05 January 2018

Friday Follies...
Well here we are then...first weekend of the new year.
Only fifty-one more to go...lol.
And little has changed as far as conditions outside are concerned.
(but the good news is that our paper came ON TIME - score one for us.)
It's hard to decide if it would be better to have this bitter cold, or more snow (and possible ice),
Could I make a THIRD choice, as in NEITHER of the previous two?
Oh, this doesn't look good...
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, temps only reaching to around 12 degrees ( a bit colder) and scattered snow showers (with no real accumulation). Getting a bit repetitious, isn't it? To me, it's just plain tedious.
We're certainly going to need that nice hot cup of Friday Fortitude (coffee, tea or hot chocolate), close by, as we see what else has (and will be) been going on...
*** First out of the ice house is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Screenwriters Day
(Doesn't apply to me, so not interested)
---It's National Whipped Cream Day
(Now that would go nice on top of some hot cocoa)
*** Next, and since we have arrived at week's end, let's take a look at what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is National Bean Day
(let the 'farting to keep warm' jokes commence)
---It's National Cuddle Up Day
(in this cold, three dogs would work out very well)
---It's National Shortbread Day
(I've yet to see any LONG bread out there)
---It's National Technology Day
(somewhere, Tony Stark is smiling)
---Sunday is National Bobblehead Day
(Wonder who has the largest collection?)
---It's National Tempura Day
(make mine shrimp)
*** Next up, Fort Wayne starts the new year with a new trash and recycling hauler...
This time around, it's a company called Red River and here's the skinny on who they are:
Nice to know they've been around about as long as I have. And, it's also nice to see that trucks use CNG (compressed natural gas).
Here's part of their mission statement:
((We believe that business is good because it creates value, it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble because it can elevate our existence and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity. Free enterprise capitalism is the most powerful system for social cooperation and human progress ever conceived. It is one of the most compelling ideas we humans have ever had.))
Okay, so they sound pretty good. We'll have to see if they can back that up with good service.
I know the routes down here can be a bit "daunting", knowing the way the locals act. Street pickup, alley pickup (and that shifts from block to block)...no real consistency on the south side of Ft. Wayne. Hope they can adapt quickly.
Still, if this company is based in Texas, then maybe their personnel know how to handle a firearm...LOL.
I'm just sayin'...
*** Next, the east coast got socked with snow and now THEY get the bitter cold.
(damn global warming).
Even the Cape May-Lewes ferry was docked yesterday because of ice in Delaware Bay.
Here's one story from (of all places)...England:
I don't ever remember that happening when I lived in Philly.
Even during the blizzard of 1978-79 we never had such sub-zero temps...just a crapload of snow.
Bet those ABOVE freezing temps we're going to have (in Indiana) over the weekend will feel downright BALMY by comparison.
*** Next up, time to stop on by "Kitten Corner"...
"Hey, lookit all the birdies."
Another relatively quiet day in the books for our indoor felines.
Both of them did well when Wifey had to go to her assignment, although I think they were eyeing up my grilled ham and cheese sandwiches I had for dinner.
"I'll look adorable, you make a grab for the sammich"
They do get a bit crazy after she comes home, but we always have the laser pointers to help them work off any extra energy they might have, which do the job handily.
*** Next, I think it's time we check in with "Midnight and Company"...
When the sky starts getting light, you can bet that two cats will be right at the patio door when you pull the drapes back.
Somehow, that routine never gets old. It's good to know they both weathered the overnight hours and are here again for their eats. They had warm wet food yesterday (I missed Wednesday, my bad), and had plenty of LIQUID water to drink.
Licking ice in this cold can lead to something similar to a "Ralphie's brother at the flagpole" event...don't want that to happen, do we?
I just hope Midnight takes to one of the shelters like Whiskers does. Better yet, be nice if they can BOTH spend overnight in the larger shelter together...a combined body heat thing, right?
I can but hope.
*** Last back to the ice pack...initially, winter weather brings a sense of childhood...we think it's great (at first).
Yeah, this IS fun for all...
We recall the days of sledding, snowball fights and the like.
After a few days, the shine wears off that penny, and we usually get back to business.
Well, this isn't that bad...
A few days after THAT, we're bored with the whole thing, and yes, a few more days after that, we're downright PO'ed at seeing this crap day after day...right?
Hey, what the hell's goin' on here?
Toss in frigid conditions, little to no melting, and short tempers and you've got a perfect storm on our streets and highways, as well as in stores.
Clear the WHOLE car off, numbnuts!
You can tell that the countenance of folks changes markedly after more than a week of the weather we've been having. It's THEN, we have to really work at being good people...more than usual.
The idiots will always be idiots, but those of us who try and manage through this weather can still not succumb to the mindset of those idiots. We can rise above this, take time to smile, and yes, still be there to aid our fellow man, should the opportunity come along. Remember, the way we conduct our life comes from WITHIN (initially).
Everything else is outside influence, and we should not allow THAT to determine our path in life.
Have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Ha, as I read this Ferreri on WANE just said our high was 12. Nice to know they can get something right... though not necessarily THIS...

Any fart that keeps you warm better be one that propels you to the "facilities"... nor do they work on Cuddle Day...

I have a Cliff Lee bobble. That's all.

These days, idiots don't wait. Oh, well, time for din-din. And I'm nice and safe at home, so there is that!

Bob G. said...

---Yeah, you got THAT right. I could use some "error" from local weatherfolks...on the WARMER side!
---LOL. Propel you to the facilities...I like that one (and trey to avoid that one, too)
"Beans and bourbon - an explosive combination" - James T. Kirk (Star Trek 5)
On Cuddle Day...NOT recommended.
---I (we) have a Hello Kitty Winter bobble (how apropos)...that's all for us.
---They sure don't (among other stupid things).
Enjoy your din, and have yourselves a great weekend.

Stay safe and warm up there, brother.

catererin said...

I have enjoyed this weather! maybe 20s for highs would be good, don't care how cold it gets at night though! I would have thought it would have been this cold during the 1978 blizzard, which I am still dying to see! Bring on the snow is what I am saying every day of the winter season. 1978 blizzard sounds so fun and awesome!

Bob G. said...

Happy New Year to you and yours.
---I think as I get older, my skin is getting "thinner"...I feel the cold a LOT more than when I was a kid...LOL.
---You WANT another blizzard???
Well it was not that much fun, trust me, but...it wasn't bad if you liked making snowmen or snow-forts, or even skating (you HAD to shovel off the ponds first...a big chore with all that snow).
People really worked TOGETHER a lot more helping one another than today...takes something like that to really unite folks anymore.
---It really WAS awesome in many ways, but it was bad if you HAD to get someplace like a hospital (emergency or child-delivery) or just out to get groceries).
---It's all about how well you can prepare for the worst and get through it that counts.
(remember that, there may be a quiz later...lol).

Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Always good to see you again.

Stay safe (and keep warm) out there.