Definitely had a "wow" time of it.
So, where the hell to begin??
Ever taken a ride on one of those "killer" roller coasters and after you got off, someone asked you: "How was it?" and you didn't have a clue as to HOW to describe it? Yeah, that kinda sums up the past 48 hours REAL WELL.
Okay, let's start with the GOOD news...simply because there's not that much of it, and we can get it out of the way quickly.
I mean with ALL those flood lights shining on your early dawn fur, I would be AMAZED if he didn't see about THIRTY shadows (which means the next ICE AGE will arrive next Tuesday...probably right before rush hour).
And yet, with ALL that going on, "Phil" saw fit to demonstrate to everyone, that he would NOT be swayed by a "contrived" method for viewing one's shadow.
In other words...he SAW the truth...and he "spoke" it.
He DID NOT see HIS shadow...and you know what THAT means?
AN EARLY SPRING (and by now, I know I could sure use one)!
Finally, just when we thought we couldn't catch a break, a little woodland creature shows us the way.
Gotta love that!
Alrighty now...strap yourselves in, because the REST of today's post is going to be a bit "bumpier".
*** In Fort Wayne, we have (at last) dropped the BLIZZARD WARNING (yay).
But we're now at a LEVEL ONE snow emergency (boo).
City snow removal trucks are obviously permitted on the roads to handle ALL this flaky white stuff.
Which means, if you parked along a main artery or a snow emergency route because your street looked like crap and you couldn't even get DOWN it, you just might wind up in one of TWO possible situations:
1) You may be PLOWED THE HELL IN.
(or my personal favorite)
2) You may be TOWED THE HELL AWAY.
(word to the wise here, eh?)
I do know one thing that I am enjoying like there's NO tomorrow...
It is FINALLY...FREAKING QUIET on our street...!!!!

Come to think of it...my neighborhood hasn't looked THIS WHITE for about the same number of years...LOL!
Imagine that...a QUIET, WHITE neighborhood (didn't even know they still existed...at least not down HERE).
I know this MUST be freaking out the "locals" to NO end...FANTASTIC!
Watching some of these mooks trying to drive about last night was a real hoot, too.

Another guy tried to pull his pickup into a nearby alley...oops, sorry...wasn't gonna happen.
After a few attempts that idea was aborted, and he moved on.
Now, I do know that sooner or later the plows will come flying up and down our streets, but I AM prepared even for that.
I shoveled the sidewalk out front, and piled the snow into a "berm" along the curb strip.
It should be sufficiently high enough to prevent "fallout" from the rooster tails the plows will toss along the curbs.
BTW, good luck if you're PARKED along the residential streets when those plows come through...LOL.
(you might be there until Valentine's Day)

First, we had snow...then sleet. then snow...then some more sleet with a little freezing rain (there is a difference), and then a little more snow.
This all added up to that crusty, heavier mixture that's a helluva lot harder to shovel (and not toss your back out) than all that powdery stuff we got earlier.
Now, while all THAT was going on, the wind was a howlin', too.
We had sustained winds over 40 MPH for a few HOURS, with some gusts reaching over 50 MPH!
Oh, yeah, that'll get those cheeks rosy REAL fast.
All in all, a rather "brisk" time outside, for sure.
I must admit that watching the snow/sleet/freezing rain/whatever coming down SIDEWAYS had a curious attraction to me.
I suppose it wasn't coming DOWN as much as COMING OVER, right?

Well, having come through both of THOSE storms in Philly and NJ, I'd say this was real close behind them...
We didn't appear to get AS MUCH SNOW as in '78, but the winds were whipping up a LOT more, causing the drifting.
I'd hate to see the COUNTY ROADS...(yikes)!
Probably can't FIND half of them this morning.
Suffice it to say, in the aftermath of everything that transpired YESTERDAY...damn near EVERYTHING is CLOSED today.
Over 500 BUSINESSES in our area have shut down today, and naturally ALL the schools are closed.
That ALONE should tell you this was one SERIOUS storm event.
The FWIA (airport) is OPEN, but for the life of me, I can't figure out WHY?
No one's going to be able to DRIVE to it (or get from it), right?

In Philly...NO ONE went anywhere...period.
But we had an assortment of "corner stores" that had necessities, should you have needed them.
We lived near a main street that led to the bridge over the Delaware, and back then, even THAT street was void of traffic.
Now here in fort Wayne, you've got a city that's 1/10th the size of Philly, so it should be a lot easier to have those emergency vehicles to get about.
I think we might even see local crime taking the day off...or at least a large part of it.

I mean, if you have THAT much "aggression" that needs purging...go grab a damn SHOVEL and get your lazy ass OUTSIDE and clear the steps...or go around the ghettohood and shovel for MONEY...whatta bunch of moulinyans!
We DID see two entrepreneurial "gentlemen", shovels-in-hand, that came to our intersection, realized the ONLY walkway where working people live was ALREADY shoveled, and that the rest of the houses on the block were either VACANT or lived in by Section 8'ers (no shoveling permitted UNLESS done by the goverment) and promptly turned back around and left the area...LOL!

And we ARE still getting some snow showers (light, thankfully) as I speak, so we're not all done with this yet.
Hopefully, this will end sometime later today, with very little accumulation.
Personally, I can't wait for all those aches and pains to show up.
And I don't have Flex-All 454 to fill the damn tub...(dammit), so it's gonna have to be scotch in the coffee...LOL.
Hey, if you don't keep your wits about you and find some humor somewhere in all this crap, you just aren't enjoying life the way you should.
(Rudyard Kipling would be proud)
In any event, I hope all of you made out OK with this storm, wherever you live, and that we look at this as a reminder to ourselves about a few things:
1) Mother Nature always has the LAST WORD!
2) You CAN rely on your OWN resources.
3) Never hurts to be prepared.
4) Your BRAIN is still your best tool in the shop.
5) Decent people will work together and help one another in times like this.
6) When a city closes, it MUST mean something.
7) When in doubt - stay INSIDE.
So, take it easy out there shoveling today...it's heavier than it looks.

Stay inside, don't venture outside if you don't have to...seriously.
(you're not gonna get far by vehicle anyway...for a while)
Enjoy the peace and quiet...I know for certain I sure will!
Be well, make a difference to someone, and... Stay safe out there, America.
This lovely snow "event" started out bad for me. Furnace quit on me but it was quickly repaired and I am again toasty warm. Other than that all I can say is, it is lovely to look at, I have such a great view out my back window. Don't over do the shoveling stuff there Bobby G you are getting up there close to old fart in dog years. HeHe.. keep warm friend.
Glad to hear you dodged that bullet w/ your furnace.
Granted is IS lovely to see...and even fantastic (for me) to NOT hear all the ambient noise produced on every other day by our "locals"...
FYI...in DOG YEARS, I've been "dead" for about 3 DECADES...ROFLMAO!
(just don't let the ASPCA find out, 'K?)
Enjoy the serenity down there.
(saw a flock of geese heading your way earlier, honking their little hearts out. Let me know if you see 'em.)
Stay safe (and toasty warm)
Bob G:
Sounds like you had the same storm--LOL!
Love that sideways snow--that's always special. Both Kansas and Missouri plus the city of Kansas City called States of Emergency. I-70 was closed from KC to St Louis--can you imagine? Columbia, MO got 17 inches and just shut down.
Beautiful blue skies today--sunny day--perfect for shoveling.
Will be wicked cold tonight though--I imagine I'll have all my cats in bed next to me tonight. Drippy the faucet too. Water cheaper than busted pipes.
I heard BIRDS today!
The Observer
Yeah, I meant to thank you for that storm...LOL.
I heard about KCMO and the shut down out there...wow!
Still, it COULD have been as bad a Chi-Town!
Was cloudy here in Ft. Wayne most all day with a few more snow showers.
Had to shovel several times anyway, because the Missus might have to head out to school tomorrow in ZERO degree temps and hastily-plowed streets.
We never fret about the MAIN roads...just getting TO them.
Aye, there's the rub (to quote Shakespeare)!
As to birds HERE?
Heck, I feed them DAILY so they and the squirrels are always dropping by at our "buffet".
(plus, it keeps me sane...LOL)
Definitely gonna be a THREE-CAT Night!
Now I know why that rock band didn't use THAT name.
Thank you for taking time to shovel out and stop on by here today.
Stay safe and warm out there.
well monday night i left ontime to get to work. thought i had a few more hours before the ice hit. lol. i was wrong. so i barely made it to my car and had to use my ice scraper to get to work. ok. so tues morning it was on. i barely got into my car. when i got in i had to wait for that bad boy to heat up for the ice to start melting. i ended up giving a coworker a ride home. it was only out of my way via 22 miles round trip. so i got home and i barely made it to my stairs let along up them. ok. so tues night i looked outside and had a flash back to what happened that morning. i said screw it. ice was coming down from the sky. we ended up having wind gusts up to 51mph at the airport at 2:45 am. i called in emegancy annual. never had down it in my life but i was happy i did. so today i couldnt justify staying home. yea, it was cold and nasty but i knew the right thing to do was go in. so i started at 4Pm to get there by 6:30pm. i only have to go a mile. but i had a freaking sheet of ice all over my car. plus i had 4 steps covered in ice and an entire walk way that is at least 4 inch thick with ice. so i made it down to my car and started beating on it. oh, did i tell you my daughter had broken my ice scraper so i had a spatula? so i'm out there beating about and 1 1/2 to 2 inch of ice off the car. i have it pretty much cleared for the most part. nothing is going to fall off and kill anyone. but i do have a windshield whiper that is still ice encreasted and one mirror on the passanger side. i had forgotten my id last night so i had no money to buy gas or anything. i plan today to give myself a few hours to get to work again. and perhaps i'll have enough time to swing by the gas station and get some gas. me and my glamous life. lol i'm just thankful i wasnt on lake shore drive in chicago yesterday. looks like all hell broke loose up there.
GOd, I feel GUILTY about yesterday now...YOUR day made mine look TAME by comparison, and mine was busy!
I'd much rather have SNOW than ICE...ANY day!!!
We had ice storms in Ft. Wayne that took down power lines, and ones in Philly, where the ONLY way to get down a street was by grabbing car door handles and pulling yourself along!
I'm just glad you didn't take a fall.
As to ice scrappers?
Always have about 3-4 around...they're cheap enough (pot winter sales are great).
Wifey's got one in her car, I have one, and we have 2 more in the garage...JUST in case.
Trouble is, Wifey's heater is on the fritz (I told her to get it fixed over Christmas holiday)
Like you said...it can ALWAYS be worse.
Thanks for scraping off that ice and stopping on by today.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe & warm down there!
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