15 April 2011

Weekend Roundup...
Welcome to Friday...end of trail for this week.
Sometimes, it amazes me how we manage to make it, considering all the crap that has been hitting all those fans over the last 5 days.
But now, we can take things a tad slower, kick off the boots and rest a spell...until we start it all over in less than 72 hours.
Let's make the best of the time alloted to us, and see what we've been missing, shall we?
ITEM - President Obama seeks $1 BILLION dollars for campaign re-election fund.
((*rolls eyes*))
Jeezus H. Tap-Dancing Kee-hrist!
Hasn't this man done ENOUGH for this country?
Make that done enough TO this country?
(...my mistake.)
One viewer on our local news channel made this comment:
"He should be LESS concerned about KEEPING his job, and MORE concered about DOING his job."
Amen to THAT!
That sums it up nicely.
ITEM - Jury Takes Two Hours to Convict Mother.
I posted about this back in early December 2010, and I said at the get-go that this "person" was guilty THEN.
Nice to know I can spot a guilty person as soon as I SEE them.
Here's the link to the article from today's paper: http://journalgazette.net/article/20110415/LOCAL/304159941
And THIS is one reason we seriously NEED to reform the WELFARE SYSTEM.
Remember, this was caused by YOUR hard-earned TAX DOLLARS AT WORK (when she didn't WANT to work).
ITEM - FBI Arrests 36 In Cocaine Snare.
Here's the link to this article (a really GOOD READ): http://journalgazette.net/article/20110415/LOCAL03/304159942
If you recall, back around the end of December last year, we had a homicide of an Hispanic man sitting in a pickup along fayette Drive (on the city's SE sde - where else?).
My post from 29 December 2010 has the original story.
Gee, sure is nice to know that fort Wayne's DRUG PROBLEM is nothing to worry about, right?
Our prosecutor, Karen Richards even states that crime IS going DOWN.
Looks more like 36 PERPS are going down as in BUSTED.
I suppose when the local authorities can't seem to get the job done, you call in the FEDS, and in THIS instance, THAT worked.
Maybe I should be contacting the FBI instead of the city police when it comes to drug houses?
(wonder if the FBI can handle parking control and noise violations???)
Just a thought.
ITEM - Shooting During Pot Deal Leads to Charges.
Here's the link to this brief article: http://journalgazette.net/article/20110415/LOCAL07/304159909/1002/LOCAL Now forgive me if my take on this is incorrect, but I always "thought" that you ARREST someone, and THEN charge them.
Seems the way this is presented is a bit back-asswards.
We CHARGE them first, and THEN we ARREST them (if we can find them after they've been loose for a month).
Give 'em all plenty of time to skip town...now THAT will deter them from any future crime...oh, yeah.
Well, it's no wonder we can't make things stick on such perps, and why they keep slipping through the Grand Canyon sized cracks in our judicial system.
It all seems to make sense now...time to call in the FBI to hasten the process, or at least get things in their proper order, hmm?
ITEM - Obama Says "We are a great country BECAUSE of entitlements". Here's the link to the source article at CNS news: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-we-would-not-be-great-country-with
Does this President have ANY clue as to what REALLY made this nation great?
I think we need to call in the EPA, becasue we have a SMUG alert on this one.
And that brings me to the "budget deal"...
The budget for the USA contained $38 BILLION in "cuts"...are you freaking KIDDING ME?
That will NOT begin to erase the TRILLIONS in waste and debt already accrued.
Hell, that won't even take care of the damn INTEREST, let alone the "principle".
I only took Accounting 101 in college...and I know THAT damn much.
I will concede that the President IS doing something right...he's screwing us all ROYALLY. THAT he's got down pat!
- Philly Health Department to give out Condoms to 11-year olds.
Imagine YOUR child attending a Philadelphia school and being subjected to THIS, in say SIXTH GRADE: http://www.takecontrolphilly.org/
This website makes it EASY to protect yourself from all those nasty diseases and pregnancy.
What the hell ever happened to BEING A CHILD?
When did that all go out of vogue?
Another case of some government taking the role of a decent parent (or two).
Once again, YOUR tax dollars at work (for condoms).
Where does this insanity end?
And oh, look...a BLACK woman in the cartoon...as IF it's "targeted" at BLACK schoolkids.
How "diversified" is that?
Maybe we shouldn't be allowing 21-year old "baby-mama" boyfriends to try and rape little girls who also live in the house with the welfare queen...'ya think?
- Man Killed By Semi in Decatur.
This story tears me up, because it did NOT have to happen at all.
Here's the link to the article from WANE news: http://www.wane.com/dpp/news/Family-of-killed-worker-speaks-out
Ryan Zimmerman was due to have his bachelor party THIS weekend.
He was supposed to be married in less than two weeks.
Both will never happen.
The tractor-trailer did something while making the turn at that intersection we used to call "cheating".
Whenever you have a LONG vehicle such as this, the FRONT wheels will use a smaller arc than the REAR wheels whenever a turn is negotiated.
That's why such vehicles tend to swing WIDE at intersections, and STOP LINES are staggered (to allow a proper and more even turn radius).
Well, the tractor made the turn OK, but the trailer tried to follow the shortest path to stay with the tradtor, and the result was an even smaller arc of turn, resulting in Zimmerman's death.
Very tragic, and my prayers go out to his family, fiance and friends.
*** Lastly today, take note that the real cold weather has finally broke, and warmer temperatures are the norm now.
And with such nice weather come the road-idiots...all types, shapes and sizes. The winter tends to make us all drive slower...more cautiously, and with grteater purpose.
But when it gets warm, anything goes (once again).
Should not be that way.
We need to be MORE aware...MORE cautious, and yes, even MORE patient when dealing with the nuts behind those other wheels.
Don't speed all over.
Where you're wanting to go will STILL be there whatever time you arrive.
Malls, stores and other buildings aren't really going anywhere anytime soon.
A little (more) caution on YOUR part will go a VERY long way.
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.


CWMartin said...

You really should be careful about the pictures you put next to an Obama story. I thought that girl was the first albatross for a second. : )

The story about Ryan would make a really good " I wasn't careful, and then..." poster to be put in truck stops and dispatcher's offices around the country.

When did being a child go out the windows? In the seventies. Thus, time machine.

Oh, glad to hear your roof's a tiny problem instead of a great big one. No need to call Mike Holmes on this one!

Have a good weekend, buddy.

Bob G. said...

I thought the same thing when I saw that website's cartoon...heh.

Ryan's death was a case of truck drivers NEED to know their rigs and the limitations!

Sure glad I was a child in the FIFTIES & SIXTIES, then!

With this wind we're having, that small job might "grow" a tad...never can tell.

Hey, thanks for dropping on by today and commenting.

Say "hi" to the Missus and to Scrappy.

Stay safe up there.

gadfly said...

Hey Bob G:

I wanted to get you the web address for the pothole crew and your latest post lets me respond that our warmer weather will bring potholes. You called these guys a Philadelphia crew, but I am not sure that they are not on the Fort Wayne payroll.


The accompanying article is amusing at: http://www.weathertrends360.com/Blog/Post/18-Uses-for-Those-GINORMOUS-Potholes-794

Bob G. said...

I figured those guys were NOT with Fort Wayne...no wasted money for uniforms THAT nice...and blue doesn't go ALL that well with those ORANGE trucks we have HERE...LOL.

But, if the CITY took those INMATES from the ACDC and got THEM to fix the streets...now THEY have NICE, ORANGE jumpsuits.
Everything matches...LMAO!

Thanks for the link...funny stuff!

Stay safe out there.