No, we're not doing a retro mini-concert of Manilow hits, although on a day such as THIS, it might not be a bad idea.
Including today, this blog is officially in the 2K "club" now,., in TWO THOUSAND POSTS!
Has it been that many already?
I don't even post on weekends, unless it's REALLY important...or a HOLIDAY.
Anyway, we'll be getting into that among some other things on my mind in just a bit, but first, what has the Hoosierland weather have in store today?
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Yeah, it's THAT kinda cold...AGAIN! |
And the temps won't get much better as the day progresses. Schools are already closed now.
We did have a little overnight snow, and with winds whipping about, it's not making things any better outside.
The high today will only barely cross the TWENTY DEGREE mark, and roads are slicker than snot on a doorknob (eewwwww).
So dress appropriately, drive accordingly, and take extra care when outside today.
Now, on to the...REST of the "story"...
*** First out of the freezer's been 2,000 posts and almost eight years here at the "Erudition".
Been a decent run so far, too.
During that time, I've been fortunate enough to make some good friends...people I've come to know over this time who provide me with insight, enlightenment, and yes, even humor, and they always say that laughter is the best medicine, and it doesn't matter WHAT ails you either.
In some ways, the posts here represent a form of "release" from all the "stuff" bothering me, as well as some really cool things happening. It also provides a forum where ideas can be batted about. And then, there are the crimes and a podium for sounding off as to societal matters that we need to not only be aware of, but strive to confront and hopefully, find ways to address them so that we might be better able to evolve, rather than head in an opposing direction.
As I say, you will never find deception, or lies HERE...that's not how I shake (and in this cold weather, it's hard NOT to
So here's to the FIRST two-thousand posts...and hopefully and God willing, we can share the NEXT two-thousand with quiet anticipation.
Moving onward...
*** A shooting leaves one man with a shoulder and neck wound.
Here's the story link:
Well, it's NOT on the SE side...all the SHOTS FIRED down here since the start of the year have not resulted in ANY injuries...yet.
Four men committed a home invasion at a house located in the 200 block of W. Williams St.
This happened around 2000 hrs last night.
(that's what happens when you don't check who's outside before you open the door.)
The men demanded cash and shot the resident.
No description of the 4 perps, no vehicle description, and therefore no suspects have been nabbed.
They remain at-large (to commit more mayhem).
(( Editor's Update - 1030 hrs. - The Allen County coroner finally has released the COD from the man found dead (from blunt-force trauma) in the trunk of a burning car along Ferguson Rd from last August - it WAS a HOMICIDE, so THAT breaks the all-time record with FORTY FIVE TOTAL for 2013...I called that one from the start, and that STILL never gets old. ))
*** Next up, if you're SAD, this story might shed some light on your condition.
Yes, they have a NAME for the way you feel during Winter (or probably ANY season).
They call it Seasonal Affective Disorder...(that's a new one on me).
It's caused by grey skies, lack of exercise (does shoveling all that snow help?), feeling tired all the get the idea.
And here, I thought it was God's way of telling me "You're getting older, Bob".
Dr. Jay Fawver adds some thoughts on the condition, too.
Short of getting that GYM membership (never do that on a dare), I've got enough reasons to be active in and around the "Fortress". High carbs don't help either, and can pack on the pounds...
And here I thought it was to build up some "layers" to fend off the a POLAR BEAR...silly me...LOL.
People use a "light box" to mimic the sunshine that is lacking during those grey winter days, and I can see that working.
Sure beats staring at a TV for hours, too.
*** Next, the Fort Wayne airport board is seeking grants (and other funding) for their projects.
Here's the link:
Wow, the "reconstruction" of a secondary runway is part of the gig...what have I said about that already
They also want some snow removal equipment...can't fault them there.
Gotta have a solid "conga line" (movie reference - AIRPORT) when the bad weather hits.
And in a related story in the business section of the paper there's THIS
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THAT is a conga-line. |
Who'da thunk THAT?
A 5% increase...with NY and the most frequent destinations.
*** Lastly today, since we're at a wonderful lull in activity, let's dwell a moment on WHY we blog...
In an information-gathering society, we REQUIRE real-time when it comes to our information.
We find ourselves not only in the "arena of ideas", but in many cases, it has become more like a BATTLEFIELD, and we are waging war to some degree.
ANY intel you can get AS IT HAPPENS makes the battle go better for the good guys, because the first casualty of ANY war is always...THE TRUTH.
We prefer that not to happen.
"You can't lead from behind" - Gen James Longstreet.
Ask any commander about that one.
We "Band of Bloggers" are at the tip of the spear when it comes to whatever fight we choose to take up and fight for.
And it is important to remember that we always strive to bring others the truth as it becomes revealed.
It's just as important to state what is WRONG with what we're supposed to believe, and that means when something sounds odd, we delve deeper to find out what is REALLY going on.
Sometimes, it may take two-thousand posts to demonstrate the lack of common sense in the world, and in what direction our nation NEEDS to be going. might even take longer.
That's where "we" come in, right?
So, here's to the next 2,000 - may they be every bit as informative and worthy of your reading of them.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Congrats on 2k posts, Bob. And congrats(?) to your adopted home town on breaking its homicide record. ;)
John D.:
Thanks much...I do appreciate it.
As for record setting here?
Hey, you know THIS city (by now)...
I aim to please (and present the facts), while the perps ONLY "aim" to create
Thanks for stopping by today to comment.
Stay safe and warm out there!
Congrats on your 2000 posts!
Thanks so much for acknowledging my millstone...I mean MILE-stone...LOL.
(sometimes seems the OTHER way)
And thanks for taking time to stop by today and comment.
You stay safe and keep warm and cozy down there.
((PS - hint, should post some SNOW pics of the mighty Wabash))
If I'd have known it was two thousand, I'd have baked a cake. But all I had was chocolate donut holes, and Scrappy and I just ate them all. Que Sera Sera, catch you next 2,000!
That's okay...we got donuts...I can always bake another cake...we got CHOCOLATE, too (from M&Ms to ding-dongs)
But above all...I got GUINNESS - Breakfast of REAl Bloggers...ROFL!
I look forward to your personal views on all the nonsense I have griping the heck out of me for at LEAST another 2K posts.
Thanks for stopping by today and commenting.
Go have a cold one on me!
Stay safe AND warm up there.
Three cheers for the 2000, Bob!
With the article on SAD, I remember an old Nat Geo of children getting treated with light to compensate for their lack of exposure to the sun in the long winters. I can say SAD is real--I am grumpy from NOV to MAR; shovel shovel shovel.
Too bad Southerners did not fully appreciate Longstreet for all that he did. He fell out of favor with the locals since he was seen as cooperative with the Feds in reconstruction.
They are saying that tanning beds have taken the place of the sun during winter, and that moderate amounts of UV radiation is GOOD for you when suffering from SAD.
Never did like tanning one potential form of cancer for another doesn't make me any LESS "sad"...that's for sure.
Also, doses of vitamin D seems to help to beat the winter blahs.
But using differing frequencies of LIGHT to alleviate physical or emotional symptoms DOES has it's value to medicine.
Hey, thanks for the congrat and for taking time to stop by today and comment.
You stay safe and warm out there.
(in 6 months it'll be just the
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