Just LAST week, we were damn near knee-deep in snow, and the city (here) was looking at a near standstill scenario.
This week, it's a whole other story.

The bad news is that we also get to see (and feel) all the POTHOLES underneath this mess.
Fort Wayne city officials "say" that when called in, potholes will be fixed within FOUR (count 'em 4) HOURS!
We might just put that to the test sometime soon.
In a way I'm kinda glad to see all this snow dissipate.

having schoolkids walk in the middle of the street through the snow and slush.
Now, they just walk down the middle of the streets with NO snow or slush to contend with.
Some things (or people) NEVER seem to change.
I know our patio is looking more like a patio now, an less like the slit trenches on the ice planet HOTH!
But, through all of this (and more) time and life marches on...
*** We now have our 4th HOMICIDE of the year in Fort Wayne.

Here's the skinny on what went down:
And here's the perp...(nice mugshot).
This still places us ahead of LAST year, and Lord knows we've plenty of year left.
I found it odd that the person reporting the dead man in a garage went about TWO MILES to pound on a (random) door to alert someone about the body.

And leave it to a person who is probably one of several in the ENTIRE city who DOES NOT have a cell phone (you can include me in that group...don't have one yet and not breaking down any doors to get one).
How the man died was obvious (BFT - blunt force trauma), but the way it was reported was odd. Still, it WAS reported and you have to give that citizen credit for doing that these days.
*** I have to correct an error in observation I've made several times during the recent snowfall.
I had stated that the locals living around us are so lazy they stink, and that they don't do a single damn thing to make the area better.
I may have to take that back...they DO manage to do ONE thing...
I have never seen as many consistently CLEAN vehicles as I have during the snowstorm and it's aftermath...!
It's like they have nothing to do BUT clean their vehicles.
Our cars area garaged, and even I can't clean Wifey's car off ALL the time.
I mean, after you clean the car off, there is STILL salt and water on the roads, so it'll just get filthy AGAIN...and again.
Hey, maybe a CLEAN car makes the stereo LOUDER...yeah, that must be it.
I much prefer to wait until most of this crap is off the streets before I clean Wifey's car.
Besides, we don't get government "subsides" to fund those twice-daily trips to the car wash, as others obviously do.
*** Saw a couple good shows on PBS yesterday (yeah, they slip up once in a while and provide DECENT entertainment and historically ACCURATE programming).

Here was a President that won the election BY a landslide, and was defeated after his first term (also) by a landslide.
He was a man who embraced something called AMERICAN INDIVIDUALISM.
You can still order a pamphlet written BY Hoover himself in 1922 (for $5) here:
Little did he know after taking office HOW MUCH crap would hit the fan (which was a relatively NEW contrivance in those days).
He couldn't take ONE step after the Wall St. crash of 1929 without stepping in a big pile of poo (up to his knees)!
You feel bad for the guy...trying to do the right thing, and having all these EXTERNAL problems preventing it.
Here's the WIKI on our 31st president:
He was the right man...just at a very wrong time.
And when you dig a little deeper, you discover things that I never knew, nor is ever taught in today's American History class.

This was an ALL BLACK school that promoted ETHICS, INTEGRITY and CIVILITY among its students (whatta novel idea THESE days).
It was originally known as the Ironsides Normal School, befre it was designated as the New Jersey Manual Training and Industiral School for Colored Youth.
Here's the WIKI on it:

I found it fascinating that noted people as W.E.B. DuBois AND Booker T. Washington supported this noble venture.
Du Bois promoted the intellectual aspect, while Washington fostered a more PRACTICAL curriculum.
Lecturers at the school included Albert Einstein and Paul Robeson.
It was operated year-round, had it's OWN farm and was relatively self-sufficient.

And during it's time of operation...it WORKED (and damn well).
Students came away from there a lot better prepared for life with the SKILLS required to become leaders and not government "wards".
If you get a chance, watch the show called: A Place Out of Time - The Bordentown School (2009).
Sad to say, the school shut it's doors in June of 1955, and was, for a brief time used as a facility for the developmentally-disabled.
Since 2000, it has been a site used by the NJ Dept. of Corrections for juvenile offenders.
Such an undeserved fate for so wonderful a concept and practice.
*** Lastly, today is Valentine's Day.

These days, it's all I can do keep from letting emotions get the best of me.
I still hear some song, or watch a movie, and some dialogue or tune will invoke those "old days"...days when romanticism was looked upon in ways that we don't readily see today.
Maybe I've become more STOIC these days, than anything else.
That's not to say I'm lacking passion. I'm still passionate about a GREAT many things.
But, I also believe that you need to temper everything in your life.
Ben Franklin said: "Everything in moderation - nothing in excess".
Sounds like a plan.

And God knows we've plenty of THOSE trains on the tracks of life as it is.
Most of them seem to be in EXPRESS mode, stopping for nothing or no one.
Many come from places we've never been, heading to destinations as yet undetermined.
We just need to get ourselves a timetable and figure out WHICH train might be the right one for us.
Depends on where WE are going, doesn't it?

Valentine's Day is a day that we "demonstrate" our love to someone.
I think that should go without saying the other 364, but I guess I'm still (down deep) a romantic.
I believe that even if we don't have that "someone", we can at least demonstrate it to OURSELVES.
Face it, you send the MOST time with "you" as it is, right? Being able to give yourself that occasional indulgence by acknowledging WHO you are is but one way to keep that love going.
If you can't love yourself, it's pretty damn hard to love anyone else.
So maybe today...you can indulge yourself...let

You ARE the best YOU there is in the whole world, after all.
No one else can come close.
Have yourselves a great week.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
its the dogs 3rd birthday today and we are having a "party" for her. then i will be making a card for my daughter since i didnt find a good one in the store. eithor too young or just not for a young lady. perhaps the dog will get a card too. lol
happy valentines day bob.
i did my daughters card. took about 15 min and it was fun to do. pink red and purple fun. but, i was always creative in art back in the day.
You rekindled a memory I had of making "cards" for my Mom & Dad when I was REALLY young...and that was a LONG time ago.
(we also made ASHTRAYS out of clay in elementary school - oh the horrors TODAY, right? LOL)
When you have an artistic flair, it does make things a bit more "fun" all around...no matter what the venue.
And by all means...Doggy should get a valentine, too.
Thanks for stopping by today to comment.
Have a great Velentine's day and stay safe down there.
Happy Valentines' Day, Bob G.! Love the fact the latest homicide was a new twist..white guy. LMAO. Post was awesome and I enjoyed it as usual. Don't lose the romance...life is too short. I still hold onto it, despite my current situation.
Momma Fargo:
Yeah, every once in a while we get an oddball white man who does the nasty...most of that trash are usually busy cooking meth somewhere (like motel rooms in the city).
Lunacy apparently know NO color boundaries.
Guess I'll never REALLY lose the "romance"...
It's just that you bury it down deep for so long...it gets lost in the shuffle.
Doesn't mean you stop loving...life's got WAY too much stuff out there to love...sometimes right outside your own door...it's just that "special" part of the love seems to be MIA for the time being.
Like a wayward child that wishes to come out and play now and then...that's it.
My Dad always said that what's worth having is worth waiting for...and worth hanging onto.
Thank you so much for taking time to roll on out here today.
You stay safe out there.
Firstly, I've worked our way to about a 1 sq yd patch of concrete in front of the patio door. The droppings from the eaves (which if you've seen the WB pictures on tv you might guess their not real conscientious at cleaning) have built an aprox. 3 inch thick ice deposit from their, trailing off to another patch I could clear so Scrappy can poop w/o slipping.
Next, on that homicide, I was looking at the comments section on the INC story and the first comment was along the lines of, Why isn't this being reported as a hate crime like it should be... Haven't heard anything further about that bon mot.
Finally VD for us was me buying dinner tonight at Beach Bums. Totally excellent b&g food.
Scrappy vs wild? HE wasn't the one who came home all sweaty! (LOL)
OK, Watson vs Jennings is coming on. Have a good night.
We've had some higher temps here too. Sadly it'll be followed by another cold front which will freeze all the water left over from the melting snow, leaving us with skating rinks where the snow and slush used to be. Florida's looking better and better.
Yeah, when we lived at Willow (crack) Creek crossing, they didn;t do much to clear the area of snow either...must be an apartment complex "thing"...
That ice buildup can be nastier than the dang snow!
Glad Scrappy was able to get his business done.
As to the homicide, I didn;t find anyone named perkins who was other than white.
ANd even "if" Mr. perkins was "other0raced", what makes the commenter at the INC site believe it was a hate crime?
Sounds like someone going off half-cocked to me.
On the Jeopardy gig...I'm hoping Ken Jennings wins (again)...
I like to see computers lose...LOL.
Thanks for coming by to comment.
Stay safe up there.
John D:
Upstate NY is always "fun" when it comes to winter...except when you gotta WORK in it!
I remember going through Corning to Buffalo (and eventually Niagra Falls)...on a BUS...talk about riding through near-blizzard conditions as SOP!
I know you DO get winter up there...a LOT!
Having water from melting snow pond and then freeze over is REALLY nasty (unless you play professional HOCKEY).
You can't seem to get ANYWHERE...and in a hurry to boot!
You take it easy up there.
Thanks for rolling down here and commenting.
Stay safe.
BG: I kinda thought the point was it was a gay bashing incident. But, as I said, I've heard nada since.
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