27 February 2018

Tuesday Tidbits...
Imagine that...TWO days of sunshine in a row...what did we do wrong NOW?
It would appear that February is leaving us more like a lamb, which means March will enter in like manner.
A good portent for a change? Maybe it's just global warming...heh.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us sunshine (let the pigeons loose), with temps rising all the way up to around 59 degrees (can the satin basketball shorts be far behind for the "locals"?), and some light breezes.
So what say we take a moment or two to get ourselves a nice refreshing morning beverage, while we see what's been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out of the swollen river is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Kahlua Day
(This is a GOOD mix with coffee...yes, indeed)
---It's National Pancake Day -IHOP
(go get you some...I hear the "price" is right today)
---It's National Polar Bear Day
(Okay, so who's gonna do the face-palm?)
Ah, there we go...much better.
NOW, I can feel good about stuff for a spell.
---It's National Retro Day
(time to wonder once again where ALL those really GOOD times and things went)
---It's National Strawberry Day
(toss them on the pancakes and you got a "two-fer", right?)
---It's Spay Day USA
(why they didn't include neutering in here as well beats me. Sounds a bit sexist.)
*** Next, and because it IS a Tuesday, time to check out ALL those FWPD calls from last week that we SHOULD have heard about, but didn't, because the media is focused on GUN control, when they might be better served with SELF-control.
FEB 19 - FEB  25:
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
18F018900 02/19/2018 12:36am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2200 CHARLOTTE AVE
18F018902 02/19/2018 12:39am 113 SHOTS FIRED WINCH ST & SUMMER ST
18F019281 02/20/2018 01:52am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2400 SMITH ST
18F019640 02/20/2018 08:38pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 5900 BUNT DR
18F019662 02/20/2018 09:40pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 LINCOLN AVE
18F020687 02/23/2018 11:12am 113 SHOTS FIRED 3300 MCKINNIE AVE
18F020927 02/23/2018 09:16pm 113 SHOTS FIRED E PONTIAC ST & S ANTHONY BLVD
18F020934 02/23/2018 09:24pm 113 SHOTS FIRED WARSAW ST & BAXTER ST
18F021007 02/24/2018 12:43am 113 SHOTS FIRED WINTER ST & COLERICK ST
18F021029 02/24/2018 01:39am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2300 FOX AVE
18F021032 02/24/2018 01:40am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2800 MILLBROOK DR
18F021224 02/24/2018 03:43pm 113 SHOTS FIRED ROTHMAN RD & YOUNG RD
18F021339 02/24/2018 08:17pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2600 DREXEL AVE
18F021364 02/24/2018 09:32pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4100 WAYNE TRACE
18F021430 02/25/2018 12:29am 113 SHOTS FIRED 600 MEYER AVE
18F021433 02/25/2018 12:31am 113 SHOTS FIRED 600 HIGH ST
18F021463 02/25/2018 02:10am 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 HOME AVE
18F021801 02/25/2018 08:52pm 113 SHOTS FIRED W WAYNE ST & JACKSON ST
18F019410 02/20/2018 12:37pm 23,113 1800 GLADSTONE DR
18F019540 02/20/2018 04:55pm 23,113 7300 DENISE DR
18F020393 02/22/2018 04:53pm 23,113 1400 E RUDISILL BLVD
18F021467 02/25/2018 02:17am 23,113 2700 FOX AVE
18F021759 02/25/2018 06:41pm 23,113 4000 BUELL DR
18F018981 02/19/2018 10:55am 53 ARMED ROB 3000 CENTRAL DR
18F019241 02/19/2018 10:17pm 53 ARMED ROB 2500 S ANTHONY BLVD  
18F019775 02/21/2018 06:54am 53 ARMED ROB 6400 COVINGTON RD  
18F019922 02/21/2018 02:50pm 53 ARMED ROB 3100 E STATE BLVD
18F020308 02/22/2018 02:06pm 53 ARMED ROB 1100 TAYLOR ST
18F019031 02/19/2018 01:43pm 58 SHOOTING          3300 W COLISEUM BLVD
18F020319 02/22/2018 02:17pm 58 SHOOTING          E PETTIT AVE & S HANNA ST
18F019257 02/19/2018 11:43pm 59 CUTTING/STAB 700 BROADWAY
18F019723 02/21/2018 12:25am 59 CUTTING/STAB 1500 WELLS ST
18F019113 02/19/2018 04:56pm 61 RAPE           100 E SUPERIOR ST
18F019168 02/19/2018 06:49pm 61 RAPE           2200 RANDALLIA DR
18F019528 02/20/2018 04:14pm 61 RAPE           13700 W SOUTHCOUNTY LINE RD
18F020113 02/21/2018 09:57pm 61 RAPE           400 W FAIRFAX AVE
18F020711 02/23/2018 11:51am 61 RAPE           700 BROADWAY
Plus 25 narcotics calls
18F020038 02/21/2018 06:30pm 44FW           3900 OLD MILL RD
There just HAS to be one asshole, doesn't there?
*** Next up, a disturbance at a local cinema nets one "wild and crazy" guy? (shades of the old SNL). Here's the link:
Out at Jefferson Pointe
At least it didn't happen on the south side...we don't HAVE any cinemas here any longer (thanks to the locals).
Sure looks like THIS fellow is having a pretty good time of things.
(happy to be busted) Kevin Lee Johnson
Wonder if he even knows it's a MUG SHOT?
I guess sometimes, being as goofy as the day is long might have a couple perks...just none that I would care to partake in.
*** Next, from our "Tales of the Obvious" Department, we bring you THIS story:
You mean to tell me we have such things as food stamp fraud  and trafficking?
Now I wonder how THAT came about?
Looks like the usual result when the government gets involved with something they know nothing about...right?
Whenever a program like this comes along, the FIRST thing that people do, is find some way to exploit it, and this is as good a ploy as any to use...at the taxpayer's expense.
Stop giving these people handouts and start giving them a hand UP. There's NO reason why anyone who is able, to not be productive in our society today, unless they willingly CHOOSE to be a worthless leech on everyone else.
*** Next up, some marvelous discussion about FWCS "doing away" with the HONORS classes. Here's the story:
Now, I watched the school board mtg last night (as did Wifey), and the parents made great arguments for keeping the classes.
I mean, who WANTS to wallow in mediocrity (besides the mediocre among us), which is what will occur should honors classes go bye-bye?
Parents have stated that they WILL take their children from FWCS to be schooled elsewhere. That's not an idle threat, either. But it IS one way (far from the best way) to LOWER class sizes, as FWCS would love to do...allowing their nose to be cut off to spite their face...maybe? Or a "learning (better) through OSMOSIS"  trial and error session in the making?
There are STATE and FEDERAL standards to what have to be met (first), and those are targeting those less engaged in scholastic pursuits, so why not bring down everyone else along the way, right? WRONG.
We have the Indiana Education BOARD and DEPARTMENT...talk about a redundancy factor.
This is what happens when you allow the creation of entities that have NO function but to spend money hand-over-fist, in the (slight) hope that something will improve (which it usually does not, at least not in the long term).
A shame these idiots won;t bother to wake up today...
*** Next, the News-Sentinel has a good column (again) by Kevin Leininger. Here's the link:
Personally, I'd say LESS gun control, MORE self-defense as well as more SELF-CONTROL
(but I come from a generation that didn't have to worry about such things...just nuclear annihilation)
Also, there was THIS article about mental health and how it relates to recent events in our schools:
((Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the latest dangerous, feel-good fad to hit the classrooms. As Ann Marie Banfield notes, SEL is the “process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”))
It ALWAYS looks good on paper, right?
Yeah, good luck with that one.
It's the old story once again; toss enough crap at a wall and some of it is BOUND to stick...for a while.
Not the best way to educate our children, and certainly not the ebst way to have them EXCEL.
If the educational system IS (indeed) failing our kids, why then would anyone think the schools can address the plethora of mental health issues any better?
*** Next up, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
"My favorite window"
Our kids behaved themselves for most of th day.
"I iz all windowed out!"
Gallifrey had this thing happening...going from window to window, as if he was going to MISS something (or someone).
"Is THIS still enough?"
Violet was just busy being cute...when she would hold still LONG enough to get a picture without blurring it (one of her favorite things that bugs me...lol).
*** Next up, it's time once again to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
The furry twosome were certainly enjoying the nice weather yesterday afternoon.
"Ahhh...the good life."
There was plenty of time to eat and then lounge about on a sunny patio.
Midnight is still patrolling the area, no doubt to make sure all is well.
"Yes, it surely IS."
Whiskers just hangs around the house for us to come out and rub her neck.
They're both fun to have around, and not a bother at all.
*** Last back to the boat ramp...education is not something born out of magic...nor should it be.
We always hear about the "educational PROCESS".
And, like ANY process, it take a few things to make it a workable solution to illiteracy and life itself.
It takes TIME...and it take DILIGENCE, and yes, it takes MOTIVATION for starters.
We have the time, but only IF it's utilized properly and in a productive way to educate ALL children equally.
The diligence comes from everyone; teachers, students and (especially) parents alike.
The motivation again follows suit (we need teachers and parents who are aiding in this process), but the majority of responsibility falls upon the students themselves. THEY have to be the ones who WANT to learn, and not because some mandate tells them to.
It should be curiosity that empowers children to seek knowledge, if nothing else.
And we have always been creatures who desire answers to all our questions.
What better way to get those answers than to become learned, right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

I see the doctor gangs are into sexual assaulys now...

Sounds like Johnson needs some psychiatric help- hope they don't ignore this cry for help...

Food stamps: That is the bad thing about liberal "feel good" programs- nobody knows or cares to remember that man is fallen and the Law of Unintended Consequences is waiting to bite them. Witness whoever let Miami-Dade and Broward get Federal cash for "dropping the crime rate".

"This is what happens when you allow the creation of entities that have NO function but to spend money hand-over-fist, in the (slight) hope that something will improve..." Hmm... sounds like something I might have just said...

Pie chart- self, self, self- it's all about promoting societal selfishness.

Personally, I think traditional Honors classes had to go for the same reason arrests in Broward had to go- because they point out a glaring weakness, and need to be "mainstreamed-down" so the lazy have a chance to "compete".

You should train Midnight and Whiskers to do a "Me and My Shadow" dance for treats...

And why don't today's students want to learn? How about a couple of parental generations who gave the example of "getting by without", and a society that never really rewarded a lot of those who DID try. Not enough success stories to give a "I want a life like that" dedication.

Bob G. said...

---Looks that way...guess there were no sales on ammo last week?
---Agreed. We have ENOUGH "blissful people" in THIS city (if you catch my drift).
---In many cases that bite has been SO severe as to leave many limbless!
Yeah, that crime rate "drop" story isn't THAT far from something SIMILAR that FWCS has been doing (another reason D left them).
---From my keyboard to your lips (wait, that doesn't sound all that correct...heh)
---When I saw that chart, I couldn't let it just pass by...and for that exact reason.
---We, as a society are inching toward rampant mediocrity, and lots of people won't figure it out until it's way beyond too late to change it back. These genies HATE to get put back in their bottles.
---It's all I can do to keep them around the house and away from any of the "locals"...one thing at a time...lol.
---Again, I have to agree because it's THE TRUTH.
If anything, these newer generations have become "dedicated" to being ENTITLED (and we know how "well" that's been working out).

Hey, thanks very much for spending some time here to comment.

Stay safe (and well-informed) up there, brother.