And, we're off to another moist start to our weekend in the Summit City.
But don't let the inclement conditions dampen your spirits. It wont be all rainy until Monday.
Like the song says "grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face".
Remember, you're alive and kicking, and that should be a win in anyone's book.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, temps reaching to around 72 degrees, and rain showers through most of the day. Take the umbrella and be careful on the roads out there.
An ounce of prevention IS always worth a pound of cure.
Now, let's all get that cup or glass (or mug, even) of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by, as we see what else has (and will be) going on,...
*** First out of the leaf pile is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National German-American Day
(can Oktoberfest be far behind?)
---It's National Mad Hatter Day
(these days, you don't need a hat to be mad)
---It's National Manufacturing Day
(having the proper machines to make that happen always helps)
---It's National Noodle Day
(chicken and noodles sounds good about now, actually)
---It's National Plus Size Appreciation Day
(somehow, you knew this was coming)
*** Next up, and since we have arrived at week's end, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours:
---Saturday is National Frappe Day
(please, don't ever screw with MY coffee)
---It's National Inner Beauty Day
(hell, we're ALL gorgeous on the inside, right?)
---It's National LED Light Day
(making life brighter at night)
---Sunday is Clergy Appreciation Day
(another day off for the atheists)
---It's National Fluffernutter Day
(never got into these...pass)
---It's National Pierogi Day
(now THESE I have had...and liked a lot)
---It's National Touch Tag Day
(children still PLAY this, right?)
And there you are...plenty of things to keep one busy, relatively-speaking.
DO remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next, if you read yesterday's blog post here, then you know much of the news that hit the papers TODAY.
Nice when that happens, isn't it? Kinda like being a prophet of sorts.
(it's reasoning out how the world acts...or reacts)
The story about distracted driving? Covered it.
(that's "infotainment", folks!)
The story about "bump-stocks"? Covered it.
But this followup could be construed as being a bit disturbing:
We might want to watch our footing on what could become a slippery slope.
*** Next up, from the Department of the Obvious, comes THIS:
Yes, folks...vehicular-deer collisions go UP in the fall...who'da known?
(only everyone who drives a car along roads and highways with wooded areas along the roadsides...that's who.)
See, this has to do with deer MATING season, and that doesn't mean some buck finds your Acura (or even you) sexy at all.
Yes, like a good neighbor...State Farm is there (with information you already knew).
*** Next, councilman Tom Crawford is thinking about running for something...maybe mayor?
Here's the story:
As councilmen go, I like Crawford (didn't like his smoking ban one bit, though). He DOES do well with budgets and monetary expenditures. He's not a big-government guy. Like that, too.
Personally, I want our monarch dethroned. Near 20 years of democrat rule in this city that's been COSTLY (but we get a nice downtown and riverfront).
We could have done a lot more with all the money wasted during Henry's reign.
But, if we are to wind up with a Republican mayor (hopefully), let's NOT have one like Helmke.
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SE Ft. Wayne - - Thanks Paul, Graham, and Tom. |
To me, he was a RINO of the first order.
We need a conservative...period, unless we WANT to mimic larger cities with the same problems being run by their democrat leaders (Philly is a great example, as is Chicago and NYC).
*** Next up, and if you think the dumbasses in our city have taken a vacation...think again.
Here's the story:
This took place around 0200 hrs this morning when the police gang unit spotted a hand-to-hand drug deal and enacted a pursuit of the suspect vehicle.
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THAT left a mark (or two). |
It was found that he was wanted on a probation violation warrant as well. Big surprise...LOL.
Kinda like getting a "two-fer" with that dumbass there, wasn't it? I like happy endings.
Bet the owners of the parked cars that were hit (ne looks totaled) are gonna have fun explaining it to the insurance companies (if they even have insurance, that is).
Life in Fort Wayne...whatta rush, hmm?
*** Next, an end of (another) era in our fair city.
The News-Sentinel will cease to exist in printed form, after this Saturday.
Yeah, I might have to get me a copy...for posterity's sake.
((The News-Sentinel is generally viewed as an editorially conservative voice in the local media landscape. Its history dates to the 1830s, when the original "Sentinel" newspaper took shape as a weekly publication.))
It will continue in an abbreviated printed format in the Journal-Gazette, and a complete online version will also continue, but the traditional format will go bye-bye (sigh).
Still, it's better than seeing the conservative viewpoint in this city fall by the wayside altogether.
We need that more than ever here (imho).
*** Next, time to take a visit to "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids did okay yesterday, with little chasing and a lot of taking it easy.
I'd love to get shots of them "dancing" for their meals, but I'm not planning on growing a couple more arms to accommodate that, so there we are then.
Let's just say things were all quiet on the feline front...and that is fantastic.
*** Next up, let's see what's going on with "Midnight and Company"...
The first part of the day had our furry twosome using the "Plan-B" feeding area - under the patio table. Keeps the food AND cats fairly dry.
After the rain let up and the sun came out for a spell, things went wonderfully back to normal (always a good thing).
Midnight was content to lounge on the pavement between the garage and house, while Whiskers found a new place (Hobo likes this same spot when he was around last year).
*** Last back to the toolshed...the more we try to keep something the same, they more it will change. (yeah, that's a converse version of the old saying)
An inevitability? perhaps.
I like having things "as they were", mainly because the predictability of life was a lot more welcome than all the unknown quantities we're facing today.
Guess you never DO really know how good you got it, until it's gone, right?
I liked knowing what to pretty much expect, and not because I wanted to go through life on "cruise-control".
When you know what to expect, you can adapt yourself better in various situations.
When you DON'T know what's coming, how the hell can you ever know HOW you'll react and even how to properly prepare yourself for an event that's totally unknown?
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Where do you fit it? |
You can't seem to do anything these days without some level of danger thrust into the mix...there should be none to speak of, when it comes to normal events and venues.
There used to be a time when we DIDN'T have to constantly look over our shoulders, could walk down our streets in safety, attend concerts and other events without fear of harm (except to our wallets...heh).
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The "OODA" loop - get to learn it. |
And, to be honest, being that way (damn near always) WILL wear you the hell DOWN.
Regular folks should not have to live in such a manner, but the way the world has become leaves few other options to pursue.
Where will this will end is anyone's guess. I just pray that we can keep from being (further) distracted by fake news, sensationalism, and entertainment-driven nonsense.
We need to reclaim that which used to be ours...namely our NORMAL lives.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Y'know, last week I mighta considered slapping you for that opening. This week was better, though.
Well, we celebrated Manufacturing Day by knowing nothing about it. You'd think someone would send flyers...
I have no problem with plus sizes. The two on the right look more like "Multiply" sizes, though...
So, do all those stories make you prescient, or the local media painfully slow?
Helmke... can't blame him on me, wasn't a city resident then. He was a real one-lip wonder, makes me wonder if he was shirttail relation to Frank Burns.
Thankfully, I only allow my FRIENDS to slap me (that's why I shave especially close)
---And YOU being in the manufacturing field. Shoulda got the DAY OFF!
(I know...I'm SO draconian)
---Yeah, they be "ghettofied" sized...heh.
---A little of both.
(Nice to know they DO catch up to moi.)
---ROFL...if he wasn't, he SHOULD be, that's for sure.
Thanks a lot for stopping by to comment today.
Have yourselves a great weekend and early tomorrow, keep the umbrella handy)
Stay safe up there, brother.
PS: What say you on a possible upcoming Martin Nature Walk?
(I think D & I can pull it off within the month, barring any unforeseen events)
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