19 October 2017

Thoughts For Thursday...
It would appear to be a mundane day out there today (until someone comes along and messes that up). And, I can do with that, because today has some special meaning for me. More about that as the post unfolds.
Our Hoosierland weather  for this day brings us mostly sunny skies, temps climbing a bit more with a high of around 71 degrees, and some mild breezes added in. That will work out well.
Now I have my cup of coffee, so you take a minute to get yourselves something to drink, as we take a gander at what has been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the bookshelf is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. "
This was spoken by Margaret Mead (December 16, 1901 – November 15, 1978) was an American cultural anthropologist who featured frequently as an author and speaker in the mass media during the 1960s and 1970s.
And here is her WIKI:
((She earned her bachelor's degree at Barnard College in New York City and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University.
Mead was a respected and often controversial academic who popularized the insights of anthropology in modern American and Western culture. Her reports detailing the attitudes towards sex in South Pacific and Southeast Asian traditional cultures influenced the 1960s sexual revolution. She was a proponent of broadening sexual mores within a context of traditional Western religious life.))
It's not that long a read, but should interest those of you who want to find out how the sexual mores of Samoans fits into Western culture and our own "sexual revolution".
And to think she was born in Philadelphia...
Take some time to read up on her. She obviously had an impact on our society.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Get To Know Your Customer's Day
(this waste of time happens 4 times a year, if you were wondering)
---It's National Get Smart About Credit Day
(might as well, because everyone else is, thanks to groups like Equifax.)
---It's National Kentucky Day
(we're getting closer to Indiana...)
---It's National LGBT Center Awareness Day
(cripes you idiots makes us aware of all your PCBS damn near EVERY WEEK...enough, already)
---It's National Seafood Bisque Day
(only had it once, and it was pretty good.)
*** Next, here's some wonderful proof that the SE crime IS in fact moving over to the SW side of Ft. Wayne:
Robert Lee Williams, 64, of 7416 Hickory Creek Drive in the (where else?) Hickory Creek Apts was busted for dealing heroin from his place of residence.
(What's a matter? Government sponsorship not enough for 'ya?)
The complex is off of Lower Huntington Rd (near Ardmore), and that's definitely southwest.
((Inside the apartment, police found multiple syringes and drug paraphernalia, according to a news release. Williams was arrested on charges of Dealing Heroin and Possession of a Syringe.))
So, I'm guessing he was not diabetic, but I will bet he may have gotten those syringes from the free-needle program (or had someone else get them for him).
Well, that's ONE more jerk removed from our streets...for a while.
*** Next up, the perp responsible for shooting in 2 states back east has been arrested.
Here's the story:
Radee Labeeb Prince, 37,  was the workplace shooter who led police on a multi-state chase before being caught.
I told Wifey he was probably black even before they mentioned his name.
((Prince is a felon with 42 arrests in Delaware. Court records showed he had been fired from a Maryland job this year after allegedly punching a co-worker and threatening other employees. He also faced charges of being a felon in possession of a gun, was habitually late paying his rent, was repeatedly cited for traffic violations and was ordered to undergo drug and alcohol counseling in recent years.))
And he managed to get a gun (illegally)...HOW, exactly?
Justice system? WHAT justice system?
*** Next, here's proof that changing a NAME of an apartment complex doesn't really do much to change the "creatures" infesting it:
This took place around 0346 hrs this morning at the "Villages of Hanna" Apartments (formerly Eden Green Apts).
Police found the unconscious woman in a common hallway and said she had suffered serious head trauma.
She was listed in serious condition, but medical staff at a local hospital downgraded her to critical.
Any bets as to the ETHNICITY of the victim and/or the perp?
*** Next up, time to get away from all this crap, and instead visit "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids did pretty good yesterday. Naturally, they got a bit manic right after getting fed (what's in that cat food, anyway?), but other than that, were good cats, and spent time following me around the house.
That's when they weren't napping their felines butts off...lol.
The cuteness tends to make up for most of the badassery they can display.
*** Next up, let's stop by and see what's shaking with "Midnight and Company"
It's not even light outside, and our furry twosome are already waiting to be fed...
I'm staying right NEAR that door.
That's what we look forward to daily (now).
We're getting them into a 3-meal routine (like our indoor cats), and that seems to work.
Whiskers and Midnight are learning to know when to be near for food, even if that means crossing the alley from someplace else, or arriving through the gate from across the street (hope they look both ways).
Will you PLEASE get OUT of the damn alley?
Always a pleasure to have them and never a bother.
*** Last back to the litter pan...today marks one year since our cat Rassie left us to cross the Rainbow Brudge.
(check the archive post from 19 October last year...and you know how I felt then).
Things have gotten better for me over the past year, but I still (once in a while) call Gallifrey "Rassie". Hell, I still slip up and call Violet "Penelope", just not as often.
His 2nd favorite spot.
And yes, our new cats keep me busy enough to not think about Rassie (or even Penny) ALL the time. Yet, there are those moments, when I'm well within my own thoughts, that the times shared for twenty years come back...like a reminder of how fortunate we both were to have that time together.
And his #1 spot? Daddy's chair.
That's okay, It's fine to remember those we loved, and spent that much time with. We recall the good and the bad, the ups and downs, and everything in between.
I had my Dad for 25 years, my Mom for 45 years, one dog for 16 years, and two cats for the better part of 20 years.
But time is only part of the equation...it's what was included IN that time that matters.
And you never forget one single day of anything...as long as you remember.
My longtime buddy is still here (to me), and he will always be a part of my life, as I was with his.
It hurts sometimes, but if we never cared that much, we'd never feel that pain.
We just manage to live with it, and permit our lives to go on.
You're in my thoughts every day, buddy.
And that's all I have to say on that for now.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Oh rest in peace, Rassie. Oh, so sorry for you losing your parents at such a young age. And pets dying suck balls too. Lots of hugs sent to you and the Missus.

On a sorta funny note...it looks like they arrested the younger version of Morgan Freeman?

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---Your kind words and thoughts will not go unappreciated. It's rough being such an "orphan" some days, but when I see that I have friends and acquaintances like yourself, it helps to no small end.
---As for that drug-dealer...LOL...yeah, he does kinda look like Freeman, doesn't he?
Seems he got us ALL kinds of perps in our city.
(not really a good thing).

Thanks much for taking time to roll up today to comment.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Hey- I read this... maybe I commented and hit the wrong button, but I know I read it!

Or maybe I read and failed to comment- the way Thursday was, I might have done either.

Thursday we had an enclosure boat coming- means we cut glass (clear plastic) mesh (think door screen, which renders my blade useless after), and fabric.

These jokers think its neat to stuff all the fabric parts on one marker- meaning I have to delete or scrap the bimini (canopy top) which gets cut earlier so they can DESIGN the rest.

So after a morning where I was assured it would NOT be ready, it came out after lunch. Had to scramble to assemble the fabrics, had no mini (think blueprint) to figure out how many pieces of fabric each of the FOUR things crammed together got, the various canopy pieces were scattered throughout the marker, and two missing glass pieces were found on the mesh marker. AND when I got the mini, I found I apparently had 2 extra pieces.

Move to Friday, where they put the two pieces back on the glass marker, and I proceed to cut one RIGHT one and one WRONG ONE (on me this time.) Before I could recut, I found out that not only were the two extra pieces NOT extra (because engineering screwed something up and had to add two extra pieces w/o telling me), and there was a piece of the mesh, and its accompanying glass, that was bad (which meant I was gonna lose another blade). When I went to cut the glass (aka the right piece, plus others they needed), we found the piece was two inches to wide for the glass! They then had to divide that piece, add yet another strip of fabric to compensate... and at Fridays end, Teresa thought it would go together right, but they weren't done yet...

So yeah, I might have hit the wrong button. But I DID read it, lol!

Bob G. said...

---AT least it's not like with Wifey, where I QUIZ her on what she liked (or didn't) about the day's post...LOL.
---I would imagine those tougher materials play holy hell with ANY blade (that you likely have to swap out too often).
---Good Lord...somehow the phrase "chicken with it's head cut off" comes to mind...crazy-ass running about...and for what?
--- Well, that a perfectly valid reason (not an excuse) for WHY you had a case of "foggy-brain syndrome".
If it were me, I'd have gone somewhat homicidal hours before that...heh.

Thanks for catching up and taking time to comment.
Rest yourself and stay safe up there, brother

CWMartin said...

So I finally remembered what happened. Finished time machine, started dinner, came back to read. Scrappy got done and wanted out, and I figured he'd change his tune once my stuff got hot. But he got more agitated as I put my stuff on the table, so that when I finally realized he was going to be a dick that night for some reason and let him out, he went through the screen (again), took the door down (again), and I was so pissed at him that by the time I came back to the computer, I either assumed I commented and moved on or hit the wrong button or something. So blame it on 20%work 75% dog and 5% alzheimers.

Bob G. said...

---funny, Scrappy doesn't seem to be the destructive type.

And while anyone can be an a-hole at times, I don't think he's even close to being 75% dick...lol.
(gratuitous Guardians of the Galaxy paraphrased quote)
But, I see...said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.