08 September 2017

Friday Follies...
Here we are...back at another weekend. Seems we just got over one, doesn't it?
Personally, it would be nice if every THIRD day was Friday...heh.
Would never have to deal with Mondays again, would we?
Still, it's those other days that help even things out, I suppose.
Our Hoosierland weather for today continues the mild trend with mostly cloudy skies, a chance of light rain (the "sprinkles" kind), and temps climbing up to around 68 degrees. Still sounds like a winner to me.
So, what say we all get a cup or glass of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by (not THAT close), as we see what else has been going on, hmm?
*** First off of the runway is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Ampersand Day
(Or National "&" Day for the chronically-abbreviated)
---It's National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day
(just call it "national very long title day")
---It's Stand Up To Cancer Day
(and sucker-punch it to oblivion)
*** Next, and since we are here at week's end, let's take a look at what will be going on over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is Care Bears Share Your Care Day
(they've been doing that for 35 years, too)
---It's National Teddy Bear Day
(gee, how very convenient)
---It's National Wiener Schnitzel Day
(yes, it IS made with VEAL...take that, PETA)
---It's National Grandparents Day
(sorry, at my age, I'm fresh out fo them)
---It's National Hug Your Hound Day
(I know Scrappy's been waiting for this one)
---It's National Pet Memorial Day
(yeah, I got me that stuff coming up in a few weeks)
---It's National Swap Ideas Day
(the world is NOT ready for that from me...seriously)
---It's National TV Dinner Day
(how far we've come since the old foil-trayed Swanson days)
---Last but noit least, Sunday is the Monarch Festival out at Eagle Marsh from 1-5 PM.
Wifey and I plan to be there. Hopefully, we'll get us some good photos.
And there we are...plenty to do over the weekend. Please remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, our latest homicide victim on Oliver St was ID'ed yesterday, and guess what?
Who brought the donuts?
He's got a nice rap sheet. Permit me to show you:
QUINTIN  B. ARMOUR - Male Black 5' 4", 135 lbs
2013 mugshot
Allen Superior Court 5
IF - Infraction Decided
9-21-17-13/IFC: Sidwalk Unavailable; Pedestrian to Walk Upon Roadway Shoulder
Allen Superior Court 4
MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation) Decided
35-48-4-13(b)(1)/FD: Maintaining a Common Nuisance
35-48-4-7(a)/FD: Possession Schedule I, II, III, or IV Controlled Substance
Allen Superior Court 4
FD - Class D Felony Decided
35-48-4-13(b)(2)/FD: Maintaining a Common Nuisance
35-48-4-7(a)/FD: Possession Schedule I, II, III, or IV Controlled Substance
35-48-4-8.3(a)(1)/MA: Possession of Paraphernalia
Allen Superior Court 5
IF - Infraction Decided
9-18-2-7/IFC: Expired Plates
Allen Superior Court 6
MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation) Decided
35-47-2-18(2)/FC: Possession of Handgun w/ Altered Identifying Marks
35-47-2-1(a)/MA: Carrying a Handgun Without a License
Allen Superior Court 6
FC - Class C Felony Decided
35-47-2-18(2)/FC: Possession of Handgun w/ Altered Identifying Marks
35-47-2-1(a)/MA: Carrying a Handgun Without a License
2016 mugshot
2016 mugshot719289
Armour, Quintin B
Allen Superior Court 6
OV - Local Ordinance Violation Pending
96.15: Loud Noise from a Motor Vehicle/FWA
Armour, Quintin Barnard
Allen Superior Court 5
CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided
35-48-4-13(a)/MB: Visiting a Common Nuisance
515 High ST 
APT 1/2
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
4125 Warsaw St 
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Yeah, we ALL know what a GOOD person he was, never bother anyone...yada.yada.yada...
Number 24...and counting.
Anyone remember my post from  25 November 2013? (The J-G yanked the story link...sorry)
Or THIS one from 2016?
The Armour clan has a history in this city, and it's not being good people.
Here's one that won't be a burden to society any longer. Good riddance.
*** Next, The body found (dead) in the St Mary's river (or the Maumee, depending on your media source. I saw BOTH mentioned), was that of a BLACK man (seems to be a pattern developing here).
Here's the story link from WOWO:
Heard the fishing sucks...wonder why?
That information comes from the Indiana DNR.
This will certainly make those days along the up and coming riverfront project seem SO much nicer (waste of money)...right? Nothing like taking a tour along the river and having the D/Bs pointed out by the guide in that canal boat replica.
*** Next up, that north-side woman found dead at home had been stabbed multiple times.
Could be another homicide in the making...or a very painful and lengthy suicide.
*** Next, ever see a picture like THIS before?
Yep, that's THREE hurricanes, coming in the wake of Harvey.
Now, don't go all global-warming on me... perhaps there's another reason.
Think about SOLAR activity for a moment.
Our sun exerts influence on our planet, thanks to it's own gravitational forces, and that's an aside from the magnetic and radiation forces we are prone to also.
Now, HOW do you think that anything we do HERE (on Earth) will impact what the SUN chooses to do, hmm?
I thought as much...case closed (for now).
*** Next, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were back on their typical cycle...eat, run about, nap, eat, run about, nap...
It's predictable, and that's not too bad to deal with, especially when they look so damn cute when asleep. It's much easier to get a good picture of them both when they're not in motion.
Violet dusts off the castles
It's also good when they're just doing "cat stuff", which doesn't involved anything being broken...lol.
*** Next up, time to drop on by and visit with "Midnight and Company"...
Nice to be back into the "routine" - both cats outside waiting to get fed.
No stand-ins today. Had to turn them all away, and we had some interesting ones lined up.
Midnight is walking about SO much better...no limp at all, and his "fragrance" is getting better, too...LOL.
I'm making sure I clean my plate.
I use hand sanitizer when I go out to them, and rub their heads and fur with my hands...kinda like an osmosis thing.
Lemony-fresh cats...HA!
Whiskers likes to rub against you so much, she forgets to finish her food...not a problem, because Midnight is there to "help" finish it. Then, I have to give her a bit more, so she gets a proper meal.
The "work" is never done, is it?
*** Last back to the hangar...our trash day is TODAY, due to the Monday holiday, and it always amuses me to see most of the "locals" still put their bins out on the "regular" day...which is wrong.
It's like no one bothers to listen to the news or read a paper, or even look at a damn calendar.
That tells me a LOT about people...and how much they know (or think they do).
In an age where information is not only vital, but everywhere at your fingertips (all the time), there are those who are too busy ignoring it all...and to what end?
Maybe that's why people take things out of context...or cannot have a normal conversation or debate...and can't conceptualize many of the basics regarding human behavior. It would certianly seem so.
Education does NOT end when you leave school...that's a fact.
And, if a person chooses to no longer educate THEMSELVES after the former schooling concludes, then they are cheating themselves of so much that life has to offer. Some choose to learn all the wrong things, and that also shows.
Remember, the day you stop learning (as a human being) is the day you take that long dirt nap.
Therein lies the lesson for today.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Aha! Thought I still needed to stop in here! Lots of Irma time this weekend.

"Personally, it would be nice if every THIRD day was Friday.." You do realize how problematic that would make my appearances, right?

Scrappy gets hugs even when he don't WANT em. He, at least, doesn't require a day for this.

"...how far we've come since the old foil-trayed Swanson days..." I know, right?

When on WU, if a commenter starts on global warming, either side, I just block 'em.

Bob G. said...

---I figured you were watching that. I made a good call - said it would strike TAMPA before it got past Cuba (I should become a meteorologist - NEXT life...lol)
---I had not thought about that...I'll have to "revise" that one.
---Nah, didn't think he needed a DAY...not when he has you, Laurie and the entire year.
---Yeah, and our choices THESE days are numerous AND tasty!
(thanks, Marie)
---I don't have ANY time for such people...UNLESS they WANT to hear ME go off on THEM first...heh.

Hey, thanks for dropping by to comment.
Much appreciated.

Stay safe up there, brother.