Well, the good news is that the weather has settled down for a while.
The bad news is that as a result of this last bout of nasty weather, Portland Indiana has seen some decent FLOODING.
Some of the downtown area is under a foot and a half of Salamonie River water.
Many of the people there can't even GET flood insurance, because they're "not on a flood plain"...
I'd have my insurance agent in HIS hip-waders standing beside me (if I lived down there) trying to back up that statement.
Yeah, that's the way I roll.

Now I could never imagine using DETROIT and HIROSHIMA in the same sentence when referring to ANYTHING, but Beck made sense (as usual).
Think about this:
Hiroshima looked like a wasteland after the a-bomb was dropped in 1945.

Here's the WIKI regarding the city:
When you go there, scroll DOWN to the ECONOMY section...you'll really have your eyes opened.
Would it be that any of OUR cities were thriving that well.
And the Japanese did it NOT by a system of social justice, or by socialistic policies designed to "level the playing field". They actually took a page from our book and made it possible for everyone to have the same OPPORTUNITY to succeed.
(not bad for a island nation that was isolationist until the 19th century and then bombed back to the stone age)
Now...take DETROIT (please)...
Detroit USED to be like Hiroshima is TODAY.

Population has dropped consistently in Detroit over the last several decades.
Crime has grown consistently in the same time period.

The other TWO would be the PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (#1) and the CITY GOVERNMENT (#2).
Gee...kinda SOUNDS a LOT like FORT WAYNE, Indiana...uh oh, that can't be good.
One would have to say that Detroit reached it's zenith (as a thriving city) back in the early 1970s, and as it slowly went down the crapper...never looked back (at it's once greatness). Now people sit a round and wonder "what happened"?
Real easy to figure out...

You created a sub-class of NON-working lazy-asses.
You "outsourced" all your MAJOR industry, because you allowed the labor unions to PRICE YOUR OWN PEOPLE the hell out of a competitive market.
Detroit caused this to happen to Detroit...no on else (except the Federal government...their finger was in the pie as well).
Here's the DIFFERENCE in these two cities as cited in THIS link (lots of really good photos):
Now ask yourself as the Free Republic website did...WHO WON THE WAR?
To say we let this happen in America should be DEPLORABLE to any real American...period.
And yet, much of what has already happened in (and to) Detroit IS being repeated in other cities across America.
I'd hate to think we need an a-bomb dropped on US to wake us from our slumber...
*** This story is too damn disturbing, and I heard some of it on the police radio yesterday, thinking "WTF? This is creeping me out"...
(( Son accused of stealing and trying to blow up dad's home / 21-year-old suspect arrested for theft
Updated: Monday, 28 Feb 2011, 5:24 PM EST
Published : Monday, 28 Feb 2011, 12:51 PM EST
Drew Blair
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - Police have arrested a man who is accused of stealing from his father before allegedly trying to set fire to his home.

Scott and Lisa Myers say they escaped death by minutes when the two woke up to realize their house was a ticking time bomb.Natural gas filled the home on Wildwood Avenue Monday morning. The homeowner, Scott Myers, discovered the kitchen stove top was on but the flame had been extinguished filling the home with gas. Flooring throughout the home had also been soaked with gasoline and a living room fireplace was lit.
Myers told NewsChannel 15 that his son, Jonathan Stephan, is behind the malicious mess, "You’d think he was one of the greatest kids in the world until he tries to kill you," he said.
According to Myers, his 21-year-old son stole a television; stereo equipment and car from his father before attempting destroy the house.
"He meant for the house to blow up with us in it," Myers said. "What could possibly be going through his head to make him do something like this? It baffles my mind. I just can’t believe it."

"He wasn’t able to pay it back and I guess he did what he thought he had to do," Myers said.
Fort Wayne police and fire crews investigated the scene.
Stephan was arrested Monday afternoon. ))
All THIS...over a mere $320 bucks???
Now please tell me that our society is STILL EVOLVING, because I just don't see it in THIS 21 year old LOSER.
Actually, this kid isn't only a loser...he's a DUMB-ASS as well.
Since the house had a gas line to the stove, it's natural to conclude that the hot water heater (in the basement) and furnace might ALSO be gas-fired.
Natural gas is DENSER than air (but not as "dense" as young Mr. Stephen), and will tend to seek out the LOWEST point first.
Remember, it's NOT HYDROGEN (lighter than air), but natural gas (heavier than air)....BIG difference, but still goes "boom"...got it?
Whatever happened to "working a debt off", as in doing things around the house to pay the bill?
Sure beats toasting the "parents", doesn't it?
Just for JUSTICE sake, I'd tack on ATTEMPTED MURDER to the charges...as a LESSON to this disturbed person regarding making BETTER CHOICES IN LIFE. And speaking of JUSTICE...
*** Due to all the inclement weather that prevented schools from remaining open, the graduation dates for many schools in our area had to be bumped up a week or so. There is a mandate that kids attend school for 180 days per year.
That's all well and good from the school's standpoint. Those facilitates have to remain OPEN for those 180 days.
BUT...(uh, oh...here drops the other shoe)...DO these kids really attend the full 180 days to begin with?
What about SICKNESS, or a personal family matter (such as a funeral)?
What about plain old TRUANCY (the mall's fun to hang out on those "off" days)?

Back in my day, you (as a student) were EXPECTED to be responsible for KNOWING the work, whether you were in attendance or not..simple as that.
And THAT is why, when I was 9 years old, and in the hospital with double pneumonia, my MOM brought my classwork to ME,...to DO and return to my teacher (this was elementary school). I NEVER missed a lesson, and still passed the grade.

So, there is simply NO excuse to not be able to do the job as a student.
But, like I said last week, it takes ALL THREE SIDES of the "educational triangle" to make it happen.
Then again, I had PARENTS that made sure that my education came before a LOT of other things in our lives.
And my parents drove home the point of staying in school, and when unable to do so, make sure you stayed UP-TO-DATE with all the classwork.
Think of it as instilling a sense of ETHICS into the mix...and you do that with your children AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.
It's like the Bible says:
"Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they're older, they'll not depart from it".
Kinda sounds like some COMMON SENSE being practiced THERE, eh?
I can speak from experience...it WORKS.

They ALSO teach such things in THEIR schools like:
Moral education, which focuses on specific topics at different levels of a student's elementary education.
Subjects include health and safety, disciplined life, courtesy, understanding and confidence, public manners, and environmental awareness.

Yeah, that's only at the ELEMENTARY LEVEL, folks!
These SAME subjects are continued into the higher educational levels along with personal interaction with peers.
In 1992, 99.99 PERCENT of Japanese students graduated junior high, with 95.9 percent continuing to a higher school.
Japan also does NOT mainstream their "Special-Ed" students, as we have taken to doing in America over the last several decades.
Special education schools must have elementary and junior high school departments, and may have a kindergarten department and a high school department. Along with the appropriate level of education, instruction provides students with knowledge and skills to cope with their disabilities. In 1992 there were 963 special education schools. Of these, 93.6 percent were public institutions which were attended by over 90 percent of the nearly 90,000 students.
And in THIS manner, EVERY student gets the attention they deserve.
So you can see...we can learn something from the Japanese (who learned a lot from US).
We can come full circle here and get back to basics...the things that WORK not only for us, but for our future.

We need to change things back to a way that worked...for everyone.
We don't need more programs and more funding.
We just need REASON to rule the day, laced with a little common sense.
That is what this nation should always be about.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Uh, more like *they decided against* buying flood insurance, as we do not live in a flood plain, and we have flood insurance. It's required if you do live in a flood plain, but if you don't, you have the option of buying the policy. We got ours after we got 12" of rain one day, and our back yard was knee-deep in water, and it came within a foot of the front door.
Yep, the Dems killed Detroit.
I'm "mean" and "angry" because I say that the hand-outs should end, good teachers should get paid more, poor teachers less, and get rid of the ones that really stink.
As far as skools, I was reading Bill O'Reilly's column about how a nun was able to keep about 60 students in a class in line. I'd imagine so.. those nuns carry rulers and they will whack your hands with it!
More entitlements? How about *less* and have people actually get off their booheinies and actually GET A JOB, even if it's not the best job "would you like fries with that?" because you get self-esteem from actually accomplishing stuff and doing stuff, not sitting there on your butt collecting a check, or sitting in a classroom being told by your teacher you're good merely because you are there. BLAH!
i'd better stop before I start getting really peeved :)
The residents "said" the insurance company wouldn't issue the policies, but YOUR statement rings a bit more true (to me)...
I admit WE don't have flood insurance, but we're not near ANY flood plain (unless we get that 40 days & nights thing like NOAH did).
The Dems are working...no doubt about that...just AGAINST the AMERICAN way.
They're killing a LOT of cities, and the sheeple don't pay the hell attention.
I also got the O'Reilly column and was LOL over the "nun" bit.
I remember kids that went to parochial schools (St. Joan of Arc in Philly, for one) where I lived, and they had RED KNUCKLES from NOT paying attention!
"Sister Harry Callahan"...LMAO!
I simply LOVE your last paragraph (tell us how you REALLY feel)...!
You go right ahead and rant your______ (fill in whatever body part or parts) off.
We should ALL be as cheesed, and JUST as often, becasue what's being done to America is WRONG.
We like to remind people, too.
It's called being PASSIONATE for a BETTER way of life..one that REWARDS good behavior and PUNISHES bad behavior.
(doesn't that sound a bit like child-rearing???)
Thanks so much for stopping by today.
I said you wouldn't be disappointed...lol.
(I didn't say you'd not get all fired up, though.)
And I always enjoy your take on things, being from:
(clap, clap, clap, clap)
Deep in the heart of TEXAS...
(everybody sing along)
You & yours stay safe down there.
You really think you should give out tips to the maladjusted on how to properly blow up a house? Just sayin'.
IDK, but i think that perhaps that "You’d think he was one of the greatest kids in the world until he tries to kill you" quotes is rather telling of what the problem REALLY was. Perhaps you should take the rosy glasses off first and then look at what he's doing.
I know you aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I'm thinking that some of that $320 went towards mass quantities of pseudoephedrine.
About Detroit -- somebody is lying to us in the case of the Freepers vs eminem and Obama Motors. In the infamous "Imported from Detroit" Super Bowl commercial. I will go with the Free Republic and what my own eyes have seen in "Detroit City."
The commercial is here:
Tell Diane that it was the UAW union that did in Detroit. Unions invented "entitlements" as we have come to define the the word.
I'd like to think of it as a "tip" to those that LIVE with the maladjusted...for THEIR safety...knowing what to look (or sniff around) for.
(btw, the things I know and learned bother even ME sometimes)
They didn't mention that he HAS to be a STEPSON (last name was the giveaway).
THAT says a lot right there.
Yeah, I'd be checking his room for CVS receipts!
Damn shame...he's gonna need the $$$ for COURT COSTS now, right?
You play...you pay.
Thanks a lot for dropping by and commenting.
Stay safe up there!
(and always sniff for gas leaks)
You're correct, sir...the UAW was THE major player, but they DID have the DEMS in their hip pocket for a LONG time.
(or was that vice-versa?)
Every time I see that commerical, I get REALLY bothered.
Infamous would be a good way of putting it.
The REAL pictures don't lie...
(can't sweep THAT much BS under ANY carpet, no matter HOW LARGE).
ANd I know a lot MORE websites that have videos of drives through the city and surrounding neighborhoods.
Looks like a damn 3rd world nation, which, considering the 2-legged, "entitlement-driven" vermin infesting it, probably is.
In OUR OWN "backyard" no less.
Yes, entitlements were spawn of the UNIONS...no doubt about that.
Hey, thanks for dropping by today and commenting.
Always a pleasure.
Stay safe out there.
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