24 January 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Yes friends, it's not that warm out there today, is it?
I'm sure there are those who got too used to the balminess of a couple days, and once again are getting caught "off-guard" with this next round of colder days. Winter is still with us.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies (again), temps reaching up to only 34 degrees, and scattered flurries blowing on through. Practice care driving out in this stuff.
Now, let's all take a minute to get that hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa made, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the knapsack is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office." 
Yeah, this quote kinda washes me outta public office, too (thank God).
Just try and find a politician who exhibits those traits today...it would be difficult.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute...
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Beer Can Appreciation Day
(sorry, I prefer my beer in bottles - tastes better)
---It's Library Shelfie Day
(get those tomes organized)
---It's National Compliment Day
(those who deserve one will get one...simple as that)
---It's National Peanut Butter Day
(that sounds like a plan...for lunch)
*** Next up, I can again prove that there IS A GOD. Here's the story:
A B C 'ya later!
Our SE side deputy chief has been DEMOTED (to captain) and transferred to the SW quadrant (he's DC Haffner's problem now) following that road rage incident last November.
Actually, being a deputy chief IS a captain's rank. Nancy Chamberlin , who was our former SE-DC was a captain.
So the demotion is affected more by TITLE than rank (a bit less pay too, no doubt).
There's no information as to WHO our next SE capo will be, and apparently, there's no rush to get a replacement. When last I checked, Captain Bill Corn was the SE captain under Westfield, so he is probably the interim boss for now.
Personally, I think this is a good call. Time will tell.
*** Next, should cursive writing be mandatory in schools? Here's the latest:
My answer to all of this crap is YES, it SHOULD be mandatory. It was when I was in school.
How the hell ELSE are you going to "sign" anything, hmm?
Printing is ONE thing...cursive, another.
Also, learning (and using) cursive helps cognitive skills as well as hand coordination.
Kids might even learn how to PROPERLY hold a pencil or pen, too.
Did you also notice that in the story NO mention of PAROCHIAL schools...and why is that?
Cursive IS still mandatory (and most Catholic kids used to have the swollen knuckles to prove it in my day)...lol
*** Next up, seems that a certain councilman can't let up with our new waste management company. Here's that story:
Like I stated here before, I've yet to have an issue with Red River, and I even passed along my compliments to the solid waste dept. mgr, Matt Gratz, because I realize what these folks are up against in the city.
((Councilman (for life) Hines was also particularly irritated by a comment made to him by a Red River official who Hines said stated, “We have all these homicides and you guys are worried about garbage?” It's a statement Hines said he found offensive.))
I'll tell you what's offensive...ALL the damn homicides and other assorted crimes perpetrated by mostly YOUR people, sir. Talk about a needed reality check!
So far...a good job being done.
The black-on-everyone else crime rate is offensive to regular folks and provides the "reputation" our part of town has acquired over time...got it?
A LOT of people down here will not place bins out on the PROPER days...or they will MISPLACE the bin.
Some blocks have ALLEY pickup while others have CURB pickup...it's pretty damn confusing, because the only consistency down here is INCONSISTENCY. In fact, for many...it's a lifestyle.
(present company excluded)
*** Next, do we REALLY need a state "hate-crime" bill? Here's what's going on with that:
I believe in times such as these, creating another "protected class" is not the best way to proceed.
Let a judge determine whether or not a true hate crime was committed.
Besides, one could argue that given the right manner of how any case is presented, there would be cause to think it COULD be a hate crime, which would create more problems than anything else.
I know I hate STUPID people, and they come in ALL flavors, so I realize where my bias lies.
*** Next up, fellow blogger (and friend) Chris Martin had a very good post yesterday about what constitutes an "ass-country".
So, what would you think if I could prove we have something similar here in the USofA?  Sounds incredulous, I know, yet, here you go:
Talk about a "waste-land"...
Yep, from the land of fruits and nuts comes more results of liberal rulership.
And this is but one story concerning this deplorable condition. Other stories date back even farther.
You need a "crap-map" so you can avoid areas where human feces in public has become that big a problem.
Guess that's what you get when you are a "sanctuary city"...
Should we call this a SH*THOLE STATE?
As for "ass-neighborhoods", well, you know MY feelings about SE Ft. Wayne...lol.
*** Next, musical icon Neil Diamond is leaving the touring scene. Here's the story:
That's a shame to hear and I do wish him well. I saw him perform at the old Spectrum in Philly...that was one great "sing-along", and he wowed the crowd all night.
Although he is halting his tours... ((“I plan to remain active in writing, recording and other projects for a long time to come. 
My thanks goes out to my loyal and devoted audiences around the world. You will always have my appreciation for your support and encouragement. This ride has been ‘so good, so good, so good’ thanks to you.”))
Always a total CLASS ACT.
BTW, Neil turns 77 today (blow out the candles).
*** Next up, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were pretty good yesterday.
Not too much craziness, and the right amount of affection...the way it should be.
Having them around helps to make a house a HOME, and that's a good way to manage things.
Plus, it's easier to overlook most of the bad behavior when it occurs.
(just don;t mess with any action figures or bric-a-brac...lol)
*** Next, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our faithful furry twosome were ready and eager for breakfast yesterday.
And they were also ready to provide some leg-rubs in thanks to our caring for them as we do.
Midnight is back to doing his "patrols", while Whiskers stays in the shelter a lot more.
Since we don't take our indoor cats outside, it's nice to have another duo to share our affection with whenever we go outside our door. I miss the birds and squirrels, but you take what the Almighty gives you and work with that, especially when it comes to any of his creatures.
*** Last back to the wigwam...mankind is quite possible the ultimate study in contrasts.
And each of us can spend our entire life observing people, and still have something come along that surprises us.
Folks with a load of letters AFTER their names have done so, and it seems we're barely scratching the surface when it comes to truly understanding ourselves (and others).
But, at least we TRY to understand, and there's never any harm in the attempt, is there?
The problems come when we ignore that which we should be paying attention to, such as our foibles.
And while ignorance may be bliss, how many of us languish in that blissfulness when we should be focusing on knowledge and wisdom, and becoming better people than we used to be the day before?
Our lives are unique in ALL the universe...think about that for a moment.
There has never been one like it then, now, or anywhere in the future.
That alone should get people to halt their everyday running about with no purpose, sit down and reflect on who they are, and what life means to them.
Sure, that requires some work on our part, but how better to understand ourselves, and with that, coming to know one another?
It's just a little something to think about.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Quote: Well, I know it sure wasn't Roland Hansen...

I used to have a small collection of aluminum cans back in the day. Then I trashed it for a collection of beat up ancient ones that no one else would touch.

I would need a week for tome organization if I subverted all other projects. And it would be a mess again in two weeks.

I wonder if they would have given the demotion without the pushback from the Blonde Phantom's throwing-my-hands-in-the-air treatment of the crime.

We need to draw the computerizing of teaching somewhere- and cursive is a good start.

I heard the one councilman on Pat Miller the other day, I'll bet you did too. Sounds like you have less of a problem with the contractors and more of a city fulla dicks IMHO.

Maybe Hines is looking at a cause to hang his legacy on. He can be the "Trash Councilman". Oh, wait...

Next, in rapid fire, 1- Put a plug for my Ass-Country post next to a story about HATE-CRIME legislation? 2-crap-map? Oh that is funny; 3- Should we call it? I have for years...

Here's to Neil... his songs get better with MY age...

Connie says she's seen Midnight now that she's all moved in...

Bob G. said...

---ROFLMAO...that's a fine start to this comment!
---But you have to admit that the BOTTLE CAPS take up a helluva lot LESS SPACE, right?
---Man, I KNOW that feeling. I have some books sorted by genre...kinda.
(my Doctor Who books are organized...hey, it's a start.)
---Can't really say about that. What goes on downtown seems to be a far cry from goes on OUTSIDE that area.
He was due for SOME sort of punitive action. This works for me (for now).
---Yes, my friend...it certainly IS!
---I did hear the council prez on the radio - Your humble opinion has been duly noted, and is SPOT ON (as usual)!
The Trash Councilman...how apropos.
---Okay, here goes a rapid-fire reply:
1) Well, I did want a MILD segue...lol.
2) Figured you like that one as much as I had finding it!
3) Yes, by all means...let's.
---Agreed...his songs DO have a LASTING quality about them.
I also hear Sir Elton is quitting tours as well.
(and Peter Gabriel is on HIS 50th anniv. tour)
Wow...how time FLIES.
---Heh...I'll bet she has...he's a "biggun" isn't he?
A Neighborhood Watch-Cat...that's gotta be a FIRST in someone's book. Next stop: CAT-CAM...LOL.

Hey, thanks much for spending some time here and unloading some smiles for us today.

Stay safe (and comfy) up there, brother.