End of the week (and almost the end of the month) at last.
And, we will see a break in the rain (which will return later tonight into Saturday).
Also, it's Good Friday - one of the most holy days in the Judeo-Christian calendar.
(more on that in a bit)
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly to mostly cloudy skies, temps reaching to only around 46 degrees, and maybe a slight breeze. Not a bad way to start the weekend, is it?
So, let's start the day with a nice cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to chase the morning chill away, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the well-soaked lawn is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 30 -
---It's National Doctor's Day
(hopefully, none of us will require one today)
---It's National I Am In Control Day
(I'd say there is a higher authority who might want to argue that one)
---It's National Pencil Day
(salute to the Ticonderoga #2)
---It's National Take A Walk In The Park Day
(be a bit damp, but why not?)
---It's National Turkey Neck Soup Day
(sorry, but I'm not into dark meat all that much)
---It's National Virtual Vacation Day
(I take one whenever I nap...good habit to get into)
*** Next up, and since we are indeed at week's end, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
MARCH 31 -
---Saturday is National Prom Day
(A might early, isn't it?)
---It's National Bunsen Burner Day
(where would high school science lab be without those?)
---It's National Clams on the Half Shell Day
(sorry, I take mine fried or in clam chowder)
---It's National Crayon Day
(be sure to stay inside the lines...lol)
---It's National Tater Day
(wonder why it's not POTATO day instead?)
---Sunday is EASTER
(He is risen...)
---It's April Fools Day
(no, seriously, He IS risen...I'm not joking here)
---It's National One Cent Day
(a penny will only go as far as you can toss it...it's worth that little these days)
---It's National Sourdough Bread Day
(this really isn't as bad as it might sound - makes good pretzels)
And there you are...plenty to things to keep you buusy.
Always remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next, a really good column by Kevin Leininger regarding our "king" (mayor) and his $30 MIL infrastructure deal.
Now, I'm all for keeping things looking nice, but some of this baffles me.
![]() |
This is OUR alley behind the "Fortress". |
--Pettit-Rudisill Neighborhood Association
Alley bounded by E. Sherwood Terrace., E. Maple Grove Ave., Warsaw St., S. Monroe St.
THIS is the alley that will be a refurb, but ours will NOT...yeah, that makes perfect sense, given who runs the city and how much they (don't) care about the SE side.
At the bottom of the column, there are a few comments, an I have to say that those written by John Bloom, David Gerlock, Marc Smith are indicative of the truth about this "fix-up". These people really GET IT.
*** Next up, and editorial that seems to be at the heart of too many accidents on the streets and roads today:
It doesn't surprise me one bit. People have become to used to be distracted by whatever "jingling keys" are being dangled in front of them...just like an infant. That's pretty sad, especially when you're operating a close to 2 tons of moving metal, rubber, and plastic.
When it comes to dangerous devices, people have less regard for vehicles than they have for guns. Face it, MORE people are killed by cars or trucks than by firearms EVERY Year, but some feel that guns are more deadly, in spite of another fact that mentions we have WAY more guns out there than cars. People need to take time to learn the truth of such matters.
*** Next, and speaking of vehicles, this column takes to task why the gas tax hike is bad news.
I look at a gas tax in much the same way I view daylight saving time...a waste of resources that produces little to nothing of value.
I do find this article enlightening, as should the rest of you. It just makes so much sense.
*** Next, it's time once again to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were in fine form, and I don;lt mean that sarcastically...they were well-behaved, and as is the case, spent a good part of the day taking it easy.
While I love these two cats SO much, there are times when I still miss our former felines. That's just human nature to miss that which becomes such a large part of your life. And, as long as those who pas are remembered, they never truly die.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome got a bit wet yesterday, and that meant feeding under the table again.
At least they adapt readily enough, and often stay there for a while. Whiskers retreats to a shelter, and Midnight goes wherever he pleases, but still comes back for feeding times.
There was no hand-held treats due to weather, so I just put the treats on their plates...worked just fine. I've gotten accustomed to see their faces at the patio door each morning, and that's a nice way to greet the day...every day.
*** Last back to the drying streets...Today IS Good Friday.
And with this comes certain "traditions" from when I was a child. Yes, even for this old Methodist, some things were meant to be held in reverence when it came to religion. And NO meat today, kapeesh?
Here's the WIKI on Good Friday...just because:
To me, it's a time of solemn acknowledgement of what Jesus did for US...ALL of us.
Mom used to have this 3-hour window (noon until 3 PM) where I was to be "quiet" around the house, I could play, but nothing loud or boisterous. We practiced some self-control.
We even had corner stores that CLOSED for those 3 hours, too.
People running them went to church back then.
Those are traditionally the 3 hours which commemorate the time that Christ hung on the cross prior to his death at Calvary.
And I don't think that THREE hours is a big deal to give up and...
"Be still and know that HE is God."
As to the heathen that live to embrace chaos, well, there is always prayer for them.
![]() |
HE carried the cross, so we wouldn't have to. |
There's nothing wrong with that choice in anyone's life...is there?
Do have yourselves a blessed holy weekend, and for those of the Hebrew faith, have a blessed Passover.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Ah. Your Good Friday memories warmed my heart. Good Friday blessings to you and yours and also Happy Easter to you in advance! I will be going to church and having a nice dinner. Your alley is better than my alley. Indiana sucks big dragon balls for infrastructure. Where do our taxes go?
Momma Fargo:
---You know, it's this time of year when I reflect on a LOT of stuff.
We used to stop and acknowledge God a LOT more than people do today.
---Sure, I might cuss like a longshoreman more often that I should, and do things contrary to what God wants me to do, but I can always ask forgiveness...and know that it IS over and done with.
---I always try to follow those beautiful Ten Commandments.
(haven't broken ALL of them, and plan to keep it that way...heh.)
---We would be a much better people if everyone took a page from that playbook.
Thank you for taking time to roll up today to comment.
It's much appreciated.
Have yourself a very GOOD Friday (and weekend).
Stay safe down there, dear.
---Oh, and as far as our alleys go...beat6s me where the $$$ goes. It's SURE not where WE live, is it?
That picture of our alley is when it loks better than usual...which isn't THAT often, the way these people toss crap all over.
---Be nice to have MANDATORY clean up work for these trash-tossers. Breaking their hands would be even better (did I say that out loud?)...LOL.
I had loaded potato soup tonight instead. Cool?
I love sourdough...
I don't know if the phones are as much of the problem as the idiots who couldn't drive with or without.
GF: As you know, I kicked off the fast at 6 PM Thursday and ended it at Bob Evans 24 hrs later. Sorry, but I didn't keep the meat thing (bacon mushroom burger was excellent)but four hours of Bible study and prayer that night and more during the morning at work- I learned a lot of lessons, that will be coming out in bits as we go along, but I will say this- when you put the effort in, so does He.
---Looks like they chose foods we both like (for a change)...heh.
---Truth be told, I ALWAYS carry ,y cell phone with me while driving (turned off, of course), but the operative word here is CARRY...and not USE.
There's the difference. Some are SO dependent upon them, and go through withdrawal if they're not doing something with it every 5 minutes.
---I will say that I kept my cussing WAY down to bare minimums (yes, even when the locals acted up, as heathens tend to do).
And ANY effort you put forth with God is indeed repaid in kind.
That's a great thing to take away with any time spent in communion, study, or in prayer.
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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