We made it to another weekend...how DO we do that?
Beware walking under ladders and black cats today (except at our "Fortress", where at least ONE black cat is welcome daily).
Our Hoosierland weather for today will consist of partly cloudy skies becoming sunnier by afternoon, with temps climbing to around 72 degrees, and no more rain for today.
Now, if that isn't a good reason to get that cup of coffee, tea or cocoa poured so we can meet the day head on, I don't know what is, right?
Let's go see what has been (and what will be) going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the sofa is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National No Bra Day
(personally, this is NOT an issue with ME...lol)
---It's National Train Your Brain Day
(just don't train it to follow any leftards)
---It's National Yorkshire Pudding Day
(It's British, so, it's not really a dessert - google it)
---It's the Navy Birthday
(been kicking ass on the high seas since 1775)
*** Next, and since it IS the end of the week, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours:
---Saturday is Be Bald and Be Free Day
(sorry, not my style...yet)
---It's National Chess Day
---It's National Costume Swap Day
(is this another gender-bending thing for kids?)
---It's National Dessert Day
(okay, now that's much better)
---It's National Motorcycle Ride Day
(that ride for me left the showroom decades ago)
---Sunday is National Aesthetician Day
(I think I'm past any help here)
---It's National Cheese Curd Day
(mozzarella sticks fit into this category)
---It's National Grouch Day
(Finally, a day that's ALL MINE...lol)
---It's National I Love Lucy Day
(a timeless classic)
---it's National Latino Aids Awareness Day
(can't we just lump ALL these together for the sake of "unity"?)
---It's National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day
(well, that takes some wind out of the sails)
---It's National White Cane Safety Day
(WHITE? Isn't a reference to anything white a bit "racist"? j/k)
There we are then...plenty to do. Just remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, a late night BK robbery out on the SW side of town. Here's the story:
Now, what's really ODD here is that in last night's (WPTA) telecast, they mentioned that the robber had a handgun with an ORANGE TIP...but nowhere in the webiste story is that included.
So, WTF is going on here?
Why not add that to the online story?
I mean if robbers can hold up anyplace in our city with a damn TOY GUN and get away with money, that should tell you that many businesses need to train their (apparently dumbass young) employees to become aware of what IS a real gun...and what is NOT, right? The robbery COULD have been avoided altogether.
*** Next, local area Girl Scouts are also standing their ground. Here's that story:
That speaks volumes as to the emasculation of men in our country, does it not?
Personally, I prefer strong women, but not at the sake of a loss to men. I think there is common ground that both genders can share equally.
Makes me wonder if the original Boy Scouts (in Britain, founded in 1908) are following our lead here in the "colonies"?
*** Next up, Indiana's AG (Curtis Hill - I LIKE this gentleman) has some sage words about recent events. Here's the story:
((We live in a nation where blacks make up approximately 13 percent of the population and yet account for more than half of the murders. Shockingly, 90 percent of those victims are murdered by other blacks.
Something is terribly wrong.))
It certainly is.
Maybe if the kneeling athletes took a "stand" on black violence, THAT would make more of a correct impact on our society than protesting our national anthem...or police.
*** Next, time to look in on "Kitten Corner"...
I think the kids will be a bit more on the calm side, considering they are also getting bored with the dreary days we've had of late.
Still, none fo that ever impacts on their ability to nap at a moment's notice...lol.
Or, to take in the sights outside, which might even include a couple brave birds feeding.
*** Next up, it's time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our feline twosome were around our house as usual, considering it was a misty rain most of the day, an they knew that food was coming to them several times yesterday.
Both of them were a little wet, but not soaked, so they do have places that are relatively sheltered from any real precipitation. Late in the day, they both dried out, which is nice. You can't properly pet a wet cat (or dog for that matter).
Today should mark a return to a more "normal" manner of feeding and friendship.
*** Last back to the comfy chair...everything in life has an answer attached to it.
Almost always, you can either choose YES or NO.
Vacillation not required.
But in recent times, I'm seeing a disturbing trend - the ability to JUST SAY NO.
Remember the Nancy Reagan era anti-drug campaign?
"Just Say No!"
Seemed to work ...for a while. Maybe our society needed more reinforcement along those lines.
Today, there is this troubling duplicity at work, though.
Too many people are saying no for the sake of saying it...like some Oppositional Defiance Disorder run amok, while never saying no to things they SHOULD be saying no to.
NO to guns, NO to boys only scouting, NO to repealing the ACA, NO to standing for the national anthem, NO to Trump, NO to conservatism (by the left)...and so on.
On the other hand, we SHOULD be saying NO to robbers with toy guns, NO to stupidity, NO to black violence, NO to Antifa (and their cohorts in criminal intent), NO to socialism (Bernie Sanders)...but these things don't seem to garner the same level of vociferous distraction that the former things I mentioned do.
No one wants to put their foot down, for fear of bothering some cupcake with a leftist agenda who will cry foul at the drop of a hat.
Sorry, that's NOT what this nation should stand for.
We preach tolerance and practice intolerance with those who think otherwise.
We have people willing and wanting to turn this nation inside out...and for reasons only God knows (because they haven't a clue why they do what they do).
The rest of us who really love our country should be calling these people out, no matter who they are, and be trying to get this nation back on the right track. The one we're currently on is getting us nowhere...fast.
Let's start saying NO to that which we SHOULD, and stop saying "no" to things that make no sense and have no bearing on the betterment of our society before it's too late.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Yep, was fully vested on No Bra day, lol!
Looking forward to Cheese Curd Day...
Betcha 21 got an after-telecast call from the FWPD about what info NOT to mention...
The Boy Scouts in the UK are prolly too busy watching out for BBC presenters...
Kneeling: THAT is what I have been saying the whole time. You would not believe the amount of people who have a problem with the phrase, "Why not do something about the BIGGER problem..."
Funny you should bring up the "no to stupidity"... I came home listening to Pat Miller telling the Ed King report about Bill Clinton throwing Hillary's manuscript in the trash when he told her not to publish it. "It makes you look angry, it makes you look out of touch, it makes you look like you're blaming everybody else for losing." She published anyway, and now they aren't speaking. (Supposedly.) And I told Laurie, you know, in the months since the election, I have really had to adjust my opinion of Hillary's intelligence downward... she may be Streisand level, and Babs has to consult a manual every morning to figure out how to breathe!"
---You too? Cool!
---Wonder if could deep fry Baby-bels?
---I would have to guess so. It was just on the 11 o'clock newscast. Weird, huh?
---LMAO...yeah, that's gotta be it!
---People have become SO entertainment-driven that the trivial has become their "god"...crazy sh*t!
--- Yes, a new level (down) of stupid...and that's something that simply cannot be fixed with some people.
---That's a large part of trouble today - the "blame game"...everyone blames everything bad on everyone else...EXCEPT the person in the mirror (who most likely made the first bad choice to begin with).
Find a way to fix THAT...and you solve 90% of the world's strife straight away.
---Better to practice some humility and responsibility now and then...works wonders.
Hey, thanks for swinging by today and commenting.
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Stay safe (and watch for rain tomorrow) up there, brother.
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