Alright, now THIS week is definitely flying on by (at least it seems that way).
Guess tossing in a milestone birthday early on tends to do that sorta thing.
But, soldier on we shall.
And we'll play catch-up as we proceed.
Our Hoosierland weather today brings us NO RAIN (yay!), mostly sunny skies, temps reaching to around 76 degrees, less humid (a better hair day) and mild breezes. That sure sounds doable.
So let's get that refreshing beverage of choice poured and parked close-at-hand, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the fortune cookies is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote for the week:
“Day by day we increase in age. Step by step we reduce the number
of our steps. When you grow old, you shall see life differently and you
shall get a better understanding of the journey of life: how you lived
it and how you should have lived it!”
So, WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Ghana...
*** Next up, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Ride The Wind Day
(okay, has NOTHING to do with farts, got it?)
---It's National Sponge Cake Day
(not my personal favorite, but, it IS cake)
*** Next, since I preempted it yesterday, here are all the FWPD calls that we should have been hearing about, but were never told about because the media is fixated on statues that need not be removed, lest we deny our history.
SHOTS FIRED ((113)) / ARMED ROBBERY((53)) CALLS - 08/14 - 08/20
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
AUG 14 -
17F100796 08/14/2017 11:01pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3000 HOLTON AVE
17F100596 08/14/2017 01:37pm 23,113 3200 METRO DR N
17F100649 08/14/2017 04:05pm 53 ARMED ROB 3000 ANTHONY BLVD S & ECKART ST
17F100772 08/14/2017 09:49pm 58 SHOOTING 1800 WAYNE ST E
AUG 15 -
17F100843 08/15/2017 01:11am 113 SHOTS FIRED 3000 BARR ST S
((NO armed robberies))
AUG 16 -
17F101315 08/16/2017 01:15am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2400 BROADWAY
17F101492 08/16/2017 02:35pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 LAKE AVE
17F101684 08/16/2017 10:40pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 6400 ST JOE RD
17F101687 08/16/2017 10:44pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 7100 RIVERTON DR
17F101688 08/16/2017 10:46pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2300 GAY ST & HURD ST
17F101691 08/16/2017 10:49pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2500 HARRISON ST S
17F101690 08/16/2017 10:51pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3200 HANNA ST S
17F101703 08/16/2017 11:29pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 700 RIVERSIDE AVE
17F101713 08/16/2017 11:51pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2600 ANTHONY BLVD S & PONTIAC ST E
((NO armed robberies))
AUG 17 -
17F102127 08/17/2017 11:33pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4100 SMITH ST
((NO armed robberies))
AUG 18 -
17F102311 08/18/2017 12:30pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 5400 OLD DOVER BLVD
17F102332 08/18/2017 01:19pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1100 GREENE ST
17F102538 08/18/2017 09:24pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2300 FLEETWOOD AVE & HARVESTER AVE
17F102605 08/18/2017 11:51pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1400 CLINTON ST N & FOURTH ST E
((NO armed robberies))
17F102177 08/18/2017 04:10am 58 SHOOTING 1600 REED RD
17F102589 08/18/2017 11:22pm 58 SHOOTING 4300 GAYWOOD DR
AUG 19 -
17F102639 08/19/2017 01:16am 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 WASHINGTON BLVD E
17F102647 08/19/2017 01:33am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1600 COLISEUM BLVD E
17F102650 08/19/2017 01:37am 113 SHOTS FIRED 3700 HARRISON ST S
17F102681 08/19/2017 03:24am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 WASHINGTON CENTER RD W
17F102729 08/19/2017 08:38am 113 SHOTS FIRED 9300 LIMA RD & TILL RD W
17F102823 08/19/2017 01:56pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 WASHINGTON BLVD E
17F102654 08/19/2017 01:38am 23,113 2000 REDWOOD AVE
((NO armed robberies))
17F102644 08/19/2017 01:27am 58 SHOOTING 900 WASHINGTON BLVD E
AUG 20 -
17F103122 08/20/2017 02:08am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1900 DREXEL AVE
17F103172 08/20/2017 05:17am 113 SHOTS FIRED 100 CREIGHTON AVE W
((NO armed robberies))
More than 30+ vehicle vandalism calls, 150+ traffic accidents and reckless driving calls, 80+disturbance calls, 211 domestic calls (80 w/battery), 45 burglaries, and 30 narcotics runs.
FIREWORKS CALLS 08/14 - 08/20
17F101283 08/15/2017 11:05pm 44FW 5000 WEBSTER ST
17F103028 08/19/2017 10:20pm 44FW 3400 WOODROW AVE
17F103040 08/19/2017 10:46pm 44FW 4700 MANISTEE DR**
**(((THIS GUY AGAIN??? Bet he hasn't even been CITED yet))
*** Next up, a FWPD K-9 officer passes. Here's the link:
![]() |
FWPD canine "Bach" |
*** Next, a new strip club ordinance was discussed at City Council last evening. Here's the story:
With over 300 police calls to various clubs, there has to be a connection between crimes and activities at such clubs, right?
Here's an editorial that makes more sense:
I don't see a problem with the proposal.
To me, it would actually make it SAFER for the girls performing at such clubs, and whatever money they MAY lose would be offset by MORE patrons in a less crime-ridden environment.
Here's a take from a dancer's viewpoint:
I think we need to understand the true CONTEXT of what is meant by "unfair" here. This won't go away soon, and will get on it.
*** Next up, About that birthday...
Had a pretty decent day. Wifey got me a couple books (one on Dunkirk, the other on Sherlock Holmes (an FAQ time).
My high school friend got me a book on WW2 (an operation designed to obfuscate the enemy) and a DVD "What About Bob?").
I think you know what I went to Wal-Mart for...that's right - The just-released DVD of Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol 2.
Dinner was provided by Wifey (and the local Chinese take out place). Dunno WHEN this "tradition" started, but I enjoy having this on my birthday. Dessert was chocolate fudge cake. Funny thing, they have a "fudge" labelled square on the cake, and when I removed it, icing stuck to it, so I figured I'd lick it off (why waste any?) broke in half in my mouth, and I thought "great, spit the plastic thing out, Bob", but to my utter surprise, it was ALSO CHOCOLATE...very cool (and tasty).
Our movie night was all set and I fired up the player (Wifey made popcorn), and we sat back to watch the flick. And NO, I did NOT push the button that blows up the planet.
After about an hour into it, the disc pixelated and then froze.
Not a problem (however inconvenient),
We went to the family room and fired up the OTHER player.
That ALSO froze at the same place.
![]() |
"W-T-F ?" |
Anyway, we passed over that scene, watched the rest of the movie (which was really good) and tossed some good "teases" for future adventures.
I did try the DVD in the computer (got some good software on board), and it played straight through the "bad" area on the disc (that was odd).
Whatever issue the disc had went away on it's own (imagine that)...and it played fine on the first player we used.
Problem solved (dunno why or how), so return trip to W/M (thank you).
*** Next, so what's been going on at "Kitten Corner"?
Well, the kids were not AS "spazmo" (Bob's lexicon) yesterday, and even left us alone to eat dinner and watch the movie, but they did sit nearby as if they wanted some popcorn.
When they can learn NOT to play with it, but EAT it...they can have some.
Not before...LOL.
*** Next up, let's see what's going on with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome got a bit wet early in the morning for first eats (and they both left to get someplace other than where it was wet afterwards.
They both came back for afternoon and evening "meals", and Midnight stayed until dusk. He then decided a "patrol" was in order, so off he went.
Whiskers is near the patio door no matter what time you go out...heh.
*** Last back to the corral...I have to mention this, because it's one of those pleasing situations in one's life where you wish you could halt time and preserve the moment.
While at checkout in Wal-Mart, the woman there (a charming black lady, perhaps in her late 40s or early 50s?) was smiling and being jovial while I was figuring out the credit card reader (they all differ at various stores). She said my total was "nineteen twenty-two". I said "That musta been a good year". She laughed and said that was before her time. I said "Me too. I didn't come along untl 30 years later." I said it was my birthday and I was treating myself. She wished me a happy birthday and said "nothing wrong with that". She said "Now you have a good birthday, dear". I said "Thank you,. have yourself a great day, too, hon."
Left there with an ear-to-ear smile on my face.
See...THIS is what "race relations" is all about...wonderful interaction between two strangers. We had a nice laugh, some smiles, and a marvelous time for a couple minutes.
That is what such encounters USED to be when I was growing up. None of this "better than thou" BS...none of the equality crap.
At that moment, we were both totally equal in my book, and she is the type of woman I would LOVE to have living next door to us, rather than what passes for a "neighbor" (which is anything BUT neighborly).
My only regret is that I didn't catch her name on her badge, nor was it listed on the store receipt...damn shame. I would talk her UP to whoever I could at Wal-Mart, because she DESERVES it. She earned my respect because of who she IS and how she presented herself.
MLK would say it is the "quality of her character".
The world still has people like her...just not enough of them.
And they don't have to work at Wal-Mart, either.
Again, the Bible reminds me of the passage (N/T - Hebrews 13:2) that suffers us to treat strangers with kindness, for we may be "entertaining angels" without our knowledge.
I believe I may have met another one yesterday.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Quote: Yeah, well, Nancy Pelosi disproves THAT one, lol!
My opinion on the strip ordinance: WTF are we wasting time on trifles? You can't be pretending you're trying to make things safer in the city when you won't do a damn thing about the ghetto situation that is MAKING it bad. The strip bars get more calls because the ganger thugs the cops SHOULD be locking up and harassing into oblivion are fearlessly PATRONIZING the places now! (We drunkenly hit one last NYE, and it was "hood north") The entire thing is a BS throw 'em a bone deal to make low-intelligence voters think the city is actually in possession of balls enough to do something about crime. Whether there is virtue or not to it is immaterial. It's trying to carve a wart off the ass of the rhino that's charging at you 60MPH.
That disc of yers- didja check it for thumbprints? LOL. Had to throw that in after yesterday, I had a section of fabric at work with HANDPRINTS in the waterproof coating. Gave my boss a good laugh, and I am happy to do anything to make this particular vendor look bad. (Not that they need help with that...)
It is way too easy to put people in boxes to form our reactions to them Saturday night, I was fighting the good fight on Twitter , engaging a leftist who went by the handle of "gay seagull" (which you would think would tell you all you need to know- but wait...) . After a couple of testy ripostes, he noted that my avatar was Scrappy- and then we talked about beagles for a bit, and then delved into geopolitics, where we learned we had a LOT in common, opinion-wise. It was a very nice, informative conversation, even if we didn't exactly agree on those things for the same reason. Only thing I shoulda asked was why "seagull" when he apparently lives in Nebraska, lol!
---Well, you didn't expect her NOT to, right?
---I seems more politicos worry more about the ICING rather than the actual ingredients OF the damn cake (good analogy, huh?)
We've got an ENTIRE quadrant of the city going to hell with two other quadrants TRYING to do likewise. Doesn't paint a rosy future for FTW, does it?
(not to mention the revenue LOOST along the way)
LOVE that rhino analogy...LOL. How TRUE!
---I only handle them by the EDGES (a carryover from the halcyon days of VINYL), but I did wipe the disc off anyway after the fact. That may have corrected the problem...who can say? It seems to work fine now.
---I find that the BEST barometer of people (you meet in person) is how they display their CHARACTER...then I default to MLK and what he said about the QUALITY of it.
Makes it REAL easy to separate the "wheat from the chaff".
Those with no character will DEMONSTRATE to you that they have none, and those of good character will also do likewise..
Kinda like a self-fulfilling
Hey, thanks for stopping on by today to comment.
Stay safe (and sound) up there, brother.
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