushing for all this GUN control. He just won't get it, and that's pretty damn sad.
It is NEVER about GUN control, Paul...it's ALL about the PERSON wielding it, though.
If we, as a society need to control ANYTHING, it's the ACCESS to those guns...and NOT the guns (or accessories thereof), kapeesh?
And the BEST way to control access to guns, is to find out WHO has some kind of mental issue.

Take the Hasan shootings at Fort Hood.
That was a situation where both the FBI as well as the military dropped the ball.
When several red flags go UP, you don't stand around and say: "Ooh, what a bunch of beautiful flags...don't they all wave nicely in the breeze?"
You INVESTIGATE it, because that is a DISTRESS warning sign.
Regarding the AZ shootings, if the military didn't think he (Jared Loughner) was going to work out for THEM, should that not have been a sign that "something" was wrong somewhere? Ditto for the VT shootings. That guy also had instability problems, and yet, no one mentioned it, and if someone did, there was NO followup.
We've become a society where we summarily dismiss potential problems for that universal "feel-good, everyone's a winner" mindset...and that can get you KILLED (a lot).
None of us are perfect, but there ARE more than a few out there who are a LOT LESS perfect than even we are...a LOT less, indeed.

Used to be a time when "bad kids" were remanded into schools that "specialized" in a particular kind of tough love in order to have THEM achieve just as well as their normal public school counterparts...and that worked a lot better than grouping all the bad-asses in with regular kids.
Same used to be said to adult society.

But our society does this to make them "feel" like the REST of us...to be "included", and not be the outcasts they are (or should be).
Yeah, that's SO much kindlier...and gentler.
Until one of these loons flies under the radar long enough, and then goes and shoots up a school...or a mall...or someplace else, right?
THIS is the issue Helmke needs to focus on...NOT the guns used in the commission of these shootings.

What it all comes down to is PEOPLE-CONTROL, and I know that sounds like some socialist crap, but it simply is NOT. We ONLY need to weed out those who simply cannot (or will not) control themselves and go off on some killing spree...nothing more. Leave everyone else alone.
(and leave their firearms alone as well).
Nuff said about that...for the time being.
*** This weekend is the Super Bowl (yawns)...right?

Oh yeah, now THAT is entertainment..and worth a few laughs.

And yes, the "Tail"-gate party will be there as well. And there could be even more fun in store this Sunday (3PM).
All they need is a fly-over...LOL.
Hard to believe it's been SEVEN years running...and getting more popular each year.
Besides, watching puppies and kittens run about and play is a FANTASTIC stress-reliever, right?
(and it goes real well with a Sam Adams...or two)
*** Lastly today, we all have been trying to pay as much attention to what's going on around us, and that means from inside our homes to our neighborhoods, nation and the world, and I know it can be a very daunting task most days.
But, it's like I said a few days back about being PREPARED.
Never hurts to know what MIGHT be coming, whatever "it" might be.
Lord knows we can't prepare for everything, but we sure as hell can be prepared for something.
So, with that in mind, take a little time this weekend to get reacquainted with how prepared YOU are for "something".

Take stock in the food (and drinks) you have on hand...with this cold weather, it's a pretty good idea anyway.
Go over your finances, or see what might need tending to around the house.
Make yourself a "go-bag" in the event you have to bug out for whatever reason.
Check your car and make yourself a "cold-weather" kit (blanket, powerbars, signal devices, battery radio, etc).

And when we are able to help OURSELVES, we are MUCH better able to go help others that require our help.
THAT is the spirit of this nation.
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
i do beleive in the self reliant stuff. thank God that i had plenty of food in the house for this current ice storm. i really wasnt going out in all that. then when it snowed (pretty heavy)on satuday i was thankful that i had food in the house again. will be going out today to get what i need. not planning on buying alot but to pretty much restock. they still have schools for the bad kids within the different districts down here. but, sometimes it just seems like there are so many bad kids. most of the issues happen in the house for these kids. they only know what they see in their own home. there are some strong willed kids that really dont care if they learn or not (my daughter used to be one). but, for the most part these kids that really cause havic in the classroom are not that much different then mommy and daddy. if there is a mommy or a daddy. and i think they use the lack of mom or dad as a crutch. my daughter tried that and i put her in check. even though i had a dad. he did get around and wasnt always avabile. we didnt have cell phones back in the day to leave a message that the kid needed a ride to the doctor for stitches or whatever. sometimes that kid had to grow up too soon and walk her butt to the doc and ask to be seen even though she was only 10 or 12 years old.
Glad you made it OK through those icy weather conditions down there...
Whenever we trun on that NOAA channel, I start thinking about all my blogging friends, and how THEY'RE doing. (yeah...caring...such a character flaw, I know...LOL)
Still, I'm gonna be concerned about ALL of you out there...that's the way I was brought up.
It's good to know they still have schools for the problem kids.
And yes, too many "crutches" for these kids to use today, instead of "owning up" to reality and dealing with it head-on!
The faster you do that growing up, the better prepared you are for damn near whatever life can manage to toss at you.
(isn't that sounding like what the MILITARY does?)
It's when kids see all these "easy" ways out that they stop caring...
Little do they realize that the EASY way is usually far from anything close to the BEST way.
And it's not the teacher's responsibility to be a policeman, a parent, a babysitter, a psychologist AND an educator...we'd have to pay them all a helluva lot MORE to do all that, right?
It's like the MATRIX movie when Morpheus tells Neo:
"I can only show you the door...YOU have to walk through it".
Same deal with the kids in school today.
THEY have to have the desire...it can't be handed over to them by anyone, or picked up at the nearest Wal-Mart.
And as long as the "desire" seems to rest with sitting back and allowing the gov't to do everything FOR them (and those raising them), not much will change (sadly).
Thanks so much for putting on the boots and trudging on up here today to comment.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe and warm down there.
Another great post, Bob G. Nice snow job...er, I think. LOL. Being able to take care of business is a great asset for anyone. Self sufficientcy and being able to do things is something I hope I maintain for many years. Clean up that city you live in, will ya? You're scaring me. PS> Are their any non-felon citizens left besides you?
Momma Fargo:
I think you do a LOT better than I could in that self-sufficiency dept!
Then again, we all handle what we have to in it's own proper time.
Clean up my city?
Oh, now THAT would be MY "American Dream", but I don;t think the city would approve of my particular "brand of diplomacy", if you get my drift...LOL.
I'm more of THE PUNISHER kinda guy. But I will be waiting for someone to drop by the hosue and be willing to "deputize" me...and I'm still operating under that OATH I swore all those years ago to the FEDS.
Non-felons BESIDES myself?
Let's see, discounting the officers I know in the FWPD, a handful of people I know in town, along with the Missus and our two cats...can't think of a single soul...
(big cheesy grin)
Hey, thsnks for taking time to "hop" on over today and comment ("freedom" - "jail"...love that!)
Got it!
Roll safe & warm out there.
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