Bit of a damp start to the day (and week) outside this morning.
(if it's damp INSIDE, you might want to check the plumbing, or the roof)
We're also in the throes of some warmer conditions. Seems more like July than September.
Our Hoosierland weather has us stuck with mostly cloudy skies, scattered rain for the better part of the day, and temps climbing up to around the 80 degree mark.
Guess we can expect the obligatory humidity to follow along.
Yeah, good idea to bring an umbrella along, and take care driving about.
Let's then grab a minute to get ourselves a cup or glass of a refreshing beverage, as we see what else has been going on.
*** First out of the kitchen sink is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's the Air Force Birthday.
(happy 70th gang...keep 'em flying)
---It's National cheeseburger Day
(that's a single, and not a it?)
---It's National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
(I'm well aware of the aging thing...every day)
*** Next up, a stabbing in our city was (fortunately) the only crime that made the new. Here's the story:
Not much is known, including WHERE the stabbing took place, because, as is now fast becoming the M.O. with these crimes, the victim was taken to hospital by another person, rather than in an ambulance.
Sooner or later the address of the victim will be known, but that still doesn't account for the location of the CRIME.
Guess such folks have their own way of keeping information from the authorities.
*** Next, protests over a verdict of innocence stemming from a police action shooting are turning St. Louis into their own "point-of-destination" (for the BLM anarchists). Here's the latest:
Over 80 arrested (so far), and the typical vandalism and violent behavior follows in stride.
Eleven officers have been injured in the multi-day melee, and various events had to be cancelled, including a concert by the band U2 (damn shame there).
There is a proper and legal manner to voice one's opinion...and THIS sure as hell ain't it.
The protesters shout "stop killing us"...I'd shout back "stop breaking the damn laws, morons!"
*** Next up, you think that Cuba has become a better place with Obama's lessening of restrictions...guess again. Here's the story:
Yes, our diplomats in Havana have been under "attack" from what appears to be sonic weaponry of some type.
The tech isn't anything new. We've had such things for years. Check my blog post from 4 JAN 2007 where I mention a device called LRAD. And then there were the military vehicles surrounding the embassy Noriega was staying, pounding out Van Halen at over 150 Db back in the 80s. Here's that link:
You can also google Operation Nifty Package.
Sound CAN be a weapon...a very effective weapon. Cripes, just look at all the boom cars roaming around our area. It's the kind of sound you can feel as well as hear (from distance).
That's too damn loud for normal people in residential areas. FWPD take note.
Now, we have this new gig in Cuba against out people...have to say it shows creativity on behalf of whoever is committing these acts. Maybe they spent some time in SE Fort Wayne?
*** Next, yes, today is the 70th anniversary of the ration of the USAF. Here's the official site:
And here is the Cliff's Notes (WIKI) version of the history:
And to think they started out as an adjunct to the Army back in 1907...
Considering this is the "youngest" branch of our military, they have done some remarkable things, not the least of which would be the Berlin Airlift back in 1948-1949.
They've done good...they've done real good.
*** Next up, let's drop in on "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids were in relatively fine form over the weekend. And other than some usual running from one end of the house to the other, it was a time to follow me around.
There was one little bump in the of them pulled off a rubber cap from a doorstop in the bathroom, and I've yet to find it. It's too large to swallow, and the doorstop has been replaced, but we're still looking for the bumper.
It will turn up because we don't need it (now)...that's what usually happens, right?
*** Next, time to stop by and visit "Midnight and Company"...
The twosome spent a majority of the weekend near our house, and that was a good thing, especially in the heat. Plenty of food and (cool) water for them both.
They go through a small bag of cat food every other week.
A small price to pay for having them away from a lot of trouble (everywhere else)...right?
And, there was time for some laser-play in the back yard.
I even had a "watchman" while I worked on trimming our curb strip out front...
![]() |
Kinda short for a traffic cop, aren't 'ya? |
Nice to have someone "watching your six"...heh.
You get real used to having them around, and the expectation of seeing them every morning is well worth it.
*** Last back to the garbage disposal... a quote you may find timely:
"The world has gotten even stranger than you already know" - Nick Fury (The Avengers).
These days, truer words were never it would seem.
You can often find such truth when you know where to look for it.
Humankind is doing it's best to fall from the top of the evolutionary hill.
Those of us that do not subscribe to the chaos rising all around are far from ignorant of such events.
In fact, we're probably more attuned to the context in which such things occur, which puts us at a distinct advantage over those who are actively involved in the mayhem. Most of them have NO idea why they do what they do, other than to demand, threaten, and destroy that which they clearly do not understand.
We are a nation of laws, and so are other nations (for the most part). As such, the laws are there to protect people, and to punish those who choose to become predators upon society.
We are also a nation founded on principles deemed by God to be in our best interest, and who are we to argue with HIM?
Our choices, therefore must be made with such principles at the heart of those choices, lest we fall into ignorance...or despair. To do less is to give evil the place it needs to thrive. To do nothing only hastens that process.
We need to focus on that which is lasting (or ever-lasting) rather than the transitory.
We can do this...we need to do this...for the sake of ourselves and our future, and now is a good time to begin.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Fun fact: most of my doors in this house no longer have stoppers, because they just turned into cat toys. There's only so many hours in a day you can hear 'sproyoyoyoyoyoing' before you rip them off. We're just careful not to slam doors.
Also, your last part about subscribing to the chaos is spot on. It's ridiculous, this idea that if we say 'things aren't really that bad' that that means that we're Nazi sympathizers (LOL) or we hate gay people or transgenders. If your biggest concerns in the nation are imaginary Nazis, rights being taken away from gay people (despite Trump even specifying he had no intent of doing that), and a small, fringe group of people that make up 0.01% of the population, then things really aren't that bad, are they?
---LOL...I know EXACTLY what you mean (good reproduction of the SOUND, too).
---What I am seeing is there is this growing "trivialization" of things we SHOULD be focusing upon, all the while, things that require a lot LESS attention are being thrust into the ":limelight".
The base result seems to feed society's "need" for excitement (entertainment).
We need to discern NEEDS from WANTS...big time.
Thing is, violence often follows along for the ride, and as we always can note - too much of ANYTHING isn't really a good thing.
Thanks for stopping by today to comment.
(glad your computer problems have been resolved).
Stay safe (and informed) out there, guys.
And here I am with no burger in the house...
Ditto on age awareness...
I just read Mad Jack's post on what actually happened in St Louis. For once, while the violence is unnecessary, it would appear that the protesters are on the side of the angels. Not saying they're excused to do whatever- but it sure sounds like the men in blue in that city are bringing it upon themselves.
The noise in SEFW makes one sick for a different reason...
I have nothing but respect for the USAF... even if I do laugh at the Navy guys' memes about them at Al Penwasser's place...
I'll put a fiver on "Under the refrigerator tucked inside a dust bunny" for the stopper...
---Well, you should have come down HERE...I made a special effort to make Wifey and I cheeseburgers (juicy, too).
---age-awareness: one of life's inevitabilities, hmm?
---I'm pro-law enforcement, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything THEY do all the time. There may have been the onus of guilt on the police side as well in this case. I don't have all the facts (and I doubt anyone does).
Still, this can always play out better for everyone...with some common sense.
---Oh, the sound is only PART (the loudest part at that) of what can make one sick down here, believe you me!
---My Dad was in the predecessor of the USAF - the USAAF (army air force), so I've got a special place for those guys and gals.
(the USN does have funny memes)
---That's ONE place I have not checked yet. I will say that $2 "12 piece door stop set" we got years ago at some dollar store came in handy (finally)
Thanks much for taking time to drop by and comment.
Stay safe (and keep cool) up there, brother.
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