22 January 2018

Monday Musings...
Well, we're not all freezing our nether-regions off this morning, are we?
Compared to the arctic temps we had, this seems a lot more comfortable.
Thing is, this thawing comes with a price (rising rivers for one thing), and we saw part of that yesterday with all that fog, which is following us into this morning.
Expect some school delays and be careful driving (because many others are not).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, breezy conditions and the aforementioned rain, but temps will be mild with an expected high of around 55 degrees (you read right).
So, let's take this opportunity to get a nice refreshing drink (and it doesn't even have to be a hot one) as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the fog bnak is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Blonde Brownie Day
(sounds like a rather sweet contradiction)
That's it for today.
*** Next up...so the government has "shut down"...whatta load of BS.
You do have to admit there is plenty of BLAME to go around, and not that much should fall on the shoulders of our leader.
The majority falls on the leftards (as usual), balking at ANYTHING the GOP puts forth.
How (exactly) is such partisan politics HELPING all of us We, the People?
Here's an thought: WITHHOLD the salaries of EVERYONE in Congress during this "hiatus" from wanting to make the country function as it should, and when things settle down and get back to what passes for normal, take those (backlogged) accumulated paychecks and put them to BETTER use (like defense or something) rather than into the pockets of these do-nothing legislators?
I really like that idea.
Or perhaps the layoff one mentioned above would work JUST as well...perhaps better.
*** Next, we simply could not start our weekend in Fort Wayne off WITHOUT a nag (or two).
The current number is THREE homicides for Allen County and TWO for our fair city. Here's what's known so far:
This took place around 0630 hrs Sunday morning in the 1200 block of Lillie St, where police found two females shot. One died and the other is in critical condition.
The good news is that it wasn't SE. The bad news is that it happened in the east central area.
Helluva trend we might have here.
Some people have nothing better going on at that time of day...do they?
*** Next up, there was a very good article in Sunday's paper.
And so far this year, it arrived late once again (0 for 3), prompting another nasty-gram and phone call to get the damn thing delivered by 10 A.M. - talk about "trends".
This story spoke about the bane of having a telephone - ROBOCALLS.
Here's the link to the story:
Basically, we have a system by which some make money, while the rest of us are bugged out the ass (w had 101 such calls just last year...yes, I keep track), and the system created to stop such calls is about as effective as a screen door on a damn submarine.
Like a shark with no teeth.
I found it enlightening, for I now know more of the specifics involved in this seemingly endless mess...that none of us ever asked for. Again, this is technology being used against us, rather than for us, and no matter what steps are taken to prevent or halt such spam, it's another form of "arms race", as those making robocalls keep getting more ingenious (and bold).
Where it will end...I have no idea at all.
*** Next, have you ever had one of those sneezes where it downright hurts?
Well, you're not alone.
There are times when the act of sneezing can produce something more than a mere mess in the old hankie. Here's a link to an eye-opening story:
It's not a good thing to stifle a sneeze, is it? When one comes on suddenly, you WANT to do the right thing and not blow a mucus-filled aerosol cloud wherever you find yourself, do you?
I had a cousin who busted a rib sneezing, and this story says other things can occur...some even worse.
Better to just let it happen and cover your nose and mouth the best you can without blocking the sneeze itself.
After all, you don't want to rupture an eardrum in the process...do you?
*** Next up, this warm-up did provide the opportunity to clean all that road salt off of the Wifeymobile 2.0 over the weekend.
Now, it gets rained on (typical)...always happens that way, doesn't it?
Much cleaner now (for the time being)
Still, the longer you allow that dried mixture to remain on a vehicle, the greater the chance of damage to the vehicle.
And one thing Dad impressed upon me was that if you take care of your car, it will take care of you.
(and that often means saving some hard-earned money)
*** Next, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
Violet weighs her behavioral options.
Our "children" were not that bad, considering the drastic change in the weather. Yes, they did have some crazy-ass moments, but there wee a lot more cuteness attacks than anything else, and some "napping with daddy" time.
Violet loves to get into her "I'm following you" mode, while Gallifrey is content to watch the birds (as long as the feeders are filled).
He also has his leap into my lap tactic (meant to get some head rubs). I wish he'd let me know in advance, because there are times which (if you're not watching him as he approaches) can startle you a bit.
*** Next up, let's see what's going on with "Midnight and Company"...
Ever the faithful furry twosome, both of them wee at the patio door for their breakfast (and with yesterday being one of the two days they get wet food, was anticipated with lots of meows.
Yay. No more snow freezing my paws.
I was a little concerned with all the fog, because drivers around here NEVER watch the hell out for anything, let alone a cat crossing our streets, but both of them showed up for every feeding.
It is nice to feed Midnight back on the patio table (keeps him from taking food from the other cat.
Got my eatin' table back.
Whiskers just takes her time, and loves to purr in appreciation when she's finished.
And, it's nice to NOT have to thaw the water dish several times a day.
*** Last back to the damp streets...it doesn't take much for crime to make a comeback.
No crime going on here.
When it was freezing cold outside, there was little to speak of, but as soon as th weather broke, the perps went right back into criminal behavior, such as the FOUR armed robberies at various gas stations we had overnight.
Times four.
Here's the link in case you're curious:
(a suspect, one arrested Brendan Collicott, 23, on four felony counts of armed robbery and four felony counts of possession of a gun without a license...good! Police are looking for a 2nd suspect involved.)
Patterns of behavior with people is something you come to expect, and certain conditions will promote such behavior. That's why I'm keen on being a good observer, as should we all.
Many people go through life with blinders on, and you know who they are.
All they're concerned about is THEIR little world, and that can have dire consequences.
Look at inattentive drivers, for that matter. Their own little world. Same goes for drug abusers.
These determine our behavior.
Life was never meant to be wasted...it was meant to be lived. Too many people these days are on cruise-control (thank technology for much of that).
It's another instance of cause and effect. Life is so much more than the trivialities many entertain.
A shame that some realize this when it's too late, and after the fact...isn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Gobermint shut down? I'm still working. Faux government worker here. I think your homicide number thus far is low. That is encouraging, Bob! Love the kitties. Stay warm up there, it's supposed to get cold again.

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---Yep...gov't shutdown. So what that means to ME is that I better NOT se ANY taxes taken outta my damn SSI check...ROFL!
---We usually start out low, but as the weather gets better, the mooks will get back to shootin' again...you watch and see.
We could do 25 EASILY again. Be surprised if we don't.
---I'm trying to suck in all this ":warm" for when it gets cold again...not working out that well so far...lol.
(have to try something else, I guess)

Hey, thanks for taking time to roll up and coop a spell.
Always appreciated, and a pleasure.

You stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Love the Smokey meme. Wish we could stick those A-hole congressmen right in the middle of that fire.

You know there are some Congressman- including Jim Banks- who have asked the purser not to pay them until things are settled.

Robocalls- I know there is at least one company whose apparent sole purpose is to generate spoof-numbers that will show up on your phone when they call. IDK why the states don't get together and shut bastards like that down.

Ah, now I know why it's raining- the semi-annual Bob G car wash!

Yeah the weather brings out people for a lot of things. The kids came over and wanted to go out to OCharleys at JPointe. We ended up having to park IN FRONT OF the NEXT restaurant, and KC was halfway to Barnes and Noble. My thought: You build a restaurant to a certain capacity. Do you not then figure out what that capacity means in terms of average cars needed to hit that capacity, and then GET ENOUGH PARKING SPOTS? Well, at least I would, but I imagine stupidity helps keep down overhead.

Bob G. said...

---Whatta bunch of wusses...the shutdown is ALREADY OVER (so much for the meme).
---I read about that. Guess we still HAVE some people of character on Capitol hill (instead of the characters we get stuck with).
---The longer the states delay their actions by utilizing current tech, the more time the robocallers have to perfect THEIR tech and the "arms race" begins anew with everyone else playing catch up. A new "circle of strife", as it were.
---I like to think of the rain as a "rolling rinse"...LOL
---I know...this city is replete with such places, and creating more of the same ALL the time. Imagine the lack of parking when all this Riverfront BS gets built...
That parking garage downtown will become a bloody nightmare.
(shuttle buses from the burbs?)

Hey thanks for stopping on by to comment.

Stay safe (and get some walks with Scrappy in while you can) up there, brother.