26 October 2017

Thoughts For Thursday...
As this week winds down, so ar the temperatures outside.
I'm not complaining...I like it cooler (but not sub-zero). In fact, we're hearing about frost warnings. I guess the plants had to leave us for the year sooner or later. We'll just wait until next spring,. and begin anew.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us mostly sunny skies, temps reaching to about 57 degrees, and no rain and windy conditions. Sounds like a keeper to me.
So what better way to get things going than with a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we settle back and see what's been going on elsewhere, right?
*** First off of the washer is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society."
This was spoken by none other than Pope John Paul II (18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005) who was head of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005. He is called Saint John Paul the Great by some Catholics. And here is his WIKI:
Suffice it to say it's a lengthy read, but if you didn't catch this the last time around, now's your chance.
((John Paul II was the second longest-serving pope in modern history after Pope Pius IX, who served for nearly 32 years from 1846 to 1878.
John Paul II was considered a conservative on doctrine and issues relating to human sexual reproduction and the ordination of women.
While he was visiting the United States in 1977, the year before becoming pope, Wojtyla said: "All human life, from the moments of conception and through all subsequent stages, is sacred."))
I think you'll like boning up on him, whether you're Catholic or not.
*** Next time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Day of the Deployed
(okay, this is a new one on me)
---It's National Mincemeat Day
(Mom was keen on making mincemeat pies)
---It's National Mule Day
(not to be confused with jackass day, which applies to all the shit-for-brains out there)
---It's National Pumpkin Day
(surprised me there - I thought it was Halloween)
---It's National Tennessee Day
(getting closer to Indiana, aren't they?)
*** Next, another music legend has passed away.
Fats Domino has left us at the age of 89. Here's his WIKI:
I grew up hearing his music in our house, and many of his hits became timeless tunes. Blueberry Hill, Ain't That A Shame, Blue Monday, and many more are a lasting legacy.
And he had the most infectious SMILE I've ever seen. You could tell that when he was behind those ivories, he LOVED what he was doing, and so did all those who looked to him as an influence with their music. I know I'll never turn any of his songs off.
We could sure use MORE people like him in music today.
*** Next up, another shooting in Fort Wayne (say it ain't so...you're kidding, right?)
Here's the story:
This call initially took place around 1130 hrs at the Downtown Storage building at 324 State Blvd. when police found a passenger in a vehicle suffering a gunshot wound (critical condition). The shooting took place slightly earlier in the 1000 block of Lake Ave.
Later that day, police wound up in OUR part of town near the intersection of Paulding Rd and Winter St where two males were taken into custody (both black, btw). I'll update this tomorrow.
*** Next, a nearby (to us) business catches fire...for the SECOND time in two days. Here's the lowdown:
This took place at Reckon Plating, located at 5800 S. Hanna St.
((A department report said fire was found in a front room, along a wall, and also in the roof – similar to Tuesday’s fire. It’s unclear if a new fire started or perhaps something rekindled from the day before.))
Sounds like someone doesn't want this business around any longer...or there is some serious problems with that structure. Wonder how many (more) people are out of work because of this?
*** Next up, I wanted to add this story to yesterday's coverage regarding Bob Rinearson.
Here's the link:
I found THIS part of the story worthy of repetition:
((“In his 17 years as the supervisor of safety and student management, Rinearson has responded to numerous calls in which he has had to use physical force to restrain a child,” the lawsuit said. “Rinearson has never been reprimanded or told that his actions were inappropriate.”))
So why does FWCS make a stink NOW, hmm?
This was also very revealing:
(( He said he has been told FWCS replaced him with an African-American person and that the district only interviewed African-American candidates for the job.
He said he knows of two African-American employees at FWCS who reportedly physically assaulted students but weren’t fired."))
Sure doesn't sound like FWCS is playing FAIR here, are they?
Maybe that's why educators LEAVE, and there is also a state-wide teacher shortage?
Too much PCBS going around? A shame there's no vaccine against THAT.
Can't argue with the obvious here.
*** Next, looks like Indiana Tech might have found a place for their athletic field. Here's the story:
Yep, the Donald Ross Golf Course (in SW Ft. Wayne) may be the future site for a softball field and track-and-field complex. We drive past there often enough. This will only affect the back nine and not the first nine holes.
After reading the article, I think it's probably a good fit, and keeps the SW side of the city vital and open to progress (as long as the undesirables are kept away).
*** Next up, Fort Wayne's Public Works capo is leaving. Here's the story:
I'm not a fan of ANY city "official" who ignores MY part of town. Bob Kennedy pretty much did that when he worked for the streets dept. I mentuioned about all the (large) cracks in our concrete street (caused by weather and those damn dump trucks driving over them), and he basically said it was "fine"...as if it didn't matter if the street surface MAY be compromised. This was back over 10 years ago, and things have not cured themselves.
So, all I can hope is that the NEXT crony at least TRIES to give a shit about the SE side and it's OWN infrastructure.
(but you'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath along the way).
*** Next up, time to drop on by "Kitten Corner"...
So, the kids were sorta-kinda well behaved, and by that I mean they didn't get into as MUCH trouble as the previous day. I guess we're getting there (there meaning normalcy), slow but sure.
At least they behave well enough when it's time to eat...or nap...or suck up to "Daddy" when they want a head scratch or a neck rub. Hell, they even took to revisiting those toys gathering dust on the floor...LOL.
Or, one of them might decide to "guard the washer" in case it tries to escape the laundry room...!
(heaven forbid)
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were definitely feeling the cooler weather - they can't wait to get fed and "stoke the furnace" (fill their bellies), and who can blame them? Being well-fed makes good sense in cold weather, no matter how many legs you possess. As could be expected, they both hung out close by, so I took the time to give them smaller "meals" several times a day, saving a REAL meal for morning and late afternoon/evening. Seems to work out well.
And, it's the routine we have our indoor cats on (the only exception is the indoor kids get a lunch of sorts). Looks like building those shelters will be a good thing, as long as the outdoor cats USE them.
(don't want possum or raccoon moving in, do we?)
*** Last back to the dryer...I often speak about our pets and other assorted critters, and with good reason:They demand so little of us and from us, yet return much more.
Can we say the same with people? In times such as these, I don't think so, generally-speaking.
Humans are too busy trying to best one another, out-tweet one another, browbeat one another on ANY and ALL forms of social media, and when they're not virtually attacking one another, do likewise in the REAL world.
Doing all this nonsense gets them all WHAT...exactly?
In some cases...JAIL TIME.
In other cases, that "15 minutes" of notoriety that Warhol spoke about in years past. It's becoming an addiction to them.
Is THAT what is important to people today?
What the hell ever happened to just being a GOOD person...doing the right thing for the right reason, speaking the truth, and being honest with yourself and with others? When did that fall out of favor?
Maybe it's NOT as entertaining as being a grade-A, class one JACKASS, but being a good person has a lot more advantages than being a moron. Yeah, I know you can't get more obvious than that, can you?
Notice I say GOOD person...not a perfect person, for none of us can fill that bill, can we?
But the fun (and reward) is in the CHALLENGE...or it should be.
When we challenge ourselves in the proper way, we open up doors to possibilities we never knew existed.
And that''s a pretty damn nice beginning when you choose to try and be a good person.
It's not an easy road to travel, but it IS a better road than the one that others are taking.
I will admit it IS a lot LESS crowded, too.
Just something to ponder...that's all.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

JP the Great- yeah, well if there were more than 2 of em...

More on Fats, see TM tomorrow...

I Reckon they didn't do a good enough job of gettin' that fire out...

You really think you'll get any road improvement bucks with all the dough flowing into "the Great Tunnel"? The next guy might start out all gung-ho- because that's what new guys do- but they'll get him whipped into submission quick enough.

Excellent close. I was meditating (as much as one can at work) on Dr Jeremiah's recent series on humility, and the dividing line between it and pride, and thought to myself, humility would be me not making a jackass out of myself so often.

Bob G. said...

---Considering the brevity of the FIRST JP, one "could" consider the 2nd as the REAL 1st...maybe?
---I am looking forward to that, my friend.
---Plating houses DO have chemicals in them (I worked for one a few lifetimes back). I suppose if the chemicals were stable, then missing some embers could have occurred.
---I bitched a fit about improvements down here WELL over a decade ago, and even before King Henry took Court.
(that was under the reign of the prior monarch - Graham Richard.)
---I figure the city NEEDS that tunnel (great place to hide all the bullshit)...LMAO!
--- That close damn near wrote itself...weird, huh?
Most immediate problems in ALL our lives can be solved with a good look in the mirror. the rest of the problems are with other people who NEVER look in the mirror.
(you may quote me...heh).

Thanks much for taking some time to swing on by to comment.

Stay safe (among the falling leaves) up there, brother.