You'd see them on TV, usually in some smaller town, where everyone of all ages spent some time.
We had a few that I remember as a child, and that was weird, considering the Philadelphia Toboggan Company (founded in 1860) was a HUGE supplier of carousels and parts for all over the country.
Most times, I rode them whenever we went to the Jersey shore. (Wildwood, Atlantic City, Asbury Park, etc)
I've ridden them in New Hope, PA all the way west to Buena Park, CA.

Always imposing, yet friendly...horses, lions, tigers, elephants...the closest a young city boy would get to such animals when not at the zoo.
And never once did I get sick...I was too busy laughing and smiling.
We even have a carousel in Fort Wayne's Glenbrook Mall (up north)...very nice.
But today, I'm sure you're feeling the nostalgia from riding that carousel you remember whenever we turn on the news or pick up the paper.
We seem to be going around in CIRCLES, and I don't know about you, but I'm just NOT feeling the anticipatory glee and fun I remember on those vintage carousels all that much.
In fact, I am feeling a tad queasy these days...

But we all are going around and around, and around some more...little chance of getting off this ride.
And we keep paying for more...
By now, I'm sure you're aware of the analogy I've painted here.
Around and around...
Once in a while someone enacts some sort of change, and it turns out that the "cure" was worse than the "disease".
So, what do these folks do?
Do they go BACK to a way that worked BETTER?
Hell, no...they try something ELSE...AGAIN.
And after THAT fails, they keep on trying more crap that's destined to NOT succeed.
Around and around...

Face it, America has some hefty obstacles to overcome in the near future.
We've got runaway spending by the governments (federal, state AND local).
We've got entitlements oozing out of every conceivable orifice, promoting a slothful sub-class of citizenry.
We've got fossil-fuel woes out the wazoo.
We've got crumbling infrastructures.
We've got rising prison populations.
We've got an overabundance of drug usage filtering down to the PRE-TEEN ages now.
We've got more violent crime across the nation.
We've got MORE poverty in America, in spite of all the money being dumped (yearly) into programs to PREVENT poverty.
We've got kids that are LESS intelligent than when MY generation left school.
...And this is just the beginning strains of this "merry ride", people.
The carousel has barely stared to rotate and the animals haven't yet begun to go up and down.
And God only knows where that BRASS RING is these days.
(not that we're trying to reach for it)

Today, this "ride" costs us PLENTY...at the stores...at the pumps...at the repair shops...and at the doctors.
When we wish to get off, we're obliged to stay on, because the ride has "sped up" to the point of causing us injury, should we decide to exit.
And I don't see all that many of us SMILING (because we can't seem to get off AND have to keep paying).
Perhaps we ALL should speak up until we are heard.
It's always been said that when people do NOTHING...THAT is what gets done.
The last time I checked, this nation belonged to THE PEOPLE.
The PEOPLE pay for it, work for it, and they are entrusted with the care OF it.
It used to be called STEWARDSHIP.
Now, what make s a carousel "successful"?
Well, it comes down to proper maintenance...keeping it running and keeping it safe.
And the money for THAT doesn't grow on trees, or comes flying out of anyone's alimentary canal.

They pay for those several minutes of fun by maintaining a level of TRUST in those who have been hired to RUN that carousel.
The people come back, and the ride is self-perpetuating...as long as that trust and safety is there.
(and people's attention is NOT diverted elsewhere)
Take either one away, and the people stop coming to ride...and the carousel goes belly-up.
It's happened so many times across the nation.
America really needs a good safe "carousel" these days, and not a bunch of cronies spinning round day after day, doing the same old unsafe and lack-luster things while the paint peels and the mirrors crack on this "ride".
The noise we hear these days comes from the "machinery" breaking down... and not from laughter or from the music from that carousel.
The nation's leaders have often neglected the preventive measures to ensure a safe ride.
And it shows.

What took so many people's attention from WHO was running the ride?
And why were we being "entertained" elsewhere?
So many times, if you want to view the present situation, you often have to look back to simpler times to find the answers...or at least the reason for the questions.
That way, you can see more clearly what the future could hold.
In childhood, we saw through different eyes.
As we became adults, our view changed.
We sacrifice reason and clarity for dollar signs or possessions.
We loose the innocence we held as a child.
But when you see children riding a carousel...the joy THEY can find in going around and around, knowing that their parents will be there when it's over..the security in that,

We can learn from such things, and teach others, in order to get our nation back on the right track.
It seems corny...and it sounds nonsensical, but it fact, the analogy is true.
Here ends the lesson.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and ...
Stay safe out there, America.
Tired enough to put carousel and Asbury park together, and this starts playing:
Springsteen- 4th of July, asbury Park
Sandy the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight
Forcin' a light into all those stoned-out faces left stranded on this Fourth of July
Down in town the circuit's full with switchblade lovers so fast so shiny so sharp
As the wizards play down on Pinball Way on the boardwalk way past dark
And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers along the shore
Chasin' all them silly New York girls
Sandy the aurora is risin' behind us
The pier lights our carnival life forever
Love me tonight for I may never see you again
Hey Sandy girl
Now the greasers they tramp the streets or get busted for trying to sleep on the beach all night
Them boys in their spiked high heels ah Sandy their skins are so white
And me I just got tired of hangin' in them dusty arcades bangin' them pleasure machines
Chasin' the factory girls underneath the boardwalk where they promise to unsnap their jeans
And you know that tilt-a-whirl down on the south beach drag
I got on it last night and my shirt got caught
And that Joey kept me spinnin' I didn't think I'd ever get off
Oh Sandy the aurora is risin' behind us
The pier lights our carnival life on the water
Runnin' down the beach at night with my boss's daughter
Well he ain't my boss no more Sandy
Sandy the angels have lost their desire for us
I spoke to 'em just last night and they said they won't set themselves on fire for us anymore
Every summer when the weather gets hot they ride that road down from heaven on their Harleys they come and they go
And you can see 'em dressed like stars in all the cheap little seashore bars parked making love with their babies out on the Kokomo
Well the cops finally busted Madame Marie for tellin' fortunes better than they do
This boardwalk life for me is through
You know you ought to quit this scene too
Sandy the aurora's rising behind us
The pier lights our carnival life forever
Oh love me tonight and I promise I'll love you forever
Always loved that song. I know what you're saying though. I was hoping people might get a little of that from the song I put on time machine last week- when kids were excited to hear songs like that, and you got to be a kids for a while instead of a mouthy mini-adult.
Good job.
Bobby G:
You may be too young to remember the "old Redhead" -- ukulele-playing, radio and TV host Arthur Godfrey. He famously said:
"Blessed are they who go around in circles, for they shall be called big wheels."
Things seem a bit circular for you today, so perhaps it is time to plant your foot firmly on the ground in order to stop the dizziness. That always worked for me when I over-indulged in adult beverages.
I can honestly say that I have never been on a merry-go-round AT NIGHT...dunno why?
I can imagine it would be even better than during the day...
ANd the song you commented on seems to paint a picture of what happens when we lose that innocence...and the carousel "music" doesn't play the same way.
Interesting take.
Stay safe & dry up there today.
I was but a very small youth in the day when Arthur Godfrey graced our TV set.
And his quote does make sense.
I make the circular comparison, because much of what goes on both down here in the "Ghettoland Abusement Park", as well as our nation seems to repeat itself with greater frequency, and to me, the best way to represent repitition is by using a CIRCLE.
Be real nice to see something LINEAR for a change.
As to any adult beverages?
I told the missus the other day that I don't know WHY I haven't taken up DRINKING as a vocational pursuit...yet!
Lord knows there IS cause some days.
Thanks for stopping by today to comment.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe out there.
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