If it's any consolation, my post ONLY contained the "high-points"...
But there is a LOT of information out there.
So, here we are at weekend's door...at last.
And wouldn't you know it...people are finding yet another substance to abuse. (when they're not abusing themselves or one another, that is)
Now, who, in their wildest dream would want to be abusing BATH SALTS, hmm?
I mean, isn't that stuff TRADITIONALLY used as a relaxation tool...nice hot bath, fragrant salts in the water, candlelight and soft music...damn...getting drowsy thinking about it (more coffee).

Here's the FOX news story link...pretty good read.

They are to be snorted, injected, or even smoked.
The DEA hasn't found the exact origin of the substance, which produces a meth-like euphoria, often resulting in paranoia, rapid heart rates, and suicidal thoughts (and I though that came from the stop-smoking drug Chantix).
Some people have slashed their throats after snorting this crap...others checked out of life straight away.

Sorry, but if I have to pay a good sum of money for ANYTHING in that LOW a gram count, something has GOT to be fishy (and probably illegal) there.
I like my gram count in the HUNDREDS (like a box of Froot Loops).
The main ingredient in these "salts" is called MEPHEDRONE, or MDPV, and is being sold at convenience stores and tobacco shops.

Well, THAT ought to get those frigging peppers up and sprouting EARLY, huh?
The scary thing is that a 12-year old can go into a Sparky-Mart and buy a packet of this crap.
States that have already BANNED such substances, have seen marked drops in usage and calls to the poisons centers.
Indiana has yet to ban this, however.
I mean, when it comes down to "if you make it, they will snort it"...(regardless of what that "it" IS) things are getting a bit TOO strange.
And "strange" should never have be SOP for anyone's life...we've way too much other (important) stuff to concern ourselves with, right?
Kinda makes you wish it were the good old days, when sniffing model glue in a paper bag was in vogue.
It's like some people NEED this "diversion" from the hum-drum of life.
And I have to ask WHY?
Want a real thrill?
Try jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with a parachute YOU packed (and hopefully you got right)...!
I'm just sayin'...
I told the Missus that I was thinking of starting a rumor that it was a REALLY good high to snort Comet cleanser (laced with Country Time Lemonade)...
See how long before THAT recipe goes viral.

Where the hell does such madness end?
And why bother doing this in the first damn place?
Is this ENTIRE planet and it's EIGHT BILLION SOULS not "enough"?
Does all of that suck THAT bad?
Cripes, even *I* can find some solace down here in the Badlands...
There's nature...and music...hobbies...books...it's all around you.
All YOU have to do is avail yourself of it.
Doesn't seem that difficult a premise, does it?
We're also seeing a new type of *E* on the streets...with METH added to it. It can also now be had in LIQUID form (if you really hate taking pills).
And many cities are seeing a resurgence in HEROIN distribution and use, which fell out of "favor" a few decades ago for all this "better" sh*t.
But the largest problem that law-enforcement faces is the detection of these NEW items, like SPICE, these "plant foods" and "bath salts".

Many of the chemicals used in the production of such items are still legal.
So the DEA (and other agencies) are constantly playing CATCH-UP, instead of being a few steps AHEAD of the chase here.
Not the BEST way to prevent such crime...just the ONLY way for the moment.
Have we devolved THAT much (as a society) where we NEED to "dose" ourselves constantly, because life got rough?
Well, it HAS been said that one way to CONTROL a population is to make them "pliable"...able to be swayed to whatever agenda comes down the pike.

It can be as overt as street-level dealing...OR, it can be as insidious as bath salts or plant food.
If someone really wanted to do population control in a wholesale manner, all you have to do is tamper with the water supply.
Hell, years ago, Perrier got a black eye when it was discovered that BENZENE was in their bottled water.
And we use that chemical in a LOT of stuff, including the manufacture of...(all together now)... DRUGS.
There are a plethora of really covert methods to create a controlled environment through chemistry.
Let's hope we never see ANY of them.
*** Elsewhere...
Oh, yes...food prices ARE rising...right in step with the OIL prices.

(hope the crops hold out)
Seems like while "Rome" burns...Nero fiddles.
And since this nation is following a LOT of the things that caused the Roman Empire to collapse, I'm sure you can see the analogy here.
FACT - This nation is not drilling for more oil, and even if all the moratoriums were lifted NOW, we'd need some time to get up to speed and become productive enough, so that we wouldn't see pump prices rising further.
FACT - This nation is not pursuing oil from SHALE.
FACT - No new nuclear plants...yet, and the ones we have will soon reach their de-commission dates...THEN what?
FACT - Wind power will be a huge rip-off...Mother nature DOES have a dog in THIS hunt.
FACT - Cleaner coal DOES exist...we're just not forcing the issue.
But we DO have the solar issue...as long as the sun shines. (and not from out of some politician's ass)
Still hearing crickets on the "water-powered" engine from that Purdue professor (several years after), and not much of anything on the HYDROGEN realm (still got plenty of hydrogen around, last time I checked).

Hell, we all are being yanked several ways from Sunday (and not in that GOOD way).
Our attention is being drawn SO thin in so many areas, that we're often losing focus on the here and now in front of us.
It's drugs...or food...or oil...or war...or crime...or the kids, the bills, the mortgage, the repairs, our health...you name it, and it's THERE.
I've said here so often, that every one of us is guilty of trying to do TOO much.
We simply cannot do IT ALL...BUT...we CAN do something.
And if we take all those individual "somethings" and add them all up...THEN, it gets pretty intense (and that IS in a good way).
THEN, we get things done, but not before.
In life we discover our strengths as well as our weaknesses (if we've been paying attention, that is).
Shall we allow the powers that be to play upon our weaknesses?
Or will WE (instead) utilize our STRENGTHS in order to maintain our nation and our way (and quality) of life?

And I also think you will do what you need to in order to avoid failure, because it's no longer an option.
Take some time to think on this...and take time to enjoy life just a little bit more.
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
i read on another blog a few weeks ago that perhaps the reason the government really isnt drilling for oil in america is earthquakes. oil in the earth helps lubacate the shelfs. (something like that) reminded me of old knee bones. without cartledge the bone rubs bone on bone.
all those earthquakes in ark and ok are within a spotting of a potential volcano in the northwest corner of ark back in the 1800's. i think there are several potentual spots on the east side of america for volcanoes but powers to be just dont want to spread widespread panic that those pretty mountains were formed or helped to be formed via a volcano.
I hadn't seen that about the drilling...but it does make sense in certaina areas.
That still leaves a LOT of area up NORTH to drill (woo, all that ALASKA sitting around doing nothing but collecting dust & moose poo).
I like the analogy of knee joints...I can realte!
I know that SOME places along the allegheny and Pocono mountians were formed from the LAST Ice Age (glaciers sliding south).
The only "volcano" in our area is ME...when the locals cheese me off...LOL.
Thanks a lot for taking some time to drop on by today and comment.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe (and dry) down there.
We have plenty of natural recources but we'd need more refineries(which no one seems to want in their own backyards)... More US production is a long way off even they started drilling today...
SO bath salts are the new high, huh? I'll never understand wanting that kind of high when you can walk out your door to a beautiful and amazingly wonderous world filled with awe and beauty...just waiting to be discovered. Makes me sad...
On the other hand, too bad we can't put all those people who are itching to die on the front lines so more soldiers who want to live and return home can.
Bob G:
About your oil drilling "FACTS:"
Despite Obama's interference in off-shore drilling in the Gulf and elsewhere and despite his refusal to drill in ANWAR, private drillers are "spudding" new wells at a record pace in America's new oil patches - which are atop our largest oil shale deposits - the Bakkan Shale Formation (in western North Dakota SE Montana and up into Canada) the Green River Formation in the Colorado and Wyoming Rockies, and in several shale formations including the Barnett deposit in Texas.
New techniques are now in play using horizontal drilling methods combined with hydraulic fracturing ("Fracking") to release the oil and natural gas from the rock.
Now if we only had the pipelines and refinery infrastructure to match the ten-fold increase in our oil reserves, we could be starving our enemies.
Love your idea of having those "itchy" people "serve"...
Then again, there are a LOT of "good" uses that even useless people can be put to.
Hey, thanks for swinging by today.
Stay safe out there.
Didn't know that about the US venture into SHALE oil...I did know CANADA'S been into it for a time now.
I DO think that's gonna be the BIG bugaboo here...the INFRASTRUCTURE.
When was the last time we read about ANY "new" refineries here in the U.S., or even UPGRADES to existing ones?
And I wonder where all that "profit" from big oil is going, if NOT into infrastructure?
Thanks for "fine-tuning" my facts...that's why I love 'ya like a brother!
And thanks for stopping on by to comment.
Always appreciated.
Stay safe.
He ain't gonna jump no more! zoom zoom zoom...
Never tried it, but indeed it does sound like a thrill. :-)
Makes me wonder if he was even thiking about jumping in the FIRST place...lol.
Thanks for stopping by.
Stay safe up there.
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