*** First up, an update to the BK bikini brawler I mentioned last week. (courtesy of the SMOKING GUN website - link at left column)
If you're going to say the word WHOPPER, the BEST place would be in BURGER KING, right? Well a WHOPPER of a story was told to Panama City, FL POLICE after that bikini-clad Alabama woman trashed a BK last week. Seems she gave a FALSE name, address and age to authorities.

(how "typical" is THAT?)
She originally stated she was KIMESHA SMITH, age 23, living at 2627 Westgate St. in Montgomery, AL. In fact, The Smoking Gun has discovered, the suspect’s actual name is NEKIVA VONTE HARDY. She is 30 and lives with her children at 2627 Lark Drive in Montgomery. Her rap sheet includes arrests for cocaine possession, criminal mischief, and hindering prosecution.
Hardy gave Florida cops the name of an acquaintance from Montgomery. In an interview, the real Kimesa Smith told TSG that she was “shocked” to see her name attached to the Burger King incident.
Smith, 28, recently completed a two-year prison term (for burglary and theft of property), and is not allowed out of state without her probation officer’s permission. Florida prosecutors filed formal charges against “Smith,” accusing her of felony criminal mischief, two counts of misdemeanor battery, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest (she initially was charged with only simple battery, a misdemeanor).

Hardy will likely face an additional charge (or charges) for the Smith masquerade. Nice to know the TAXPAYERS, who have coughed up money for YEARS to support this creature (and her sub-creatures), will ALSO have to pay some more for her court appearances AND incarceration.
Yes people...your hard-earned TAX MONEY "at work" ('cause they simply don't)
*** Next up, we have a story about a teenager that (as the old song goes) "don't get around much anymore"...and with GOOD reason.
Teen draws 100 years for brutal rape-murder - Whitley family mourns girl, 14
Here's the link to the story: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20110329/LOCAL03/303299945 Amazing how trash such as this always seem to invoke the name of GOD...AFTER the crime has been committed. (well, he did when news people asked him a question)
This (now 18 years old) piece of white trash broke into a Whitley county house back in March 2010, raped and murdered a 14 year old girl there, and then moved her body from the residence. Authorities caught up with him not long after that. It was right after Joshua Wright was administered a polygraph test,. that he confessed to the murder and led police to where he had taken the body.

The judge ordered him to serve 100 years for the charges, and called him "the most depraved and vicious person to ever enter his courtroom". (agreed)
Seems in some parts of Indiana, you're not even safe inside your OWN home. I hope this sentence manages to bring some closure to the Doggendorf family in the loss of their daughter.
And now, 32 years LATER, we have another nuclear accident, but THIS time, caused by NATURE, and not mechanical difficulties. Still, radiation is radiation, and the Fukushima plant in Japan has to deal with cleaning up thousands of gallons of contaminated water in the plant before they can get power restored to it.
*** I'll bet you didn't know that YESTERDAY was the 32nd anniversary (?) of the accident at the Three-Mile Island nuclear plant in PA.

The good news is that the Japanese reactors were built using American technology.
The bad news is that it's G.E. (we bring good things to life) behind it, and they like all those "curly-fries" light bulbs, too. I wish those new commercials they air with the GE people "dancing" around the factories and hillsides (instead of doing their damn jobs) were pulled off the air. Somehow, that creeps me out...just a bit.
*** It's not a "war" unless WE say it is...
Abraham Lincoln or JFK...this guy ain't!
At least that's what I'm hearing from this administration in D.C. I was listening to Obama's speech last night about the LIBYAN situation, and there were (by me) more than a few "eye rolls" over the course of that "speech". He DID try to make it impassioned...notice I said "TRY".

Is it just "me", or does anyone ELSE feel this administration hasn't a CLUE on what it's doing (or how to go about figuring things out), and couldn't print enough "stimulus money" to even BUY a damn clue?
Now, I like illusionists as much as the next person, and I really find people like Harry Houdini fascinating, but ENOUGH with the prestidigitation already.
I like to be ENTERTAINED while watching people like Penn & Teller or Blackstone. I DON'T like to be bamboozled or otherwise flim-flammed into some sort of submissive posture. Cripes, this nation can't even call this a war...or a "police action", or even a "military involvement". The action in Libya is (for the moment) being called a "KINETIC MILITARY ACTION"...

(( *WTF??? ))
Are you sh*tting me?
As opposed to WHAT, exactly?
Lemme dig out the dictionary here...
ki·net·ic [ki-net-ik, kahy-] –adjective
1. pertaining to motion.
2. caused by motion.
3. characterized by movement: Running and dancing are kinetic activities. Origin: 1850–55; Greek kīnētikós moving, equivalent to kīnē- (verbid stem of kīneîn to move) + -tikos -tic —
Related forms ki·net·i·cal·ly, adverb non·ki·net·ic, adjective
(To quote Ace Ventura, Pet Detective) ALLLLLLLLLLLLlllllllllllllllllllllrighty, then....!
Well, in the military, they DO say that "MOVEMENT IS LIFE." Anything less...and you're JUST a target! But, isn't that the kind of military action we ALWAYS pursue when we send troops in country? When does our military ever stand around and do NOTHING? Oh, wait...that would be THE PENTAGON, right? I figured as much. At least it's NOT a police action....like in KOREA...or even the 'NAM. Which brings me to the final entree to this morning buffet.
*** Police actions...we all have a good idea on what they are. Arrests, pursuits, investigations, negotiations, surveillance, all this and more go into GOOD police work.
And many times, it's through the help of CITIZENS that police work can become a bit "easier". Now, I've been sending along monthly "updates" regarding my 3 square block of the ghettohood since 2004. That's SEVEN (long) years. My "reports" include trends in the area that would promote crime, suspicious people and vehicles (complete with descriptions tag numbers and occupants), as well as problem houses in the area. (places that party loudly a lot, gambling, drugs, etc)
And in those seven years, I have ONLY seen TWO houses that resulted in some type of arrests and/or the people moving elsewhere (to cause the same sh* t somewhere else).
That's about IT...period. We had a chop shop down the alley some years back (with an auto carcass that took damn near a MONTH to get towed away), and when I saw the EXACT SAME parts on another vehicle and forwarded THAT car's description tag number and house where the occupants lived...nothing came of it.
*** Police actions...we all have a good idea on what they are. Arrests, pursuits, investigations, negotiations, surveillance, all this and more go into GOOD police work.

And in those seven years, I have ONLY seen TWO houses that resulted in some type of arrests and/or the people moving elsewhere (to cause the same sh* t somewhere else).

The chop shop did leave the area (no idea as to the resident's arrest or capture). We continue to have chronic NOISE violations, and although the department says
"we made 586 noise citations just LAST YEAR" (or some number close to that - for the ENTIRE CITY), when the FACT that I have (literally) THOUSANDS passing just MY house EVERY DAMN YEAR goes unreported...and more importantly, UNCITED!
Good police work means you take care of the small sh*t, so you don't permit all of that to escalate into the BIG sh*t...like MURDER, gang violence, armed robbery, and the like. I'll be doing some followups in the near future about what I feel (and know) about GOOD policing versus the types of policing we see both HERE in the Summit City (Ft. Wayne) as well as around the nation. And I would entertain any and all LEOs out there to weigh in and let me know what you think and feel about this.
I want to get input from the "vets"...people that have been on the streets for a while, and how THEY have seen the aspects of policing change in just a decade or two.
I know it has changed DRASTICALLY over the past 30-40 years, and not necessarily for the better, from the standpoint OF the officers on "the beat".

Good police work means you take care of the small sh*t, so you don't permit all of that to escalate into the BIG sh*t...like MURDER, gang violence, armed robbery, and the like. I'll be doing some followups in the near future about what I feel (and know) about GOOD policing versus the types of policing we see both HERE in the Summit City (Ft. Wayne) as well as around the nation. And I would entertain any and all LEOs out there to weigh in and let me know what you think and feel about this.
I want to get input from the "vets"...people that have been on the streets for a while, and how THEY have seen the aspects of policing change in just a decade or two.

Think on it for a spell, and feel free to vent, rant, rave, or complain.
Most of all, feel free to speak the TRUTH. Because the road to real freedom lies along such a path.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and... Stay safe out there, America.
Hm, I guess I'm glad we're not fighting from trenches again...
Bob G:
More great posts--thank you so much for your writings. There is so much packed in that it's hard to comment.
I'm amazed you missed this little item from the WTF file (h/t Drudge)
Something's wrong in this family's life!
The Observer
Maybe it all depends on HOW you redefine the word "trenches".
I believe we swapped the slit versions in France for ones of a more "political" nature.
I also think that the TYPE of warfare our military is exposed to is meant to never have a clear victor in the sense that we came to know from WW2.
I might do a post on that in the future...thanks for the idea.
And thanks for dropping by to comment.
Stay safe up there.
It's all I can do to get running on...and on...and on...LOL.
There is just SO much out there, and I want to be comprehensive AND concise. Not that easy.
(kinda like cramming 10 lbs of crap in a 5 lb bag...)
I honestly did NOT see the article you mentioned, but I will check it out.
Thanks for the link...AND for taking time to stop on by.
Stay safe out there.
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