03 November 2017

Friday Follies...
End to another week, and the start of another weekend. They sure seem to come around sooner these days.
Maybe, it's because we NEED it so badly?
Wish I could say it'll be less dreary, but aside from part of today, it's not exactly going to be great for any nature walks (the rain's a'comin' again).
Our Hoosierland weather for this day brings us mostly sunny skies with increasing clouds as we head into evening. Highs today will wind up around 55 degrees, with a light breeze passing through.
Now, let's take a minute to get ourselves a cup or glass of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by...I think we might need it, as we see what's been taking place elsewhere...
*** First off of the sidewalk is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Housewife's Day
(They still HAVE those???)
---It's National Jersey Friday
(this is a new one and why do we bother?)
---It's National Sandwich Day
(can't have enough of those, can we?)
*** Next up, and since we are at the end of the week, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is National Bison Day
(burgers anyone?)
---It's National Candy Day
(any day is a good one for candy, isn't it?)
---It's National Chicken Lady Day
(no, it's not the Popeye's woman)
---Sunday is the end to Daylight Saving Time
(what a waste - turn the clocks BACK 1 hour...got it?)
---It's National Doughnut Day
(well, the day's not a TOTAL loss)
---It's National Love Your Red Hair Day
(not on my head...or anyplace else)
And there we are then...a few items to keep you occupied over the weekend.
Please remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, here are some reasons WHY the black community has problems it can't seem to figure out. Be warned - the truth can uncover a multitude of sins.
---Here's an update to the (latest) Darrion Bright arrest:
(not very) Bright
I will give kudos to the writer of the story for including a 2015 arrest of Bright for ANOTHER gun violation.
And, it's mentioned that this jerk has a penchant for extended magazines in his handguns.
((Previously, Bright was convicted of firing a gun at an Uber driver who arrived to pick up a woman whose first name is the same as the woman in Wednesday's standoff. The date of the Uber shooting was not included in court documents, but Bright was convicted of criminal recklessness for an incident in August 2015.))
And yet, he was back ON the street and involved (arrested with two others) in the Alonna Allison murder (witnesses never came forward for some odd reason), and once again, he's back on the streets causing chaos (until this latest arrest, and with bail ONLY set at $27,500). He obviously doesn't learn a damn thing by being incarcerated, does he?
How about a "3 strikes" deal with this piece of crap? Lock him up and KEEP him locked the hell up. Do the city (and we, the citizens) a FAVOR for once.
---At least THIS murderer wants some peace of mind. Here's the link:
Xavier Miller, 23, pleaded guilty Thursday in Allen Superior Court to murder in the Sept. 26, 2015, slaying of Porter Billians, 19.
If a judge accepts a plea agreement in January, Miller will be sentenced to 50 years in prison. That sentence will be tacked onto the 12-year sentence he is serving for the robbery he committed two days before the killing.
Fifty years is better than the previous perp being turned out again and again.
Maybe this boy has a little bit of a conscience? It would seem so.
---This next item makes ironic use of the word "dichotomy":
This drug raid took place Tuesday afternoon at 6020 Dichotomy Ct (NE side), and at the address, police found 52 grams of fentanyl (potentially enough to kill thousands), marijuana, a digital scale and a Ruger SR40 semi-automatic handgun.
Williams                       Howard
Juan Lamont Williams, 29, was listed in court documents as living in the 3400 block of Central Drive, was making drug transactions at the Marketplace of Canterbury, when police closed in, He led police in a chase (he tossed bags of cocaine from his black Cadillac).
((Williams was not cooperative with police, documents said, but he did have a key that police used to enter the home, where they found the fentanyl; the Ruger, fully loaded with 13 rounds; a 30-round Glock handgun magazine in a spare bedroom closet; and other drugs.))
Niyah Howard, 22, of the Dichotomy Court address, was picked up about 12:45 p.m. on a previous dealing charge.
Williams is being held in lieu of $212,500 bail, while Howard is being held at the jail in lieu of $50,000 bail.
Good...keep them both there.
---And this little gem about a man who attacks 2 ladies at a store:
Keshon H. Gordon is the perp who came into a store in the 600 block of Oxford St, and acted a little bat-shit crazy, running down aisles and attacking the two women working there.
Police arrived and eventually took Gordon into custody. One woman was treated for hyperventilation, while the older woman had a head injury but still ID'ed the perp. One officer was injured trying to cuff Gordon.
Gordon is at the Allen County Jail charged with two counts of criminal confinement, battery resulting in moderate bodily injury and resisting law enforcement. He was being held in lieu of $17,500 bail.
So there you go then...honest-to-God VALID reasons why the black community has a problem with it's OWN PEOPLE, and why the community never seems to do much about them.
Thing is, the crime these "people" cause spills over to everyone else, so the black community might just be guilty of that as well, not that they'll admit to THAT, either...right?
((And to add insult to injury, we made it to 30 homicides))
Next stop - 35?
*** Next, MORE toll roads in Indiana?
Is this our "WTF???" moment for the week? Here's the story:
Okay, so whatever happened to ALL the money that was supposed to come from the toll roads we already HAVE?
This goes back to the Mitch Daniels days, and as I recall the toll roads were being handed off to another outfit, and that it would bring in tens of millions...so where's it all gone?
Maybe THIS link will shed some light:
Or perhaps THIS link might provide some answers:
I think BOTH articles spell things out very well, and should provide thinking people with why this new "toll road gig" is being dusted off and is being looked at.
And keep paying?
One thing's for sure, any "back roads" will get clogged is people decide to bypass toll roads, should any of this idea gain enough traction to become implemented.
(so much for small town charm, and hello to more traffic in places not meant for it)
*** Next up, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
"I iz adorabul, too"
Yes, the kids were actually pretty well-behaved yesterday, and that is ALWAYS a blessing.
Nothing like the quiet of napping cats to make you wonder "what the hell are they planning?"...LOL.
"wake me when it's time to eat"
No, really, both Violet and Gallifrey were good yesterday, for the most part. Any crazy antics were short-lived, and the cute times were lengthy in nature. We need more days like that, and not necessarily with the cats, if you get my drift.
*** Next, let's check out another page from our "Tales of Midnight"...
"I'm comin'...hold on..."
He was right on his usual time yesterday, and didn't seem to miss any feeding, so wherever he decided to go, wasn't that far from our house, and for that, I'm relieved.
Still no Whiskers, and I think even Midnight is starting to miss her, as he looks around when he comes onto our patio.
"You LIKE taking pictures of me, don'cha?"
And if I have to call for him, he meows to let me know he's there, rather than sneak up and scare the crap out of me.
I do appreciate that, considering the color of his coat and how he can blend in with shadows and such.
There is always an oasis for him at our place.
*** Last back to the curb-strip, how people can ignore the obvious baffles me.
Whenever we hear about folks uniting for a common cause, you at least expect things to get better as a result.
But, when it comes to certain communities in our city, there seems to be a "communication breakdown" (cue some Led Zeppelin, please).
They don't appear to have a grasp of the actual problem, and if they do, don't want to hang onto it for long.
Sure, it's hard to admit that your OWN people cause problems, but that's nothing new. People have caused problems since the model was first created, and we, as the human race, have been working very hard on that ever since.
But acknowledgement OF the problem is the first step toward curing it.
Yet, if you're not going to see the truth, don't expect things to fix themselves anytime soon...that's not gonna happen. It takes a level of humility to speak such truths and admit to things that cause society harm.
Until such time as that can be accomplished by the sectors of our society who need to share the blame, not much will be done to reverse the course they're charting.
When you identify the root cause of a problem, and then actively seek to do what is necessary to take care OF that problem, the better off everyone will be, and that's a simple truth.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

((catch 'ya next week))


CWMartin said...

(burgers anyone?) Me! Me!

So is "turn back" back one hour foreward or one hour back backwards? I never get this crap right...

Not to argue with you on crime- but you did miss the female white- and- Latino team busted in New Haven for bringing the joy of crystal meth to the area. Oh, and how about the white lady who thought it would be a good idea to take her kids trick-or-treating drunk and put them in the hospital. This weekend, it's every shade of stupid.

The 69 thing? Geez, people are cutting through yards to avoid construction on Coldwater. How much do they think drivers will pay a toll when there are so many good ways to avoid it?

Bob G. said...

---LOL - had a feeling you'd like that one.
---I go by the old east coast rule:
"Spring forward, fall back."
Anything else and I'm not responsible for anyone being early of late to anywhere...heh.
---That story broke a bit late (gonna cover that Monday). That's the really NICE house out east with the cool fence around it. Wish WE had that house.
---I saw the Halloween story, too, but I wanted to focus on the minority crowd (recidivism) who is ALWAYS bitching about the problems with crime and how THEY always seem to be "victicrats".
I know dumbassery comes in EVERY flavor.
---Yeah, that story I saw on TV just backs up the insanity many will go to so they can:get past construction.
Hell, I-69 is ALWAYS under some kind of lane-restrictions. Wifey will tell you that much.
I thought privatizing the current toll roads was supposed to dump SO much $$$ into the state for rad repair...guess not.

Hey, thanks for swinging by today and commenting.

have a good weekend and stay safe (and dry) up there, brother.